Titles of books by Poe are in capitals and small capitals. Titles of stories, poems, and Articles by Poe are all in italic. Titles of books, stories, poems, etc., by others are all in, italic, the name of the author being given where it does not already occur in the title. The names of newspapers and magazines are also in italic. American newspapers and periodicals are listed under title, not under city of publication.
ABBOT, MR.: astronomer, 413
Abbott, Edward: 717
Abraham, Charles Z.: 688
Adams, Dr., Mayor of Richmond: 100
Adams, John: 121
Adelphi House, New York: 340
Adventures of a Poet, The, by F. W. Thomas: 710
Afloat in the Forest by Captain Mayne Reid: 391
Al Aaraaf: 180, 207, 250, 533, 664; quoted: 141, 209, 210, 335; published: 146, 209-212; attempts to publish: 197-199, 203, 204, 205; reviewed: 207, 209, 211, 259, 284, 439, 719; read to Boston Lyceum: 529
Alburger, Mr., Poe's landlord: 429, 461
Alciphron by Thomas Moore, reviewed by Poe: 382, 407
Alderman, Dr. Edwin A.: 121
Alexander, Charles, printer: 365, 378, 391, 431
Alexander's Weekly Messenger: 347, 361, 383, 409; Poe in: 174
Allan, Frances Keeling (Mrs. John), foster-mother of Poe: 32, 47, 53-56, 61, 64, 83, 86, 107, 118, 152, 153, 187, 273, 303, 362, 478, 595, 611, 664; urges Poe's adoption: 16, 28, 35, 36, 37, 42; takes Poe at death of mother: 18-20, 653, 699; described: 28; receives letter from Eliza Poe: 38, 207, 699; and Poe: 40, 41, 48, 58-60, 70, 115, 136, 147, 161, 219; early influence of, on Poe: 43, 44, 84; illness of: 62, 71, 72, 76, 77, 92, 104, 117, 150, 162, 185, 682; learns of husband's faithlessness: 95; accompanies Poe to University: 120, 122, 148; helps Poe: 112, 160; in will of William Galt: 120, 688; Poe's memory of: 183, 206, 211, 212, 233, 236, 249, 305, 358, 661, 665, 674; death of: 187-189, 214, 238; writes Poe: 580; an orphan: 683
Allan, John, Poe's guardian: x, 24, 44, 70, 81, 120, 181, 222, 223, 274, 291, 292, 308, 362, 582, 611; will of: x, 226, 237, 272, 274, 279, 287-290, 685, 686 — quoted: 691-695 — legality of: 696-698; letter to W. H. L. Poe: 12, 101, 103, 116, 117, 261, 700; house of: 16, 22, 584, 661; meets Poe: 16; regarding adoption of Poe: 16, 20, 31, 39, 42, 699; described: 23, 134, 162, 338; estate of: 27; financial embarrassment of: 28, 82, 96; early attitude towards Poe: 31, 32, 35, 37, 40, 41, 44, 62; sails to Portugal: 31; illegitimate children of: 35, 36, 49, 95, 195, 238, 274, 279, 694, 697; discipline of: 48, 85; to Europe with family: 53-56; in Scotland: 56-58; in England: 58, 64, 70-74, 682, 683; returns to Richmond: 73, 75-77; relations with the Ellises: 76, 77, 86; attitude towards poetry: 84, 207, 208; differences with Poe: 91, 114-117, 119; Poe's attitude towards: 95, 96, 102, 103, 112; inherits William Galt's fortune: 96; new house of: 105, 107, 165; inkstand of: 107, 218; borrowed money from Roysters: 110, 702; social aspirations of: 112, 118, 181; and the University: 130, 131, 140, 220, 701, 712; and Poe's expenses: 132-137, 148, 163, 206, 702; visits Poe at University: 144, 145; hounds Poe: 147, 153-157; and Poe's gambling debts: 148-150; final break with Poe: 156-161, 262; and Poe's discharge from the Army: 181, 182, 183, 184-188, 192; moved by death of wife: 188, 189; sends Poe to West Point: 190, 191, 197, 201, 214, 218, 229; letter to Secretary of War: 196; refuses to finance Al Aaraaf: 199; corresponds with Poe: 205, 297, 309, 326, 483, 703; Poe's last visit to: 210-215, 286-287; proposes to Miss Valentine: 214; becomes engaged to Miss Patterson: 217; second marriage of: 226, 230, 259; and Sergeant Graves: 235, 236; Poe's accusations from West Point: 236-238; affection for Poe: 238; Poe's appeal to, from New York: 245; Poe's appeal to, from Baltimore: 260, 261, 264, 265; Mrs. Clemm's letter to: 264; helps Poe: 265, 266; death of: 266, 273, 287, 303; Poe's last letter to: 279; sickness of: 279, 286; Mary Fowlds’ letter to: 682; elected secretary of Amiable Society Club: 684; in will of William Galt: 687-691
Allan, Louisa Gabriella (second Mrs. John): 162, 280, 287; lying statements about Poe: 193, 194, 235, 685; marriage of: 226; attitude towards Poe: 226, 611; quarrels with Poe: 273, 274; in John Allan's will: 288, 691-695; contests John Allan's will: 288, 289, 290, 695, 698; destroys Poe's and Frances Allan's letters: 303; described: 611
Allan, Mary, John Allan's sister: 32, 57, 59, 60, 72; writes John Allan: 53, 58, 683; Poe lives with: 59, 60; in will of John Allan: 289, 692, 694; in will of William Galt: 690
Allen, Mrs., boarding-house keeper: 256
Alston, Gov. Joseph: 708
Alumni Bulletin, University of Virginia: 123, 126, 417, 430, 548, 575, 583, 590
Ambler, Dr. C. A.: 77; swims with Poe: 51, 52
Ambler, Colonel: 118
Ambler, Dr. Philip St. George: 128, 146, 320, 611
America by Robertson: 130
American, Baltimore: 260, 329, 703
American Antiquarian Society: 706, 708
American Art Association, Inc., the, catalogue of: 10
American Artists Association: 88
American Beacon, Norfolk: 665
American Daily Advertiser: 344
American Language, The, by H. L. Mencken: 536
American Letter Mail Co.: 351
American Literature: 170, 183, 709
American Monthly Magazine: 496; Poe in, 336
American Museum of Literature and the Arts: 355
American Museum of Natural History: xiv, 176
American Notes by Dickens: xiii
AMERICAN PARNASSUS, THE, proposed anthology: 531, 578 (see also Literary America)
American Quarterly Review: 143, 200
American Whig Review: 506, 526; The Raven in: 502-504; Poe in: 589, 596, 637; fails: 640
Amiable Society Club: 684
Anderson, Edwin M.: xiv
Anderson, Mr.: 713
Anderson, Willie: 60
André, Major: 221
Angel of the Odd, The: 485
Annabel Lee: 76, 472, 635, 642, 668, 717; Poe reads: 508, 665; discussed: 559, 560
“Annie” Letters, The: by Ingram: 631
“Annie, ” Poe's: (see Richmond, Mrs.)
Answers to Questions by A. J. Davis: 604
Anthon, Prof. Charles: Poe reviews Cicero of: 327; corresponds with Poe: 330, 332, 335, 339, 476, 477; Poe uses translation of: 339; helps Poe with Harpers: 356, 464, 476, 526; on staff of proposed Stylus: 590
Antigone, reviewed by Poe: 518
Appleton's Journal: 567
Archer, Dr. Robert: 186
Archer, Mrs., quoted: 14
Archer's shoe shop: 304
Arcturus by Mrs. Whitman, quoted: 625
Aristotle: 248
Armsmear, estate of Col. Colt, described: 479
Armstrong, Rev. Mr.: 690
Arnold, Gen. Benedict: 180, 201, 221, 223, 232
Arnold, Elizabeth: (see Poe, Mrs. David)
Arnold, Henry, actor, grandfather of Poe: 4, 680, 681
Arnold, James, great-great-uncle of Poe: 680
Arnold, Mrs. Henry (Elizabeth Smith), grandmother of Poe: 4-6, 14, 680, 681
Arnold, William Henry, great-grandfather of Poe: 680
Arthur, Dr.: 563
Arthur's Magazine: 563
Arthur, T. S., author and editor: 284, 335
Art Journal: 479
Askew, printer: 272
Association of West Point Graduates, the: 247
Astarte by H. B. Hirst: 422
Astor House, New York: 514, 546
Astor, John Jacob: 372
Astor Library: 519
Astoria by Washington Irving: 337, 372, 402
Atkinson's Casket: 383, 385, 387
Atlantic Souvenir: 199, 203, 293, 346
Atlas, Cincinnati: 660
Authors of America, In Prose and Verse, The: 587
Autobiography of Elizabeth Oakes Smith: 258
Autobiography of Joseph Jefferson: 363
Aylett, Patrick Henry: 660
Bailey & Waller, book-sellers: 707
Baileys, the: 432
Baker, Inman, Jr.: 100
Ballads and Other Poems by Longfellow: reviewed by Poe: 426
Balloon Hoax, The: 108, 143, 171, 472; perpetrated: 470
Baltimore, Md.: Poe in: 257, 258-272, 275-286, 290-301, 309, 310, 670-675
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: 671
Baltimore Directory: 209
Baltimore Library: 267, 709, 710
Bank of the United States, the: 246, 254, 331, 402
Barclay, Thomas: 714
Barnaby Rudge by Dickens: reviewed by Poe: 410, 424, 487; Poe uses Raven of: 323, 410, 422, 487, 488
Barney, C. H.: 349
Barnum's Hotel, Baltimore: 270, 285, 384
Barnwell, George: 7
Barrett, Elizabeth Barrett (Mrs. Browning): interest of, in Poe's work: 488, 493, 507, 540; Poe's reviews of: 495, 502; writes Poe: 507, 569, 573
Bathhursts, the: 576
Baudelaire, Charles: 140, 291, 299, 374, 413, 474
Bayard, Mr.: 342
Beacham, Mrs., Poe's cousin: 275
Beachen Tree, The, by F. W. Thomas: 493
Beale, Upton: 128
Beauchamp, Jereboam O.: 720
Bedford Hotel, London: 59
Beite, Mr.: 402
Beleaguered City, The, by Longfellow: 397
Belleville Plantation, estate of the Mayos: 217
Bells, The: 352, 391, 472, 635, 642; inspiration of: 595; revision of: 596, 626; sources of: 596
Bell's Surgery: 706
Bell Tavern, Richmond: 76
Belvedere, estate of Judge Washington: 85
Beltzhoover Hotel, the, Baltimore: 200
Ben Bolt by T. D. English: 366
Benton, Sergeant: 184
Berenice: 294, 295, 299; quoted: 312
Berenice by H. B. Hirst: 423
Bergin, Mrs. Catherine: 432
Bergman, “Conchologist”: 356
Bernards, the: 664
Bianca Visconti by N. P. Willis: 497
Bible: 339
Bijou: 296, 346; Elmira Royster in: 296
Biographia Literaria by Coleridge: 249
Bird, Dr.: 459
Bird in Hand, Richmond: 3
Bisco, John, editor: 510, 511, 517, 520, 521, 531
Biscoes, Mr.: 686
Biscoes & Galt: 686
Black, Dr. James: 690
Black, Mrs.: 690
Blackstone's Commentaries: 706
Blackwell, Miss: 615
Blackwood's Magazine: 106, 368, 419
Blaettermann, Professor: 122, 127, 128, 129, 133, 146
Blainville, H. M. de: 356
Blair, Parson: 79
Blair, Robert: 229
Blake's Hotel, London: 59
Blakey, J. M.: 669
Bleak House by Dickens: 323
Bleakely, Kate: 258
Bleakely, Matthew: 258
Blessington, Lady: 497
Bliss, Elam, publisher: publishes Poe's Poems: 235, 246, 247, 248, 250; Poe works for: 245; entertains Poe: 245
Blow, Mr.: 131
Boal, H. W., Jr.: 203
Bogart, Mrs. C. J.: 603
Bogart, Miss Elizabeth: 542, 543
Boleyn, Anne: 67
Bolling Hall Plantation: 149, 685, 712
Bolling Isand Plantation: 149
Bolling, Thomas: letter of: 685, 686
Bolling, Thomas, Jr.: 664, 714; and Poe: 105, 149, 152, 211; letters of, from University: 712-714
Bolling, Col. William: 685, 712-716
Bolling, Mrs. Wiliam: 712-714
Bolling, William, Jr.: 686
Bolton, R. G.: 567
Bonaparte, Joseph, Count de Survilliers, former King of Spain: 254, 421
Bones in the Desert by Miss Lynch: 541
Boni and Liveright, publishers: 479
Bonnet, Stede: 174
Bonnycastle, Professor: 122, 133
Book, Baltimore: 335
Book Buyer: 567
Booth, J. B.: 459
Boscovitch, scientist: 584
Boston and Charleston Comedians, the Company of: 5, 7, 9
Boston Latin School: 496
Boston Lyceum, the: declines Poe lecture: 461; Poe lectures before: 529, 530
Boston, Mass.: Poe born in: 4, 9; Elizabeth Smith's American debut in: 4; Poe in: 160, 161, 163-167
Boston Public Library: 198
Boswell, James: 363
Botta, Prof. Vincenzo: 541
Boucicault, Dion: 517
Bouvier, John, printer: 54
Boyce, P. M.: 686
Bradshaw's, Baltimore: 671
Bradsher, Dr. Earl L.: 399, 419
Brady, Mathew B.: takes daguerreotype of Poe: 445, 490
Bransby, Rev. “Dr.” John, Poe's English schoolmaster: 64, 68-70, 72, 172
Brennan, Martha: 482, 483-485, 491, 552
Brennan, Patrick: 482
Brennan, Mrs. Patrick: 552; Poe and family spends Summer with: 482-499, 511, 528, 551
Brennan, Thomas: 485
Bridal Ballad: 533
Bride of Abydos, The, by Byron: 608
Briggs, Charles F., editor: and Poe: 498, 502, 505, 509-511, 518, 532; withdraws from Broadway Journal: 521; Poe's attack on, in The Literati: 549
Brisco vs. the Bank of Kentucky: 331
Broadway Journal: 549, 575; Poe in: 372, 423, 463, 485, 529, 545; Poe on: 502-533; secures interest in: 510; failure of: 530-533, 541, 547, 561; final number of: 533, 550
Broadway National House, New York: 341
Brock, H. I.: 720
Brockenbrough, Dr.: 118
Brockenbrough, Mary: 47
Broker of Bogota, The, by Robert T. Conrad: 516
Bronx Society of Arts, Sciences and History, Transactions of the: 567
Brook Farm, The: reviewed by Poe: 532
Brooks, Mrs. Maria: 515
Brooks, Dr. Nathan C., editor: 285, 355, 362, 367, 368; quoted: 161; Poe calls on: 216, 671; corresponds with Poe: 251, 342, 354
Brown, Capt. Thomas: 356
Brown, Charles Brockden: 106, 346
Brown, James H.: 691
Browne, “Pagoda-Arcade”: 365, 369, 404
Browne, W. Hand: 672
Brownings, the: (see Barrett, Elizabeth Barrett)
Bryant, William Cullen: 335, 508, 542, 547
Buckler, Dr.: 297
Bucks County Historical Association, the: 107
Bud, Robert: 393
Bulletin, Philadelphia: 660
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward: (see Lytton, Lord)
Burke, Joseph, actor: 340
Burke, William, schoolmaster: 84, 87, 91, 112
Burke's Academy: (see Burke, William)
Burling, Ebenezer: 160, 684, 700; meets Poe: 47; and Poe: 77-79, 86, 117, 119, 152, 161, 338; death of: 161, 275
Burling, Thomas, printer: 77, 684
Burnett, Bishop: 138
Burney, Frances: 401
Burns, Robert: 57, 60, 106, 269
Burns, William, schoolmaster: 79
Burr, Charles Chauncey: 583, 649, 651
Burton, William Evans, editor: 346, 365, 373, 382, 388, 393, 435, 512, 636; and Poe: 354, 363, 366, 371; corresponds with Poe: 362, 371, 378, 380; described: 363, 364; Poe's quarrel with: 377-380, 415; sells Magazine: 383, 385, 386; as an actor-manager: 383
Burton's Gentleman's Magazine and American Monthly Review: 347; Poe in: 43, 343, 358, 360, 362, 367-373, 382, 385, 386, 387; Poe on: 348, 362-366, 377-380, 460; sold to Graham: 383; becomes Graham's Magazine (q. v.): 383
Burwell, William M.: 123-125, 140
Bushby family, the: names child after Poe: 572
Business Man, The: 411
“Butcher Cats, ” the: 86
Byron, Lord: 23, 71, 81, 106, 141, 142, 159, 173, 224, 350, 400; Poe imitates: 87, 199, 204, 209, 492, 612; ignores “The Tusculum”: 414; quoted: 447, 608
CABELL, DR. ROBERT L. (Bob): 272, 288, 315
Cabell, Judge Robert H.: 80, 87, 118, 272, 693, 695
Cabell, Mrs. Julia Mayo: entertains Poe: 654
Cæsar, Julius: 251
Cairnes, Elizabeth: (see Poe, Mrs. (“General”) David)
Cairnes, the, relatives of Poe: 275
Caleb Williams by William Godwin: 424
Calhoun, John C.: 101, 538, 708
Cambridge Mathematics: 135, 219
Campbell, Major John: 195
Campbell, Prof. Killis: viii, xiv, 60, 62, 107, 155, 164, 506, 532
Carey, Lea & Carey, publishers: 349, 399, 402, 710; Poe submits Poems to: 198-200; Poe corresponds with: 202, 203, 208, 719; Poe calls on: 216, 256; Poe submits Tales to: 285, 292, 293, 308, 317
Carey, Mathew, economist and publisher: 350, 710
Carey, Robert, publisher: 293, 402
Carey & Hart, publishers: 509
Carmine Street, New York: 329-341
Caroline, Queen: 73
Carpenter, C. C., critic: 7
Carpenter, W. H., author and editor: 285, 335
Carr, Mrs.: 713
“Carrier, ” ship: 160
Carrs, the: 124
Carry, Miss: 713
Carter, Mr.: 338
Carter, Armstead: 131
Carter, Dr. John: 299
Carter, Dr. William Gibbon: 654, 659, 668, 670, 673
Carter, Mrs.: 613
Carters, the: 124
Carvill, G. & C., publishers: 221
Cary, John: 128
Case, Secretary: 339
Casket, Philadelphia: 216, 225, 226 (see also Atkinson's Casket and Graham's Casket)
Cask of Amontillado, The: 582
Cataract House, Niagara Falls: 603
Catarina, Poe's cat: 370, 409, 464, 466, 467, 471, 579, 588, 598
Catholic Hymn: 533
Ceddes, Gov. John: 708
Cent: 344
Century Association of New York: xiv, 175, 178
Century Co., publishers: xiv
Century Magazine: 552, 566, 567, 573
“Champion, ” steamboat: 491
Channing, Ellery: 604
Charles Baudelaire, A Study by Arthur Symons: 413, 414, 474
Charleston, S. C.; Elizabeth Arnold acts in: 5, 6; Poe in: 179, 180
Charleston Comedians: 5
Charleston Library Society: 180
Charleston Players: (see Boston and Charleston Comedians)
Charleston Probate Court Records: 180
Charleston Theatre, Charleston: 7
Chapin, H. D.: 592
Chase, Prof. Lewis: 64, 69, 709
Chateaubriand, Viscount de: 596
Chatterton, Thomas: 169, 231, 278
Chatto & Windus, publishers: 667
Chattoria, Mistress: 713
Cheatham, Master: 22
Cherokee Nation vs. the State of Georgia: 198
Chestnut, Mrs. James, Jr.: 611
Chevallee, Mr.: 226
Cheves, Langdon: 708
Child, Lydia Maria: 546
Child of the Sea, The, by Mrs. Lewis: reviewed by Poe, 643, 647
Childs, G. W.: 717
Chimes, The, by Dickens: 596
Chivers, Dr. Thomas Holley, editor: xiii, 585; corresponds with Poe: 373, 435, 467, 486, 493, 519, 539, 567, 573, 575, 663, 668; influences Poe's work: 422, 489; with Poe: 520; Poe appeals to: 531, 532; quoted: 567
Christabel by Coleridge: 71, 490, 636
Christ Church, Baltimore: 704
Christian, Capt. John B.: 99
Chronicle, Louisville: 637
Church Home in Baltimore, Mrs. Clemm in: 717
Cicero by Professor Anthon, reviewed by Poe: 327
“Cid Campeador, ” ship: 180
City Gazette, Charleston: 7, 170, 182, 706, 707, 708
City Gazette and Commercial Daily Advertiser, Charleston: 170
City Hotel, New York: 335
City in the Sea, The (The Doomed City): 76, 234, 249, 533
Clari by J. H. Payne: 341
Clark and Maynard, publishers: 496
Clark, Lewis Gaylord, editor: 520; Poe's attack on in The Literati: 549
Clarke, Isaac: 714
Clarke, James Abbot: 131
Clarke, Joseph W., schoolmaster: 81, 82, 84, 165, 197; Poe's ode to: 92
Clarke, Mrs., Poe's landlady, quoted: 612, 655
Clarke, Thomas C.: 392, 428, 431, 432; backs Stylus: 441-447, 451, 459, 646; Dow's letter to: 444, 451
Clay, C. M.: 606
Cleland, Mrs. Thomas W.: 319
Clemm, Mrs. Catherine: 301
Clemm, Henry: 203, 206, 262, 263, 275, 291, 704
Clemm, Maria Poe (Mrs. William, Jr.), Poe's aunt and mother-in-law: 11, 211, 238, 305, 306, 308, 312, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 339, 341, 353, 361-393, 404, 409, 460, 520, 674, 680, 701-703; and Poe's letters: 116, 547, 561; Poe lives with: 203-207, 211, 215, 234, 247, 256, 257, 258-272, 275-286, 291-301, 703; history of: 262, 408; begs: 263, 264, 286, 383, 429, 461; writes John Allan: 264, 265; legacy of: 301, 321, 384; Poe's appeal to William Poe for: 307; and Poe's marriage to Virginia: viii, 309, 318-320, 457, 704; in Richmond: 310, 313, 314; Poe's appeal to George Poe for: 316; criticized: 322; and Dickens: 323, 425; in Spring Garden Street house: 417, 429-432, 436, 462; finds Poe in New Jersey: 428; and Griswold: 451, 663, 717; unconsciously betrays Poe: 456; sells Poe's library: 464, 468, 469; Poe's letter from New York: 466-468; joins Poe in New York: 471, 477; at Bloomingdale: 483-499, 551; and G. Harrison: 501, 717; and Mrs. Osgood: 514, 525; writes Lowell: 519; borrows money: 544, 545; at Turtle Bay: 552-555; described: 554, 555, 599; at Fordham: 556-561, 568-589, 609, 625, 638-643; and Rosalie Poe: 556, 560, 655; urges Poe's remarriage: 606; and Mrs. Whitman: 616, 627-629; writes Mrs. Richmond: 640, 652; visits Mrs. Lewis: 646-648, 663; sees Poe for last time: 614; Poe's letters from Philadelphia: 649, 650; Poe's letters from Richmond: 651-653, 656, 658, 662, 665, 666; Mrs. Shelton's letter to: 666, 668; writes John Neal: 717; Dr. Moran's letters to: 717
Clemm, William, Sr.: 384
Clemm, Virginia Eliza: 262
Clemm, Virginia Maria: (see Poe, Virginia Maria)
“Cleopatra, ” steamboat: 491
Cleveland, John: 209
Clinton Bradshaw by F. W. Thomas: 373, 381, 706, 710
Cloud, C. F., publisher: 282, 284
Clough, George Augustus: epitaph of: 6
Clough, Hugh: 6
Coale, E. J.: bookstore of: 267
Cobbs, estate of Thomas Bolling: 685
Coleridge, S. T.: 71, 106, 141, 224, 225, 336, 362, 447, 490, 636; Poe's debt to: 248, 323, 336, 407, 501
Coles, Thomas S.: 63
Coliseum, The (from Politian): 266, 278, 281, 292, 533
Collier, Edwin, illegitimate son of John Allan: 35, 36, 49, 63, 64, 95, 287
Collier, Mrs., John Allan's mistress.: 35, 36, 63
Colloquy of Monos and Una, The: 413, 526
Collyer, Mr.: 540
Colt, Colonel: 479
Colton, H. G., editor: 502
Colton's American Review: 624
Columbian Magazine: 345; Poe in: 485, 493, 587; fails: 640
Columbia Spy, Poe in: 478, 495
Columbia University: 482
Columbia University Press: xiv, 399, 419
Columbus, Christopher: 636
Combe, George: 365
Coming of the Mammoth, The, by H. B. Hirst: 365, 366, 422, 518
Commercial Advertiser, New York: 326
Commercial Gazette, Boston: 160
Compensation by Emerson: xii, 374
Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, The, edited by J. H. Whitty: 22, 39, 44, 47, 48, 56, 58, 60, 75, 79, 120, 136, 148, 155, 185, 267, 275, 437, 469, 521, 596, 610, 611, 652, 660, 661, 664, 668, 700
CONCHOLOGIST’S FIRST BOOK, THE, or, A System of Testaceous Malacology: 355-357; causes trouble with Harpers: 477; charges of plagiarism against: 501, 583
Conchologist's Text Book, The, by Capt. T. Brown: 356
Congdon, Mrs. Charles: 542
Congressional Record: 537
Conqueror Worm, The: 189, 460, 533
Conrad, Judge: 393
Constable, publisher: 707
Constellation, Petersburg, Va.: 320
Conversation of Eiros and Charmion, The: 364, 527
Converse, Rev. Amasa, editor: marries Poe and Virginia: 319
Cook, Ann: 720
Cook, Jay: 352
Cooke, Philip Pendleton: 508; corresponds with Poe: 367, 368, 419, 572, 575, 589; writes biography of Poe: 589; Thompson's letter to: 611
Cooke, Dr. William: 69
Cook's Olympic Circus: 383
Cooper, J. Fenimore: vii, 106, 255, 337, 346, 387, 394, 402
Cooper, Priscilla: 396
Cooper, Thomas: 396
Cooth & Sergeant's Tavern, Baltimore: 672
Copyright, conditions in Poe's time: 398-403, 419
Corsair: 497
Cosmogony of the Universe, The: 590; Poe explains: 591
Courier, Charleston: 7, 170, 182
Courier, Newark: 457
Courier and Daily Compiler, Richmond: 326, 684
Court, Major: 72
Court House Tavern, Richmond: 157, 158, 160, 322
Covent Garden Theatre Royal, London: 4, 681
Craig vs. the State of Missouri: 331
Crane, Alexander T., office boy: 511, 513, 523
Crawford, M. C.: 515
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays by Macaulay, reviewed by Poe: 407
Critical Review of Annals of Literature, London: 107
Critics and Criticism: 637
Crocker, Dr.: 627
Cromwell, Oliver: 159
Cromwell, Susan: 571
Crow & Query, book sellers: 707
Crowell and Co., Thomas Y., publishers: xiv
Crump, Edward G.: 133, 148, 155, 163
Cullen's Practice: 706
Cullum, General: 247
Cunningham, Mr.: 226
Curtis, C. C., Poe's roommate in N. Y.: 478
Curtis, Cyrus H. K.: 384
Curtis, George W.: 604
Cushing, Caleb, printer: 529, 530, 706
Cuvier, Georges: 356
Daily Commercial Advertiser, Cincinnati: 708, 710
Daily Evening Post, Cincinnati: 708
Daily Herald, Louisville: 706
Damon, S. Foster: viii, xiv, 604
Dana, Charles: . 606
Dana, Richard Henry: 508
Dandridge, Dabney, John Allan's slave: 160, 273
Daniel, John M., editor: 610; “duel” with Poe: 613-615; reviews The Poetic Principle: 657; and the Richmond Examiner: 660
Dante: 636
Darley, Felix O. C., artist: 370, 390, 393, 431, 442, 453
Darvie, Col. L. B.: 100
Davidsons, the two: 508
Davis, Andrew Jackson, lecturer: influence of, on Poe, 493, 604
Davis, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.: 519
Davis, Samuel: 254
Dawes, Rufus: 212, 285; Poe's article on: 439
Day, Mr.: 603
Dayton, F. E.: 670
Delphian Club (“The Tusculum”): 207, 285, 414, 538
Democratic Review: 501, 526, 527, 611; fails: 640
Dennison, Mrs. William: 690
Denny, Charles: 58
Depot Hotel, Philadelphia: 464, 466
De Quincey, Thomas: 137
De Rerum Natura by Lucretius: 586
Descent into the Maelstrom, A: 281, 398, 407, 526
Desilver, Thomas, and Co., publishers: 269
Devereaux, Mrs.: 268, 269, 271
Devereaux, James, cowhided by Poe: 270
Devereaux, Mary: 383, 431; quoted: 266, 268, 276; Poe's affair with: 267-272; Poe's mad visit to: 427; at Fordham: 579, 580, 589
Devil in the Belfrey, The: 357, 532
Diary of Mrs. James Chestnut, Jr.: 611
Diary of Elizabeth Oakes Smith: 496, 515, 524, 603, 647
Dickens, Charles: xiii, 350, 401, 462, 596; and Mrs. Clemm: 323; and Poe; 357, 410, 424, 425, 492; visits Philadelphia: 419, 423
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, The, reviewed by Poe: 518
Diddling Considered as one of the Exact Sciences: 414, 463
Didier, Henry, lawyer: 7, 204, 259, 700, 702
Didot, Firmin, stereotyping process of: 350
Disraeli, Benjamin: 401, 419, 497
Dixon, George: 37
Dixon, John, Frances Allan's guardian: 684
Dixon, Rosanna: 690
Dodd, Dr. J.: 170
Dollar Newspaper, the: 389, 532, 537; Poe wins prize of: 453; Poe in: 485, 532
Domain of Arnheim, The: 252, 473, 585, 587, 608
Donnal, Captain: 72
Don Quixote by Cervantes: 106, 159, 160, 199
Doomed City, The (see City in the Sea, The)
Doran Co., George H., publishers: 20, 168, 584, 656, 699
Dorr's Rebellion: 402
D’Orsay, County: 497
Dow, J. E.: 389, 490; and Poe in Washington: 443-447, 449, 518; writes T. C. Clarke: 444, 451; Poe writes: 446
Downey, soldier: 213
Drayton, Col. William: 372
Dream, A: 533
Dreamland: 533, 605, 658, 661; quoted: 472
Drew, Mrs. Juliet J.: 160
Drury Lane Theatre, the London: 680
Duane, William: Poe borrows magazines from, 368; Mrs. Clemm sells magazines of: 464; quarrels with Poe: 468
Dubourg, the Misses: Poe attends boarding school of, 61, 63, 64, 70, 413
Dubourg, George: 62
Dufief, author: 130
Dumas, Alexander, the Elder: vii
Duncan Lodge, home of the Mackenzies: 212, 302, 311, 315, 610-613, 652, 654, 659, 668
Dunglison, Professor: 122, 133
Dunlop, Mr.: 72
Dunn, Nathan: 365
Dunning, Mr.: 209
Du Solle, Col. John J.: 462, 487
Dutch Reformed Church: 254
Duyckinck, Evert A., editor and agent: 527; Poe corresponds with: 530, 531, 572, 573, 579, 638
EARL HOUSE, Providence: 628, 629
East and West by F. W. Thomas: 373, 706, 710
Eastern Herald and Gazette of Maine, the: 5
Eaton, Hon. (Major) John H., Secretary of War: 196, 197, 201, 202, 206, 240
Eclipses of the Sun by S. A. Mitchell: 413
Edgar, Mr., actor: 5
Edgar Allan Poe, A Study in Genius, by J. W. Krutch: 631
Edgar Allan Poe while a Student at the University of Virginia, article by T. G. Tucker: 127
Edgar Allan Poe Shrine, the, Richmond: xiv, 105, 111, 305, 668, 685, 712, 720
Edge Hill by J. Heath: 295
Edgeworth, Miss: 400
Edinburgh Review: 106, 368, 419
Edwards, Jonathan: 254
Einstein, Albert: 592
Eldorado: 638, 642; quoted: 605
Eleonora: quoted: 320
Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Frieze Lummis: and Poe, 542, 547, 620, 624; and Poe's letters: 561-563; vindictiveness of: 322, 542, 579, 625, 633, 639
Ellis, Charles, John Allan's partner: x, 16, 24, 27, 31, 37, 44, 55, 59, 63, 64, 73, 76-79, 82, 85, 110, 112, 188, 194, 272, 287, 289, 687, 692, 693; house of: 109; secures introduction to Secretary of War for Poe: 214
Ellis, Mrs. Charles (Margaret): 55, 73
Ellis, Jane: 86
Ellis, Powhatan: 214
Ellis, Col. Thomas H.: 54; quoted: 85, 86, 104, 105, 118, 148; and Poe: 109; maligns Poe: 193, 273, 274
Ellis & Allan: x, 16, 36, 49, 61, 63, 64, 82, 109, 133, 135, 148, 153, 154, 211, 219, 238, 244, 261, 265, 287, 303, 305, 327, 345, 413, 636, 684, 687; described: 23-28; fails: 73; Poe at: 107, 108, 112, 167, 224, 395
Ellis & Allan Correspondence: (see Ellis & Allan Papers)
Ellis & Allan Files: (see Ellis & Allan Papers)
Ellis & Allan Papers, the, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.: x, xiv, 12, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 51, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 82, 92, 97, 103, 104, 107, 110, 133, 147, 160, 162, 188, 272, 280, 684
Elwell, Mrs.: 683
Embury, Mrs. Emma C.: 542, 547; in The Literati: 549
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: xii, 224, 348, 374, 425
Emigrant, The, or Reflections in Descending the Ohio by F. W. Thomas: 710
Emmet, Professor: 122
Endymion by H. B. Hirst: 422
English, Thomas Dunn, editor: 365, 391, 393, 431, 469, 491, 523, 529, 547, 572, 633; quoted: 366, 452, 459, 474, 532, 542, 631; replies to Poe: 563-565, 573; attack on Poe: 530; Poe's attack on, in The Literati: 549, 561, 566; quarrels with Poe: 561, 578, 620; Poe replies to: 565 (see also Reminiscences of Poe)
Enigma, An: 608
Enquirer, Richmond: 18, 661, 683
Erasmus: 141
Eulalie — A Song: 533
Eureka: 189, 225, 528, 572, 588, 593, 642, 651; inspiration of: 473, 474, 571, 584, 589; the writing of: 586; Poe reads: 590, 610; discussed: 591, 618; published: 592, 593, 607, 609
Eveleth, G. W.: corresponds with Poe, 419, 430, 575, 582, 590-592, 638, 640, 646, 659
Evening Mirror: 510, 521, 526; Poe on: 495-498, 502; The Raven in 497, 506
Evening Star, New York: 708
Events in the Life of a Seer by A. J. Davis: 604
Exchange Coffee House: 10
Exchange Hotel, Richmond, Poe lectures in: 613, 657, 667
Examiner, Richmond: 613, 614, 663; review of Poe's lecture in: 657; and Poe: 660, 661
Ezekiel (book of): 339
Fable for Critics by Lowell: on The Raven, 410, 487; Poe reviews: 642
Facts About Poe by Prof. Wilson: 600
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, The: 493, 604; quoted: 539; letters to Poe about: 539
Facts of Poe's Death and Burial, The, by Dr. Snodgrass: 671, 672
Fairchild, F. G.: 478
Fairfield Plantation: 178
Fall of the House of Usher, The: 364, 367, 526; sources of: 179, 357; quoted: 312, 357
Fancher, E. L., Poe's attorney: 566
Farewell to “Ole Bull” by Miss Lynch: 541
Farmer's Cabinet: 339
Farquhar, Martin: 573
Farrar, Professor: 564
Fashion by Mrs. Mowatt: 516; Poe's review of: 516, 517
Fayette Guard: 101
Federal Gazette and Baltimore Advertiser: 205, 259
Federal Street Theatre, Boston: 419, 699
Ferguson, Mr.: 57
Ferguson, John W., printer: 305, 315, 319
Fields, Mr.: 530
Finley, Samuel: 254
Fipps, Mrs.: (see Phillips, Mrs.)
First Artillery, Poe enlists in: 167 et seq.
First Presbyterian Church, Baltimore: Edgar and Henry Poe buried in: 703
First Presbyterian Church, Richmond: 690
Fisher, E. Burke: 361
Fitzgerald, Bishop O. P.: quoted: 661, 667, 671
Flag of Our Union: 638; Poe in: 600, 605, 642
Fletcher, Giles: 110
Florence Vane by P. P. Cooke: 508
Flowerbanks, an estate of the Galts: 35, 57
Fluvanna Plantation: 303
Fonerdon, Miss: 707
Fonerdon, Adam: 707
Forbes, John: 690
Forbes, Mrs. John (Elizabeth): 690
Fordham cottage: 244, 556-609, 615, 616, 628-647, 652, 662, 663, 666; described: 567-569
Fordham Dutch Reformed Church, Virginia Poe buried in graveyard of: 581
Foreign Quarterly Review: 372
Forenoon Line: 254
Fork, The, estate of William Galt: 688
Forrest House, Norfolk: 11
Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, Poe stationed at: 167, 168
Fort Moultrie: (see Sullivan's Island)
Fortress Monroe, Poe in: 182, 184-188, 190, 192, 193, 194
Foster, Mr.: 492
Foster, Jane: 319
Foster, Thomas: 36
Foster, Mrs. William, Poe's landlady: 477
Foster and Satchell: 36
Foulke, Mrs.: 709
Fouqué, De la Motte: 382
Four Beasts in One (The Homo-Camelopard): 323, 532
Fourth Ward Club, Whig “coop”: 672
Fowlds, Allan: 56, 60; writes John Allan: 28, 32, 53, 74, 682; in will of William Galt: 690
Fowlds, Mrs. Allan (Mary), John Allan's sister: 32, 56, 288, 690, 691-695
Fowlds, Frances: 56
Fowlds, Mary, John Allan's niece: letter of, to John Allan, 682 (see also Fowlds, Mrs. Allan)
Francis, St.: 264
Francis, Dr. John Wakefield: 528; in The Literati: 551; treats Poe: 542, 563, 582, 597, 641
Francis, Joseph, tavernkeeper: 483
“Franco, Harry, ” nom de plume of Charles F. Briggs: 502
Frankenstein by Mrs. M. W. G. Shelley: 336
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly: 482
Franklin Lyceum, Providence: Poe lectures before, 628
Frank's Place: 552
Fraunces’ Tavern, New York: 480
Freneau, Peter, poet and editor: 707
Freneau, Philip: 707
Freneau & Paine: 707
Freneau & Williams: 707
Fry, Mr.: 280
Fuller, Mr., of Fuller's Hotel: 443, 447
Fuller, Mr., publisher of the New York Mirror: 565
Fuller, Margaret: 541, 542, 606; and Poe: 546, 561, 639; in The Literati: 549
Fuller's Hotel, Washington: 443, 445, 447
Funeral of Time, The, by H. B. Hirst: 365
Furness, Mr.: 606
GAINES, GEN. E. P.: 193
Gallego, Joseph: 27, 37, 105, 688
Galt, Mr.: 207
Galt, Elizabeth: 689
Galt, Mrs. Elizabeth, of Flowerbanks: 35, 43, 57, 61
Galt, James: 58, 136, 153; and Poe: 59, 60, 69, 75, 84, 185; Poe appeals to: 135; John Allan's executor: 288, 693, 694, 695; in will of William Galt: 687-691
Galt, Sallie: 72
Galt, William: x, 22, 23, 32, 40, 55, 58, 73, 82, 684; will of: 22, 24, 97, 104, 109, 162, 287, 289, 685; death of: 96; will of, quoted: 685-691; comments on: 694
Galt, William, Jr.: 261, 289; in will of William Galt: 687-691; in will of John Allan: 693-695
Garretts, Mr.: 713
Garretts, Mrs.: 713
Garth, John: 690
Gazette, Cincinnati: 710
Gazette, Philadelphia: 326
Gemmel, Robert: 35
Génie du Christianisme by Chateaubriand: 596
George IV: 27
Georgie [[Georgia]], State of, vs. the Cherokee Nation: 198
“Georgiana, ” ship: difficulties of: 24
Gerard, James G.: 540
Gibbon, Major James: 118
Gibson, Mayor of Richmond: 37
Gibson, Cadet T. H., Poe's roommate at West Point: 229
Gil Blas by Le Sage: 106, 135, 159, 199
Gildersleeve, Prof. Basil L.: 178; quoted: 654, 658
Gill, Captain: 160
Gill, William F.: 482, 616, 643, 649, 667; rescues Virginia Poe's corpse: 581
Gillespie, W. W.: 542
Gilliat & Co., John: 63
Gilliat, Thomas: 118
Gilmers, the: 124
Gilpin, Mayor, of Philadelphia: 650
Glenmary, farm of N. P. Willis: 497
Gimbel, Richard: 429
Glenn, W. J.: 660
“Globe, ” steamboat: 491
Godey, Louis A., editor: 347, 349, 393, 395, 431, 481, 508, 550, 564, 574; and Poe: 460, 485; corresponds with Poe: 572, 573
Godey's Lady's Book: 347, 348, 395, 404, 481, 526, 542; Poe in: 143, 285, 343, 347, 463, 472, 481, 541, 547, 566, 576, 644; The Literati in: 548-550, 553, 561, 563, 564, 582
Godwin, William: 424
Gold-Bug, The: xiv, 370, 389, 413, 431, 455, 471, 472, 505, 526; sources of: 171-179, 180; quoted: 172, 173, 175, 177, 178, 179; wins prize: 453, 537; charge of plagiarization against: 454
Goldsmith, Oliver: 82, 107; quoted: 711
Golson, Thomas: 128
Goodrich, S. G., publisher: 496
Gordon, Robert: 691
Gothic romances: 336
Gould, Mrs.: 603
Gould, C. T., registrar: 705
Gove, Mrs. Mary: (see Nichols, Mrs. Mary Gove)
Gowans, William, bookseller: 330, 331, 332, 339, 340
Graham, George Rex, editor: 346, 363, 370, 418, 429, 430, 440, 487, 508, 512, 589, 636, 717; defends Poe: 348, 391, 455; buys Burton's Magazine: 383; and Poe: 385, 423, 431, 451-453; described: 387-395; hospitality of: 392; breaks agreement with Poe: 415, 426; helps Poe: 425, 651; discharges Griswold: 427
Graham, Mrs. George Rex: 390, 393, 431; and Virginia Poe: 391
Graham, J. L.: 178
Graham, William H., publisher: 460
Graham's Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine: 225, 343, 348, 422, 423, 427-429, 431, 433, 441, 452, 453, 456, 526, 640, 711; Poe in: 174, 361, 426, 439, 458, 461, 462, 472, 548, 588, 589, 637, 644; Poe on: 348, 353, 370, 383, 384, 386-398, 407, 409, 410, 435, 495, 645; Lowell's sketch of Poe in: 375, 475, 485, 491, 498, 508; Cooke's article on Poe: 589; founded: 383; The Raven rejected by: 460, 511
Granada by Washington Irving: 355
Grave by Robert Blair: 229
Graves, Sergeant Samuel (Bully): 184, 213, 235, 237
Greeley, Horace: 356, 538, 542, 606; endorses Poe's note: 521, 531, 532; described: 546; letter of, to Griswold: 630
Greeley, Mrs. Horace: 546
Green, Mr., actor-manager: 8
Gregory, Jock: 60
“Grey, Edward S. T.”: 616
Griffis, Dr. W. E.: 433
Griffith, Sergeant: 184
Griswold, Captain H. W.: 170, 195
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot: xiii, 175, 177, 178, 273, 363, 381, 419, 469, 498, 508, 542, 548, 552, 573, 605, 608, 639, 641; and Poe: 4, 368, 393, 398; attacks Poe: 280, 294, 322, 455, 456, 510, 517, 616; obituary notice of Poe by: 386, 431; described: 396, 397, 545, 631; takes Poe's place on Graham's: 418, 426; Poe's comments on: 426, 427, 477; dismissed from Graham's: 427, 440, 451, 460; quoted: 429, 455, 456, 458, 525; corresponds with Poe: 451, 528, 572, 642, 646; rapprochement with Poe: 509; and Mrs. Osgood: 510, 514, 545; Poe Collection of: 517, 547, 559, 709; Greeley's letter to: 630; Mrs. Clemm appeals to: 663; withholds copyright from Mrs. Clemm: 717
Guilles, Mr.: 73
Hale, Mrs. Sarah J.: 348, 393, 468, 481, 655
Halifax Gazette: , 706
Hall, Mrs.: 720
Hall & Moore: 687
Halleck, Fitz-Greene: 335, 508, 542; Poe writes: 394; and Poe: 501, 521, 531, 532; in The Literati: 549
Hammond, Charles, editor: 710
Hampden Sidney College: 690
Handbook of Universal Literature, A, by Miss Lynch: 541
Happiest Day, the Happiest Hour, The: 168, 169
Harlem Railroad: 560, 572, 644
Harnden's Express: 351
Harper, J., publisher: 349
Harper & Brothers, publishers: xiv, 399, 502, 526, 542; refuse to publish Poe: 317, 325, 464, 477; publish A. Gordon Pym: 323, 337-339; Poe's difficulties with: 356, 477
Harper's Family Library: 349
Harper's New Monthly Magazine: 229, 268, 276
Harrison, Gabriel, tobacconist: 463, 519; reminiscences of Poe: 499-501; appeal of Mrs. Clemm to: 717
Harrison, Professor James A.: xiv, 85, 87, 178, 239, 294, 309, 313, 576, 586, 588, 610, 643, 654, 660, 672, 704 (see also Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, The.)
Harrison, Gen. William Henry, President: 381, 382, 389, 396, 435, 708, 710, 711
Harrison, William: 381
Hart, sculptor: 547
Harte, Mr.: 606
Harvard University: 123
Harvey's Works: 706
Haswell, Barrington & Haswell, publishers: 356
Hatch & Dunning, publishers: 209
Haunted Palace, The: 357, 398, 533
Haven, “Old Benny”: 228, 231, 240
Hawks, Dr. Francis Lister, editor: 330, 338, 340, 549, 552
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: 348, 426, 450, 575; corresponds with Poe: 576
Hay, John: 604
Hayne, Paul Hamilton: 327, 539
Hayne, Robert Y.: 708
Haynes, Mr.: 317
Heath, James E., author and editor: 295, 367, 368
He Came Too Late by Miss Bogart: 542
“Helen, ” Poe's: 88-90, 91, 97, 110, 120, 249, 358, 611
Henderson, Cadet: 218
Henkels, Stan V., & Son: 365
Henry B. Hirst: 421
“Henry Eckford, ” steamer: 240, 243
Henry, Patrick: 124
Herald, Boston: 567
Herald, New York: 368, 665, 671
Hermitage, The, estate of the Mayos: 77, 661
Herring, Miss, Poe's cousin: (see Smith, Mrs., and Warden, Mrs. James)
Herring, Henry, Poe's cousin: 207, 275, 673
Herring, Mrs. Henry (Eliza Poe) Poe's aunt: 680; letter to Mrs. Frances Allan: 38, 207, 699
Herrings, the, Poe's cousins: 206, 207, 210, 260, 262, 263, 413, 417
Hewitt, John H.: 281, 284, 285, 292; reviews Al Aaraaf: 212
Hewitt, Mrs. Mary E.: 542, 547, 577, 608, 616, 623, 639
Higginboth, Mrs.: 687
High, William J., artist: 384
Hill, Edwin B.: 720
Hill, James, John Allan's coachman: 120, 144, 148, 701
Hine, Charles, artist: 600
Hirst, Henry Beck: 397, 419, 431, 490, 585; Poe reviews: 365, 518; with Poe: 366, 393, 420-423, 432, 441, 442, 453, 550; and Poe-Duane controversy: 368, 467, 468, 469; accuses Poe of plagiarism: 422; parodies Poe: 455; claims part of The Raven: 489
Historiæ by Tacitus: 131
Historic Homes of Richmond by Miss Mayo: 194
Histoire Ancienne by Rollin: 130
Histoire Particuliere by Voltaire: 130
Histoire Romaine by Rollin: 130
History of American Currency by Sumner: 483
History of England by Macaulay: 419
History of Masonry by I. Thomas: 706
History of Printing, The, by I. Thomas: 706, 709
Hitchcock, Captain: 218
Hoffman, C. F.: 618
Holder, William: 72
Holladay, Albert L.: 127
Holmes, Justice: Poe Collection of: 578
“Holmes, Sherlock”: 324
Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell: 338, 348, 578
Home Journal: 433, 494, 497, 525, 541, 590, 607; Poe in: 587, 589
Home Life of Poe, The, by Mrs. Susan Archer Weiss (Miss Talley): 47, 80, 321, 404, 433, 462, 487, 559, 588, 610; quoted: 654
Homo-Camelopard, The: (see Four Beasts in One)
Hone, book and print-seller: 707
Hoole, William Stanley: 170, 183
Hooper, Sergeant: 184
Hopkins, C. D., comedian, husband of Elizabeth Arnold: 6, 7, 8, 681, 683
Hopkinson, Mr.: 198
Home, R. H.: 495, 532; Poe's reviews of: 462; corresponds with Poe: 463, 488
Horrice Delphini: 713
Horseshoe Robinson by J. P. Kennedy: 282
Houghton, Mrs.: 560
Houghton Mifflin Co., publishers: xiv, 275
Howard, Charles: 318
Howard District Press: 507
Howard, Lieut. J., and Poe: 170, 171, 181, 185, 186, 193, 194, 195
Howard Pinckney by F. W. Thomas: 373, 887
How I Wrote the Raven: 489, 490, 548
Hudson, Mr.: 530
Hughes, Mr.: 76
Hughes, Judge Robert W.: 661, 669
Hughes & Armistead: 76
Humboldt, Alexander von: 592
Hunter, Robert: 146
Hunter, Cynthia: 37
Hunter, Eliza M.: 37
Hygeia House, the, Old Point Comfort: 664
Hymn, The (from Morella): 314
Hyperion by Longfellow, reviewed by Poe: 382
Illustrated Saturday Magazine: 194
Imogene, or the Pirate's Treasure by Miss Sherburne: 566
Imp of the Perverse, The: 428
Independent: 130, 133, 452, 563
Indian Queen Tavern, Richmond: 3, 13, 14
Ingraham, Mr.: 711
Ingram, J. H.: 6, 20, 87, 118, 126, 162, 239, 371, 417, 559, 595, 599, 616, 631, 648, 680; see also: Ingram Papers, the
Ingram Papers, University of Virginia Library: xiv, 13, 47, 79, 126, 140, 162, 567
Ingram, Susan, quoted: 664, 665
Ingrams, the: 664
Inman, Henry, artist: 162, 245, 335
Intelligencer: 710
In Youth Have I Known (Stanzas): 492
Irene: (see Sleeper, The)
Irvine, Scotland: Poe's school in: 11, 59, 64; John Allan a native of: 23; Poe's residence in: 56-60
Irving, Washington: 106, 335, 337, 345, 372, 402, 707, 883; Poe's opinion of: 355; letter of, to Poe: 367; and Poe: 394
Isadore by T. H. Chivers: 489
Isaiah (book of): 339
Island, The, by Byron: 492
Island of the Fay, The: 413
Islets of the Gulf (Jack Tier) by Cooper: 387
Israfel: 247, 249, 323, 413, 533; sources of: 222, 249; writing of: 233; quoted: 233, 249
JACKSON, ANDREW, President: 196, 251; results of his attack on banks: 246, 331; spoils system of: 253
Jacobs & Co., George W., publishers: 343
Jacobs, Sarah S.: 623
James, Henry: 536
Jefferson, Joseph: 363
Jefferson Literary Society, the: 144
Jefferson, Thomas: 98, 109, 224, 374, 479, 708; founds University of Virginia: 121-124, 129; death of: 144
Jennings, Mr.: 710
John, St. (gospel of): 674
John Donkey: 366
John Keats by Amy Lowell: 57
John Street Theatre, the, New York: 5
Johns, A. S.: 704
Johns, Rev. John (Bishop of Virginia): 704
Johnson, Capt.: 182
Johnson, Dr.: 82, 363, 635, 665
Johnson, Edward W.: 318
Johnson & Warner, publishers: 54
Johnston, Mrs.: 693
Johnston, Andrew: 86
Johnston, Frank: 367
Johnston, Mrs. Jane, John Allan's sister: 35, 53, 57, 61, 289, 692-694
Johnston, William Galt: 693, 694
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Archer: xiii
Jones, Berthier: 127
Jones, Justice Samuel: 566
Jones, Timothy Pickering, Poe's roommate at West Point: 232
Jones, William, thief: 296
Journal of Julius Rodman, The: 371, 380
Juvenile Magazine: 344
KEATS, JOHN: 56, 57, 71, 84, 106, 113, 141, 143, 224, 260, 362
Keats, Thomas: 260
Keith, Dr.: 339
Keith, Governor, of Pennsylvania: 344
Kelley, Mr.: 710
Kemble, Fanny: 404
Kennedy, John P.: 280-282, 285, 371, 403, 638; Poe calls on: 282; helps Poe: 285, 295, 395, 420; Poe's tragic letter to: 307; replies to Poe: 308; other Poe letters: 259, 292-294, 301, 317, 320, 339, 521; quoted: 329
Kent, Chancellor: 335
Kenton, Simon: 711
Kepler, Johann: 584
Kerr, Mr.: 32
Kilmarnock, Lord: 60
Kinsolving, Mrs. Sally Bruce: 262, 705
Knickerbocker: 324, 374, 376, 520, 549, 564, 711
Krapp, Professor: 537
[S:1 - HVA34, 1934] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe (H. Allen) (Index A-K)