What follows is a list of frequently cited sources for which we use initials or abbreviated titles in the notes and commentaries; further bibliographical data appear in the Bibliography.
Complete Works | Edgar Allan Poe, Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, edited by James A. Harrison. | |
Rationale | Edgar A. Poe, The Rationale of Verse, edited by J. Arthur Greenwood. | |
Collected Works | Edgar Allan Poe, Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe, edited by Thomas Ollive Mabbott. One printing of this edition uses consecutive volume numbers, the other does not. | |
TOM | Thomas Ollive Mabbott, notes in the Special Collections Department, University of Iowa Library, Iowa City. | |
Collected Writings | Edgar Allan Poe, Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, edited by Burton R. Pollin, vols. 1-4. | |
Short Fiction | Edgar Allan Poe, The Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe: An Annotated Edition, ed. Stuart Levine and Susan F. Levine. | |
Thirty-Two Stories | Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Allan Poe / Thirty-Two Stories, ed. Stuart Levine and Susan F. Levine. | |
Eureka | Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka, edited with an introduction, annotations, and textual variants by Stuart Levine and Susan F. Levine. |
Volume numbers, when needed, appear after the abbreviations in parenthesis in our notes and comments.
[S:0 - SSLCT, 2009] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Editions - EAP: Critical Theory (S. and S. Levine) (Abbreviations)