The Final Days of Edgar Allan Poe ... by David F. Gaylin (2024)



  • Page 74, second paragraph. The spelling of John M. Daniel's last name should read “Daniel.”
  • Page 107, second paragraph. Change third sentence to read: “… the building, at what was then 44-46 East Lombard Street was actually co-owned by William L. Coath and James Sargeant (or Sergeant).”
  • Page 193, Figure 9.3. Change first sentence in caption to read: “At the time of his death in October 1849, the church at the Presbyterian cemetery on Greene Street did not exist…”
  • Page 207, Congestion of the Brain. Change third sentence to read: “The October 8, 1849, edition of the Baltimore Patriot and Commercial Gazette gave the cause of Poe's death as ‘congestion of the brain.’ .”
  • Page 224, October 8. Change second sentence to read: “At approximately 3 p.m., Poe's coffin leaves the hospital and, followed by a small cortege, is conveyed to the Presbyterian cemetery on Greene Street for burial.” (At the time of Poe's death, the Westminster Presbyterian Church did not exist).
  • Page 262, n40. The last name of John M. Daniels should read “Daniel.”
  • Page 267, n19. Eliminate last sentence. These narrow streets remained in place for many years following the 1904 fire.
  • Page 270, n20. Supplement (after last sentence) with the following: Matchett's Baltimore Directory for 1847-48, 289. “Sargeant James, firm W. L. Coath & Sargeant, 44 e Lombard st. 4th Ward Hotel, and Gunner's Hall.”
  • Page 280, n18. Supplement (after sentence) with the following: According to an item in the Frederick Examiner of November 26, 1862, entitled, “Honorably Discharged,” Moran was given his freedom on November 19 after appealing his conviction to a judge advocate. The military officer apparently saw room for doubt after Moran claimed that the “bonuses” he admitted receiving were gratuities and not bribes.
  • Page 296. Entry for Bonner, Charles H. John Pendleton Kennedy ... in error — remove.
  • Page 297. Address for the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore website should read:

Updated August 2024



This errata is for: David F. Gaylin, The Final Days of Edgar Allan Poe: Nevermore in Baltimore. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2024. xvi, 311pp. $125.00 hardcover.

The list was prepared by David F. Gaylin


[S:0 - JAS] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Papers - Errata - EAP: Critcal Theory