Text: James A. Harrison, “Eighth Letter,” The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman (1909), p. 44


[page 44:]



[[December 16, 1848 — LTR-293]]

Dec. 17, 1848.(1)

Saturday, 2 P.M.

My own dearest Helen — Your letters — to my mother and myself — have just been received, and I hasten to reply, in season for this afternoon's mail. I cannot be in Providence until Wednesday morning; and, as I must try and get some sleep after I arrive, it is more than probable that I shall not see you until about 2 P.M. Keep up heart — for all will go well. My mother sends her dearest love and says she will return good for evil and treat you much better than your mother has treated me.

Remember me to Mr. P. and believe me

Ever your own



[The following footnote appears at the bottom of page 44:]

1. This date as given above was added by Mrs. Whitman. — C. F. D.





[S:0 - LLEAPSHW, 1909] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman (J. A. Harrison) (Eighth Letter)