Title: {{1845-01: TO M—— //1845-02: To ——— }}
Stanza: 1
Line-01-001: {{1845-01: O! I care //1845-02: I heed }} not that my earthly lot
Line-01-002: [[indent]] Hath — little of Earth in it —
Line-01-003: That years of love have been forgot
Line-01-004: [[indent]] In the {{1845-01: fever //1845-02: hatred }} of a minute —
Stanza: 2
Line-01-005: I heed not that the desolate
Line-01-006: [[indent]] Are happier, sweet, than I —
Line-01-007: But that you meddle with my fate
Line-01-008: [[indent]] Who am a passer-by.
For an explanation of the formatting used in this Comparative Text, see editorial policies and methods. This format is very much an experiment, particularly for poetry.
[S:0 - comparative] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Poems - To M— (Comparative Text - ATMP-EH and Osgood-MS)