Text: James A. Harrison, “Fifth Letter,” The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman (1909), pp. 34-35


[page 34:]



[[November 22, 1848 — LTR-288]]

Wednesday Morning — the 22d. Nov.(1)

MY dearest Helen — Last Monday I received your note, dated Friday, and promising that on Tues day I should get a long letter from you. It has not yet reached me, but I presume will be at the P. O. when I send this in. — In the meantime I write these few words to thank you, from the depths of my heart, for the dear expressions of your note — expressions of tenderness so wholly undeserved by me — and to assure you of my safety and health. The terrible excitement under which I suffered, has subsided, and I am as calm as I well could be, remembering what is past. Still the Shadow of Evil haunts me, and although tranquil, I am unhappy. I dread the Future — and you alone can reassure me. I have so much to say to you, but must wait until I hear from [page 35:] you. My mother was delighted with your wish to be remembered and begs me to express the pleasure it gave her.

Forever your own


Remember me to Mr. Pabodie.


[The following footnote appears at the bottom of page 34:]

1. Inserted by Mrs. W. — C. F. D.





[S:0 - LLEAPSHW, 1909] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman (J. A. Harrison) (Fifth Letter)