Nota Bene: This index is selective and omits almost entirely the titles and the authors' names furnished in both of the “Checklists,” which should primarily be consulted for the location of articles in the book. It refers almost entirely to the material in the “Notes.”
Adkins, Nelson F.: 360
affectation: 271
“Al Aaraaf” (Poe): 131
“Alciphron” (Thomas Moore): 387
Alison, Archibald: 361
Allen, Hervey: 178
American Monthly Magazine: 269
Ames, Fisher: 80
An Attempt to Analyse the Automaton Chess-Player (Willis): 180
Anastasius (Hope): 149
“Annabel Lee”: 359
Apuleius: 183
Archilochus: 389
Argensola, Bartolomé Leonardo de: 361
Babbage, Charles: 179
Bacon, Sir Francis: 271
Baillie, Joanna: 34
Bancroft, George: 148
Banim, John: 134
Barnaby Rudge: 390
Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques: 289
Beckford, William: 32
“The Bells”: 390
Benjamin, Park: 389
Bentham: 76
Bible: 17, 78, 100, 101, 132, 268, 270, 363
Bielfeld, Jacob: 134
Blair, Hugh: 314
Bliss, Elam: 242
The Bride of Lammermoor (Scott): 33
Bridgewater Treatises: 134
Brooks, Maria Gower: 392
Brydges: 33
Bubbles from the Brunnen: 9
Buffon: 202
Bulwer, Edward: 9, 78, 80, 132, 312
Burckhardt, John L.: 9
Caleb Williams (Godwin): 362
Carroll, Charles Michael: 177
“Casabianca”: 313
Channing, W. E. Jr.: 389
Chateaubriand: 80
Chaucer: 43
Chorley, Henry F.: 290
Classical Dictionary of Lempriere: 130
coinage: 10, 32, 77, 79, 148, 180, 184, 202, 203, 223, 243, 245, 269, 271, 272, 312, 314, 361, 392
Coke, Sir Edward: 270-71
Comus: 322
Cooke, Philip P.: 183
copyism (see plagiarism): 184
Cornwall, Barry: 34
Cowper: 361
Crockett: 77
Dacre, Lady Barbarina: 33, 134
dance: 42
Deas, Michael: 387
Delille, Jacques: 312
Diary of a Physician (Warren): 150,322
Dickens, Charles: 390
dieresis: 102
Disraeli, Benjamin: 132
Diversions of Purley (Tooke): 268
The Doctor (Southey): 387
Doings of Gotham: 242
Du Bartas: 388
“The Duc de L‘Omelette”: 77
The Dunciad (Pope): 360
Faerie Queene: 78
Faust, Johann: 79
The Female Poets of America (Griswold): 387
Fisher, Benjamin Franklin: 322
Fletcher, Giles: 268
Flint, Timothy: 33
Florus: 182
Franklin, Benjamin: 151, 152, 204
Frederick, Joseph: 179
“The French Cook” (Ude): 78
French language: 9, 11, 78, 133, 149, 244, 269, 272, 289, 361, 364, 387, 391
Fuller, Margaret: 390
La Bruyere: 149
La Rochefoucauld, François: 149
Laertius, Diogenes: 149
Lamartine, Alphonse: 100
L‘an deux mille quatre cent (Mercier): 134, 244
“Landor”: 80
“Landscape Garden”: 183
Lardner, Dionysius 33:
laudatory obituary on Poe (W. D. Gallagher): 245
Le Sage, Alain Rene: 132
Lectures on Rhetoric (Hugh Blair): 314
“The Legend of Brittany”: 389
Leibniz, Gottfried von: 242, 243
Letters on Natural Magic (Brewster): 79, 178
Lewis, Estelle Anna Robinson: 386
Lewis, Sylvanus D.: 386
“Ligeia”: 322
“Lion-izing”: 34
Lister, Thomas Henry: 34
“The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq.”: 202
“Literati” paper on Walsh: 203
Locke, John: 242
Long, George: 386
“Lynch's Law”: 185
Mackintosh: 33
Maelzel, Johann Nepomuk: 177
“The Man of the Crowd”: 224
“Marginalia”: 133, 224, 242, 243, 268, 269, 314, 362, 391
Marshall, John: 80
Marvell, Andrew: 269
Mathews, Cornelius: 390
Mathews, Mitford M.: 202
“Mellonta Tauta”: 134
Mercier, Louis Sebastien: 134, 244
M‘Fingal (Trumbull): 389
Miller, Joe: 76
Mitford, Mary Russell: 134
The Monastery (Scott): 312
Montgomery: 76
Moore's works: 23
“moral truth” (not the aim in poetry): 268
Moran, John J.: 270
Moss, Sidney P.: 22
Motherwell, William: 387
“MS. Found in a Bottle”: 23, 24
Murray, Lindley: 78
Paulding, James Kirke: 34
Peerage and Peasantry (Dacre): 33
Pelham (Bulwer): 80,132
“The Philosophy of Composition”: 183
“Philosophy of Furniture”: 224
Plato: 149
“Poe and Phrenology”: 148
Poe, Neilson: 270
“Poe's Friend Reynolds” (Almy): 23
Poe's punctuation: 102
Poe's theory of “mutuality of adaptation”: 34
The Poets and Poetry of America (Griswold): 388
Pope, Alexander: 134, 182, 360, 361, 389
The Portraits of Poe (Deas): 387
“Psyche Zenobia”: 183
public education: 203
puffing: 181
“Purloined Letter”: 76
Sallust quip: 202
Saroni, Herrman S.: 391
satire: 10
Schlegel, Augustus Wilhelm: 42
Schlumberger: 181
Scott, Sir Walter: 33, 78, 312, 313
Sedgwick, Catharine M.: 102
“Shadow”: 103
Shakespeare: 11, 17, 79, 80, 100, 101, 103, 222, 224, 387
Shelley: 102
Sherwood, Mary Martha: 34
Sidney, Sir Philip: 76
Sigourney, Lydia H.: 133
Silliman, Benjamin: 32
Silverman, Kenneth: 388
“Siope (Silence)”: 133
Sismondi, Leonard Simonde de: 134
“slashing” style: 10
Smith, Horace: 134
Spenser: 78
spontaneous combustion: 42
Starke, Aubrey: 23
“Street-Paving”: 245
Sully, Robert: 44
Swallow Barn (J. P. Kennedy): 17
Symmes, John Cleves: 22
Tabb, T. T.: 132
Table Talk (Coleridge): 9
Taglioni: 42
“Tale of the Ragged Mountains”: 289
tale-writing: 78
“The Tales of the Folio Club”: 34
Talley, Susan: 388
“Tarr and Fether”: 289
tautology: 17
“The Tell-Tale Heart”: 22, 322
Terence: 271
Thalaba (Southey): 245
Theophrastus: 149
Tooke, John Horne: 268
“totality of effect”: 271, 272
Trelawny, Edward John: 134
Trumbull, John: 389
Turner, Nat: 202
Walker, John: 33
Wallace, Horace Binney: 79
Waverley (Scott): 78
Welby, “Amelia”: 392
Whalen, Terence: 366
Whitaker, Daniel Kimball: 224
White, T. W.: 22
“Why the Little Frenchman ... ”: 224, 245
Wilde, Richard Henry: 313
“William Wilson”: 24
Willis, Nathaniel P.: 33, 34, 78, 360, 389
Willis, Robert: 180
Wilmer, Lambert A.: 132
Wilson, John (“Christopher North”): 149, 361
Wither: 268
Woodberry, George E.: 178
wooden pavement (in “Street-Paving”): 245
Worcester, Joseph Emerson: 33
“Words with a Mummy”: 289
Wordsworth, William: 360
Wright, Fanny: 33
writers' signatures: 268
[S:0 - BRP5S, 1997] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Editions - The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe (B. R. Pollin) (Index)