Text: Robert A. Stewart (ed. J. A. Harrison), “Notes to Eleonora,” The Complete Works of Edgar Allan PoeVol. IV: Tales - part 03 (1902), 4:312-316


[page 312, continued:]



The text follows the Broadway Journal.

Griswold shows two verbal variations from the text, one ‘adventures’ for ‘adventurers,’ a bad error. The other variations are of little importance.

The Gift state is found considerably revised in the Broadway Journal. Especially to be noted is the omission of two passages of some length (see below). [page 313:]

Variations of The Gift from text.

Page 336 l. 1 vigor (vigour) l. 2 ardor (ardour) l. 2 passion, (passion. Pyrros is my name.) l. 3 settled, (o. c.) l. 3 is or is (be or be) l. 4 loftiest (loftier) l. 5 does (do) l. 6 thought — (,) l. 6 moods (n. i.) l. 8-9 those ... only (the dreamers) l. 9 grey (gray) l. 11 snatches, (o. c.) l. 11 the (that) l. 14-15 “ ...” (‘ ...’) l. 15 , and (and,) l. 16-17 “ ”(‘ ’) l. 18 , then, (o. c.) page 237 l. 1 life — (;) l. 7 cannot (dare not) l. 8 Oedipus (Sphynx) l. 13 Valley-Grass (‘Valley ... Grass’) l. 13 Colored (Coloured) l. 15 far (singularly far) l. 18 , to ... home, (o. c) l. 19 back, (o. c ) l. 19 force, (o. c.) l. 24 valley, — (—) l. 27 , there (o. c.) l. 28-29 the ... Eleonora (Eleonora's eyes) l. 30 , at length, (o. c.) l. 31 gorge, (o. c.) l. 31 whence (from which) l. 32 “ ...” (‘ ...’) page 238 l. 1 , that (o. c.) l. 4 forever (for ever) l. 5 The (And the) l. 6 , through (o. c.) l. 6 ways, (o. c.) l. 7 as ... as (and) l. 8 margins (brinks) l. 8 until (, until) l. 9 bottom, — (—) l. 16 tones, (o. c.) l. 16 , in (o. c.) l. 18 , here (o. c.) l. 21 noon-day (noonday) l. 21 towards (toward) l. 23 splendor (splendours) l. 25 ; so (— so) l. 27 Zephyrs (s. l. ) l. 28 doing (, doing) l. 29 Sovereign ... Sun (s. l. ) l. 29 the (, the) l. 31 before (, before) l. 31 Love (s. l. ) page 239 l. 3 We . . . (new par.) l. 6 wave, (;) l. 8 race, (o. c.) l. 11 Colored (Coloured) 13 trees (trees,) l. 15 deepened; (,) l. 16 , in (o. c.) l. 17 , ten (o. c.) l. 19 gay (gay,) l. 20 . The (; and) 22 , at length, (o. c.) l. 23 — sweeter (,) l. 24 a (a vast and) l. 26 , all (o. c.) l. 27 , day ... day, ... lower, (o. c.) l. 31 forever (for ever) l. 33 Seraphim (s. l. ) l. 34 ; but she (— and here, as in all things referring to this epoch, my memory is vividly distinct. In stature she was tall, and slender even to fragility; the exceeding delicacy of her frame, as well as of the hues of her cheek, speaking painfully of the feeble tenure by which she held existence. The lilies of the valley were [page 314:] not more fair. With the nose, lips, and chin of the Greek Venus, she had the majestic forehead, the naturally-waving auburn hair, and the large luminous eyes of her kindred. Her beauty, nevertheless, was of that nature which leads the heart to wonder not less than to love. The grace of her motion was surely etherial. Her fantastic step left no impress upon the asphodel — and I could not but dream as I gazed, enrapt, upon her alternate moods of melancholy and of mirth, that two separate souls were enshrined within her. So radical were the changes- of countenance, that at one instant I fancied her possessed by some spirit of smiles, at another by some demon of tears. She) page 240 l. 2 fervor (fervour) l. 2 heart, (—) l. 3 as (, as) l. 4 Colored (Coloured) l. 6 therein (o.) l. 7 (not new par.) l. 7 one (, one) l. 8 Humanity (s. l. ) l. 10 , as, (— as) l. 11 Schiraz, (Shiraz) l. 12 , again and again; (o. c.) l. 14 Death (s. l. ) l. 15 ephemeron (ephemera) l. 18 one (one still) l. 21 Colored (Coloured) l. 21 forever (for ever) l. 22 now was (was now) l. 24 And (new par.) l. 24 , then and there, (o. c.) l. 26 vow, (o. c.) l. 26 , that (o. c.) l. 27 Earth (s. l.) l. 31 Universe (s. l.) l. 33 Him (him,) l. 33 Helusion (Elysium) page 241 l. 4 burthen (burden) l. 6 vow, (—) l. 6-7 ( ...) (o.) l. 9 that, (o. c.) l. 11 , if (o. c.) l. 12 but, (o. c.) l. 13 , indeed, (o. c.) l. 14 , at least, (o. c.) l. 15 presence; (,) l. 18 , with ... lips, (o. c.) l. 19 an (o.) l. 21 . But (; but,) l. 22 Time's (s. l. ) l. 23 with (into) l. 24 a (a vague) l. 26 on, — (.) l. 27 I (, with the aged mother of Eleonora, I) l. 28 Colored (Coloured) l. 28 ; — but a (. A) l. 31 faded; (,) l. 31 , one by one, (o. c.) l. 32 away; (,) l. 33 , in (o. c.) l. 34 writhed (quivered) l. 34 and ... dew (o.) page 242 l. 1 Life (s. l.) l. 4 gay (gay,) l. 10 , it (—) l. 10 little ... little (, little ., . little,) l. 12 , at length, utterly, (o. c.) l. 13 the (, the) l. 14 and, (o. c.) l. 17 Colored (Coloured)1. 25 only! (—) l. 26 the (unto the) l. 26 by (, by) l. 28 , even thus, (o. c.) l. 29 for (— I madly pined [page 315:] for) l. 32 forever (for ever) page 243 l. 1 strange (strange Eastern) l. 4 Colored (Coloured) l. 5 clangor (clangour) l. 8 its (her) l. 10 Suddenly, (o. c.) l. 10 they (o.) l. 11 ceased; (,) l. 11 mine (my) l. 12 eyes; (,) l. 13 possessed — (,) l. 14 me; ( —) l. 1 from (, from) l. 14 , far (o.) l. 16 a (a fair-haired and slender) l. 16 to (, to) l. 18 without (, without) l. 19 (new par.) l. 19 indeed (, indeed,) l. 19-20 my passion (the passion I had once felt) l. 20 valley (Valley,) l. 21 fervor ... lifting (madness, and the glow, and the fervour, and the spirit-stirring) l. 22 whole (o.) l. 24 — Oh (Oh,) l. 24 seraph (lady) l. 25 Oh (Oh,) l. 24-28 and ... her, (I looked down into the blue depths of her meaning eyes, and I thought only of them, and of her. Oh, lovely was the lady Ermengarde! and in that knowledge I had room for none other. Oh, glorious was the wavy flow of her auburn tresses! and I clasped them in a transport of joy to my bosom. And I found rapture in the fantastic grace of her step — and there was a wild delirium in the love I bore her when I started to see upon her countenance the identical transition from tears to smiles that I had wondered at in the long-lost Eleonora. I forgot — I despised the horrors of the curse I had so blindly invoked, and I wedded the lady Ermengarde.) l. 29 wedded; — (,) l. 29 invoked; (,) l. 30-31 And ... in (And in) l. 31 night, (o. c.) l. 32 came (came once again) l. 33 me; (,) l. 33 familiar and (o.) page 242 l. 1-5 “...” (‘...’) page 243 l. 34 saying: (—) page 244 l. 1 not new par. l. 1 peace! — (;) l. 1 Spirit (s. l.) l. 2 ruleth; (;) l. 2 and, (o. c).

Variations of Griswold from text.

Page 236 l. 9 grey (gray) l. 10 awaking (waking) l. 16 and (; and) l. 16 adventurers (adventures) page 238 l. 6 , through (o. c.) l. 6 ways, (o. c.) l. 16 , in (o. c.) l. 25 so (so,) l. 26 long (long,) page 239 l. 12 Strange (Strange,) l. 16 up, (o. c.) l. 18 paths; (:) page 240 [page 316:] l. 17 , to (o. c.) page 241 l. 22 path (path,) l. 28 Grass; — (;) 1-33 dark (dark,) page 242 l. 9 and (, and) l. 13 lastly (lastly,) l. 26 like (, like) l. 26 death (death,) page 243 l. 24 Oh (Oh,) l. 25 Oh (Oh,) l. 27 I (, I) l. 34 saying: (—).





[S:0 - JAH04, 1902] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Editions - The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe (J. A. Harrison) (Notes to Eleonora)