Text: James A. Harrison, “Contract Concerning Marraige between Poe and Mrs. Whitman,” The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman (1909), pp. 47-48


[page 47:]


PROVIDENCE, December 15, 1848.

TO Charles F. Tillinghast Administrator with the Will annexed of the estate of Ruth Marsh late of Providence deceased.

You are hereby required in conformity to the pro visions of the Will of the above named Ruth Marsh to pay to me the Subscriber the whole of the Estate of the said Ruth Marsh now in your possession or Control — the said Estate consisting of Bank Stock and Notes as follows namely

Fifteen Shares of the Merchants Bank.

Ten do. of the Globe Bank.

Five do. of the Manufactures Bank.

Fourteen do. of the Blackstone Canal Bank.

Sixteen do. of the Arcade Bank.

Six do. of the Exchange Bank.

William H Cook's Note for One thousand Dollars.

Tallman and Bucklin's Note for Two thousand Dollars. [page 48:]

Benjamin Allen: Notes for Eight Hundred and Eighteen Dollars.

Weston A Fisher's Note for Fifteen Hundred Dollars.

All of which Notes are secured by the Mortgage of Real Estate.



Signed this fifteenth day of December 1848 in presence of

Henry Martin

William J. Pabodie

PROVIDENCE, December 15, 1848.

We Sarah Helen Whitman and Susan Anna Power legatees named in the will of the within named Ruth Marsh and to whom such part of the principal or interest of the Estate of the said Ruth Marsh as shall remained undisposed of at the decease of our mother the within named Anna Power is given hereby unite in the preceding request of Anna Power that the whole of the Estate of the said Ruth Marsh now in his possession be transferred to her our said Mother for her own use. And in consideration of such conveyance to be made by him we hereby release him the said Charles F. Tillinghast from all claims and demands which we have or may have on account of the said Estate of the said Ruth Marsh.

In witness whereof we have hereto set our Hands and Seals this fifteenth day of December 1848.

Sarah H. Whitman [Seal]

Susan Anna Power [Seal]

In presence of

Henry Martin

[page 49:] Whereas a Marriage is intended between the above named Sarah H. Whitman and the Subscriber Edgar A. Poe, I hereby approve of and assent to the transfer of the property in the manner proposed in the papers of which the preceding are copies.

Providence December 22 1848


In presence of

William J. Pabodie





[S:0 - LLEAPSHW, 1909] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman (J. A. Harrison) (Contract Concerning Marraige between Poe and Mrs. Whitman)