The following list which gives all the words containing hyphens is derived from the sorted words in the main section of this Index. They are here printed in reverse or “flapped back” order, with the very last element in the word given first. The last hyphen has been cancelled and a comma has been inserted by a special computer program, after the last element, here placed alphabetically. Thus:
blood-tinted | becomes | tinted, blood | ||
Bowling-Green | becomes | Green, Bowling | ||
Opium-eater | becomes | eater, Opium | ||
sea-biscuit | becomes | biscuit, sea |
The last element is usually a word, hereby revealed to the student of Poe in its alphabetical place, but not separately given in the Frequency List. In part the reason is that several of Poe's words with hyphens do not yield full words for the final element, as we see in ma-a-an (an, ma-a), moon-hoax-y (y, moon-hoax), cock-a-doodle-doo (doo, cock-a-doodle), x-ed (ed, x), o-wy (wy, O). Clearly Poe uses the hyphen for humorous and rhetorical divisions. He also uses it to link the prefix elements as in re-appeared (appeared, re) and semi-axis (axis, semi) and sometimes to link a suffix, as in Hog-ishly (ishly, Hog) or Carlyle-ism (ism, Carlyle). He also joins an adverb to its governing adjective, as in neatly-folded (folded, neatly) and distantly-observed (observed, distantly). All of these hyphenated words can be checked in the main text of the Index for their location(s) and frequency via the first element, which follows the comma.
abiding, long
able, come-at
abouts, gad
absorbing, all
acquired, lately
Act, Cat
acute, not-over
acute, over
adapted, ill
admeasurement, ill
admeasurement, non
ado, despera-a
Advertisement, Walking
advised, ill
aged, middle
agency, self
agitated, highly
agonies, death
ahead, go
air, mid
aisy, Look
amendment, self
ample, X
an, ma-a
Andrewism, Merry
angel, arch
angels, earth
angle, right
angled, right
animal, land
animal, man
animals, man
ant, lion
aplasm, cat
apparelled, white
appearance, non
appearance, re
appeared, re
appears, re
arms, man-at
arms, yard
arranged, well
asperation, X
aw, he
axis, semi
back, canvass
back, draw
backed, high
backed, hollow
backs, canvas
bag, balloon
bags, carpet
bags, saddle
bail, leg
balance, counter
balanced, self
ball, billiard
ball, snow
ballocn, Nassau
balls, eye
balls, musket
ban, pest
Bank, New
bar, crow
bar, sand
barber, merchant
barbers, merchant
bark, birch
bark, tan
bars, sand
bass, double
bat, man
bath, shower
bats, man
be, would
be, Would
beam, ridge
bear, bug
beast, sea
beaten, weather
beating, brow
bed, death
bedewed, blood
begrimed, paint
being, well
bell, church
bells, hand
bells, sheep
belly, pot
beloved, star
Benith, Succoth
berry, rabbit
bethumbed, much
Bezek, Adoni
bibbing, wine
bill, board
biography, auto
biscuit, sea
black, boot
black, jet
“black, lamp
black, raven
blackened, smoke
blacking, patent”
blacks, boot
blades, paddle
blades, shoulder
Blas, Gil
blasted, thunder
blaster, rock
blende, horn
Bleu, Pas
Bleus, Bas
block, stumbling
blocks, stumbling
blooming, resplendently
blossoming, ever
blossoms, flower
blue, sky
board, chess
board, head
boards, shifting
boat, ferry
boat, jolly
boat, keel
boat, long
boat, sail
boat, sea
boats, life
boats, steam
Rob, Oil-of
bodied, able
body, busy
bodyism, busy
boiler, soap
bolt, ring
bolts, timber
Bon, Bon
Bon's, Bon
bone, chicken
bone, thigh
boned, large
bones, cheek
Bonist, Bon
book, check
book, day
book, memorandum
book, note
book, pocket
Book, Day
Book, Jest
boom, jib
bottle, wine
bottomed, flat
bottomed, leather
bound, elegantly
bound, iron
bound, sable
bound, steel
bowl, punch
bowl, salad
box, phosphorus
box, pill
box, snuff
box, stage
box, watch
box, wine
boxes, air
boy, school
break, day
bred, ill
bred, thorough
breeches, knee
breed, half
breeding, ill
bridle, chain
brilliancy, sea
brows, eye
Brules, Bois
brush, tar
brushes, sweeping
bubble, air
buckingham, silk
buckles, shoe
bud, red
bud, rose
bug, goole
Bug, Cold
builders, ship
built, cottage
built, well
burial, sea
burned, hard
burthened, deeply
bushes, briar
bushes, currant
bushes, filbert
bushes, rose
buttoned, closely
by, by-and
“by, by-the
by, good
bye, by-the
bye, good”
cabin, after
cabin, cuddy
cable, chain
calculation, mis
called, mis
called, so
Cameleopard, Homo
cane, sugar
canopy, fog
cap, fool's
cap, funnel
cap, night
capped, snow
captured, re
capturing, re
care, devil-me
cart, ox
case, book
case, dressing
case, stair
cask, oil
casks, oil
casks, water
castor, pepper
ceasing, never
cellar, salt
cellars, wine
cellent, X
centric, X
chain, chandelier
chains, fore
chains, main
chair, arm
chair, rocking
chairs, arm
chamber, ante
chamber, bed
chamber, dais
chamber, turret
channel, mid
chat, chit
cherished, long
chest, iron
chest, sea
chests, arm
chief, commander-in
chilling, blood
chloride, Bi
circular, semi
citizens, fellow
clack, click
clasped, iron
clock, water
closet, book
clothes, bed
clothes, night
clothes, small
cloths, floor
cloths, oil
cloud, thunder
Clout, Dish
coach, stage
coal, sea
coast, sea
coat, waist
cock, chicken
cock, turkey
cognizance, self
collar, shirt
collectors, sub
collegians, fellow
color, snuff
colored, blood
colored, copper
colored, fiery
colored, gaudy
colored, many
colored, orange
colored, parti
colored, ruby
colored, straw
colored, tawny
colour, water
coloured, light
coloured, orange
coloured, parti
coloured, violet
comb, curry
comb, pocket
commence, re
commentaries, sub
commoner, fellow
communication, inter
compass, pocket
complacency, self
compose, re
conceit, self
conceived, ill
concentrated, highly
concerted, well
condemned, death
conditioned, well
congratulation, self
conscientious, over
consequence, self
considered, well
consistent, self
constructed, ill
continued, long
contrived, ill
contrived, well
cord, whip
corn, hot
cornered, three
Council, Town
councillors, privy
course, matter-of
coursers, war
cover, book
covered, moss
crag, ocean
cream, ice
creature, fellow
credence, half
cross, re
crossed, re
crossing, street
crowing, cock
crust, pie
cry, death
cuffed, hand
cuffing, hand
curious, over
curling, naturally
curtain, drop
cushioned, luxuriously
cut, prism
cut, wood
cutters, wood
cutting, wood
d’esprit, jeu
dabble, mud
Dabbling, Mud
dancers, ballet
daughter, grande
dauns>, Maiter-di
day, birth
day, every
day, hey
day, mid
day, moon
day, noon
day, to
day's, to
days, dog
days, now-a
dealers, double
deck, half
decks, between
dee, tweedle
deer, mule
defence, self
defined, sharply
demons, fever
demonstration, self
desired, long
desk, writing
destruction, self
detailed, faintly
devil, dare
devil, poor
devouring, all
dial, sun
Did, Katy
Diddle, Hey-Diddle
Didn’t, Katy
digested, well
directed, ill
directed, re
directed, well
discernible, barely
dishes, side
disposed, ill
distant, far
distinction, contra
divided, sub
do, well-to
doq, bull
dog, lap
dog, water
dogs, fire
doo, cock-a-doodle
doo, cock-a-doodle-de
doo, cock-a-doodle-de-doo
doo, eighty
doodle, cock-a
doodleing, cock-a
dooooooh, cock-a-doodle-de
door, next
door, street
door, trap
door, vault
doors, folding
doors, shop
doux, billet
Dow, Rowdy
dow, Rowdy
dowed, row-de
down, eider
down, knock
down, up-side
down, upside
dozen, half-a
draping, linen
drawn, long
dream, after
dream, day
dream, opium
dreamer, day
dreams, day
dressed, well
dressed, white
driver, omnibus
driver, screw
drop, dew
drops, ruby
Druidical, semi
Drum, Hum
drum, Hum
dum, tweedle
dust, gimlet
dust, saw
dying, never
ease, heart's
East/Review, Down
east, down
east, south
East, Down
east, North
Easter, Down eastern, north
eastern, south
Eastern, North
eaten, time
eaten, worm
eater, fire
eater, Opium e
cho, re
echoed, re
ed, x
ed, X
educated, generally
effeminacy, over
egory, cat
eight, fifty
eight, forty
eight, twenty
eighth, sixty
eighth, twenty
eighths, seven
elastic, gum
embroidered, richly
eminence, pre
eminent, pre
eminent, super
eminently, pre
employing, re
empty, half
enamelled, flower
enclose, re
enclosed, re
encumbered, law
end, butt
ends, beam
enduring, long
enemy, arch
enemy, Arch
enforcement, re
engendered, half
engendered, opium
engendered, Bacon
engine, steam
engrossing, all
enkindled, fear
entered, re
entering, re
entity, non
epistolary, non
erect, cat
erected, re
ermined, rich
established, re
esteem, self
evidency, self
evident, self
examination, re
examined, re
exhibiters, monkey
exist, co
existent, pre
existing, self
exquisite, hyper
eyed, blue
eyed, one
faced, fiery
fact, matter-of
fall, foot
fall, night
fall, water
famed, far
Farm, Chalk
fashion, sloop
fashioned, old
fastened, copper
fastened, re
fated, ill
favored, ill
feathered, sable
feet, web
feigned, well
fervid, all
fiend, arch
Fiend, Arch
fifth, eighty
fifth, sixty
fifth, twenty
fight, swamp
finders, money
finding, fault
finger, fore
first, thirty
first, twenty
fish, flying
fish, gold
fishery, whale
fitted, ill
fitting, close
fitting, tight
five, fifty
five, forty
five, seventy
five, sixty
five, thirty
five, twenty
fizzitistical, hyper
flavoured, well
fledged, new
flowered, gold
flowing, gently
flowing, out
fly, dragon
Fly, Gad
flying, swift
fold, two
folded, neatly
Fool, Tom
footed, four
footed, leaden
footfall, gentle
for, unlooked
for, unpaid
forechains, weather
forgotten, long
forgotten, never-to-be
formed, half
formed, regularly
forte, piano
fortune, ill
forward, straight
forward, strait
founded, ill
four, eighty
four, fifty
four, forty
four, ninety
four, sixty
four, thirty
four, twenty
fours, seventy
fourth, eighty
fourth, ninety
fourth, one
fourth, sixty
fox, kitt
Fred, Man
frequented, well
Friday, Man
fringed, lily
Frog, Hop
Frog's, Hop
frozen, stiff
Fudge/University, Fum
Fudge, Fum
ful, goblet
full, basin
full, oven
furnished, ill
furnished, well
furniture, death
furniture, ship
Gabalus, Flah
gallant, top
gallon, three
garden, flower
garden, landscape
Garden, Landscape
gardener, landscape
Gardener, Landscape
gardening, landscape
gardens, landscape
garter, clasp
gas, coal
gate, garden
gate, water
gear, sounding
qh, o-o-o-o
girl, cigar
girl, perfumery
girl, segar
glass, cut
glass, eye
glass, ground
glass, looking
glass, opera
glass, spy
glasses, burning
glasses, looking
go, touch-and
go, Touch-and
goblins, plague
god, demi
gone, by
goods, dry
Gothic, semi
gown, morning
gradation, retro
granulated, delicately
Gras, Prince/de/Foie
gratulation, self
green, pea
Green, Bowling
grinder, organ
grinders, organ
grinding, organ
grooved, iron
ground, above
ground, back
ground, burial
ground, fore
ground, play
ground, promenade
grounded, well
grouping, color
growing, rankly
growing, rapidly
Growing, Cat
grown, full
grown, grass
gull, sea
qun, ninety
guns, fire
guns, spring
gurdy, hurdy
Gush, Mige
haired, fair
haired, shaggy
half, one
hand, minute
handed, left
handed, second
handedly, left
handkerchief, neck
handkerchief, pocket
handkerchiefs, pocket
handle, pump
handles, pump
handles, sword
hanging, over
hangings, paper
hangings, tapestry
hardiness, fool
harp, jews
harp, wind
hatch, companion
hatchway, main
hauled, close
hazard, hap
Head/Lake, Dog
head, death's
head, fountain
head, heels-over
head, mast
head, Bullet
head's, Bullet
headed, addle
headed, bullet headed, button
headed, double
headed, dunder
headed, light
headed, thick
headed, Death's
headedness, hot
heads, cat
heads, death's
health, ill
hearted, best
hearted, frank
hearted, good
hearted, hard
hearted, kind
hearted, light
hearted, warm
heartedness, light
heated, re
heavers, coal
heavy, top
heeled, high
hen, marsh
Henna, Ge
hens, marsh
hero, novel
Heroded, out
heroded, out
Hill, Bunker
himself, every-man-for
hire, cab
hoax, moon
Hoax, Balloon
Hoax, Moon
hold, foot
holding, pen
hole, bung
hole, gimlet
hole, key
hole, loop
holes, arm
holes, worm
holidays, half
honored, time
hopper, grass
horn, big
horn, ram's
horn, French
horror, pseudo
horse, mill
hot, red
hour, death
house, ale
house, charnel
house, compting
house, counting
house, dwelling
house, fowl
house, glass
house, light
house, manor
house, pot
house, prison
house, spring
house, watch
House, Coffee
House, Light
House, Prison
houses, mad
houses, out
houses, pot
houses, tap
hued, leaden
humor, ill
humored, good
humoredly, good
humour, good
humouredly, good
hundred, eighty-two
hundredth, sixteen
hunter, fox
hunters, picturesque
I, nill
I, will
ian, Hog
idead, one
identity, self
Iferous, Pest
Ilential, Pest
imparted, never-to-be
important, all
imposed, self
imprisoned, long
inch, three
increasing, still
Indian, half
informed, well
ing, O
ing, X
insane, half inspiring, awe
inspiring, horror
inspiring, terror
instituted, re
interest, self
interlocking, closely
interred, long
interred, re
interspersed, stripe
interspersed, Asphodel
introduction, cab
iron, wrought
ish, Neufchatel
ishly, Hog
ishly, Ram
island, sand
ism, Carlyle
ism, Montesquieu
ism, Tacitus
ites, Hog
izing, lion
jacket, pea
jacket, straight
jackets, leather
jars, olive
jaw, under
jellies, orange
jobbers, stock
jockey, horse
jug, water
keep, donjon
keeper, game
keeper, shop
keeper, tavern
kegs, water
kelp, sea
kimbo, a
klock, Klock
knife, carving
knife, pen
knife, pocket
knit, strongly
knit, well
knives, case
knot, bow
knot, eleven
knot, slip
knot, ten
known, well
kraut, sauer
ladder, companion
laid, deeply
laid, re
lamps, gas
lamps, town
land, spirit
land, table
lantern, battle
lanterns, battle
lanyards, weather
largely, over
latch, thumb
law, brother-in
law, sister-in
leaf, dog
leather, patent
leather, russet
leaved, broad
leaves, vine
lee, hard-a
leg, chair
legged, slim
legs, bow
Legs, Daddy-Long
length, full
less, people
let, under
Levi, Ben
Levi, Buzi-Ben
Li, Ju-Kiao
li, Tekeli
lids, eye
life, school
lifting, spirit
light, fire
light, sky
light, wax
lighted, gas
like, beast
like, business
like, cat
like, chasm
like, child
like, corpse
like, demon
like, diamond
like, dream
like, eye
like, fairy
like, fang
like, frog
like, gauze
like, gentleman
like, glass
like, glow-worm
like, hair
like, lath
like, laughter
like, life
like, liver
like, mirror
like, pall
like, plume
like, prison
like, razor
like, saffron
like, satin
like, scimetar
like, serpent
like, shadow
like, silver
like, snake
like, statue
like, swan
like, sylph
like, vapour
like, vice
like, web
like, Madonna
like, Satyr
likeliness, life
likeness, life
lilies, water
lime, slack
line, bee
line, boundary
line, tow
line, towing
liner, penny-a
lip, upper
list, sick
list, subscription
litten, gas
litten, red
litter>, love
load, canoe
loaf, sugar
logged, water
Lol, Fol
long, side
looking, black
looking, bleak
looking, cabalistic
looking, cadaverous
looking, cosy
looking, crooked
looking, effeminate
looking, fairy
looking, fantastical
looking, ferocious
looking, fine
looking, foreign
looking, frightful
looking, gallant
looking, ghastly
looking, gloomy
looking, good
looking, hearty
looking, humar
looking, ill
looking, indifferent
looking, ivory
looking, light
looking, lily
looking, liquid
looking, magical
looking, massive
looking, misty
looking, muscular
looking, odd
looking, peculiar
looking, picturesque
looking, plain
looking, rakish
looking, romantic
looking, rough
looking, singular
looking, solid
looking, square
looking, stiff
looking, stumpy
looking, stupid
looking, wild
looking, Eastern
lost, long
love, ladye
love, poet
love, self
lovers, money
luck, ill
luminosity, non
luminous, non
lunatic, lunar
lurch, lee
Lussac; Gay
lustre, lack
mad, stage
made, ill
Magnetic, Electrc
maid, lady's
maker, attaghan
maker, bellows
man, belfry
man, frog
manager, line
mannered, ill
manufacture, dollar
marcy, Lor-gol-a
Mare, Night
Margaux, Chateau
marine, ultra
marked, singularly
marks, shoe
mast, mizen
mast, mizzen
master, school
match, slow
mates, co
mathematicians, men
meal, oat
meant, well
measure, tape
meat, dog
meat, tortoise
meeting, camp
melon, water
melt, re
memorable, ever
men, fellow
men, pie
mender, bellows
mentioned, above
mentioned, first
merited, well
metal, bell
metal, semi
mill, music
mind, master
minded, beautiful
minded, bloody
minded, carnal
minded, fickle
minded, high
minded, simple
minded, single
minded, weak
mindedness, fickle
mindedness, high
minds, master
mirror, pocket
model, re
modelled, re
modelled, well
moles, ground
morrow, to
morrow's, to
mottled, gray
mouthed, open
moved, mechanically
movement, self
moving, self
murder, self
n, Ma-a-a-a
nail, door
nails, finger
naked, half
name, flash
named, above
nature, praeter
natured, good
natured, ill
nay, yea
needle, knitting
negligent, half
neighs, Cock
nettings, boarding
new, nearly
nics, pic
night, to
nine, forty
nine, ninety
nine, seventy
nine, thirty
ninth, ninety
ninth, twenty
nip, cat
nobody, good-for-nothing-to
Noir, Rouge-et
nopolis, Alexander-etc,
north, half
nose, hawk
nosed, bottle
nosed, carbuncle
Not, Touch-me
not, Touch-me
note, chanticleer
note, foot
notes, bank
notes, foot
nothing, good-for
Nu, Nu
number, whole
nurtured, gin
nut, hickory
nuts, cocoa
nxbxdy, gxxd-fxr-nxthing-to-
C, capital
o, little
o, no-o
observed, distantly
odigies, pro-o
of, unheard
off, cast
office, barge
offices, printing
oil, fish
oiled, well
omened, ill
on, mo-o
on, mo-o-o
one, dot-and-carry
one, fifty
one, forty
one, ninety
one, twenty
os, Kickapo-o-o
osseous, semi
out, look
outang, ourang
Outang, Ourang
outangs, ourang
Outangs, Orang
Outangs, Ourang
paced, slow
paced, snail
padded, double
Paint, White
painter, landscape
panes, window
pannelled, curiously
paper, sensation
paper, vellum
parlance, sea
part, bi
part, hinder
Part, Bi
parted, half
party, shore
party, war
passage, re
passages, love
passion, soul
past, half
past, quarter
path, by
path, foot
paths, by
pearl, mother-of
pedler, fig
peel, orange
peltries, cat
penetrating, space
Peor, Baal
perfectibility, human
perfumed, vanilla
Perith, Baal
pervading, all
Pest, Ana
Pest, Tem
Phittim, Abel
phraseology, school
pick, tooth
piece, a
piece, head
piece, mantel
piece, side
piece, time
pieces, mantel
pieces, phantasy
pieces, time
pigeons, carrier
ninny>, forty
pipe, wine
pipes, bag
pipes, waste
pitched, low
pits, arm
place, common
place, dwelling
place, fire
place, hiding
place, lurking
place, resting
place, sleeping
places, bathing
places, common
places, fire
places, sitting
placid, ever
plains, sand
planetary, inter
plank, oak
plant, coffee
plate, copper
plate, dial
plates, forechain
player, automaton-chess
player, chess
player, stage
player, Chess
pleasurable, half
plicable, in-X
plumed, brilliantly
plumed, white
plumes, hearse
plused, non
pocket, breast
pocket, coat
pocket, side
pocket, waistcoat
pockets, pick
poems, love
point, starting
pointed, sharp
polished, highly
poplars, lombardy
position, juxta
possession, self
post, bed
post, rubbing
post, stern
Post, Sham
posts, bed
posts, trading
pot, flower
pot, tea
Pot, Tea
Pot's, Tea
pouches, tobacco
pound, five
powder, pearl
pox, small
practice, mal
precise, half
preserver, life
President, Ex
President, Vice
press, X
prevalent, ever
prevalent, omni
procured, re
producing, death
producing, sleep
profound, over
proof, bullet
Puddle, Mud
puncheon, rum
purged, death
quarter, three
questioning, cross
quill, goose
quizzical, half
race, foot
race, mill
rack, card
rate, under
rated, over
read, re
received, generally
red, blood
red, dusky
red, ruby
reef, two
reefed, close
reefed, double
refined, death
regulated, ill
regulated, well
reliefs, has
remembered, dim
remembered, ever
rending, heart
ribbon, bonnet
ridden, demagogue
rig, thimble
rigged, barque
rigged, schooner
rigged, square
right, down
Right, Copy ring, ear
ringers, Bell
rings, ear
rise, sun
riveted, iron
road, carriage
road, main
roarings, bull
robber, mail
robber, street
robed, black
rod, lightning
rods, lightning
room, ball
room, bed
room, dining
room, dissecting
room, drawing
room, school
room, session
room, sleeping
room, state
room, store
room, stowage
room, tap
rooms, drawing
rooms, state
rope, bell
rope, drag
rope, guide
ropes, drag
route, wheel
sac, cul-de
sacrificing, self
sail, stay
sail, studded
sail, studding
sails, after
sails, wind
same, self
Saracenic, semi
sash, window
satisfaction, self
satisfied, self
saturated, brandy
saving, labor
saw, see
Saxon, Anglo
scarred, art
scattering, brain
scented, highly
scented, sweet
Scented, Highly
scratches, pencil
scription, re
sealed, re
search, re
searched, re
searching, far
seat, devil's
seated, deep
seated, re
second, eighty
second, seventy
second, thousand-and
second, twenty
Second, Thousand-and
second„ twenty
seeing, far
seeker, gold
seekers, money
sense, common
sentiment, half
servant, negro
servers, time
set, deep
set, sun
settled, well
seven, eighty
seven, forty
seven, ninety
seven, seventy
seven, sixty
seven, thirty
seven, twenty
seventh, twenty
sevenths, five
Shade, Horse
shadowed, deeply
shadows, star
shaped, coffin
shaped, lenticular
shaped, star
shears, tailor's
sheet, winding
sheets, stern
shell, sea
shells, egg
ship, packet
ship, whale
ship, whaling
ship>, leddy
ships, amid
ships, whaling
Shittim, Abel
shoes, over
shore, sea
shot, cannister
shot, pistol
shotted, double
shut, half
shutters, shop
sick, heart
sickness, sea
side, bed
side, hill
side, road
sided, one
sided, sober
sides, hill
sighted, clear
similes, fac
sinking, fast
sinking, re
sites, building
six, eighty
six, fifty
six, sixty
six, thirty
sixth, forty
sixth, twenty
sized, well
skelteriness, helter
skin, elk
skin, ham
skinning, eel
skins, bear
slate, mica
slide, land
slopes, mountain
Slow, Jo-Go
slumber, half
slumberous, half
smith, silver
snake, rattle
snapper, whipper
snatchers, body
So, So-and
so, So-and
sojourners, fellow
soled, thick
solution, re
soothing, spirit
sore, eye
Soul, Bless-my
soul, Bless-my
sounding, hollow
sounding, shrill
Spattering, Cur
spike, marlin
spike, marling
spiral, semi
spirited, high
spirited, noble
spirits, pest
splitting, hair
spot, blood
spread, freshly
spreading, over
spreading, wide
squeaked, re
stained, blood
stalking, deer
stall, book
stars, shooting
stated, re
staysails, storm
steeple, Christchurch
stemmed, triple
stems, tree
still, stand
stirring, heart
stirring, soul
stirring, spirit
stock, joint
stone, key
stone, mile
stone, pudding
stone, pumice
Stone, White
stones, corner
stones, paving
stores, sea
Story, Moon
street, bye
stretched, far
stricken, awe
stricken, horror
stricken, panic
stricken, terror
stricken, wonder
strings, leading
strings, purse
striped, black
striped, parti
stroke, master
strom, Moskoe
struck, stage
struggles, death
stuff, humming
stuff, ratlin
stuffin/University, Gutt
sty, pig
style, new
subdued, half
sufferers, fellow
sufficient, all
suggestion, self
summer, mid
sustained, long
sustained, well
svigging, a
Syllabus, Slang
syncope, hemi
syncope, semi
table, card
table, dining
table, dinner
table, wine
table, writing
tail, coat
tailed, black
tailed, cur
tailed, swallow
tails, coat
Tale, Tell
talked, much
“tanks, oil
tattle, tittle”
Telegraph, Electro
tempered, finest
tempered, good
tenths, nine
teuffel, head
That, This-and
that, This-and
third, forty
third, one
third, twenty
thirds, two
thirstiness, blood
thirsty, blood
thirtieth, one
thought, transition
thousandth, eighteen
thread, pack
threaded, gold
three, eighty
three, fifty
three, rule-of
three, thirty
three, twenty
throat, cut
throthing>, bog
throtting>, bog
tide, low
tight, air
tight, water
time, day
time, life
timed, happily
timed, ill
timed, well
tinted, blood
tinted, crimson
tinted, myriad
tinted, triple
tintinnabulic, Electro
to, flapping
tone, under
toned, deep
toned, high
toned, loud
tones, bell
tones, proof
tongue, mother
tongued, trumpet
tools, edge
top, hill
top, humming
top, mountain
top, tree
“topped, over
tops, hill
tops, mountain
tops, tree
tormented, storm
totum, tee
touch, new
touching, re
tow, under
towers, shot
Town, York
track, carriage
tracks, wheel
trader, fur
traordinary, X
trap, mouse
trap>, purraty
traps, beaver
traps, man
traps, rat
traveller, fellow
treated, ill
tree, pear
tree, tulip
trees, plum
treme, X
tremity, x
tressels, coffin
trigger, gun
Tritonic, inter
trot, jog
tuned, well
turtle, sea
Turtle, Snapping
turvy, topsy
twentieth, three-hundred-and
twenty, five-and
twenty, one-and
two, eighty”
two, fifty
two, sixty
two, thirty
two, twenty
uberance, X
un, Club/Vingt
uncle, grand
up, dammed
up, use
up, using
used, ill
value, over
veiled, close
velvet, silk
ventilated, ill
vermin, men
vessel, whaling
vessels, blood
vessels, seed
vessels, steam
victorious, ever
vine, grape
vines, grape
visaged, dusky
Vor/House, Weal
Vor, Wheal
waken, sleep
waker's, sleep
waking, sleep
walnut, black
war, man-of
war, men-of
ware, crockery
ware, tinned
ware, Britannia
warm, luke
warmer, coffee
watches, death
water, back
water, bilge
water, fresh
water, high
water, low
water, rose
water, slack
waving, naturally
wax, sealing
wax, taper
way, arch
way, companion
way, forecastle
way, gate
way, half
way, out-of-the
wayfarers, fellow
weed, milk
weeds, sea
weight, make
West/Company's, North
west, north
west, south
West, South
western, north
western, south
Western, North
westwardly, north
Whang, Slang
wheat, buck
wheel, mill
wheels, chariot
while, ere
white, grayish
white, snow
white, snowy
whoop, war
will, good
willed, self
winded, double
wing, pigeon
winged, misty
winged, pigeon
winged, raven
winger, pigeon
winging, pigeon
wings, pigeon
wires, cage
wise, over
wit, Too
wit's, Too
witnesses, eye
womanish, old
wondrous, half
wood, cotton
wood, rose
wood, satin
wooded, thickly
wool, cotton
woolsey, linsey
word, catch
work, brick
work, frame
work, iroh
work, lead
work, mason
work, net
work, plank
work, trellice
work, trellis
work, web
work, wicker
work, wood
working, wonder
works, tinder
worm, coral
worm, earth
worms, silk
worn, time
worshippers, cat
wou>, pully
wou>, wolly
wou>, woolly
wou>, wouly
mouing>, parly
wow, bow-wow
wrapper, dressing
wreathed, ivy
writer, letter
writing, hand
writing, re
written, un
wxw, bxw-wxw
wy, o
wy, O
y, moon-hoax
yard, lumber
Yard, Court
yards, church
year, leap
York/Sun, New
York, New
zag, zig
Zebub, Baal
1, 15
[S:0 - WIPF, 1982] - Edgar; Allan Poe Society of; Baltimore - Works-Word Index to Poe's Fiction (B. R. Pollin) (Poe's Compound Words)