Text: Edgar Allan Poe to C. G. Percival — January 3, 1846 (LTR-222)


New-York: Jany — 3. 46.
85 Amity St.

Chas. G. Percival Esqr

Dr Sir,

A few moments of leisure leave me at liberty to look at the cypher which you have done me the honor of submitting to my inspection. It is an illegitimate cryptograph — that is to say, the chances are, that, even with the key, it would be insoluble by the authorized correspondent. Upon analysis, however, independent of the key-solution, I find the translation to be the 3 first verses of the 2d chapter of St John.

Very Respy
Yr. Ob. St
Edgar A Poe

I should be happy to hear from you in reply.





[S:0 - MS, 18xx] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Letters - Poe to C. G. Percival (LTR222/RCL605)