Text: Anonymous, “[Notice of Poe's Eureka],” Gazette of the Union, Golden Rule, and Odd Fellows’ Family Companion (New York, NY), August 26, 1848, vol. 9, no. 9, p. 155, col. 1


[page 155, column 1, continued:]

“EUREKA: A PROSE POEM.” by Edgar A. Poe. New York; George P. Putnam, 1848. This is the production of an eccentric genius. It treats of the physical, metaphysical and mathematical — of the material and spiritual universe; of its essence, its origin, its creatiyn [[creation]], its present condition, and its destiny. The theme is vast and stupendous, and leads to a great deal of subtle analysis, and metaphysical discourse. The author is bold in his own conceptions and philosophical deductions, novel and extraordinary as some of them are, ingeniously combats many existing theories, and 5ramples [[tramples]] mercilessly, on the opinions and authorities of men.







[S:0 - GUGROFFC, 1848] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - Notice of Eureka (Anonymous, 1848)