Text: Mary E. Hewitt to Edgar Allan Poe — May 29, 1845


Dear Mr Poe

I send you a translation that I have made from the old French edition (1716) of Madame Dacier.

The Greek line at the top, which I have copied from the same volume, and of which language I am of course femeninely [[sic]], I hope you may find correctly transcribed. The decapitated state of my manuscript — for which I beg leave to apologize — will betray the fact of my having made more than one attempt at copying the hieroglyphics. After all perhaps the quotation was unnecessary and may appear like an affectation, or pedantry in your correspondent — so have the kindness to strike it out if you think it best to do so.

With compliments to Mrs Poe — whose acquaintance I am happy to have made —

I remain
Very sincerely yours
M. E. Hewitt  

Athenaeum Hotel, May 29th





[S:0 - MS, 18xx] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Misc - Letters - M. E. Hewitt to Poe (RCL541)