Check List of the Correspondence of Edgar Allan Poe — Part III: 1842-1844


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~~ 1842 ~~

1842 - January 10  (letter text)


R. Bolton (Pontotoc, MS) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Memphis (TN) Commercial Appeal (15 November 1925), part 4, p. 7 (misdated as June); D. Thomas, pp. 309-310. MS unlocated. (RCL41-307; RCL48-354 and CL48-[370c].)

1842 - January 13  (letter text)


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). The Poe Log, pp. 357-358. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-293; RCL48-355 and CL48-[355a].)

1842 - February 3  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Autograph (January-February 1912) 1:42-43; L [1948], 1:191-193; Sotheby's (NY) sale (from Hammond Museum), 28 November 1978, item 90. MS at PP (Gimbel). (Formerly in the collection of T. F. Madigan; and the Hammond Museum, North Salem, NY) SH $17,000 (1978). (LTR48-132 // RCL41-294; RCL48-356.)

1842 - February 14


J. N. McJilton (Baltimore, MD) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA) (with a translation by Esther Wetherweld of "Russian Revenge"). Cited in Poe to J. N. McJilton, 13 March 1842 (RCL-361). (RCL48-357.)

1842 - February 26  (letter text)


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). H [Works], 17:105-106; W [1909], 1:318-321. MS at MB (Griswold). (The letter is often misdated as February 6.) (RCL41-295; RCL48-358 and CL48-[356a].)

1842 - before 6 March (?)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to C. Dickens (Philadelphia, PA) (apparently with a set of TG&Amp;A). Implied in C. Dickens to Poe, 6 March 1842 (RCL-360). (RCL41-296; RCL48-359 and CL48-[358a].)

1842 - March 6  (letter text)


C. Dickens (Philadelphia, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:730; H [Works], 17:107; W [1909], 1:327; Phillips, 1:716-717; Allen, 2:528; Am. Art Assoc. sale, 10 November 1932, item 33; Letters of C. Dickens, ed. Madeline House et al., 11 vols. as of 2000 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965-), 3:106-107; The Poe Log, p. 362. MS at NN. (RCL41-297; RCL48-360.)

1842 - March 13  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. N. McJilton (Baltimore, MD). Parke-Bernet sale (the catalog notes the owner as being McJilton's grandson), 19-20 November 1945, item 422 (quoted); L [1948], 1:194. MS at TxU-Hu. (Formerly in the collection of Wm. H. Koester). SH $550 (1945). (LTR48-133 // RCL48-361.)

1842 - March 13


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Cited in F. W. Thomas to Poe, 21 May 1842 (RCL-364). (RCL41-298; RCL48-362.)

1842 - April (?) Thursday morning  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to E. L. Carey (Philadelphia, PA). Auction cat. (Vrogille), Paris, May 1990. MS unlocated. (Formerly in the collection of Alfred Bovet, in 1887.) (LTR08-133a // RCL08-362a.)

1842 - May 13  (letter text)


D. Bryan (Alexandria, VA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA) (with a poem for Graham's Magazine, "The Crowning of the May Queen"). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-301; RCL48-363.)

1842 - May 21  (letter text)


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:732; H [Works], 17:108-110; W [1909], 1:322-324; Allen, 2:542 (excerpt). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-302; RCL48-364.)

1842 - May 25  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to Publishers of the Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA). (A due bill for $32.85 to Swain, Abell, and Simmons.) Phillips 1:742; Parke-Bernet sale (Jackson), 23 March 1938, item 304; Thirteen Author Collections of the Nineteenth Century, ed. J. C. S. Wilson and D. A. Randall (NY: Scribners, 1950), 1:323. MS unlocated. (Formerly in the collection of C. A. Wilson). SH $40 (1938.) (PN-3 // RCL81-364a.)

1842 - May 25  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:732-733; Bangs sale (Griswold), 11 April 1896, item 101 (excerpt); H [Works], 17:110-111; W [1909], 1:324-326; Phillips, 1:742-743, and 744 (excerpts); Am. Art. Assoc. sale (Burgess), 16-17 December 1929, item 284 (F, of first page); L [1948], 1:197-198. MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of Wm. H. Koester). SH $50 (1896); $3,500 (1929). (LTR48-134 // RCL41-303; RCL48-365.)

1842 - about late May (?)


J. Herron (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Implied by Poe to J. Herron, about early June 1842 (RCL-367). (RCL48-366.)

1842 - [about early June]  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. Herron (Washington, DC). World (NY?) (1 May 1921, incorrectly combined with the last paragraph of CL-376); Quinn, p. 360; L [1948], 1:198-199. MS-fragment at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collections of J. H. Whitty and Wm. H. Koester.) (LTR48-135 // RCL48-367.)

1842 - June 4  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to G. Roberts (Boston, MA). Libbie sale (French), 23 April 1901, item 1306 (several excerpts); H [Works], 17:112-113; Phillips, 1:749-750 (excerpts); Anderson sale (Smith), 14 March 1921, item 331; L [1948], 1:199-200. MS at InU (Lilly). (Formerly in the collections of F. R. Halsey and J. T. Snyder.) SH $250 (1901); $450 (1921). (LTR48-136 // RCL41-304; RCL48-368.)

1842 - June 4  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. E. Snodgrass (Baltimore, MD). Anderson sale (Maier), 22 November 1909, item 1700 (quoted in full); Quinn, pp. 355-357; Americana (July 1940) 34:444-446; L [1948], 1:201-203. MS at NNPM (MA 644-7) (purchased in 1910). SH $480 (1909). (LTR48-137 // RCL41-305; RCL48-369.)

1842 - June 4 (?)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to [T. W. White or M. F. Maury] (Richmond, VA) (as editor of SLM). Bangs sale (Frederickson), 24 May 1897, item 2302, cited. ABC, 1897, p. 509, item 8352, says "Relating to his 'Murders in the Rue Morgue' " and dating it only as 1842. Possibly the same as CL-368. MS unlocated. SH $125 (1897). (RCL41-306 and CL41-341; RCL48-370.)

1842 - before June 7


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to C. Dickens (NY, NY, en route to London, England). Cited in C. Dickens to Poe, 27 November 1842 (RCL-401). (In American Notes [London: Chapman and Hall, 1842], 2:227, Dickens says he left NY for England on 7 June [1842]. In his 27 November [1842] letter to Poe, he refers to "a mission" that Poe entrusted to Dickens before he sailed, probably a request for Dickens to use his considerable influence to secure an English publisher for a new edition of Poe's tales. Cited in D. Thomas, p. 394.) (RCL81-370a.)

1842 - June 11


T. H. Chivers (Middletown, CT) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to T. H. Chivers, 6 July 1842 (RCL-378). (The two other letters cited are CL-250 and CL-351.) (RCL41-309; RCL48-371.)

1842 - [June 15 (?)]


[D. Bryan to Poe. Moved to SP-48.]

1842 - June 18


O. T. Keeler (NY, NY) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to O. T. Keeler, July 18, 1842 (RCL-382a). (RCL08-372a.)

1842 - June 24  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). The Poe Log, p. 371. MS at PP (Gimbel). (LTR08-137a // RCL08-372b.)

1842 - June 27  (letter text)


D. Bryan (Alexandria, VA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-310; RCL48-373.)

1842 - about June 27


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Cited in Poe to F. W. Thomas, 27 August 1842 (RCL-386). (RCL41-[A27]; RCL48-374.)

1842 - before June 30


J. Herron (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA) (with a check for $20). Cited in Poe to J. Herron, 30 June 1842 (RCL-376). (RCL41-[A26]; RCL48-375.)

1842 - June 30  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. Herron (Washington, DC). The Critic (16 April 1892); H (1903) 2:462-464; (1 May 1921, last paragraph, incorrectly combined with CL-367); Phillips, 1:755-756; Quinn, pp. 360-361; L [1948], 1:204. MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collections of J. H. Whitty and Wm. H. Koester.) (LTR48-138 // RCL41-311; RCL487-376.)

1842 - about June 30


Poe (NY, NY) to Mrs. V. Poe (Philadelphia, PA). One or more letters implied in Poe to Mrs. E. R. Tutt, 7 July 1842 (RCL-379). (RCL08-376a.)

1842 - July 6  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to D. Bryan (Alexandria, VA). The Critic (16 April 1892); H (1903) 2:462-464; W [1909], 1:330-334; L [1948], 1:204-207. (The correspondent was misidentified by Allen 2:542 as F. W. Thomas.) MS at Ia-HA. (LTR48-139 // RCL41-313 and CL41-320; RCL48-377, CL48-[382a] and CL48-[384a].) (Formerly in the collection of J. A. Kasson, to whom it was given by a relative of Daniel Bryan about 1862.)

1842 - July 6  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to T. H. Chivers (Middletown, CT). Independent (NY) (25 April 1901) pp. 940-941; Century Magazine (January 1903), 65:439 (excerpts quoted, misdated as June 6); Henkels sale (Nelson), 4-6 May 1903, item 953 (excerpts); H [Works], 17:113-115 (repeating Woodberry's misdating); Chase & Parks, 1:11-14; L [1948], 1:207-209 and L [1966], 2:697-698. MS at ViU (Barrett). SH $85 (1903) (LTR48-140 // RCL41-312; RCL48-378 and CL48-[370a].)

1842 - July 7  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to Mrs. E. R. Tutt (Woodville, VA). Anderson sale (DePuy), 18 January 1922, item 229 (fragment); L [1948], 1:209. MS unlocated. (Tutt was the married name of Miss E. R. Herring.) SH $450 (1922). (LTR48-141 // RCL41-314; RCL48-379.)

1842 - July 11  (letter text)


D. Bryan (Alexandria, VA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-315; RCL48-380.)

1842 - July 12  (letter text)


T. H. Chivers (NY, NY) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). H [Works], 17:115-117; Chase & Parks, 1:14-15. MS at MB (Griswold, item 169). (RCL41-316; RCL48-381.)

1842 - July 18  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. & H. G. Langley (NY, NY). American Literature. (March 1957) 29:80-81; L [1966], 2:698-699; Christie's (NY) sale, 29 May 1998, item 77 (F). MS unlocated. (Formerly in the collection of R. W. Barrett). SH $26,000 (1998) (LTR66-141a // RCL41-317; RCL48-382.)

1842 - July 18  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to O. T. Keeler (NY, NY). Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. sale (Keeler), 7 December 1868, item 754; Anderson sale (Arnold), 19 April 1904, item 689, cited. MS in private collection of "The Eastern Collector." (After the Arnold sale, it was in the collection of Dr. E. W. Lambert, sold in 1983.) SH $3.50 (1868); $23.75 (1904). (LTR08-141b // RCL08-382a.)

1842 - July 26  (letter text)


D. Bryan (Alexandria, VA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). The Poe Log, pp. 375-376. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-318; RCL48-383.)

1842 - July 27 - 1842 - August 3 (?)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to D. Bryan (Alexandria, VA). Implied in D. Bryan to Poe, 4 August 1842 (RCL-385). (RCL41-319; RCL48-384.)

1842 - August 4  (letter text)


D. Bryan (Alexandria, VA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA) (with three issues of the Independent). The Poe Log, p. 376. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-321; RCL48-385.)

1842 - August 27  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Listed for sale by G. H. Richmond (NY, NY) in Literary Collector, vol. 4, no. 2, June 1902, p. ix, for $75 and again in vol. 4, no. 4, August 1902, p. v; New York Herald, 12 April 1908 (cited, publicizing the Perry sale); Boston Evening Transcript, 14 April 1908 (full text, publicizing the Perry sale); Anderson sale (Perry), 21 April 1908, item 383 (in a 1901 copy of Poe's poems); W [1909], 1:335-337; L [1948], 1:209-210. MS at ViU (formerly owned by P. A. Perry, donated to ViU by J. T. Hjorth). SH $125 (1908). (LTR48-142 // RCL41-323; RCL48-386.)

1842 - September 2


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to F. W. Thomas, 12 September 1842 (RCL-388). (RCL41-[A28]; RCL48-387.)

1842 - before September 12


G. G. Foster (NY, NY) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Implied in Poe to F. W. Thomas 12 September 1842 (RCL-388). (At the time, Foster was the editor of the Aurora.) (RCL41-[A29]; RCL08-387a.)

1842 - September 12  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Select Works of EAP, ed. R. H. Stoddard (NY: W. J. Widdleton, 1880; reprinted by A. C. Armstrong), pp. xcvii-xcviii; H [Works], 17:117-118 (excerpts); Stoddard, Recollections, 1903, pp. 152-153 (F); W [1909], 1:352-354; Phillips, 1:757-759 (abridged); L [1948], 1:210-213. MS at NN. (Formerly in the collection of A. Wm. Anthony.) (LTR48-143 // RCL41-324; RCL48-388.)

1842 - September 15


T. H. Chivers (NY, NY) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to T. H. Chivers, 27 September 1842 (RCL-394). (RCL41-325; RCL48-389.)

1842 - September 15


E. Janvier & Wm. W. McNair (Easton, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to E. Janvier & Wm. W. McNair, 27 September 1842 (RCL-395). (RCL48-390.)

1842 - before September 21


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Implied in Poe to F. W. Thomas, [21] September 1842 (RCL-391). (RCL08-390a.)

1842 - September [21]  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:733; Henkels sale, 22 February 1898, item 555; H [Works], 17:118-119; W [1909], 1:337-339; Anderson sale (French), 8 November 1916, item 245; Henkels sale (Goldsmith), 1 July 1920, item 330; Phillips, 1:761 (excerpts); L [1948], 1:213-214. MS at CSmH (HM 21871). SH $27 (1898); $250 (1916); $220 (1920). (LTR48-144 // RCL41-326 and CL41-329; RCL48-391 and CL48-[395a].)

1842 - September 21


J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to J. Tomlin, 5 October 1842 (RCL-396). (RCL48-392.)

1842 - September 26  (letter text)


T. H. Chivers (NY, NY) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). H [Works], 17:119-120; Chase & Parks, 1:16. MS at MB (Griswold, item 170). (RCL41-327; RCL48-393.)

1842 - September 27  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to T. H. Chivers (NY, NY). Century Magazine (January 1903), 65:439-440; Quinn, pp. 367-369; L [1948], 1:214-216; Chase & Parks, 1:16-19. MS at CSmH (HM 24211). (LTR48-145 // RCL41-328; RCL48-394.)

1842 - September 27


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to E. Janvier & Wm. W. McNair (Easton, PA). Cited in American Literature. (November 1941) 13:283, but MS not at Lafayette College as stated by D. K. Jackson. Edgar Janvier (Class of 1843) and William Wyncoop McNair (Class of 1844) appear to have been representatives of the Washington Literary Society of Lafayette College, which is noted on Poe's address list (see Such Friends, p. 38). A fire destroyed many of the early records of the Washington Literary Society, but it seems probable that Janvier and McNair communicated with Poe in regard to an honorary membership. MS unlocated. (RCL48-395.)

1842 - October 3  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to R. Hamilton (NY, NY). HRCL, item 53. Noted in L [1974], p. 521. MS at TxU-Hu. (The MS was given by Bertie Hamilton to Mr. Bruce, 7 December 1892.) (LTR74-145a // RCL74-395a.)

1842 - October 5  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN). Holden's Dollar Magazine (December 1848) 2:718; Heartman & Rede, 2:37; Heartman & Canny [1940], p. 153 (quoted); Heartman & Canny [1943], p. 212; L [1948], 1:216-217. At one time, the correspondent of this letter was thought to be Charles W. Holden, the editor of the magazine, but Joe Bottom, the supposed author of the series in Holden's Dollar Magazine, and therefore the real correspondent, was identified as J. Tomlin by TOM, Notes & Queries, 162:437. (LTR48-146 // RCL41-330 and CL41-[A30]; RCL48-396.)

1842 - November 14


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to F. W. Thomas, 19 November 1842 (RCL-399). (RCL41-331; RCL48-397.)

1842 - November 16  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA). W [1885], pp. 176-177; H [Works], 17:120 (summary); W [1909], 1:344; L [1948], 1:217. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-147 // RCL41-332; RCL48-398.)

1842 - November 19  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:733-734; W [1909], 1:339-342; Anderson sale (Hoe), 24 April 1911, item 2641 (purchased by W. M. Hill); Phillips, 1:774-775 (partial); L [1948], 1:218-219; Princeton University Library Chronicle (February 1949) 10:91-94 (full transcript from the MS); L [1966], 2:699-701. MS at NjP (McCormick) (formerly in the collection of C. H. McCormick, deeded to NjP on February 16, 1948); transcript by C. W. Frederickson (with about 30 minor errors), 30 May 1878 at MB. SH $300 (1911). (LTR48-148 // RCL41-333; RCL48-399.)

1842 - November 19 (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Scribner's Magazine (August 1894) 16:170; H [Works], 17:120-121; W [1909], 1:345-346; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 8 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-334; RCL48-400.)

1842 - September 24  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA). Christie's (NY), June 21, 2013, item 21 (property of a California Lady) (F); Evermore: The Persistence of Poe — the E. A. Poe Collection of S. J. Tane, 2014, pp. 79-80 (F). MS in the collection of Mrs. S. J. Tane. SH $147,750 (est was $40,000-60,000) (2013). (LTR13-148a // (RCL41-335; RCL48-405 and CL48-[400a]; RCL13-400a.)

1842 - November 27  (letter text)


C. Dickens (London, England) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:730; H [Works], 17:124-125; W [1909], 1:328-329; Phillips, 1:735-736 (excerpts); Letters of C. Dickens (see RCL-360) 3:384-385; D. Thomas, pp. 394, 476-477; The Poe Log, pp. 387-388 (partial); Sotheby's (NY) sale (Martin), 30-31 January 1990, item 2227 (F). MS unlocated. (MS not in MB as once stated.) (RCL41-336; RCL48-401.)

1842 - early December (?)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to Editor of Boston Miscellany [H. T. Tuckerman] (Boston, MA) (with MS of "The Tell-Tale Heart," offered for publication). Implied in J. R. Lowell to Poe, 17 December 1842 (RCL-406). (RCL41-[A31]; RCL48-402.)

1842 - December 7  (letter text)


T. H. Chivers (Augusta, GA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (January 1903), 65:440-441; Chase & Parks, 1:19-21. The full date of the letter is given on p. 56 of the Miller-Townsend scrapbook of T. H. Chivers, a collection of letters, news clippings, etc., at ViU. The scrapbook also states that the letter was written soon after the death of Chivers’ daughter. A draft of the letter at CSmH (HM 24226). (RCL41-337; RCL48-403.)

before December 16  (letter text)


Editor of Boston Miscellany [H. T. Tuckerman] (Boston, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to J. R. Lowell, 25 December 1842 (RCL-407). (RCL41-[A32]; RCL48-404.)

1842 - before December 17 (?)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell or Bradbury & Soden (Boston, MA). Implied in J. R. Lowell to Poe, 17 December 1842 (RCL-406). (RCL41-335; RCL48-405 and CL48-[400a].) (This entry has been superceded by RCL-400a.)

1842 - December 17 (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Scribner's Magazine (August 1894) 16:170-171; H [Works], 17:125; W [1909], 1:346-347; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 8 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-338; RCL48-406.)

1842 - [December 25]  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA). W [1885], pp. 177-178; H [Works], 17:126 (summary); W [1909], 1:347-348; L [1948], 1:220. MS at MH-H. SH $230 (1919). (LTR48-149 // RCL41-339; RCL48-407, CL48-406a and CL48-[460b].)

1842 - December 27  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA). Henkels sale (Rodney), 22 October 1919, item 467; Quinn, p. 365; L [1948], 1:221. Although Quinn prints the full letter, he does so with several variations in punctuation, and he incorrectly gives the signature as "Edgar Poe." MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collections of G. Wells and Wm. H. Koester). SH $230 (1919). (LTR48-150 // RCL41-343; RCL48-408.)

1842 - about 1842-1843  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to Mrs. J. Clarke (Richmond, VA). Cited in E. M. Miller, "A Chat about Poe," Courier Journal (Louisville), March 8, 1885. (LTR08-150a // RCL08-408a.)


~~ 1843 ~~

1843 - before January 29 (?)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Implied in F. W. Thomas to Poe, 1 February 1843 (RCL-411). (RCL41-[A33]; RCL48-409.)

1843 - about 30-31 January


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Cited in F. W. Thomas to Poe, 1 February 1843 (RCL 411), with the close quoted. (LTR08-150b // RCL41-342; RCL48-410.)

1843 - February 1  (letter text)


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:734; H [Works], 17:128-129; W [1909], 2:3-4; Phillips, 1:794-795 (partial). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-344; RCL48-411.)

1843 - February 4  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA). W [1885], pp. 178-180; H [Works], 17:130 (summary); W [1909], 1:348-350; L [1948], 1:221-223. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-151 // RCL41-345; RCL48-412.)

1843 - [February 8 (?)]


[F. W. Thomas to Poe. Moved to SP-56]

1843 - before February 16


R. Carter (Boston, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Implied by Poe to R. Carter, 16 February 1843 (RCL-415). Validity depends on CL-415. (RCL48-414.)

1843 - [February 16]  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to R. Carter (Boston, MA) (with MS of "Eulalie"). Libbie sale (Leffingwell), 19 March 1891, item 4516, cited; L [1948], 1:223. TOM suspected the validity of this letter. In his 1981 checklist, Ostrom adopted Mabbott's doubts, and noted that if proved spurious, then it should be deleted, along with CL-414. Such concerns appear to be unfounded, however, and both its newly established history and an examination of the manuscript strongly support the idea that it is authentic. According to H. Stone, who sold the letter to J. K. Lilly in August 1930, the previous owners were J. B. Thatcher and W. H. Lauderdale, the latter collector having consigned the letter to a dealer from whom Stone obtained it (see Randall, 1964, p. 30). J. B. Thatcher probably obtained the letter from W. E. Benjamin, who purchased it from the Leffingwell sale. Thatcher died in 1909. MS at InU. SH $255 (1891); $9,500 (1930) (LTR48-152 // RCL41-720; RCL48-415 and CL48-[830c].)

1843 - about February 15-18


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) (with a letter of introduction for Professor Wyatt, see CL-417). Cited in Poe to F. W. Thomas, 25 February 1843 (RCL-418). (RCL48-416.)

1843 - about February 15-18


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to Professor T. Wyatt (Washington, DC). Cited in Poe to F. W. Thomas, 25 February 1843 (RCL-418). (RCL41-346; RCL48-417 and CL48-[413a].)

1843 - February 25  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:733-734; H [Works], 17:131-133; W [1909], 2:5-8; Phillips, 1:799-801 (excerpts); L [1948], 1:223-225. MS at MB (Griswold). (LTR48-153 // RCL41-347; RCL48-418.)

1843 - March 1  (letter text)


J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). H [Works], 17:133; Phillips, 1:801 (excerpts). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-348; RCL48-419.)

1843 - March 7  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to R. Carter (Boston, MA). L [1948], 1:225-226 [see also L [1966], 2:702] and L [1974], p. 521. MS letter at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of Wm. H. Koester); envelope at PP (Gimbel). (LTR48-153a // RCL48-419a.)

1843 - March 9  (letter text)


Poe (Fuller's Hotel, Washington, DC) to J. K. Townsend (Washington, DC). Phillips 1:803 (from a copy provided by L. M. Thompson, of NY); Anderson sale, 15-16 November 1926, item 395; Charles Hamilton cat., no. 51 (August 5, 1971), item 283; American Transcendental Quarterly, no. 14 (Spring 1972): pt. 2, 89-[92] (F). K. W. Rendell, of Somerville, MA, offered the letter for sale about 1971 at $3500 (see D. Thomas, pp. 527-528); it was also offered to Graphic Antiquity, 6 November 1973. It did sell for $2000. TOM questioned its authenticity, but D. Thomas makes a strong case for its validity: see pp. 523-524, 527-528, 538-539, and 920. L [1948], 1:226-227. MS unlocated. SH $100 (1926); $2000 (1971). (LTR48-154 // RCL41-349; RCL48-420.)

1843 - March 11  (letter text)


Poe (Washington, DC) to T. C. Clarke (Philadelphia, PA). Gill, p. 120 (F); H [Works], 17:134; H (1903) 2:134 (F); W [1909], 2:8-9; Allen, 2:553-554; Am. Art Assoc. sale (Williams), 6 November 1929, item 917 (tipped in the first volume of an 1855 edition of Poe's Works, along with a letter from J. E. Dow to T. C. Clarke, 12 March, 1843, RF-8); L [1948], 1:227-228. MS at NN (Berg). (Formerly in the collection of O. D. Young.) SH $2,600 (1929). (LTR48-155 // RCL41-350; RCL48-421.)

1843 - before March 16


Subscribers for the Stylus (several) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to F. W. Thomas and J. E. Dow, 16 March 1843 (RCL-423). (RCL41-353; RCL48-422.)

1843 - March 16


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas and J. E. Dow (Washington, DC). This is the original draft of CL-424, with minor variations. Quinn & Hart, pp. 17-18 (F). MS at MdBE (Amelia F. Poe). (RCL41-351; RCL48-423.)

1843 - March 16  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to F. W. Thomas and J. E. Dow (Washington, DC). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:735-736; H [Works], 17:134-138; W [1909], 2:11-15; Phillips, 1:806-808 (excerpts); L [1948], 1:228-230. [See CL 423.] MS at MB (Griswold). (LTR48-156 // RCL41-352; RCL48-424.)

1843 - before March 24


T. Mackenzie (Richmond, VA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to T. Mackenzie, 22 April 1843 (RCL-431a). (RCL66-431a; RCL74-424a.)

1843 - March 24  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to P. D. Bernard (Richmond, VA). H [Works], 1:178; Phillips, 1:812 (excerpts); L [1948], 1:230-231. This letter is cited in Poe to T. Mackenzie, 22 April 1843 (RCL-431a), in which Poe notes that Bernard did not reply. MS at Vi. (LTR48-157 // RCL41-354; RCL48-425.)

1843 - March 24  (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Scribner's Magazine (August 1894) 16:171; H [Works], 17:138-139; W [1909], 2:19-20; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 8 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-355; RCL48-426.)

1843 - March 27  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA) (with 2 issues of the Philadelphia Saturday Museum). W [1885], pp. 183-185; H [Works], 1:176 (excerpts) and 17:139-140 (summary); W [1909], 2:20-23; Phillips, 1:813-814 (excerpts); L [1948], 1:231-233. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-158 // RCL41-356; RCL48-427.)

1843 - March 27  (letter text)


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:736; H [Works], 17:140-141; W [1909], 2:17-18; Phillips, 1:812 (excerpts). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-357; RCL48-428.)

1843 - before March 31


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to R. Tyler (Washington, DC). Cited in R. Tyler to Poe, 31 March 1843 (RCL-430). (RCL41-299; RCL48-429 and CL48-[362a].)

1843 - March 31  (letter text)


R. Tyler (Washington, DC) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:732; H [Works], 17:141; W [1909], 1:321 (where it is misdated “1842”). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-300; RCL48-430 and CL48-[362b].)

1843 - April 17 (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Scribner's Magazine (August 1894) 16:171-172; H [Works], 17:142-143; W [1909], 2:23-25; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 8 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-358; RCL48-431.)

1843 - April 22  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to T. G. Mackenzie (Richmond, VA). Catalogue of the Gluck Collection of MSS of the Buffalo-Erie County Library (July 1899); F. Winwar, The Haunted Palace (1959), pp. 240-241 (with minor variations); American Literature. (November 1963) 35:360, L [1966], 2:702-703. MS at NBuBE. (LTR66-158a // RCL66-431b; RCL74-431a.)

1843 - after April 22  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. Mackenzie (Richmond, VA). Henkels sale, 20 November 1935, item 185a; L [1948], 1:233. Ostrom gives Wm. Mackenzie, but The Poe Log (p. 401) establishes both father and son named William dead before 1843. The correspondent is more likely J. Mackenzie. The Poe Log also dates the letter as before March. MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of Wm. H. Koester). SH $92 (1935). (LTR48-159 // RCL48-432.)

1843 - after April 22


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to Miss R. Poe (Richmond, VA). Implied by Poe to J. Mackenzie, after 22 April 1842 (RCL-432). (RCL08-432a.)

1843 - May 8 (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Scribner's Magazine(August 1894) 16:172; H [Works], 17:143-144; W [1909], 2:25-27; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 8 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-359; RCL48-433.)

1843 - before May 15


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to Wm. Poe (Baltimore, MD). Cited in Wm. Poe to Poe, 16 June 1843 (RCL-439). (RCL41-360; RCL48-434 and CL48-[433a].)

1843 - May 15


Wm. Poe (Baltimore, MD) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Wm. Poe to Poe, 16 June 1843 (RCL-439). (RCL41-361; RCL48-435.)

1843 - May 16  (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Scribner's Magazine(August 1894) 16:172-173; H [Works], 17:144-145; W [1909], 2:27-28; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 8 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-362; RCL48-436.)

1843 - early summer


T. H. Chivers (Oaky Grove, GA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Two letters, cited in T. H. Chivers to Poe, 15 June 1844 (RCL-488) and Poe to T. H. Chivers, 10 July 1844 (RCL-491). One of these letters may be T. H. Chivers to Poe, 7 December 1842, CL-403. (RCL41-382; RCL48-437.)

1843 - [June 11]


[Poe to R. W. Griswold. Moved to SP-57.]

1843 - June 16  (letter text)


Wm. Poe (Baltimore, MD) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA) [formerly 15 June]. Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:737; H [Works], 17:145-146; W [1909], 2:31-33; Phillips, 1:818-819 (excerpts). The MS is dated 15 June, 1843, but see The Poe Log, p. 415. New dating noted in CL81-439. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-364; RCL48-439 and CL48-[460a].)

1843 - June 19  (letter text)


R. Carter (Cambridge, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Scribner's Magazine (August 1894) 16:173; H [Works], 17:146-148; W [1909], 2:28-31;; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 10 letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS unlocated (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-365; RCL48-440.)

1843 - before June 20 (?)


Miss R. Poe (Richmond, VA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Implied by Poe to Miss L. D. Henry, 20 June 1843 (RCL-442). Miss Henry wrote to Rosalie Poe on March 26, as cited in Poe's letter in reply. (RCL48-441.)

1843 - June 20  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to Miss L. D. Henry (Red Mill, VA). L [1948], 1:234. MS at ViRP (given by Miss Henry's daughter, F. H. Laighton). (LTR48-160 // RCL41-366; RCL48-442.)

1843 - June 20  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA). H [Works], 17:149 (Poe's correspondent incorrectly identified as J. T. Fields); W [1909], 2:33-34; L [1948], 1:234-235. MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of Wm. H. Koester). (LTR48-161 // RCL41-367; RCL48-443 and CL48-[441a].)

1843 - June 20


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN). Cited in J. Tomlin to Poe, 2 July 1843 (RCL-445). (RCL41-368; RCL48-444.)

1843 - July 2  (letter text)


J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). H [Works], 17:149-151. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-369; RCL48-445.)

1843 - after July 2 (?)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN). Implied in Poe to J. Tomlin, 28 August 1843 (RCL-448). (RCL48-446.)

1843 - August 9  (letter text)


J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-370; RCL48-447.)

1843 - August 26  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to E. Holden (Philadelphia, PA). Charles Hamilton Autographs cat., 23 July 1970, item 268 (F); L [1974], p. 521-522. MS at TxU-Hu. SH $5,250 (1970). (LTR74-161a // RCL74-447a.)

1843 - August 28  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN). W [1885], pp. 190-192; H [Works], 17:151-152 (summary); W [1909], 2:39-42; Allen, 2:569 (excerpt); L [1948], 1:235-237. MS unlocated. (LTR48-162 // RCL41-371; RCL48-448.)

1843 - September 10  (letter text)


J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:736; H [Works], 17:152; W [1909], 2:42; Phillips, 1:840 (excerpts). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-372; RCL48-449.)

1843 - September 13  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Boston, MA). W [1909], 2:44; Phillips, 1:844-845 (partial); L [1948], 1:237-238. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-163 // RCL41-373; RCL48-450.)

1843 - September 15


E. Evans (Philadelphia, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to E. Evans, September 21, 1843 (RCL-450b). (RCL08-450a.)

1843 - September 21  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to E. Evans (Philadelphia, PA). Libbie sale (Root), 22 April 1879, item 362, cited [“POE, (Edgar A.) poet, a. l. s., New York, 18 April, 1 page 8vo; very rare”]; Christie's (NY) sale (Doheny), 2 February 1988, item 879 (F); H. Darvick cat., 5 April 1990; Raynors Historical Collectible Auctions (Burlington, NC), March 30, 2006, item 34; RR Auction (Boston, MA), 28 September 2015, item 8076 (F). MS unlocated. (Formerly at CCamarSJ, but sold at the Doheny auction. It was donated to CCamarSJ by Countess E. Doheny about 1940. SH $14,000 (1988), $25,000-$30,000 (2006); $76,467.50 (2015). (LTR08-163a // RCL08-450b.)

1843 - September 25


T. E. Van Bibber (Avondale, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Bangs sale (Griswold), 11 April 1896, item 113, cited; Anderson sale (Nelson), 16-17 April 1914, item 550. The Bangs cat. describes it as a 2 page ALS asking for advice as to entering upon a literary or educational career in Philadelphia. MS unlocated. (RCL48-451.)

1843 - September 28  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to L. M. Wilkins (Philadelphia, PA). Am. Art Assoc. sale (Gable), 5 November 1923, item 632 (quoted, but omitting the final sentence). MS unlocated. SH $85 (1923). (LTR08-163b // RCL41-374; RCL48-452.)

1843 - late September (?)


R. Carter (Boston, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA) (enclosing $5). Cited in Poe to J. R. Lowell, 19 October 1843 (RCL-457). CL48-455 dates this letter as before October 19, but The Poe Log, p. 437, dates this letter as late September. Carter is presumably replying to Poe's letter to J. R. Lowell, 13 September 1843, CL-450, and Poe to J. R. Lowell, 19 October 1843, suggests some time has passed since Carter's letter. (RCL48-455; RCL08-452a.)

1843 - October 1  (letter text)


A. M. Ide, Jr. (South Attleboro, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). H [Works], 17:153-155. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-375; RCL48-453.)

1843 - October 10  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. B. Morris (Baltimore, MD). Ex Libris (Friends of the Johns Hopkins University Library), 14, no. 2 (May 1955); L [1966], 2:703-704. MS at MdBJ. (According to a manuscript note by Dr. French, the letter was tipped into an 1856 copy of Poe”s poems, with a memoir by J. Hannay. It was presented by J. B. Morris in 1872 to Nancy Howard.) (LTR66-163a; LTR08-163c // RCL66-453a.)

1843 - October 13


J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA) (enclosing $5). Cited in Poe to J. R. Lowell, 19 October 1843. (RCL41-376; RCL48-454.)

1843 - [before October 19]


[R. Carter to Poe. Moved to CL-452a.]

1843 - October 19  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to A. M. Ide, Jr. (South Attleboro, MA). Skinner, Inc. (Boston, MA), 10 November 2001, item 77 (F); RALS (2003), 28:35-39, 36-39 (F). MS in the collection of Mrs. S. J. Tane. (Formerly owned by descendants of Ide.) SH $36,800 (2001). (LTR08-163d // RCL41-377; RCL48-456.)

1843 - October 19  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA). W [1885], pp. 192-194; H [Works], 17:155-156 (summary); W [1909], 2:44-47; L [1948], 1:238-240. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-164 // RCL41-378; RCL48-457.)

1843 - September-October  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to G. R. Graham (Philadelphia, PA). Graham's Magazine (March 1850) 36:224-226; Phillips, 2:1632; Quinn, p. 343; L [1948], 1:272-273. The transcript by Mrs. S. H. Whitman, from the Graham's Magazine article, is at ViU (Ingram, item 71). (LTR48-187; LTR08-164a // RCL41-722; RCL48-512; RCL08-457a.)

1843 - November 2  (letter text)


A. M. Ide, Jr. (South Attleboro, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). H [Works], 17:156-157. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-379; RCL48-458.)

1843 - November 14


J. H. Hedges (Philadelphia, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to J. H. Hedges, 16 November 1843 (RCL-460). (RCL41-[A34]; RCL48-459.)

1843 - November 16  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. H. Hedges (Philadelphia, PA). Henkels sale, 22 February 1907, item 161, cited; Whitty (1917) p. 196; L [1948], 1:240; Christie's (NY) sale, 15 December 1995, item 34; sold by the Gallery of History to L. Shenefeld in September 1998; sold by Mastronet on 8 December 2005. MS unlocated. SH $45 (1907); $12,000 (1995); $15,000 (1998); $15,919 (2005). (LTR48-165 // RCL41-380; RCL48-460.)

1843 - December 29


J. C. Myers, S. Williams, or Wm. Graeff, Jr. (Reading, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to J. C. Myers, S. Williams, or Wm. Graeff, 1 March 1844 (RCL-468). (RCL81-460a.)

December 1843 - January 1844 (?)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA). Implied in J. R. Lowell to Poe, 6 March 1844 (RCL-470). (Heartman & Rede, 3:19, cites a letter of this date as in MH-H, but that is really CL-405.) (RCL41-383; RCL48-461 and CL48-[457a].)


~~ 1844 ~~

1844 - January  (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA) to Poe (?) (Philadelphia, PA). Goodspeed sale cat., no. 237. There is some question as to whether or not this letter is addressed to Poe. MS unlocated. (RCL48-461a.)

1844 - January 13  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. B. Sutherland (Philadelphia, PA). L [1948], 1:240-241. (Sutherland was a naval officer in the Custom House.) MS at PHC. (LTR48-166 // RCL48-462.)

1844 - before January 31 (or early 1846)  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA?) to Mr. Clark(e?) (Philadelphia, PA or Baltimore, MD?). Robert H. Dodd sale cat., no. 27, March 1918; Parke-Bernet sale (Groves), 5-6 April 1943, item 374; L [1948], 1:241. MS-fragment at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of Wm. H. Koester). SH $210 (1943). (LTR48-167 // RCL48-463.)

1844 - [January 31]  (letter text)


Poe (Baltimore, MD) to I. Munroe (Baltimore, MD). L [1948], 1:241-242. Munroe was editor of the Baltimore Patriot. MS unlocated; transcript by J. C. French at MdBJ (French). (According to a note by Dr. French, the manuscript was owned by Mr. C. C. Shriver, and later by Mr. Payne, with no further identification.) (LTR48-168 // RCL48-464.)

1844 - [February 1, Thursday morning, 7 a.m.]  (letter text)


Poe (Baltimore, MD) to J. P. Kennedy (Baltimore, MD). Sotheby's (London) sale, 2-3 June 1924, item 321; L [1948], 1:242 and L [1966], 2:704. MS at ViU (RCLement Dixon Johnston). (LTR48-168a // RCL48-464a.)

1833 - before February 9


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA). Implied by J. R. Lowell to Poe, 6 March 1844 (RCL-470). (RCL08-464b.)

1844 - before February 18 (?)


G. Lippard (Philadelphia, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Implied by Poe to G. Lippard, 18 February 1844 (RCL-466). (RCL48-465.)

1844 - February 18  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to G. Lippard (Philadelphia, PA). G. Lippard, Herbert Tracy (Philadelphia: R. G. Berford, 1844) pp. 167-168; Modern Language Notes, 1917, 32:270 (excerpt); Phillips, 1:854 (excerpts); Heartman & Canny [1940], pp. 93-94 (quoted); L [1948], 1:242-243. (LTR48-169 // RCL41-384; RCL48-466.)

1844 - February 18  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to L. J. Cist (Cincinnati, OH). Christie's (NY) sale, 9 December 1998, item 47 (F). MS in the collection of the "California Collector." SH $16,000 (1998). (LTR08-169a // RCL08-466a.)

1844 - February 23  (letter text)


J. Tomlin (Jackson, TN) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Century Magazine (September 1894), 48:736-737; H [Works], 17:158; W [1909], 2:55-56. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-385; RCL48-467.)

1844 - March 1  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. C. Myers, S. Williams, or Wm. Graeff, Jr. (Reading, PA). Anderson sale (Arnold), 19 April 1904, item 688; Merwin-Clayton sale, 20 November 1905, item 426; Am. Art Assoc. sale (Manierre), 18-19 March 1925, item 569 (F, of first page); Israfel in Berkshire, J. B. Nolan (1948), p. 12, 13 (F); L [1948], 1:244. Poe slightly misspells the third name as Greaff. MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of Wm. H. Koester). SH $40 (688); $34 (1905). (LTR48-170 // RCL41-386; RCL48-468.)

1844 - March 5


S. Williams & W. Graeff, Jr. (Reading, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Cited in Poe to S. Williams & Wm. Graeff, 7 March 1844 (RCL-471). (RCL48-469.)

1844 - March 6  (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Elmwood, Cambridge, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Scribner's Magazine(August 1894) 16:173-174; H [Works], 17:158-160; W [1909], 2:56-59; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 9 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-387; RCL48-470.)

1844 - March 7  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to S. Williams & Wm. Graeff, Jr. (Reading, PA). Phillips 1:858; J. B. Nolan, Israfel in Berkshire (1948), p. 14; L [1948], 1:244-245; Hanzel sale (Joyce), 23 September 1973, item 139; Sotheby's (NY) sale, 13 April 2004, item 191. MS unlocated; transcript by T. F. Madigan at ViU. SH $3,700 (1974); $33,600 (2004). (LTR48-171 // RCL41-388; RCL48-471.)

1844 - after March 7 (?)


S. Williams & Wm. Graeff, Jr. (Reading, PA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Implied in Poe to S. Williams & Wm. Graeff, 7 March 1844 (RCL-471), and by the lecture delivered 13 March. (RCL48-472.)

1844 - March 15  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to C. Mathews (NY, NY). Anderson sale (McKee), 20 February 1905, item 7748; Bixby, pp. 22-23 (F); Phillips, 2:965; Quinn, p. 402; L l:245-246. MS at CSmH (HM 21864). SH $38 (1905). (LTR48-172 // RCL41-390; RCL48-473.)

1844 - after March 15


C. Mathews (NY, NY) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). Implied by Poe to C. Mathews, 15 March 1844 (RCL-473) and Poe to R. H. Horne, late March 1844 (RCL 475). (RCL08-473a.)

1844 - March 22  (letter text)


A. M. Ide, Jr. (South Attleboro, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA). H [Works], 17:162-164. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-391; RCL48-474.)

1844 - late March


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to R. H. Horne (London, England). Cited in R. H. Horne to Poe, 16 April 1844 (RCL-478). (RCL41-392; RCL48-475 and CL48-[473a].)

1844 - March 30  (letter text)


Poe (Philadelphia, PA) to J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA). W [1885], pp. 197-199; H [Works], 17:161-162 (summary); W [1909], 2:60-63; Phillips, 1:862 (excerpts); L [1948], 1:246-248. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-173 // RCL41-393; RCL41-389 and CL41-396; RCL48-476 and CL48-[472a].)

1844 - April 7, Sunday morning, just after breakfast  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to Mrs. M. Clemm (Philadelphia, PA). W [1885], pp. 201-204; H [Works], 17:165-167; W [1909], 2:65-68; Phillips, 2:868-870 (condensed); Allen, 2:582-583; Quinn, pp. 406-407; Quinn & Hart, p. 20 (F); L [1948], 1:251-253. MS at MdBE (Amelia F. Poe). (LTR48-174 // RCL41-394; RCL48-477.)

1844 - April 16  (letter text)


R. H. Horne (London, England) to Poe (Philadelphia; forwarded to NY, before 14 May). Columbia Spy (14 May 1844) (excerpt); Century Magazine (October 1894), 48:857-858; W [1909], 2:50-52. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-395; RCL48-478.)

1844 - April 27  (letter text)


R. H. Horne (London, England) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA; forwarded to NY, NY, 20 May). Century Magazine (October 1894), 48:858; Anderson sale (Forman), 15 March 1920, item 551; H [Works], 17:167-169; W [1909], 2:52-55. The letter, along with Poe's MS for "The Spectacles," was given to H. B. Forman by R. H. Horne. MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-397; RCL48-479.)

1844 - April 30


L. J. Cist (Cincinnati, OH) to Poe (Graham's Office, Philadelphia, PA, forwarded to NY, NY). Cited in Poe to L. J. Cist, 3 June 1844 (RCL-485). (RCL66-479a.)

1844 - May 21  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to N. P. Willis (NY, NY). Stedman & Woodberry [Works, 1903 reprint], 4:154 (facing) (F). Catalogue of the Library of Charles Templeton Crocker (Hillsborough, CA: n.p., 1918), p. 232 (with minor inaccuracies). Sold by John Howell in 1975 to another dealer, M. F. Neville. SH $7,500 (1975); $26,000 (1997). MS unlocated. (LTR08-174a // RCL81-479b.)

1849 - about May 23


J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA) to Poe (Philadelphia, PA) (forwarded to NY). Cited in Poe to J. R. Lowell, 28 May 1844 (RCL-481). (RCL41-398; RCL48-480.)

1844 - May 28  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA). W [1885], pp. 208-209; H [Works], 17:174 (summary); W [1909], 2:69-71; L [1948], 1:253-254. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-175 // RCL41-399; RCL48-481 and CL48-[479b].)

1844 - May 29  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to Mrs. S. J. Hale (Philadelphia, PA). NY Times (Magazine section) 28 January 1917, p. 14 (excerpt); Anderson sale (Hale), 25 January 1917 (excerpts, with several minor errors) item 48; Phillips 2:877; American Literature. (March 1957) 29:82-83; L [1948], 1:254-255 and L [1966], 2:705; House of El Dieff (Jamaica, NY), about 9 August 1955. MS at TxU-Hu (formerly owned by M. A. McDonald about 1920, and bequeathed to his son, R. McDonald; and later in the collection of Wm. H. Koester, purchased through the House of El Dieff). SH $200 (1917). (LTR48-176 // RCL41-400; RCL48-482.)

1844 - May 30


Mrs. S. J. Hale (Philadelphia, PA) to Poe (NY, NY). Cited in Poe to Mrs. S. J. Hale, 31 May 1844 (RCL-484). (RCL41-401; RCL48-483.)

1844 - May 31  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to E. L. Carey (Philadelphia, PA). American Literature. (November 1952) 24:364-365; L [1966], 2:706. MS at PHi. (LTR66-176a // RCL66-483a.)

1844 - May 31  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to Mrs. S. J. Hale (Philadelphia, PA). Anderson sale (Hale), 25 January 1917, item 49 (F as frontispiece); NY Times, 28 January 1917, p. 14; Anderson sale (Clawson), 29 November 1920, item 347 (grouped with other items); Phillips, 2:878; Quinn, pp. 417-418; L [1948], 1:255. MS at CSmH (HM 21875). SH $305 (1917); $910 (1920). (LTR48-177 // RCL41-402; RCL48-484.)

1844 - June 3  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to L. J. Cist (Cincinnati, OH). Henkels sale (J. H. Rogers), 8-10 May 1895, item 289; Anderson sale (Sturges), 16 January 1923, item 215, cited; American Literature. (January 1955) 26:560-561; L [1966], 2:706-707. MS ViU (Barrett). SH $26 (1895); $100 (1923). (LTR66-177a // RCL41-403; RCL48-485.)

1844 - June 3 (?)


Poe (NY, NY) to G. R. Graham (Philadelphia, PA). Implied in Poe to L. J. Cist, 3 June 1844 (RCL-485). (RCL41-404; RCL48-486; RCL66-486.)

1844 - [June 4]  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to E. Bowen (Columbia, PA). NY Times (14 January 1912); J. E. Spannuth, Doings of Gotham (Pottsville, PA: J. E. Spannuth, 1929), p. 55; L [1948], 1:255-256. This letter is an extra note pencilled on the MS of Poe's article, printed in the Columbia Spy (18 June 1844). MS unlocated. (LTR48-178 // RCL41-406; RCL48-487 and CL48-[487b].)

1844 - June 15  (letter text)


T. H. Chivers (Oaky Grove, Washington, GA) to Poe (NY, NY). H [Works], 17:170-173; Chase & Parks, 1:21-25. This letter is dated May 15, but postmarked June 15. MS at MB (Griswold, item 171); MS draft at CSmH (HM 24227). (RCL41-407; RCL48-488 and CL48-[479a].)

1844 - June 27  (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Elmwood, Cambridge, MA) to Poe (NY, NY). Scribner's Magazine(August 1894) 16:174-175; H [Works], 17:180-182; W [1909], 2:87-89; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 9 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-409; RCL48-489.)

1844 - July 2  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA). W [1885], pp. 211-214; H [Works], 17:182-184 (summary); W [1909], 2:90-95; L [1948], 1:256-259. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-179 // RCL41-412; RCL48-490.)

1844 - July 10  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to T. H. Chivers (Oaky Grove, GA). Century Magazine (January 1903), 65:441-442; L [1948], 1:259-260; Chase & Parks, 1:25-27. MS at CSmH (HM 24212). (LTR48-180 // RCL41-413; RCL48-491.)

1844 - August 6  (letter text)


T. H. Chivers (Oaky Grove, GA) to Poe (NY, NY). H [Works], 17:184-186; Chase & Parks, 1:27-32. MS at MB (Griswold, item 172). (RCL41-414; RCL48-492 and CL48-[492a].)

1844 - August 18  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA). W [1885], pp. 215-216; H [Works], 17:186-187 (summary); W [1909], 2:96-98; L [1948], 1:261. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-181 // RCL41-415; RCL48-493.)

1844 - August (?)


Swedenborgians (Philadelphia, PA) to Poe (NY, NY). Cited in Aristidean (October 1845) 1:317. (RCL48-494.)

1844 - September 2  (letter text)


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (NY, NY). Phillips 2:905 (excerpts). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-416; RCL48-495.)

1844 - September 8  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC). Century Magazine (October 1894), 48:863; Bangs sale (Griswold), 11 April 1896, item 102 (excerpt); Libbie sale (French), 2 May 1901, item 1004; H [Works], 17:187-188; W [1909], 2:98-100; Allen, 2:617; L [1948], 1:262-263 and L [1966], 2:708-709. MS unlocated. (Formerly in the collection of O. O. Fisher.) SH $57 (1896); SH $50 (1901). (LTR48-182 // (RCL41-417; RCL48-496.)

1844 - September 24  (letter text)


T. H. Chivers (Oaky Grove, GA) to Poe (NY, NY). H [Works], 17:188-190; Phillips, 2:907 (excerpts); Chase & Parks, 1:32-36. MS at MB (Griswold, item 173). (RCL41-418; RCL48-497.)

1844 - September 27  (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA) to Poe (NY, NY). W [1909], 2:100. MS at NN. (Formerly in the collection of A. Wm. Anthony.) (RCL41-419; RCL48-498.)

1844 - October 10  (letter text)


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (NY, NY). Phillips 2:905-906 (excerpts). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-420; RCL48-499.)

1844 - October 15


Wm. Duane (Philadelphia, PA) to Poe (NY, NY). Cited in Poe to Wm. Duane, 28 October 1844 (RCL-503). (RCL41-421; RCL48-500.)

1844 - before October 24


S. D. Craig (Quogue, NY) to Poe (NY, NY). Implied in Poe to S. D. Craig, 24 October 1844 (RCL-502). (RCL41-422; RCL48-501 and CL48-[500a].)

1844 - October 24  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to S. D. Craig (Quogue, NY). H [Works], 17:190; Phillips, 2:915-916 (excerpts); L [1948], 1:263. MS unlocated; transcript by Mrs. M. Clemm at MB (Griswold). (LTR48-183 // RCL41-423; RCL48-502.)

1844 - October 28  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to Wm. Duane, Jr. (Philadelphia, PA). W [1885], pp. 204-205; Catalogue of the Collection of Autographs Formed by F. J. Dreer, 1893, 2:39, cited; H [Works], 17:191 (summary); W [1909], 2:366; L [1948], 1:263-264. MS at PHi. (LTR48-184 // RCL41-424; RCL48-503.)

1844 - October 28  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to J. R. Lowell (Cambridge, MA). W [1885], pp. 216-218; H [Works], 17:191-192 (summary); W [1909], 2:103-106; L [1948], 1:264-266. MS at MH-H. (LTR48-185 // RCL41-425; RCL48-504 and CL48-[500b].)

1844 - before November 2 [probably - late October]  (letter text)


Poe (NY, NY) to C. Anthon (NY, NY) (draft of a letter, with cancellations and corrections). Century Magazine (October 1894), 48:855-857; Bangs sale (Griswold), 11 April 1896, item 105 (1 sentence quoted); Joline, Meditations, 1902, pp. 161-162 (2 excerpts); H [Works], 17:175-180 (following Century Magazine); W [1909], 2:72-79 (follows the draft, but cites source as from Griswold MSS, perhaps before the collection was given to MB); Anderson sale (Joline), 15 December 1914, item 831; Anderson sale (Robinson), 29 April 1918, item 773; Phillips, 2:879-881 (partial); Quinn, pp. 423-426; L [1948], 1:266-272; L [1948], 1:facing 212 (F of page 5). Woodberry prints as a clean final letter, but probably just applied Poe's corrections. Various sources misdate this letter as June 1844. MS at CSmH (HM 21870). SH $24 (1896); $225 (1914); $300 (1918). (LTR48-186 // RCL41-410; RCL48-505 and CL48-[489a].)

1844 - before November 2


Poe (NY, NY) to C. Anthon (NY, NY). A clean copy of CL-505, established as sent, see C. Anthon to Poe, 2 November 1844 (RCL-507). (RCL41-411; RCL48-506 and CL48-[489b].)

1844 - November 2  (letter text)


C. Anthon (NY) to Poe (NY, NY). H [Works], 17:193; W [1909], 2:80-81; Phillips, 2:881-882; Quinn, p. 427. Century Magazine (October 1894), 48:857; MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-427; RCL48-507.)

1844 - [before November 12 (?)]


[Poe (NY, NY) to N. P. Willis (NY, NY). Moved to CL-689a.]

1844 - [November 12]


[N. P. Willis to Poe. Moved to CL-689b.]

1844 - December 10  (letter text)


F. W. Thomas (Washington, DC) to Poe (NY, NY). MS at MB (Griswold). (RCL41-430; RCL48-510.)

1844 - December 12  (letter text)


J. R. Lowell (Elmwood, Cambridge, MA) to Poe (NY, NY). Scribner's Magazine (August 1894) 16:175-176; H [Works], 17:194-195; W [1909], 2:106-108; Anderson sale (Holden), April 22, 1920, as part of item 1023 (along with 9 other letters from Lowell to Poe, and other material). MS at TxU-Hu (formerly in the collection of E. B. Holden). (RCL41-431; RCL48-511.)



The present Check List is a revision and an expansion of Ostrom's A Check List of Letters to and from Poe (published as No. 4 in the Bibliographical Series sponsored by the Alderman Library of the University of Virginia, 1941) and subsequent editions (1948, 1966, 1974, and 1981). As a result of considerable study and analysis of Poe's correspondence and various other resources, the original list has been essentially eclipsed, and even the revised versions have now been supplanted. (The present Check List was originally developed as a web-based version of Ostrom's 1981 “Revised Check List,” with numerous corrections made by Jeffrey A. Savoye. That corrected and improved Check List was incorporated in the 2008 edition of The Collected Letters of Edgar Allan Poe.) Additional corrections to the present Check List are solicited, and may be provided through the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore.

[S:0 - JAS] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Letters - Check List of Correspondence of Edgar Allan Poe [Part III]