Text: N. P. Willis (?), Memorial of Fitch, Evening Mirror (New York), February 17, 1845, vol. 1, no. 113, p. 2, col. 3


[page 2, column 3, continued:]

MEMORIAL OF FITCH, BROTHERS AND COMPANY. Printed by order of the Senate.

We have had occasion more than once to remark on the evident ill consequences of the lack of experience in our public offices, owing to frequent changes in office. The pamphlet before us affords another us affords another striking proof of the justness of our remarks on this subject. It states, and with every appearance of truth, that in one Department access to the accounts of a Mercantile House of the highest standing was given to persons wholly unconnected with the Department, and of course not responsible to it, and that the vilest use was made of the opportunity thus afforded to blacken the character and injure the interests of trust-worthy public servants, who had conferred important benefits on the country.

There are other views of this remarkable case which we are compelled to omit; but we could fain draw the attention of our readers to the pamphlet itself. We hope the appeal of the injured party will not be lost upon the Senate and the country.

The Globe thus speaks of this document: —

We have read with astonishment and indignation the developments made in this document, in relation to Mr. Tyler's collusion with office seekers, in their unfair attempts to destroy worthy, honorable, and patriotic agents of the government by false charges. This was to justify their sacrifice, so as to make way for hungry speculators to set up on the public money. The Senate interposed a bar to this attempt, by the rejection of the head of the new partnership, which, from the peculiar interest the President took in it, must have embraced some very near friends. — But the history of the translation founded on documents given in the memorial, renders all comment superfluous. Every public man should read it.



This review was specifically rejected as being by Poe by W. D. Hull.


[S:0 - NYEM, 1844] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Criticism - Literary (Willis ?, 1844)