Text: N. P. Willis (?), Notice of Bartlett, Jerusalem, Weekly Mirror (New York), December 28, 1844, vol. 1, no. 12, p. 182, near the bottom of col. 3


[page 182, column 3, continued:]

BARTLETTS JERUSALEM. — Bartlett, the artist of the “American Scenery,” “Canadian Scenery,” and several other of the finest embellished works of the age, holds a pencil of which every one knows the magic excellence. He is the unapproached master of effect in drawing. This poetry of the pencil, however, is proved to be transferable to the pen — for Mr. Bartlett has produced work on the Holy Land, of which he is both author and artist. It is of course a “curiosity of literature,” but it is also one of the most beautiful books we ever saw, and one of the most readable. It would serve as a very peculiar and charming New Year's present among the people to be “stored.”



This review was specifically rejected as being by Poe by W. D. Hull. It might further be noted that the author of the text for American Scenery and Canadian Scenery was none other than Willis.


[S:0 - NYEM, 1844] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Criticism - Literary (Willis ?, 1844)