Richmond February 5, 1836
Dear Sir
At Mr Whites’ request I enclose you the sheets of the Messenger. In your article on “The Necessity of Selection in Reading” you will perceive that the original heading is abbreviated to “Selection in Reading”. This was necessary in order to preserve uniformity in the captions throughout — it being impossible to get in what you intended, and what, indeed, would have been most proper, except by making use of smaller type than what is used in the other articles.
Very resp, and truly yours
Edgar A Poe
It was thought better upon consideration to omit all passages in “Liberian Literature” at which offence could, by any possibility, be taken. We availed ourselves of your consent to do so.
Lucian Minor Esqr.
[S:0 - MS, 18xx] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Letters - Poe to Lucian Minor (LTR055/RCL117)