Text: James A. Harrison, “Third Letter,” The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman (1909), p. 30


[page 30:]



[[November 7, 1848 — LTR-284]]

[Written on the day on which Mr. Poe returned from Lowell. I sent him word I would meet him in half an hour at the Atheneum. — S. H. W.

Explanatory of the note which follows.]

Dearest Helen —

I have no engagement, but am very ill — so much so that I must go home, if possible — but if you say “stay,” I will try and do so. If you cannot see me — write me one word to say that you do love me and that, under all circumstances, you will be mine. Remember that these coveted words you have never yet spoken — and, nevertheless, I have not reproached you. It was not in my power to be here on Saturday as I proposed, or I would undoubtedly have kept my promise. If you can see me, even for a few moments do so — but if not write — or send some message which will comfort me.

Tuesday Nov 7.

Edgar Poe to S. H. W. Nov 7. 48

76 Benefit St Providence R. I. [page 31:]

[Address on a brown envelope

Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman


R. I.]

[Sent to me on the evening of Nov. 8th 1848

By EAP ————]

The letter bears the above endorsement — C. F. D.





[S:0 - LLEAPSHW, 1909] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman (J. A. Harrison) (Third Letter)