(Titles of books by Poe are in capitals and small capitals. Titles of stories, poems, etc. by Poe are all in italic. Titles of books, stories, poems, etc. by others are all in italic, the name of the author being given where it does not already occur in the title. The names of newspapers and magazines are in italic with qualifying words in roman.)
Abraham, Nicholas: 118
Alcoholism: 145ff
Aldrich, Benjamin and James [Eds. New World]: 79
Allan, Frances Valentine: 156-57
Allan, Louisa Patterson: 157-58
Allen, Hervey: 137
Allison, Rev. Patrick [EAP burial]: 200, 201, 209
American Whig Review: 82, 85, 104
Anthon, Charles [Co-ed. New York Review]: 3, 160, 167
Aristidean: 96
Asarch, Joel K.: 75n12
Auber, Daniel F. E.: 9
Augustine, St. [Confession writing]: 120-21
Aurora: 96
Austin, John: 118
Babener, Liahna K.: 72
Bacon, Francis: 65
Baltimore American: 164, 203, 210
Baltimore Evening News [EAP exhumation]: 210-11
Baltimore Gazette: 156
Baltimore Methodist [Methodist Recorder]: 164
Baltimore Saturday Visiter: 159, 191
Baltimore Sun [EAP exhumation]: 209, 211
Bell, H. H.: 24
Bentley’s Miscellany [Pirated “The Visionary,” “Usher”]: 192
Benton, Richard P.: 44n1
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine: 105, 163
Blair, Walter: 24
Boll, Ernest [“Murders” MS.]: 75n12
Bonaparte, Marie: 137-38, 145, 148
Boston Notion: 79
Bransby, Rev. John: 156-57
Broadway Journal: 27, 77, 78, 79, 82, 87, 89-90, 91, 96, 107, 136
Brother Jonathan: 79, 83ff, 86
Brown, Charles Brockden: 166
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward [Minor Poems, ed. McLeod]: 85-89, 92; [EAP rev. Rienzi] 102
Burling, Ebenezer [Early friend, EAP]: 157
Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine: 160-61
Cabell, Robert H. [Early friend, EAP]: 189
Calvert, George Henry: 164
Campbell, Thomas [Life of Petrarch]: 103
Carey, John L.: 164
Carlson, Eric W.: 2, 5, 21, 23n1
Cassuto, Leonard: 30n11, 31, 33
Cheney, Patrick: 25
Chivers, Thomas Holley: 104
Clarke, Joseph H. [EAP funeral]: 197
Clements, Ruth: 136
Clemm, Maria: 150, 195ff, 197, 200ff
Clemm, William [Virginia C. Poe’s father]: 189
Clemm, Rev. William T. D. [EAP funeral]: 197-200
“The Club” [Literary Series, N.Y. Saturday Emporium]: 84-85
Coad, Oral Sumner: 23n1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: 162
Colton, George [Ed. American Whig Review]: 85, 91
Columbian [Hartford]: 78
Columbian Magazine: 94
Combe, George: 65
The Conchologist’s First Book: 188
Conner, Frederick W.: 64-65
Cooke, Philip Pendleton: 73, 104, 166-67
Cox, James M.: 106
Coxe, Rev. Arthur Cleveland [Saul, A Mystery]: 77-78
Coxe, William [Archdeacon of Wiltshire; MS. Life of Petrarch]: 103
Crébillon, Prosper Jolyot de: 65, 70
Cronenberg, David [The Fly]: 146
Daniel, Robert: 74n1
Davidson, Edward H.: 146
Davidson, Robert [“Old Mortality Davidson,” EAP grave]: 196
Davis, Andrew Jackson [EAP funeral]: 197
Deming, Henry C. [Associate Ed. New-York Saturday Emporium]: 78, 83, 85, 89
Democratic Review: 104
Dow, Jesse E. [Cryptograph]: 186
Drake, Joseph Rodman: 160
Falk, Doris V.: 53
Fisher, Benjamin F.: 25, 107, 133, 145
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: 146
The Flag of Our Union: 135
Fletcher, Jefferson Butler: 102
Foreign Quarterly Review: 71
Forrest, William Mentzel.: 16n11
Foscolo, Ugo [Petrarch Critique]: 105
Foster, George G.: 164
Frailey, Charles S. [Cryptograph]: 185-88
Freemasonry [“Cask” background]: 119ff
Freud, Sigmund: 47, 73, 118, 145
Froissart, Jean [Chronicles]: 136
Frost, John: 166
Geertz, Clifford: 47
Godey’s Lady’s Book: 25, 85, 94, 107
Godwin, William: 166
Goldhurst, William: 145
Gottesman, Ronald: 148
Graham, George Rex: 161
Graham’s Magazine: 25, 26, 34, 35, 38, 39, 84, 103, 161, 163, 185-88, 191
Greeley, Horace: 165
Green, Edmund Brewster [Ed. New England Weekly Review, New-York Saturday Emporium]: 78, 83-4, 85, 93
Greene, G. W. [On Petrarch]: 105
Griffith, Clark: 105
Griswold, Rufus W.: 79, 104, 159
Gwynn, William [Ed. Baltimore Gazette and Daily Advertiser]: 156
Haines, Hiram H. [Ed. American Constellation aka Petersburg Constellation Va.]: 165
Halleck, Fitz-Greene: 160, 161, 163
Halliburton, David: 9
Hammond, Alexander: 64
Hammond, J. R.: 24
Harrison, James A.: 136
Hatch and Dunning [Published Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems]: 168
Hawks, Francis L. [Co-ed. New York Review]: 160
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: 25-26, 34, 35 38, 39ff, 138, 162
Works: “The Hall of Fantasy”: 162; “Howe’s Masquerade”: 34, 38, 39; “Legends of the Province House”: 34, 38, 39, 41; “The May-Pole of Merry Mount”: 39ff.; Twice-Told Tales: 25, 34, 38, 39, 162
Heath, James E.: 162, 165, 191
Hemingway, Ernest: 149
Henry, Robert C. [Co-ed. New York Review]: 160
Herring, Henry [EAP funeral]: 197ff, 203, 206
Hewitt, John Hill: 159
Hirst, Henry B. [EAPs collaborator, Philadelphia Saturday Museum biography]: 191-92
Holiday, Billie: 142
Holman, Harriet R.: 64
Hood, Thomas: 163
Hook, Theodore: 163
Howe, Sir William: 38
Hutcherson, Dudley R.: 192
Lacan, Jacques: 56, 72, 73, 118
Lafayette, Marquis de: 155-56
Lanier, Sidney: 77-78
Latrobe, John. H. B.: 159
Lea & Blanchard [Philadelphia publishers]: 161
Lee, Z. Collins [EAP classmate, U. of Va.]: 197
Legg, John C., Sr. [EAP grave]: 201-03, 206, 208, 211
Levi-Strauss, Claude: 46-48
Levine, Stuart and Susan: 136, 137, 139
Ljungquist, Kent P.: 19-20, 75n14, 133
Locke, Joseph [Lieutenant and Instructor, West Point]: 158
Locke, Richard Adams [“Moon Hoax”-“Lunar Hoax”]: 164
London, Jack: 149
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: 64, 65, 71, 162, 173; [Poe Monument] 213
Mabbott, Thomas Ollive: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 17, 21, 24, 25, 38, 69, 104, 197
Mackenzie, William [Rosalie Poe’s foster father]: 156
Marine, Harriet [“Hattie”; EAP grave]: 204ff
Marine, William M. [Harriet’s father; EAP grave]: 199, 203ff, 207, 209
Marshall, John [Chief Justice, U. S. Supreme Court: EAPs West Point appointment] 157
Martin, Terence: 139
McLeod, C. Donald [Ed. Bulwer-Lytton Minor Poems]: 85-90, 92
McMichael, Morton: 165
Meaney, William P. [EAP grave]: 196ff, 209
Miller, Dr. James H.: 159
Moldenhauer, Joseph J.: 74n1
Moran, Dr. John J. [EAP grave]: 199ff, 208-09, 213
Morning Telegraph [New York; T. D. English reply to EAP]: 96
Morrison, Tony: 143
Mosher, Philip, Jr. [Grave confused with EAPs]: 194ff, 201-07ff
Moss, Sidney P.: 71
Mott, Frank Luther: 83
Muller, John P.: 73
Neal, John [Ed. Yankee; EAP early poems]: 163, 168, 171, 173
Neal, Joseph C.: 165
New England Weekly Review: 78, 83
New York Courier and Enquirer: 165
New York Evening Mirror: 84
New York Herald: 70
New York Review: 160
New-York Saturday Emporium: 77-101
New York Times and Star: 164
New York Tribune: 165
Nichol, John Pringle [Nebular theory]: 64-65
Nietzsche, Frederich Wilhelm: 143
Noah, Mordecai M.: 163
Norfolk Herald: 164
North American Review: 105
Painter, Orrin C. [EAP grave]: 212-13
Paul, Raymond: 69
Paulding, James Kirke: 160, 167
Penn Magazine: 78
Petersburg Constellation [aka American Constellation (Va.)]: 165
Petrarch, Francesco: 102-14
Philadelphia Saturday Museum: 155-90, 191-93
Philadelphia Saturday News: 50
Pitcher, Edward W.: 24-25
Poe, David, Jr. [EAPs father]: 156
Poe, David, Sr. [“General Poe”; EAPs grandfather]: 155, 156, 199ff
Poe, Edgar Allan: 78ff, 94ff, 102; [Alcoholism] 145-54; [biography] 155-90; [Marriage] 189; [Death-burial] 194-222; Works: “Al Aaraaf”: 168, 170-71, 172; Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems 167; “The Assignation” [“The Visionary”]: 28, 107, 192; “Autography” 185; “Berenice”: 28, 48, 110; “The Black Cat”: 149; “Bon-Bon”: 63-64, 163; “The Cask of Amontillado”: 115-32, [as “confession” type] 120-21; “The Coliseum” 159, 182-83; [EAP named author] The Conchologist’s First Book 188; “The Conqueror Worm”: 173-74; “The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion”: 166; “Drake-Halleck Review”: 160; “Dream-Land”: 21; “The Duc de L’Omelette” 164, 165; “Eldorado”: 17-23; “An Enigma”: 103-04; Eureka: 21, 64, 152; “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar”: 51-56; “Fairy-Land”: 152; “The Fall of the House of Usher”: 25, 48-49, 107, 162, 163, 166, 192; “The Gold-Bug”: 91, 139; “Hans Phaall” [“Hans Pfaal”]: 55, 164; “The Haunted Palace”: 99n6, 183-84; “Hop-Frog”: 133-44, 145-54; “How to Write a Blackwood Article”: 146; “Israfel”: 17-18, 21, 179-80; “King Pest”: 55; “Lenore”: 174-76; “Life of Petrarch, Thomas Campbell” [EAP review]: 103ff; “Ligeia”: 26, 55, 102-14, 163; “Lionizing”: 167; “The Literati” 94-95, 96; “Maelzel’s Chess-Player”: 184; “The Man That Was Used Up”: 55; “Marginalia”: 64, 65, 101n19; “The Masque of the Red Death”: 24-30, 31-37, 38-44; “Mesmeric Revelation”: 99n6, 55; “Morella”: 55, 162; “MS. Found in a Bottle”: 54, 56; “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”: 49-51, 63-76, 91, 140, 163; “The Mystery of Marie Roget”: 63-76, 91, 140; The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym: 54, 55, 56, 135, 139-40, 188; “A New Theory of English Versification” [Early version of “The Rationale of Verse”]: 184; “The Philosophy of Composition”: 1, 9, 14; “The Philosophy of Furniture”: 27, 184; “Pinakidia”: 103; “Plato Contra Atheos”: 65; “A Predicament”: 55; “The Premature Burial”: 25; “The Purloined Letter”: 63-76; “The Raven”: 1, 18, 19, 77, 85, 152; The Raven and other Poems: 91-92; “Rienzi, Edward Bulwer-Lytton” [EAP review] 102; “Romance” 172;: Secret Writing” [“A Few Words on Secret Writing”] 184ff; “Shadow—A Parable” 19; “The Sleeper” 176-78; “Some Secrets of the Magazine Prison House” 91; “Song of the Newly Wedded” [“Bridal Ballad”] 181; “Sonnet—Silence” 179; “Sonnet—To Science” 171; “Sonnet—To Zante” 176; “Spirit’s Invocation” [from “Al Aaraaf”]: 168-70; “Street Paving”: 64; “The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether”: 25, 68, 140; Tales: 91; “Tales of the Folio Club” 28, 29;: Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque: 45, 157, 161, 163, 165, 166-67; “Tamerlane”: 172; “The Tell-Tale Heart”: 162, 163; “To Helen” [1831]: 3, 17-18, 20, 21, 167; “To One Departed” [To Mary,” “To Frances”]: 181-82; “To One in Paradise”: 178-79; “To the River”: 172-73; “Travels in Arabia Petrea” [Rev. John L. Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrea, and the Holy Land]: 160; “Ulalume”: 1-16, 107; “William Wilson”: 26, 156-57, 162, 164
Poe, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins [EAPs mother]: 156, 205
Poe, Elizabeth Cairnes [EAPs grandmother]: 156, 200, 203, 206
Poe, Jane McBride [EAPs great-grandmother]: 155
Poe, John [EAPs great-grandfather]: 155
Poe, Neilson [EAPs cousin]: 195ff,: 205, 206, 211
Poe, Rosalie [EAPs sister]: 152, 156
Poe, Virginia E. Clemm [EAPs wife]: 151, 152, 189
Poe, William Henry [EAPs brother]: 156, 200, 206
Pollin, Burton R.: 23n1, 28, 63, 69, 77-78, 145, 192
Pritchard, E. E. Evans: 48
Prosser, Gabriel [Slave rebellion leader]: 142
Pushkin, Alexander: 120
Reagan, Robert: 24, 25, 34ff, 39
Richardson, William J.: 73
Richmond, Annie: 135
Richmond Enquirer [Va.]: 70
Riding, Laura: 75n11
Roberts, George [Ed. Boston Notion]: 79
Roppolo, Joseph Patrick: 24
Roquelaire, Antoine Gaston Jean Baptise, Duke of [“Cask”]: 119-20
Rosse, Lord: 65
Rousseau, J. J.: 120-21
St. Louis Commercial Bulletin [Mo.]: 161, 164
Sade, Jacques F. P. [Memoirs … Petrarch]: 103
Sanderlin, W. Stephen, Jr.: 17, 20
Sargent, Epes: 164
Sassure, Ferdinand de: 118
Saunders, Robert [Early: friend, EAP]: 189
Scarlett, Charles, Jr. [Mosher-Poe legend]: 194ff, 200, 203, 206-07
Scott, Winfield: 157-58
Seneca: 70
Shelley, Percy B.: 168
Sigourney, Lydia Huntley: 165
Silverman, Kenneth: 137, 193n1
Simms, William Gilmore: 164
Simpson, Lewis P.: 93
Smith, Elizabeth Herring [EAP funeral]: 197
Smith, Edward Morton: 197
Snodgrass, Joseph E. [EAP death-burial]: 195ff
Snowden’s Ladies’ Companion: 70
Southern Literary Messenger: 102, 103, 135, 147, 155, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 184-85
Spence, George W. [EAP burial, grave]: 196ff, 204, 207, 211, 212
Stanley, Sir Henry: 20
Stannard, Robert Craig [Early friend, EAP]: 189
Stephens, John Lloyd: 160
Stevenson, Andrew: 157
Stovall, Floyd: 19
Strickland, Edward: 6
Sue, Eugene: 66
Tasistro, Louis F.: 163
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord: 71, 213
Thayer, Sylvanus [Colonel, Superintendent, West Point]: 158-59
Thomas Frederick W.: 22, 155, 163, 185-88
Thompson, G. Richard: 25, 65-66, 134-35
Tompkins, Raymond S. [EAP grave]: 212-13
Torok, Maria: 118
Tucker, James [EAP grave]: 200-01, 204
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley: 162
Tuckerman, Henry Theodore: 104
Tuder, W. L. [EAP exhumation]: 210-11
Turner, Nat [Leader, slave rebellion]: 142
Tuston, Septimus [EAP grave]: 212
Walsh, Robert [Cryptography]: 185
Warden, Ella L. [EAP funeral]: 198
Washington, George: 155
Watson, Charles N, Jr.: 24, 25
Weiner, Bruce I.: 98n3
Weir, Robert W.: 9
Weston, J. Alden [EAP funeral]: 197, 198
Wheat, Patricia H.: 24
White, Thomas W.: 28, 147, 155
Whitman, Sarah Helen: 14
Whitman, Walt: 18
Wiley & Putnam: 91-92
Willis, Nathaniel P.: 162
Wilson, James Southall: 25
Winchester, Jonas [Publisher, New World]: 83
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