Glen Mary
Nov. 13, 1841
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 10th finds me under an Engagement to your neighbor Mr. Godey to write for no other periodical in Philadelphia during the year 1842. In that year I am to write him an article a month. I see however by his literary notices that he is bon ami with Mr. Graham, and, with Mr. Godey’s “let=up” I am very happy to promise you the best I can do for your Magazine. My predilections I may say are very much with you — but my quill must eke out my short crops, and Mr. Godey’s very liberal engagement holds me. As he wants only prose however, perhaps he will release me the rhyme.
Would you think it too much trouble to send me the No. of your Maga. Containing my own autograph. I hear of it but have not seen it.
Yours very truly
N. P. Willis
Edgar A. Poe Esq.
Please make my respects acceptable to Mr. Graham.
[S:0 - MS, 18xx] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Misc - Letters - N. P. Willis to Poe (RCL344a)