[The superscript lower case letters in the text refer to the following variants for the Southern Literary Messenger. All editorial comments are in italics. Two letters linked by suspension points designate a phrase or passage in the text, with the first letter closely preceding the phrase. A single precedent superscript letter indicates an omitted sentence or a division break in the Messenger. All accidentals are recorded.]
1.1a every thing
1.1b means, he
1.1c staid
1.1d fourteen,
1.1e Academy
1.1f sea-captain
1.1g him
1.1h island
1.1i world
1.2j First sentence omitted
1.2k quietly,
1.21 up,)
1.2m favorite
1.2n south-west
1.2o cooly (error)
1.2p however;
1.2q ecstacy (probable error)
1.3r lumber yard
1.3s Co. and
1.4t south-west
1.4u once, that
1.4v excessively,
1.4ww...ww wind too
1.4x “By and bye,”
1.4y by and bye.”
1.4z is
1.4a stammered
1.4b glazed,
1.4c had suspected
1.4d highly concentrated
1.4e demeanor [column 2:]
1.4f situation,
1.5g day-break
1.5h to;
1.5i steady;
1.5jj...jj and, gradually,
1.5k fearfully,
1.51 and,
1.5m freedom,
1.5n boat,
1.5o drowning,
1.5p fell)
1.5q ring-bolt
1.5r every thing
1.7s rough looking
1.7t look out
1.7uu...uu up, rubbed, for a moment,
1.7v farther
1.7w look out
1.7xx...xx and after a while
1.7y egg-shells,
1.7z nonsense,
1.7a hung
1.7b and,
1.7c word
1.7d Yet
1.8e stays
1.8f bottom,
1.8g fastened)
1.8h that,
1.8i behavior
1.9j afterwards
1.9k Indeed [page 212:]
1.101 ring-bolt,
1.10m have been
1.10n fragments
1.10o wrapped,
1.11p folds,
1.11q afterwards
1.11r upwards,
1.11s surface
1.11t wind
1.11u endeavored
1.11v death,
1.11w half,)
1.12x conversations,
1.12y me
2z (chap. numeral) Chap. division omitted
2.1a related,
2.1b color,
2.1c picturesqueness,
2.1d ocean,
2.1e gloomy
2.1f strange
2.1g long life-time
2.1h grey
2.1ii...ii been since
2.1jj...jj probable indeed
2.2kk...kk During the four months immediately succeeding
2.21 sea-worthy
2.2m ready
2.2n design,
2.2o hazards,
2.2p occasion,
2.3q conference
2.3r manner
2.3s every thing
2.3tt...tt April, (April 1827)
2.3u that
2.3v (his sons.) (error)
2.3w inditing
2.3x hiding place
2.3y cabin,
2.3z father
2.3a Arthur Gordon Pym. all in large capitals, / NO II. (the name the rest in small capitals) inserted [column 2:] after this paragraph
2.4b April
2.4c every thing
2.4d written,
2.4e but
2.4f favor
2.4g distance
2.4h recognized
2.4i corner
2.4j appear
2.4k me
2.41 grandfather?
2.4m why, —
2.4n could
2.4oo...oo tones, “Sir!
2.4p me
2.4q recollection,
2.4rr...rr teeth “wont (error)
2.4s good for nothing
2.5t steerage
2.5u whaling vessel.
2.5v state-rooms,
2.5w carpet,
2.5x state-rooms
2.5yy...yy and in short
2.5z bulk-heads.
2.5a bulk-heads,
2.5b room —
2.6cc...cc up, where it joined the shifting-boards, sufficiently
2.6d tacks)
2.6e state-room,
2.7f high
2.7g oil casks
2.7hh...hh these again
2.7i matting
2.7j around,
2.7k ship furniture,
2.71 barrels
2.7m afterwards
2.7n labor,
2.8oo...oo me at the same time
2.8p things
2.8qq...qq pen ink and paper, (error)
2.8 rr...rr This he said extended (error)
2.8s hiding place [page 213:]
2.8t hold
2.8u trap-door
2.8v state-room.
2.8w April
2.9x hiding-place,
2.9yy...yy it all, (error)
2.9z any thing
2.9a way
2.9b above board
2.9c you
2.10d idea
2.10e Expedition
2.12f meantime
2.12g sound
2.12hh...hh except indeed
2.12i satisfied
2.12j larboard
2.12kk...kk sailing, all along,
2.121 neighborhood
2.12m endeavor
2.12n state-room.
2.12o miseries
2.12p pillows
2.12q deserts
2.12r limitless
2.12s grey
2.12t mercy
2.12uu...uu stood naked and alone
2.12v sand plains
2.12w feet
2.12xx...xx dream then
2.12yy...yy Now at least
2.13zz...zz neither have
2.13a eye-balls
2.13b body —
2.13c when
2.13d whine
2.13e eagerness
2.13f re-animation.
2.14g but
2.14h degrees
2.14i and,
2.14j round
2.14k afterwards,
2.141 street robber
2.15m down —
2.15n time —
2.15o water —
2.15p burned [column 2:]
2.15q so,
2.15r found,
2.15s but
2.15t expected,
2.15u them,)
2.16v attempt,
2.16ww...ww remain, for some minutes,
2.16x forward,
2.16y exertions,
2.16z ship furniture.
2.16a quit
2.16b endeavor,
2.17c foot-hold
2.17d labor,
2.17ee...ee prizing it entirely off,
2.17f line,
2.17g touch,
2.17h state-room.
2.17i efforts —
2.18j closely,
2.18k state-room;
2.181 pen-blade
2.18m mind,
2.19n behavior
2.19o injury,
2.19p afterwards,
2.19q hand
2.19r finger
3.s Chapter division omitted
3.1t happened,
3.1u away,
3.1v endeavored
3.1w articles —
3.1x endeavored
3.1y and
3.1z box,
3.1a Now
3.1b it,
3.1c windings)
3.2d dark,
3.2e that,
3.2f directly
3.2g farther
3.2hh...hh disquieting, to no purpose,
3.2i precisely,
3.2j opium, [page 214:]
3.2k dreamer,
3.21 surface,
3.3m once,
3.3n energy,
3.3oo...oo and indeed
3.3p sea biscuit;
3.3qq...qq and, in every respect,
3.3r fact,
3.3s rage,
3.3t any thing
3.3u slip. (error)
3.4v gotten,
3.4w endeavored
3.4x famous,)
3.4y Luckily
3.4z clue
3.4a in
3.4b nothing,
3.4c fore-finger in SLM; fore- ends line in 1838.
3.4d followed it (error in 1838, editorially corrected)
3.4e other
3.4f M.S. (error)
3.5g appear!
3.6h felt,
3.7i troubles
3.7j head-ach (error)
3.7k another,
3.71 demeanor
3.8m In afterwards,
3.8n behavior
3.8o undertone,
3.8p water,
3.8q hold,
3.8r dispatch
3.8s carving knife
3.8t knees [column 2:]
3.8u gotten
3.8v mind
3.8w ground.
3.9x endeavored
3.9y voice
3.9z dead
3.10a word,
3.10b “Hush! —
3.10c agitation,
3.10d draught,
3.10e luxuries,
4.f Chapter division omitted
4.1g April
4.1h period
4.1i state-rooms,
4.1j days
4.1k every thing
4.1l stay,
4.1m down,
4.1n state-room
4.1o fish oil
4.1p whaling-vessel,
4.2q me,
4.2r meanwhile
4.2s determined
4.2t points,
4.2u state-room.
4.2v threshold,
4.3w companion way
4.3x eyeing
4.3y state-rooms
4.3z Beside
4.3a you! —
4.3b that! —
4.3c last,
4.3dd...dd by neither
4.3e villainy
4.3f backs,
[S:0 - BRPIMV, 1981/1994] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Editions - The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe (B. R. Pollin) (Pym)