Poe Plan of Baltimore, Maryland
This “Poe Plan of Baltimore, MD” appears on the inner rear cover of volume 1, where it is printed in dark blue ink (to match the color of the outer covers). Because this electronic reproduction is necessarily somewhat smaller, the list of places identified has been repeated below (with a few of her abbreviations expanded). A grid has also been added, with letters on the top and number to the right, to supplement Miss Phillips’ scheme of identifying locations by number. Imaginary vertical grid lines run directly through the middle of the space between the letters, and horizontal ones run directly through the middle of the space between numbers. In some cases, locations fall very close to these imaginary boundards, and grid assignments are thus necessarily imprecise. The following list is taken from the block in the lower left corner:
1. General David Poe's first three homes and business on Market St. a, b, c. [[G-5, F-4, F-4]]
2. General David Poe's 1776 home: No. 173 W. Baltimore St. [[E-4]]
3. General David Poe's 1807-08 homes: Nos. 17 & 19 Camden St. [[E-5]]
4. General David Poe's 1812 home: Park Lane, now Raborg St. [[C-3]]
5. First Presbyterian Church Burial Ground. + Poe's Grave. [[This should actually be in the South-East corner of Fayette and Greene Streets]] [[D-3]]
6. Mrs. Clemm's 1832-35 home: No. 3 Amity St. [[A-3]]
7. Henry Didiers home and business: 202 W. Baltimore St. [[E-4]]
8. Neilson Poe's 1836-38 home and Chronicle office: No. 66 St. [[E-3]]
9. Neilson Poe's 1840 law office. [[E-3]]
10. William Gwynn's home: St. Paul St. [[E-3]]
11. William Gwynn's Federal Gazette office: St. Paul St. & Bank Lane. [[F-3]]
12. The Tusculum, or Delphian Club: Bank Lane. [[F-3]]
13. Barnum's City Hotel: Calvert St., between Bank Lane & Fayette St. [[F-3]]
14. John P. Kennedy's 1833-37 home, No. 62 N. Charles St. [[E-3]]
15. John H. B. Latrobe's 1833 home. [[E-3]]
16. John H. B. Latrobe's 1833 law office: Mechanics Bank Building. [[F-3]]
17. Edward J. Coale's Book Store: literary resort of Poe and others. [[F-4]]
18. City Assembly Rooms and Library: Holliday & Fayette Sts. [[F-3]]
19. Egyptian Hall of Odd Fellows’ Temple, where Poe lectured Jan. 31st, 1844. [[G-3]]
20. Post Office. [[F-3]]
21. City Hall. [[This is the old City Hall, not the new one constructed about 1878]] [[F-3]]
22. Widow Meagher's Place. [[F-3]]
23. Hatch & Dunning, Publishers, 1829: 205 W. Baltimore St. [[E-4]]
24. Matchett & Woods, Printers, 1829: 204 W. Baltimore St. [[E-4]]
25. Holliday St. Theatre, 1798. [[F-3]]
26. Matthew Bleakley's Armistead Hotel: Swan St. [[G-4]]
27. John P. Kennedy's 1837 home. [[E-1]]
28. Seven Stars Tavern: Water St., near Market Space. [[G-4]]
29. Baltimore Saturday Times office, opposite Barnum's Hotel. [[F-3]]
30. Saturday Morning Visiter office, 1833: No. 1 N. Gay St. [[G-4]]
31. Richmond Boat Landing, 1849: Light St. Wharf. [[F-5]]
32. Dr. N. C. Brooks’ 1849 home: 207 Lexington St. [[D-3]]
33. Bradshaw's Hotel: 107. Pratt St., between Light & Charles Sts. [[F-5]]
34. Phila. & Wilmington R. R. Station opposite [[location 34]]. [[F-5]]
35. Mechanical Fire Engine Co.: 33 S. Calvert St. [[F-4]]
36. Mrs. Clemm's 1831-32 home: Mechanics Row: Wilkes St., near Caroline St. [[I-5]]
37. Exeter & Wilkes Sts.: home, 1831-32, of “Baltimore Mary.” [[I-5]]
38. Henry Herring's 1829 home: Exeter St., near Stiles. [[I-4]]
39. Henry Herring's 1831 home: Asquith St., near Fayette. [[H-3]]
40. Mrs. Mary Simmons‘: Fawn St., East of Exeter. [[H-5]]
41. Phoenix Shot Tower, 234 ft. high, whence Poe was to fly, to the Lighthouse, Apr. 1 hoax. [[H-4]]
42. James Devereaux's 1832 home. [[H-3]]
43. Ryan's Fourth Ward Polls: 44 E. Lombard St. [[H-4]]
44. Vigilant Fire Engine Co.: 35 E. Lombard St. [[H-4]]
45. Trinity Episcopal Church. [[H-5]]
46. Washington College Hospital, later Church Home. [[J-3]]
47. Dr. Snodgrass’ 1849 home: No. 103 N. High St. [[H-3]]
48. First Presbyterian Church, 1791-1860: N. W. Corner North & Fayette Sts. [[F-2]]
Many of these locations have changed greatly, even since 1926. Very few of the original structures are still standing, chiefly Poe's home at No. 203 (now No. 3) Amity Street, the old Church Home and Hospital building, J. H. B. Latrobe's house on Mulberry, and the cemetery where Poe is buried.
In the books, the various Poe Plans are used as flyleaves, so that the middle is folded against the hinge of the cover. To make the scan of the present image, it was necessary to sacrifice the binding of a copy of the set so that the map could be flattened.
[S:0 - EAPTM, 1926] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Articles - E. A. P.: The Man (M. E. Phillips) (Poe Plan of Baltimore)