Text: Burton R. Pollin, “The Broadway Journal: Advertisements and Publicity Notes (Introduction),” The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan PoeVol. IV: Broadway Journal (Annotations) (1986), pp. lviii-lix (This material is protected by copyright)


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AL: American Literature

Am.: American

BJ: The Broadway Journal

Br.: The Brevities of Poe, Vol. II of The Collected Writings (1985), Burton R. Pollin, editor

BGM: Burton's Gentleman's Magazine

Ch.: Charles

CS: Chapter of Suggestions, in Brevities

DAB: Dictionary of American Biography

DNB: Dictionary of National Biography

DP: Discoveries in Poe by Burton R. Pollin (1970)

EAP: Edgar Allan Poe

ed(s).: editor(s) or edition(s)

EM: Evening Mirror

En. Brit. or En. Br.: Encylopaedia Britannica, 11th edition, of 1911, unless another edition is specified

FS: Fifty Suggestions, in Brevities

Godey's: Godey's Lady's Book

Graham's: Graham's Magazine

H: Harrison, James A., ed., The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe (1902), 17 vols.

Letters: see Ostrom

L.: London

LC: Library of Congress

Lit. or Lit. in a title: literary or literature, but “Lit.” always means “Literati” (sketches of 1846 by Poe, printed in Godey's Lady's Book)

“Lit.”: “Literati” sketch (or sketches) of 1846

Log: The Poe Log, D. K. Jackson and D. Thomas, editors

LST: Literary Small Talk, in Brevities

M (or MM): Marginalia (one or several articles), in Brevities

mag.: magazine

Mi Q: Mississippi Quarterly

Moss, PLB: see PLB

OCAL: Oxford Companion: to American Literature

OCEL: Oxford Companion to English Literature

Odell: Annals of the New York Stage, Odell, ed.

OED: Oxford English Dictionary, a reissue of New English Dictionary (1884-1928; new ed., 1933)

Ostrom: Letters of ... Poe, J. W. Ostrom, ed. (1948, rep. 1966)

para(s).: paragraph(s)

PCW: Poe, Creator of Words, Burton R. Pollin, ed. (revised and [page lix:] augmented edition, 1980)

PD: Dictionary of Names and Titles in Poe's Collected Works, Burton R. Pollin, ed. (1968)

Pin: Pinakidia, in Brevities

PLB: Poe's Literary Battles by Sidney P. Moss (1970)

PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association (the journal)

PN. Poe Newsletter (later Poe Studies)

Poems (or TOM, Poems): Poems of Poe, ed. Mabbott, see TOM

PPA: The Poets and Poetry of America, R. W. Griswold, ed. (1842)

PS: Poe Studies

pseud.: pseudonym

pub.: published; occasionally, publisher

Quinn: Poe: A Critical Biography by A. H. Quinn (1941)

ref(s).: reference(s)

ref(s).: review(s), occasionally, reviewed

ROP: Poe, The Raven and Other Poems (1845)

SAR: Studies in the American Renaissance (an annual)

SLM. Southern Literary Messenger

SM: Supplementary Marginalia, in Brevities

TOM: Thomas Ollive Mabbott, ed., Tales and Sketches (1978), or simply his name alone; also TOM, Poems: vol. 1 of the Harvard ed. (1978)

U.P.: University Press

Wm.: William

WM. Weekly Mirror (based on the Evening Mirror)






[S:0 - BRP4J, 1986] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Editions - The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe (B. R. Pollin) (Abbreviations)