Text: G. Richard Thompson, “Acknowledgments,” Poe Newsletter­, April 1968, vol. I, No. 1, 1:16


[page 16, column 2:]


Aside from a general statement of thanks to the contributors and to the members of the editorial board, it is in order here to acknowledge those who have been of special help in the establishment of the Poe Newsletter: the thirty-odd scholarly and literary journals which generously reprinted in full or in part our initial announcement; Henry Grosshans and Catherine Matthews of WSU Press; the English Department of Washington State University, and especially Robert C. McLean for his active support of the Poe project; Mrs. Jean Holmes, who spent much of one summer typing Poe materials; Mrs. Kathleen Johnson, for the long hours she has spent on what was often the most tedious work, and for her unfailing willingness to undertake such work, even at the last minute; Milton C. Petersen, for continuing faith in the venture, for mature and practical judgment, for sound criticism and painstaking editorial labors, and for a high standard of scholarly integrity.

Finally, it gives me great pleasure to acknowledge publicly the man most responsible for the Poe Newsletter’s actually coming into existence, Emmett L. Avery, retiring Chairman of the English Department of Washington State University — to whom this first issue is respectfully dedicated.

G. R. T.


Associated Article(s) and Related Material:

  • None.


[S:1 - PSDR, 1968]