Text: C. F. Briggs (?), Literary, Broadway Journal (New York), March 22, 1845, vol. 1, no. 12, p. ??


[page 184, column 1, continued:]

THE MONTHLY ROSE, No 3, a periodical sustained by the present and former members of the Albany Female Academy.

A very neatly printed little Magazine of 16 pages, of the precise quality that might be expected from its contributors; gentle, romantic and purely written. When the spirit of Romance shall have left every other place in the world, she will still be found in the atmosphere of a Female Academy. The Monthly Rose contains a pretty poem, “The Wail of the Winter Wind,” and a tale, “the Knight Heartless,” from which we give a characteristic passage.

“Hear me! Sir Everard Martinsley! Let the sound of thy horses’ hoofs be never more heard in Larmont Castle! Go, I bid thee, for thou wilt see my face no more!”

Charming days of youth and innocence, when young ladies can find amusement in writing and reading romantic tales about Knights and Castles! How it is managed in the bustling city of Albany with the scream of Steam Engines all the time tearing away at one's ears, we do not comprehend. But every thing is possible with the young and innocent.



This review was specifically rejected as being by Poe by W. D. Hull.


[S:0 - BJ, 1845] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Criticism - Literary (Briggs ?, 1845)