Text: Edgar Allan Poe, “Tamerlane” (Study Text - ATMP-EH)


Texts Represented:


[page 43, unnumbered:]


Rule: —————

Stanza: 1

Line-01-001 Kind solace in a dying hour! —

Line-01-002 [[indent]] Such, father, is not (now) my theme —

Line-01-003 I will not madly deem that power

Line-01-004 [[indent]] Of Earth may shrive me of the sin

Line-01-005 [[indent]] Unearthly pride hath revell’d in —


Line-01-033 And a proud spirit which hath striven

Line-01-034 [[indent]] Triumphantly with human kind.

Stanza: 4

Line-01-035 On mountain soil I first drew life:

Line-01-036 [[indent]] The mists of the Taglay have shed [page 45:]

Line-01-037 [[indent]] Nightly their dews upon my head,

Line-01-038 And, I believe, the winged strife

Line-01-039 And tumult of the headlong air

Line-01-040 Hath nestl’d in my very hair.

Stanza: 5

Line-01-041 So late from Heaven — that dew — it fell

Line-01-042 [[indent]] (’Mid dreams of an unholy night)

Line-01-043 Upon me — with the touch of Hell,

Line-01-044 [[indent]] While the red flashing of the light

Line-01-045 From clouds that hung, like banners, o’er,

Line-01-046 [[indent]] Appeared to my half-closing eye

Line-01-047 [[indent]] The pageantry of monarchy,

Line-01-048 And the deep trumpet-thunder's roar

Line-01-049 [[indent]] Came hurriedly upon me, telling

Line-01-050 [[indent]] Of human battle, where my voice,

Line-01-051 [[indent]] My own voice, silly child! — was swelling

Line-01-052 [[indent]] (O! how my spirit would rejoice,


Line-01-122 And dimmer nothings which were real —

Line-01-123 [[indent]] (Shadows — and a more shadowy light!)

Line-01-124 Parted upon their misty wings,

Line-01-125 [[indent]] And, so, confusedly, became

Line-01-126 [[indent]] Thine image and — a name — a name!

Line-01-127 Two separate — yet most intimate things.

Stanza: 13

Line-01-128 I was ambitious — have you known

Line-01-129 [[indent]] The passion, father? You have not:

Line-01-130 A cottager, I mark’d a throne

Line-01-131 Of half the world as all my own,

Line-01-132 [[indent]] And murmur’d at such lowly lot —

Line-01-133 But, just like any other dream,

Line-01-134 [[indent]] Upon the vapor of the dew

Line-01-135 My own had past, did not the beam

Line-01-136 [[indent]] Of Beauty which did while it thro’

Line-01-137 The minute — the hour — the day — oppress

Line-01-138 My mind with double loveliness. [page 50:]

Stanza: {{1829-01: 14 }}

Line-01-139 We walk’d together on the crown

Line-01-140 Of a high mountain which look’d down

Line-01-141 Afar from its proud natural towers

Line-01-142 [[indent]] Of rock and forest, on the hills —

Line-01-143 The dwindled hills! begirt with bowers

Line-01-144 [[indent]] And shouting with a thousand rills.

Stanza: {{1829-01: 15 }}

Line-01-145 I spoke to her of power and pride,

Line-01-146 [[indent]] But mystically — in such guise

Line-01-147 That she might deem it nought beside

Line-01-148 [[indent]] The moment's converse; in her eyes

Line-01-149 I read, perhaps too carelessly —

Line-01-150 [[indent]] A mingled feeling with my own —

Line-01-151 The flush on her bright cheek, to me

Line-01-152 [[indent]] Seem’d to become a queenly throne

Line-01-153 Too well that I should let it be

Line-01-154 [[indent]] Light in the wilderness alone.

Stanza: {{1829-01: 16 }}

Line-01-155 I wrapp’d myself in grandeur then,

Line-01-156 [[indent]] And donn’d a visionary crown ——

Line-01-157 [[indent]] Yet it was not that Fantasy

Line-01-158 [[indent]] Had thrown her mantle over me — [page 51:]

Line-01-159 But that, among the rabble — men,

Line-01-160 [[indent]] Lion ambition is chain’d down —

Line-01-161 And crouches to a keeper's hand —

Line-01-162 Not so in deserts where the grand

Line-01-163 The wild — the terrible conspire

Line-01-164 With their own breath to fan his fire.

Stanza: 17

Line-01-165 Look ’round thee now on Samarcand! —

Line-01-166 [[indent]] Is she not queen of Earth? her pride

Line-01-167 Above all cities? in her hand

Line-01-168 [[indent]] Their destinies? in all beside

Line-01-169 Of glory which the world hath known


Line-01-185 And beauty of so wild a birth —

Line-01-186 Farewell! for I have won the Earth!

Stanza: 19

Line-01-187 When Hope, the eagle that tower’d, could see

Line-01-188 [[indent]] No cliff beyond him in the sky,

Line-01-189 His pinions were bent droopingly —

Line-01-190 [[indent]] And homeward turn’d his soften’d eye.

Stanza: {{1829-01: 20 //1845-02: [[marked for stanzas to be merged]] }}

Line-01-191 ’Twas sunset: when the sun will part

Line-01-192 There comes a sullenness of heart

Line-01-193 To him who still would look upon

Line-01-194 The glory of the summer sun.

Line-01-195 That soul will hate the ev’ning mist

Line-01-196 So often lovely, and will list

Line-01-197 To the sound of the coming darkness (known

Line-01-198 To those whose spirits harken) as one

Line-01-199 Who, in a dream of night, would fly

Line-01-200 But cannot from a danger nigh. [page 53:]

Stanza: 21

Line-01-201 What tho’ the moon — the white moon

Line-01-202 Shed all the splendor of her noon,

Line-01-203 Her smile is chilly — and her beam,

Line-01-204 In that time of dreariness, will seem

Line-01-205 (So like you gather in your breath)


Line-01-236 Whose pleasant bowers are yet so riven

Line-01-237 Above with trelliced rays from Heaven

Line-01-238 No mote may shun — no tiniest fly

Line-01-239 The light’ning of his eagle eye —

Line-01-240 How was it that Ambition crept,

Line-01-241 [[indent]] Unseen, amid the revels there,

Line-01-242 Till growing bold, he laughed and leapt

Line-01-243 [[indent]] In the tangles of Love's very hair?



For an explanation of the formatting used in this Study Text, see editorial policies and methods. This format is very much an experiment, particularly for poetry. Since there are only a few change, only the portions affected are given here. For the version with changes applied, see the full poem.

Although only 4 of the stanza number are marked for deletion, and for one of these the stanza itself is marked to be merged with the previous stanza, all of the stanza numbers were ultimately omitted in RAOP, for which these changes were intended. On Line-01-043, a pen mark through the second half of the word “Upon” appear to be an accidental slip of the pen, made by the typesetter in marking the page. (Although it might be interpreted as striking the “on” part of the word, leaving “Up,” no change was made in this line in the text as printed in RAOP. There are several additional marks that do not affect the text, but represent interesting details of typesetting for RAOP. At the top of the poem, the number “74’ is written, indicating the page on which the poem begins in RAOP. Also appearing there is the name “Moran,” presumably the name of the typesetter setting that portion of the text. At the top of page 47 appears the name of another typesetter, “Richard” (also written as “Ric”). In addition, just before the ninth stanza is a line an the number “77,” which is the page on which the line “O! she was worthy of all love!” appears in RAOP. At the top of page 49, the name “Moran” appears again. On page 51, just before stanza 18, another line appears, with the number “80,” indicating that the line “O! human love! thou spirit given,” appears at the top of page 80 in RAOP.


[S:0 - comparative] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Poems - Tamerlane (Study Text - ATMP-EH)