Text: Richard Beale Davis, “Acknowledgments,” Chivers' Life of Poe 1952, p. 5


[page 5, unnumbered:]



IN PREPARING for publication the manuscript of Chivers’ Life of Poe and in gathering the material of the explanatory notes I am indebted to the following: Mr. Herbert C. Schulz and Miss Phyllis Rigney of the Manuscript Division of the Henry E. Huntington Library; Mr. Clarence S. Brigham of the American Antiquarian Society; Mr. Carleton Sprague Smith of the Music Division of the New York Public Library; Mrs. Margaret M. Mott of the Music Division of the Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, New York; Mrs. James E. Powers and Miss Clara Nell Hargrove of the Washington Memorial Library, Macon, Georgia; Mr. Zoltan Haraszti of the Rare Book Division of the Boston Public Library; Miss Eleanor Goehring and the staff of the Reference Division of the University of Tennessee Library; Miss Dorothy C. Barck and the reference staff of the New York Historical Society; Professor A. E. Raubitschek of Princeton University; Professor Kenneth Jackson of the University of Edinburgh; Professor Albert Rapp of the University of Tennessee; Miss Constance M. Winchell of the Reference Division of the Columbia University Library; and Miss Pauline E. Cone and Mrs. Catherine J. Pierce of the Duke University Library. Also I am indebted for secretarial assistance to the English Department of the University of Tennessee, through its chairman, Professor John C. Hodges.

Above all I acknowledge with gratitude the permission to publish these manuscripts granted by the Henry E. Huntington Library through Mr. Leslie E. Bliss, Librarian.







[S:0 - TCH52, 1952] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Articles - Chivers' Life of Poe (R. B. Davis) (Acknowledgments)