Text: William D. Gallagher to Edgar Allan Poe — March 10, 1841


E. A. Poe, Esq —

Dear Sir —

Will you be good enough to favor me so much as to enter the name of the Daily paper with which I am connected upon the exchange list of the “Penn Magazine?” The independence of critical remark which characterized the “Southern Literary Messenger” while under your control, and the individuality of that department of the work, make me anxious to get your new magazine. If this propo[sal] suit[s] you, please direct “Daily Gaze[tte”]. If it do not, send me the w[ork] any how, and I will pay y[ou] [page 2:] in money, or, what is more plenty with me, scribbler-coin...

Very Respectfully,
Yours, &c. &c.
W. D. Gallagher

P. S. Accompanying this, I take the liberty of sending you a volume of “Selections from the Poetical Literature of the West,” which has just been issued in our Backwoods regions by an enterprising Western publisher. I trust you may find in it something to your liking.



The lower right corner of the page is torn, causing a loss of the small bits of text noted above in brackets.


[S:0 - MS, 18xx] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Misc - Letters - Wm. D. Gallagher to Poe (RCL273)