Jackson Tennessee Octo 16th 1839
Dear Sir
The Manuscript Story of “Theodoric of the Amali” is with diffidence submitted to your better judgement for an opinion. A “brither sinners” hopes of future celebrity in his yet untrodden paths of Fiction, depends almost entirely on the success of “Theodoric of the Amali.” How far the portrature of the “Comito” bears to that of Theodora, you will better determine on a careful examination of the piece.
The Author of “Theodoric of the Amali” would feel proud in having Edgar A Poe as a correspondent.
In haste, he is
Your most obedient
Jno Tomlin
Mr Edgar Poe
[S:0 - MS, 18xx] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Misc - Letters - J. Tomlin to Poe (RCL210)