The Broadway Journal was printed every Saturday. The volumes of the Broadway Journal followed the usual approach of two volumes each year, with periods running from January-June and July-December, although the final issue of January 3, 1846 bears the imprint of volume II, no. 26. (The final issue is unusually scarce, and it is not present in most bound sets.) A large number of unsigned items may be attributed to Poe based on his own markings in the copy of the two volumes of the Broadway Journal that he gave to Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman in 1848. These markings are noted for the appropriate items. A number of rejected items have also been noted.
(A notice in the February 22, 1845 issue announced the addition of Poe and Watson to “the Editorial department of our Journal.”)
(Poe is listed in the masthead as one of the three editors.)
(This issue is misdated in the masthead as May 10, 1845)
(Note: There was no issue for July 5, 1845.)
(The editors are listed in the masthead as “Edgar A. Poe and Henry C. Watson”)
(This issue is paginated incorrectly, beginning at page 170, which should instead be 177. The error in pagination is continued through the rest of the volume.)
(Beginning with this issue, the masthead reads “Edgar A. Poe, Editor and Proprietor.”)
(A brief notice at the top of the first page of this issue states: “TO THE PUBLIC. — Edgar A. Poe, Esq. having purchased my interest in ‘The Broadway Journal,’ is now sole proprietor of the same. All persons indebted to the paper will please make settlement with him. [[/]] JOHN BISCO. [[/]] New-York, Oct. 24, 1845” (p. 251, col. 1).)
(The last page of this issue repeats the notice of November 1, 1845: “TO THE PUBLIC. — Edgar A. Poe, Esq. having purchased my interest . . .” (p. 282, col. 2).)
(The last page of this issue repeats the notice of November 1, 1845: “TO THE PUBLIC. — Edgar A. Poe, Esq. having purchased my interest . . .” (p. 298, col. 2).)
(The last page of this issue repeats the notice of November 1, 1845: “TO THE PUBLIC. — Edgar A. Poe, Esq. having purchased my interest . . .” (p. 314, col. 2).)
(The last page of this issue repeats the notice of November 1, 1845: “TO THE PUBLIC. — Edgar A. Poe, Esq. having purchased my interest . . .” (p. 330, col. 2).)
(The last page of this issue repeats the notice of November 1, 1845: “TO THE PUBLIC. — Edgar A. Poe, Esq. having purchased my interest . . .” (p. 344, col. 2). This is the last time this notice appeared in the Broadway Journal.)
(Toward the end of this issue appears a series of pagination problems. Following page 339 is a repetition of facing pages 328 and 329, both pages being from the previous issue with the same advertisements on those same page numbers. Presumably, there was an intention to reuse these already set pages, but the typesetter failed to alter the page numbers. The fact that page 328 appears on the back of page 339 makes it impossible that older pages were simply bound out of order. Subsequent pages are numbered as facing pages of 342 and 343, then 340 and 341, then 346, on the back of page 341. The next issue begins with page 349, unnumbered but subsequent pages are numbered beginning with page 350, and there is no accounting for the missing two pages, which would be the front and back of one sheet. It is presumed to be a simple error of pagination in the original. The AMS reprint appears to have attempted to adjust pages with the hope of correcting the problem, and although the content of the pages numbered 328 and 329 in the original is reproduced, the page numbers themselves have been corrected in the reprint. Two original sets of the Broadway Journal were checked to verify the error, including the set that Poe gave to Mrs. S. H. Whitman, now at the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA. AMS may have used another copy of the original in which the publisher had already attempted to correct the problem.)
AMS Press reprinted both full volumes in 1965. In the 1986 edition prepared by Burton R. Pollin, the text of the Broadway Journal was reproduced photographically from the 1965 facsimile. Although the original pagination is noted, the material was adapted to fit the flow of the pages of the book. It omits the poetry and prose fiction as those were collected by T. O. Mabbott.
In addition to specific items noted above, Killis Campbell, in his article “Bibliographical Notes on Poe—I” (The Nation, December 23, 1909, pp. 623-624), says, “it is not improbable that Poe also wrote most of the articles [[in The Broadway Journal]] on ‘The Drama,’ and many of those on ‘The Fine Arts,’ during the second half of the year.”)
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