Text: N. P. Willis (?), Review of Theirs, Life of Napoleon, Evening Mirror (New York), February 17, 1845, vol. 1, no. 113, p. 2, col. 3


[page 2, column 3, continued:]

THEIRS’ LIFE OF NAPOLEON. — The History of the Consulate and Empire. Translated by D. F. Campbell and H. McHerbert; with notes and additions. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart. New York, Burgess & Stringer, and others.

This great work now re-publishing in numbers may be regarded as the continuation of the former remarkable production of its gifted author. “The History of the French Revolution.” The author is too well known to require that his book should receive more than a passing notice. The seal of fifteen years is set upon his former work, and these fifteen years have added greatly to the ability of the writer to furnish an instructive and deeply interesting narrative of the years in which Bonaparte swayed the destinies of France. It is fitting that the closing acts of the grand drama should be by the same hand that so worthily portrayed its opening in “the French Revolution.”



This review was specifically rejected as being by Poe by W. D. Hull.


[S:0 - NYEM, 1844] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Criticism - Literary (Willis ?, 1844)