Text: C. F. Briggs (?), Literary, Broadway Journal (New York), February 22, 1845, vol. 1, no. 8, p. ??


[page 126, column 1, continued:]

MY OWN STORY; or the Autobiography of a Child. By Mary Howitt. D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway.

This volume completes the series of “Tales for the People and their Children,” written by Mrs. Howitt. It is womanly, gentle, and gossipping; full of little pathetic episodes, and sketches of in-door humble life. Those who have read the other books of the series, will of course read this; and in reading it will hardly fail to derive as much profit and enjoyment as the others have imparted.



This review was specifically rejected as being by Poe by W. D. Hull.


[S:0 - BJ, 1845] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Criticism - Literary (Briggs ?, 1845)