Names, topics, newsclippings, and letters frequently mentioned in the text
Allan, Louisa Gabriella Patterson (d. April 24, 1881): Second Mrs. John Allan; of Elizabeth, N. J. and Richmond; married John Allan on October 5, 1830; adamantly refused to talk about Edgar Poe.
Botta, Mrs. Anne Charlotte Lynch (1815-1891): Member of the New York literati, at Waverly Place; Poe knew her as Miss Anne Lynch; she married Professor Vincenzo Botta in 1855; tried very hard, after Poe's death, to disassociate her name from Poe's; generally conceded to be the hostess of the first American salon.
Briggs, Charles Frederick (1804-1877): Journalist, author, novelist; founded Broadway Journal, with which Poe was briefly associated as editor; friend of Lowell's, enemy of Poe's.
Brooks, Nathan Covington: Editor, with Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, of the American Museum of Science, Literature, and the Arts, in Baltimore, to which Poe contributed from its beginning in September, 1838, through its concluding issue in June, 1839.
Brown, Franklin E.: Of London, England; friend of the Richmonds in Lowell; on returning home from a visit with relatives in the United States carried by hand Mrs. Richmond's gift to Ingram, the two-volume edition of Poe's Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, found in Poe's trunk when it was forwarded after Poe's death from Baltimore, by Neilson Poe, to Mrs. Clemm in Lowell.
Browne, William Hand (1828-1912): of Baltimore; author, editor, educator; founded and edited the Southern Review, the New Eclectic Magazine (later called the Southern Magazine); ardent defender of Poe; faithful friend and correspondent of Ingram's for nearly thirty-five years.
“Burton Letter”: Poe's letter of June 1, 1840, to William E. Burton; Mrs. Richmond gave the letter to her friend William Rouse as a souvenir of Poe; [page 246:] Rouse copied it for Ingram in May, 1877; by means of this letter Ingram was able to prove that Poe wrote “The Journal of Julius Rodman,” and add that 25,000-word fragment to the Poe canon.
Burton, William Evans (1804-1860): Author, actor; appeared on stage in Philadelphia, 1834-1838; published Burton's Gentleman's Magazine in Philadelphia, 1837-1840, with Poe as editor, part of the time; managed theaters in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., 1841-1848.
Caddie (also called “Caddy,” “Carrie,” and “Abby”): daughter and only child of Charles B. and Annie Richmond.
Childs, George William (1829-1894): Publisher, author, philanthropist; sent check for fifty dollars to Rosalie Poe, which she received a few minutes before she died; underwrote expense of Poe's monument in Westminster Churchyard, Baltimore.
Clarke, Thomas Cottrell (d. 1874): Owner and editor of the Philadelphia Saturday Museum; at one time agreed to furnish necessary money to start Poe's long-dreamed-of magazine, the Stylus; later withdrew his backing; after Poe's death Clarke collected materials for many years with the idea of writing a biography refuting Griswold's; nothing came of his efforts.
Clemm, Maria Poe (also called “Muddy” and “Muddie”) 1790-1871: Poe's aunt (sister to Poe's father, David) and mother-in-law.
Coburn, Frederick W.: Author of article, “Poe as Seen by the Brother of ‘Annie.”’ in New England Quarterly, XVI (September, 1943), 468-76. Crane, Mrs.: A friend of Annie Richmond's to whom she gave as a souvenir of Poe the manuscript of “A Dream Within a Dream.”
Cudworth, the Reverend Warren H.: Of East Boston; friend and former pastor of Annie Richmond; published an article, “Mr. Poe as a Cryptographer,” in the Lowell Journal, April 19, 1850.
Davidson, James Wood (1829-1905): Of South Carolina and New York City; editor and author; wrote a defense of Poe's character, printed in Russell's Magazine, November, 1857; author of Living Writers of the South, 1869; eager, helpful correspondent of Ingram's for many years.
Didier, Eugene Lemoine (1838-1913): Of Baltimore; gave up commercial life to become an author; published Life and Poems of E. A. Poe in 1877; The Poe Cult, 1909; accused Ingram of stealing Poe items from the Houghton family.
Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Frieze Lummis (1818-1877): Of Columbia, S.C., and New York City; translator, sentimental poetess, member of the New York literati; at one time an ardent admirer of Poe's, but after he discouraged her she became his bitter, relentless enemy.
English, Thomas Dunn (1819-1902): Physician, lawyer, author; Poe called him “Thomas Dunn Brown,” and “an ass”; the quarrel that resulted ended in court. Poe sued the Mirror, in which English's reply had been printed, along with his dare to Poe to sue; as a result Poe was awarded $225 damages for English's libels. [page 247:]
Eveleth, George W. [[(1819-1908)]]: Of Lewiston, Maine; corresponded with Poe as a young medical student; Poe replied to his letters at least seven times; they never met; sent Ingram forty-four closely copied pages of correspondence he had amassed over the years to help Poe's defense; has been called “the first Poe specialist.”
Flag of Our Union: A weekly family newspaper established in 1846 by Frederick Gleason and Martin Murray Ballou; by 1850 its circulation was 100,000; in 1871 it was merged with the American Union; a fire destroyed all files of The Flag, it was thought, in 1872 or 1873; however, in 1909 Professor Killis Campbell discovered a complete set for 1849 in the Library of Congress.
Fuller, Sarah Margaret (1810-1850): Journalist, social reformer, intellectual, editor of the Dial with Emerson and George Ripley; main interest lay in potentialities of women in modern society.
Gill's “Reply”: Answer to Ingram's “Disclaimer,” in The Athenaeum, January 15, 1876; appeared in the American Bookseller, February (?), 1876, and in Boston Sunday Herald, November 18, 1877; Ingram's “Rejoinder” was printed in the Bookseller, ca. April, 1876.
Gill, William Fearing (1844-1917) [[1844-1918]]: Son of publishing family Shepard & Gill, Boston; impulsive admirer of Poe's works; became bitter antagonist of Ingram's; published in 1877 a badly written but important early biography of Poe; rescued the Poe cottage at Fordham from threatened destruction in 1889, and the Poe Park resulted; founded the Poe Society in 1903; coined the phrase, “the Sixth Sense” in the New York Graphic in 1880.
Godey, Louis Antoine (1804-1878): Publisher, with Charles Alexander, of Godey's Ladies Book, Philadelphia, 1830; Poe contributed articles of literary criticism and his “Literati.”
Graham, George Rex (1813-1894): Of Philadelphia; owner of Graham's Magazine, of which Poe was editor; longtime friend and defender of Poe; published in his own magazine, March, 1850, a long letter to N. P. Willis which is one of the strongest defenses ever written against Griswold's slanders.
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot (1815-1857): Editor, critic, author; licensed to preach by the Baptist Church in 1837, but never held a regular pastorate; assistant editor of Graham's 1842-1843, succeeding Poe; wrote obituary of Poe signed “Ludwig,” in the New York Daily Tribune, October 9, 1849; named Poe's literary executor by Mrs. Clemm and Stella Lewis; edited first edition of Poe's works in 1850-1856.
Hewitt, John Hill (1801-1890): Of Baltimore; journalist, poet, editor; won poetry competition, under assumed name, over Poe in Saturday Visiter, 1833. Hewitt, Mary Elizabeth Moore: Poetess, member of the New York literati; Poe reviewed her verses favorably; she told the story of Poe's saying his marriage to Mrs. Whitman would never take place; married first to James L. Hewitt, brother of John Hill Hewitt, later to a Mr. Stebbins. [page 248:]
Heywood, Sarah H.: Annie Richmond's younger sister who lived in nearby Westford, Mass., but spent much time in the Richmonds’ Lowell home; later married Charles P. Trumbull.
Hopkins, John H. (1820-1891): Of New York; a divinity student when he met Poe through Marie Louise Shew; detested Poe's pantheistic ideas, as expressed in Eureka; was afraid Poe's ideas would be morally and socially dangerous for Mrs. Houghton; became a bishop.
Houghton, Dora: Daughter of Marie Louise Shew Houghton who assisted her mother with the correspondence to Ingram.
Houghton, Mrs. Marie Louise Shew (d. September 3, 1877): Of New York City; daughter and granddaughter of well-known physicians; married Dr. Joel Shew; was divorced from him when Mary Gove Nichols introduced her into the Poe household during Virginia's last sickness in 1847; Poe wrote several poems to her; proved to be a valuable if somewhat confusing correspondent of Ingram's; sent him many Poe items of inestimable value. Houghton, the Reverend Roland Stebbins (d. March 23, 1876): Married Marie Louise Shew in 1850; they were estranged when she corresponded with Ingram in 1875, but some communication existed between them.
Kennedy, John Pendleton (1795-1870): Of Baltimore; biographer, novelist, eminent lawyer, Secretary of Navy in President Fillmore's cabinet; helped Poe materially.
Latrobe, John Hazelhurst Boneval (1803-1891): Lawyer, inventor; one of the three judges of the Saturday Visiter contest for prose and poetry in which Poe won the prize for prose in 1833.
Lewis, Mrs. Sarah Anna Blanche Robinson (1824-1880): Also known as “Estelle Anna,” “Stella Anna,” and “Stella”; a minor literary figure; wife, until they were divorced in 1858, of Sylvanus D. Lewis, a Brooklyn lawyer; furnished both money and hospitality to Mrs. Clemm and Poe after 1847, principally for Poe's favorable reviews of her pedestrian verses. Ingram met her after she moved to London and succeeded in obtaining from her by gift and legacy very important items to add to Poe biography.
Lewis, Sylvanus D.: Of Brooklyn; husband of “Stella”; lawyer who helped Mrs. Clemm fight Rosalie Poe's claim for Poe's estate; succeeded in getting Neilson Poe to ship Poe's trunk from Baltimore to Mrs. Clemm in Lowell. Locke, Mrs. Jane Ermina Starkweather (d. ca. 1859): A minor poetess of Lowell, Mass., in whose home Poe was a guest until his lecture, where he met and promptly moved into the house of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Richmond; probably Poe's bitterest, most relentless enemy thereafter; cousin by marriage of Mrs. Frances S. Osgood.
Loud, Margaret St. Leon: Minor poetess of Philadelphia whose husband hired Poe for $100 to edit her poems; Poe died before he could reach Philadelphia to do the job.
Lynch, Anne C.: See Botta, Mrs. [page 249:]
McIntosh, Maria J.: Of Providence, R.I.; friend of Sarah Helen Whitman; Poe presented a copy of Eureka to Miss McIntosh just after its publication in 1848.
Mahan, Milo (1819-1870): Of Suffolk, Va.; priest, Church of Holy Communion (Episcopal), New York City, 1846-1847.
Mr. G.: See Gill, William F. Mr. H.: See Hopkins, John H. Mr. R.: See Richmond, Charles B. Mrs. S.: See Houghton, Marie Louise Shew Mrs. W.: See Whitman, Sarah Helen
Morison, N. H.: Official at the Peabody Institute, Baltimore; friend of Neilson Poe's; copied several letters from Mrs. Clemm to Neilson Poe for Ingram. Morris, George Pope (1802-1864): Journalist and minor poet; known as “General” Morris; coeditor, with N. P. Willis, of the New York Mirror and Home Journal; remembered for his sentimental and popular verse, “Woodman, Spare that Tree.”
Mott, Valentine (1785-1865): Of New York; noted surgeon, pioneer in vein surgery; confirmed Mrs. Houghton's diagnosis that Poe suffered from a brain lesion.
Muddie: Marie Poe Clemm, Poe's aunt and mother-in-law.
Mulenberg, William Augustus (1796-1877): Rector of Church of the Holy Communion, New York City, in 1846; Poe attended services at least once with Mrs. Shew and a friend and spoke well of the minister.
Neal, John (1793-1876): Of Portland, Maine; novelist, editor of the Yankee; wrote encouraging review of Poe's early verses; Poe dedicated Tamerlane to him in 1827.
Nichols, Mary Sargeant Neal Gove (1810-1884): Of New York and London; author, reformer, water-cure physician; knew and visited the Poes at Fordham in 1847; introduced Marie Louise Shew into the Poe household just before Virginia Poe's death; in London, helped Ingram locate Marie Louise Shew Houghton in America.
Osgood, Frances Sargent Locke (1811-1850): Of Massachusetts and New York; lively, popular member of the New York literati; Poe admired and praised her and her verses extravagantly in print; Griswold wrote her obituary and quoted her last poem “Israfel” in it, but changing the masculine pronouns to feminine, since he admired her too, and was jealous of Poe's interest in her and her interest in Poe.
Osgood, Samuel Stillman (1808-1885): Artist; married Frances Sargent Locke; painted portrait of Poe about 1845, which now belongs to the New York Historical Society.
Ostrom, John Ward, ed. The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe. 2 vols.; Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1948.
Pabodie, William J.: (d. 1870): Close friend of Sarah Helen Whitman in [page 250:] Providence; Poe's host on occasions; did not wish Mrs. Whitman to marry Poe; wrote letters to the editor of the New York Tribune in June, 1852, in defense of Poe and challenging Griswold's statements about Poe.
Poe, Amelia Fitzgerald (1832-1913): Of Baltimore; cousin of Edgar Poe; daughter of judge Neilson Poe; Ingram's “spy” on the Poe scholarship of J. H. Whitty, Killis Campbell, and Eugene Didier; sent fifty-five letters to Ingram in addition to family records and materials for his biography.
Poe, Josephine Emily (b. 1808): Of Baltimore; daughter of William and Harriet Clemm; Maria Poe Clemm's stepdaughter; wife of Neilson Poe.
Poe, Neilson (b. 1809): Of Baltimore; cousin of Edgar Poe; paid for Poe's burial in Westminster Churchyard in 1849; lawyer, later became judge; “Neilson” was pronounced “Nelson” in Virginia, as well as Maryland.
Poe, Nelson: See Poe, Neilson.
Powell, George W.: A Baltimore minister who delivered lectures on Poe's works to raise funds for Rosalie Poe.
Quinn, Arthur Hobson: Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1941.
Redfield, Justus Starr (1810-1888): Publisher, diplomat; published Griswold's four-volume edition of Poe's works between 1850 and 1856.
Richmond, Charles B. (d. 1873): Well-to-do paper manufacturer in Lowell, Mass.; husband of Nancy Locke Heywood, Poe's “Annie.”
Richmond, Nancy Locke Heywood (1820-1898): Wife of Charles B. Richmond; probably Poe's greatest love; changed her name legally to “Annie,” after her husband's death in 1873, because Poe had written one of his most celebrated poems to her under that name; copied for Ingram all of the letters Poe addressed to her, the only copies she ever made for anyone.
Robins, Sallie E.: Of Putnam, Ohio; a young Poe enthusiast who wrote articles and signed them “S. E. R.,” obviously to disguise her sex; planned complete vindication of Poe's name and invited Mrs. Clemm to accompany her to Europe and then live as a permanent guest in her Ohio home to help her with the vindication; these plans were not carried out because shortly after Mrs. Clemm's arrival in Ohio in the early 1860s, Miss Robins was taken, hopelessly mad, to an asylum.
Rouse, William: Friend of Annie Richmond to whom she gave as a souvenir Poe's letter to William E. Burton, dated June 1, 1840, which proved that Poe wrote “The Journal of Julius Rodman”; Rouse made a perfect copy of this letter for Ingram in May 1877, allowing Ingram to score an important “find” in Poe's writings.
Royster, Sarah Elmira Shelton (d. 1888): Poe's boyhood sweetheart in Richmond; Poe proposed marriage to her in 1849, when she was a fairly wealthy widow.
Sarah: See Heywood, Sarah H.
Scharf, John Thomas (1843-1898): Historian; chronicler of Baltimore City.
S.E.R.: Pseudonym of Sallie E. Robins. [page 251:]
Shelton, Mrs.: See Royster, Sarah Elmira. Shew, Mrs.: See Houghton, Marie Louise. Snodgrass, Joseph Evans, Dr.: Editor, with Nathan C. Brooks, of the American Museum of Science, Literature and the Arts, in Baltimore; Poe contributed “Ligeia, “ among other stories and articles; Joseph Walker called on Dr. Snodgrass to help when he found Poe dying in Baltimore.
Stanard, Jane Stith Craig (d. 1824): Mother of Poe's boyhood friend in Richmond, Robert Stanard; reported inspiration of Poe's great lyric poem, “To Helen.”
“Stannard, Mrs.”: See Stanard, Jane Stith Craig.
Star, Mary Jenning (d. 1887): Of Baltimore; perhaps the object of Poe's early admiration; see August Van Cleef's article, “Poe's Mary,” in Harper's Magazine, LXXV11 (March, 1889), 634-40, for a highly imaginative account of this romance.
Starr, Mary: See Star, Mary Jenning.
Stoddard, Richard Henry (1825-1903): Poet, editor, biographer; author of hostile biographical article, “Edgar Allan Poe,” in Harper's Magazine, September, 1872.
Tabb, John Banister (1845-1909): As a seminarian, attended unveiling of Poe's monument in Baltimore in 1875; became Roman Catholic priest; wrote many poems in defense of Poe and attacking Poe's defamers.
Thompson, John Reuben (1823-1873): Lawyer, editor; owner of the Southern Literary Messenger, 1847-1853, and editor from 1853 to 1860; unreliable witness and reporter of Poe's actions.
Valentine, Edward Virginius (1838-1930): Richmond sculptor; friend of the second Mrs. John Allan; loyal ally and correspondent of Ingram's for thirty-five years.
Weiss, Mrs. John: See Weiss, Susan Archer Talley.
Weiss, Susan Archer Talley: Of Richmond; published a long and valuable article of her memories of Poe in Scribner's Monthly, March, 1878, pp. 707-716; later grew more loquacious and less dependable in her many accounts of her meetings with Poe.
White, Thomas Willis (1788-1843): Printer, publisher, founder and sometimes editor of the Southern Literary Messenger in 1834; gave Poe a job on the magazine in 1835; Poe became editor in December, 1835.
Whitman, Sarah Helen Power (1803-1878): Of Providence, R.I.; author, poetess, spiritualist; fiancee to Poe after Virginia Poe died; sent Ingram her recollections, newsclippings, copies of portions of her letters from Poe, copies of daguerreotypes of Poe; Ingram hailed her as his “Providence,” and she was that, in many ways, in helping him build Poe biography.
Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806-1867): Journalist, poet, editor; friend of Poe as well as his employer briefly.
Woodberry, George E.: The Life of Edgar Allan Poe. 2 vols.; Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1909.
[S:0 - JCMBPB, 1977] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - Building Poe Biography (J. C. Miller) (Appendix)