Text: Edgar Allan Poe to Pliny Earle — October 10, 1840 (LTR-102)


Philadelphia, October 10th 1840.

Dear Sir,

Your kind letter, dated the 2d inst, was postmarked the 8th, and I have only this morning received it. I hasten to thank you for the interest you have taken in my contemplated Magazine, and for the beautiful lines “By an Octogenarian”. They shall certainly appear in the first number. You must allow me to consider such offerings, however, as any thing but “unsubstantial encouragement.” Believe me that good poetry is far rarer, and therefore far more acceptable to the publisher of a journal, than even that rara avis money itself.

Should you be able to aid my cause in Frankford by a good word with your neighbours, I hope that you will be inclined to do so. Much depends upon the list I may have before the first of December. I send you a Prospectus — believing that the objects set forth in it are, upon the whole, such as your candor will approve.

Very truly & respectfully

Yr Ob. St.
Edgar A Poe

Dr Pliny Earle





[S:0 - MS, 18xx] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Letters - Poe to P. Earle (LTR102/RCL256)