Articles and Essays, 1851-1899


Broadly stated, copyright regulations allow for most material printed before 1923 to be in the public domain. Anyone seeking to use this material should consult the appropriate copyright laws, as suitable. The principles of fair use generally allow for references and judicious quotation (properly credited), particularly for scholarly articles, student papers, and other educational purposes.

It should be noted that information and views expressed in these articles and essays reflect the research and opinions of the authors.

Items here are listed chronologically. Reprinted items are listed under the earliest date of publication.


  • “Edgar A. Poe” by John Savage
  • Poe’s Ulalume” by J. A. Tinnon, Graham’s Magazine (Philadelphia, PA), vol. XXXVIII, no. 2, February 1851, pp. 120-122
  • Edgar A. Poe” by Henry S. Cornwall, Waverley Magazine (Boston, MA), vol. III, no. 21, November 29, 1851, p. 331
  • Character of Edgar A. Poe” by C. Chauncey Burr (The Nineteeth Century, February 1852)
  • [Review of Tales of Mystery, Humour and Poems” by Anonymous, Glasgow Herald (Glasgow, Scotland), whole no. 5132, April 5, 1852, p. 3, col. 6
  • Edgar A. Poe” by O. P. R., Waverley Magazine (Boston, MA), vol. IV, no. 17, May 1, 1852, p. 269
  • [Review of Tales of Mystery, Humour and Poems” by Anonymous, Derby Mercury (Derby, England), vol. 121, whole no. 7151, May 12, 1852, p. 4
  • [Review of Tales of Mystery, Humour and Poems” by Anonymous, North Devon Journal-Herald (Barnstapble, Devon, England), vol. XXVIII, whole no. 111503, May 12, 1852, p. 6
  • Poe and the English Periodicals” a letter to the editor by W. J. Pabodie (New-York Daily Tribune, June 7, 1852)
  • A Great Man Self-Wrecked” by Anonymous, National Magazine, October 1852
  • [Review of] The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe” by Anonymous, Athenaeum, December 25, 1852
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by James Hannay, The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe, London: Addey and Co., 1853
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Richard H. Stoddard, National Magazine, March 1853
  • Poe, Poets, Etc.” by Catherine Ledyard, Supplement to the Evening Post (New York), March 21, 1853
  • Edgar A. Poe” by Henry Clay Preuss (National Intelligencer, May 19, 1853)
  • [The Chivers Controversy] — July 1853 - August 1854 Waverly Magazine (Boston, MA) (These articles continue a sequence that Chivers started years earlier in the George Citizen)
    • Origin of Poe’s ‘Raven’ ” by Dr. Thomas H. Chivers (as “Fiat Justitia”), Waverley Magazine, July 30, 1853 (reprinted in two installments in the Georgia Citizen, September 22 and 29, 1854)
    • A Croak from the ‘Raven’ ” by Henry S. Cornwell, Waverley Magazine, August 13, 1853
    • Edgar A. Poe” by J. J. P., Waverley Magazine, August 13, 1853
    • Honey from Hybia” by Dr. Thomas H. Chivers (as “Fiat Justitia”), Waverley Magazine, August 20, 1853
    • The True Odin” by Felix Forresti, Waverley Magazine, August 20, 1853
    • Thoughts for the Waverly [[Waverely]]” by M., Waverley Magazine, August 27, 1853
    • Edgar A. Poe” by Anonymous, Waverley Magazine, August 27, 1853
    • Plagiarism” by S. Herbert Lancey, Waverley Magazine, September 3, 1853
    • The Phœnix’ ” by Dr. Thomas H. Chivers (as “Fiat Justitia”), Waverley Magazine, September 10, 1853
    • Paul before Felix” by J. J. P., Waverley Magazine, September 10, 1853
    • Another Croak from ‘The Raven’ ” by Henry S. Cornwell, Waverley Magazine, September 10, 1853
    • Poe’s Raven” by J. S. P., Waverley Magazine, September 17, 1853
    • Poe’s Plagiarisms” by Dr. Thomas H. Chivers (as “Fiat Justitia”), Waverley Magazine, October 1, 1853
    • Correspondence” by Moses A. Dow, Waverley Magazine, October 29, 1853 (at this point, M. A. Dow, the editor and proprietor, was officially shutting down the discussion)
    • Letter from Mrs. Jane E. Locke” by Jane Ermina Locke, Waverley Magazine, August 5, 1854
  • “Edgar A. Poe”
    • “Edgar A. Poe” by George Lippard, Sunday Mercury (Philadelphia, PA) (about September or October 1853) (no copies located)
    • “Edgar A. Poe” by George Lippard, Weekly News (Charleston, SC) (October 3, 1853) (apparently a unique file with this issue is at the Library of Congress)
    • “Edgar A. Poe” by George Lippard, Savannah Evening Journal (Savannah, GA) (October 15, 1853), vol. III, no. 106, p. 1
    • “Edgar A. Poe” by George Lippard, Montrose Democrat (Montrose, PA) (November 24, 1853), vol. X, no. 46, p. 1, col. 5
    • Edgar A. Poe” by George Lippard, Dodge’s Literary Museum (Boston, MA) (October 21, 1854)
  • The Genius and Characteristics of Edgar Allan Poe” by George Rex Graham, Graham’s Magazine, February 1854
  • Editor’s Table: [Annabel Lee]” by John R. Thompson, Southern Literary Messenger (Richmond, VA), vol. 20, no. 1, February 1854, pp. 124-125
  • Authors and Books: Edgar Poe” by George Gilfillan [as Apollodorus], The Critic, London Literary Magazine (London, UK), March 1, 1854
  • Recent American Poets: Edgar Allan Poe” by Anonymous, London Quarterly Review, June 1854
  • “The Grave of Poe”
    • The Grave of Poe” by W. W. H., Missouri Daily Republican (St. Louis, MO), August 15, 1854
    • The Grave of Edgar A. Poe” by anonymous, Troy Daily Whig (Troy, NY), August 23, 1854 (a much abbreviated form of the article by W. W. H., apparently followed by numerous other reprints)
    • The Grave of Edgar A. Poe” by anonymous, New York Times (New York, NY), August 28, 1854 (a notice briefly commenting on the article by W. W. H.)
    • numerous reprints, in excerpted form
  • A Poem by the Spirit of Edgar A. Poe” by Thomas Lake Harris, Spiritual Telegraph (New York, NY), 1855
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Anonymous, Lives of the Illustrious: The Biographical Magazine, May 1855
  • Edgar A. Poe” by Henry F. Cook, Waverley Magazine (Boston, MA), June 30, 1855
  • From the Spirit World” by R. H. Brown, Spiritual Telegraph (New York, NY), July 21, 1855
  • “E. A. Poe’s Death and Burial” (first version) by Dr. J. E. Snodgrass
    • “E. A. Poe’s Death and Burial” by Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, Women’s Temperance Paper (Seneca Falls, NY) (probably June 1855). (No copy of this issue has been located, nor indeed have any copies of any issues of this paper been found. As a result, the specific date of publication is not certain, although it appears to have been one month prior to the earlist reprint, below.) (This article was in the form of a letter from Snodgrass to Mary C. Vaughan, editor of the newspaper. Snodgrass was apparently replying to a very brief statement in the issue of May 1855.)
    • E. A. Poe’s Death and Burial” by Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, New York Reformer (Watertown, NY) (July 26, 1855) vol. 5, no. 48 (apparently a full reprint).
    • E. A. Poe’s Death and Burial” by Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, Spiritual Telegraph (January 26, 1856) (a nearly full reprint of the letter).
    • Death and Burial of Edgar A. Poe” by Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, Life Illustrated (May 17, 1856) (slightly abbreviated).
    • “Death and Burial of Edgar A. Poe” by Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, Evening Star (Washington, D. C.) (August 29, 1856) (Although it cites only the Women’s Temperance Paper, this article appears to have been reprinted from the Life Illustrated version.)
    • Edgar Allen [[Allan]] Poe — His Death and Burial” by Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, Los Angeles Star (August 30, 1856) (nearly a full reprint).
  • Poe’s “Raven,” in ‘The Poets and Poetry of America’,” by Rufus W. Griswold, New York Daily Times, November 19, 1855
  • Edgar A. Poe” by Evert A. and George L. Duyckinck (Cyclopedia of American Literature, 1856)
  • [Review of The Works of Edgar A. Poe” by Anonymous, Buffalo Daily Courier (Buffalo, NY), March 13, 1856
  • The Late Edgar Allan Poe” by Anonymous, United States Democratic Review (New York, NY), April 1856
  • Spirit Poem on The Raven” by Thomas Lake Harris, Spiritual Herald; A Record of Spiritual Manifestations (London and New York), July 1856
  • “[A series of articles proposing a monument over the grave of Edgar A. Poe]” — July 1856 - September 1857 — Cosmopolitan Art Journal
    • “[Remains of Edgar A. Poe]” — July 1856 — by Orville James Victor (?), Cosmopolitan Art Journal (New York, NY)
    • Honor to Genius” — March 1857 — by Orville James Victor (?), Cosmopolitan Art Journal (New York, NY)
    • Remembrance of the Dead” — June 1857 — by Orville James Victor (?), Cosmopolitan Art Journal (New York, NY)
    • Poe Monument” — September 1857 — by Orville James Victor (?), Cosmopolitan Art Journal (New York, NY)
  • [Review of The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe]” by Mrs. E. V. Smith, North American Review (Boston, MA), October 1856.
  • Letter from Idlewild” by Nathaniel P. Willis, Home Journal, October 18, 1856
  • Edgar Allen [[Allan]] Poe” by Anonymous, Richmond Enquirer, vol. LIII, no. 61, November 25, 1856
  • [Letter to the Editor]” by Louis A. Godey, Knickerbocker Magazine, vol. 49, no. 1, January 1857
  • “[Review of Tales of Mystery, and Poems]” by Dan Wilson, Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts, March 1857
  • Edgar A. Poe” by Elizabeth Oakes Smith, United States Magazine, vol. IV, no. 3, March 1857, 4:262-268
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by W. Moy Thomas, Train (April 1857).
  • [Review of Arthur Gordon Pym, from Works] by Paul Hamilton Haynes, Russell’s Magazine, April 1857
  • Byron and Poe” by Anonymous (Viator), Virginia University Magazine, June 1857
  • The Raven — by Edgar A. Poe”  by John R. Thompson (?), Southern Literary Messenger, November 1857, p. 331-335)
  • Edgar A. Poe” by James Wood Davidson, Russell’s Magazine, November 1857
  • Edgar A. Poe” by John P. Lacoix, Sunday Delta (New Orleans, LA), January 24, 1858
  • [Review of The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe]]” by Bryan Waller Proctor, Edinburgh Magazine, April 1858, vol. CVII, no. 2, pp. 419-442.
  • [Spirit Acrostic from Poe” by Anonymous, Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, VA), August 12, 1858 (a short acrostic spelling out the name “Edgar,” supposedly received by a Washington A. Danskin, of Baltimore.)
  • Letter About Edgar Poe” by Nathaniel Parker Willis, Home Journal (New York, NY), October 30, 1858
  • [Review of Poe's Poems, Illustrated]” by Anonymous, Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, VA), November 30, 1858
  • Editorial Etchings” by Anonymous, Cosmopolitan Art Journal (New York, NY), December 1858, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 51
  • Edgar A. Poe and A. J. Davis” by Charles Partridge, Spiritual Telegraph (New York, NY), vol. VIII, no. 31, November 26, 1859, pp. 367-368
  • [Edgar A. Poe in Philadelphia]” by “Penn Junior” (Lambert A. Wilmer), Cincinnati Daily Gazette (Cincinnati, OH), vol. 70, no. 312, December 29, 1859, p. 1, cols. 5-6





  • The Portrait [of Poe],” by Sarah Helen Whitman, July 1870 and 1879 (several versions of this poem)
  • “[Reminiscence of Edgar Allan Poe],” by William Gowans, Catalogue of American Books, no. 28, 1870 (This is a long description accompanying a copy of Pym that Gowans was selling.)
  • Something New About Poe,” by Anonymous, June 9, 1870 (a made up story of the origin of Poe's poem “The Bells.”)
  • “The Grave of Poe” by Eugene L. Didier, etc., Appletons’ Journal, January - March 1872
    • The Grave of Poe” by Eugene L. Didier, Appletons’ Journal, January 27, 1872
    • The Grave of Poe” by G. A. Berry, Appletons’ Journal, February 24, 1872 (a letter to the editors)
    • The Grave of Poe” by Eugene L. Didier, Appletons’ Journal, March 16, 1872 (a letter to the editors in reply)
  • Poe’s Method of Writing,” by Paul H. Haynes, Appletons’ Journal, May 4, 1872
  • Edgar Allan Poe,” by Richard H. Stoddard, Harper’s Monthly Magazine, September 1872
  • “Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Works” by Charles Baudelaire (translated by Henry Curwen), London: John Camden Hotten, 1873
  • Midnight and Morning” by Thomas Cottrell Clarke, Our Monthly: A Magazine of Religion and Literature, April 1873
  • Poe's Early Poems” by Frank Jocelyn, The Aldine (New York, NY), May 1873
  • [Edgar Allan Poe]” by M. B. Field, Memories of Many Men and of Some Women, New York: Harper Brothers, 1874
  • Edgar Allan Poe's Early Poems” by John H. Ingram, Gentleman's Magazine (London, UK), May 1874
  • Edgar Poe” by John H. Ingram, Temple Bar, June 1874
  • Preface” and “Memoir of Poe” by John H. Ingram, The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1874
  • Poe’s House at Fordham” Mrs. Martha J. Lamb Appletons’ Journal, July 18, 1874
  • Edgar Allen [[Allan]] Poe” by Edmund W. Gosse, The Examiner (London, UK), December 19, 1874 (a review of Ingram's edition of Poe's works)
  • [Review of the Ingram edition of Poe’s Works] by Robert Louis Stevenson, the Academy (London), January 2, 1875 (reprinted in the Academy, February 18, 1899, pp. 219-221)
  • Edgar A. Poe” by Amanda Bartlett Harris, Hearth and Home (New York), January 9, 1875, p. 24 cols. 1-2
  • Edgar Allan Poe” from Sorrow and Song: Studies of Literary Struggle by Henry Curwen, London: Henry S. King & Co., 1875
  • [Review of the Curwen’s Sorrow and Song] by John H. Ingram, the Academy, March 13, 1875
  • Calamities of Genius” by Anonymous, Gloversville Intelligencer (Gloversville, NY), vol. IX, no. 22, May 27, 1875, p. 1, col. 7 (probably reprinted from the Cuba True Patriot (Cuba, NY), April 23, 1875)
  • “A Mad Man of Letters” by Francis Gerry Fairfield (with some replies)
    • A Mad Man of Letters” by Francis Gerry Fairfield, Scribner’s Monthly, October 1875.
    • Poe, Critic, and Hobby” a letter to the editor by Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman, New York Daily Tribune, October 13, 1875
    • Edgar Allan Poe” a letter to the editor by Francis Gerry Fairfield, New York Daily Tribune, October 18, 1875
    • The Poet Not an Epileptic” a letter to the editor by Frederic Rowland Marvin (as “F. R. M.”), New York Daily Tribune, October 18, 1875
    • ‘The Bells’ and ‘Annabel Lee’ ” a letter to the editor by John S. Hart, New York Daily Tribune, November 17, 1875
    • Poe an Epileptic” a letter to the editor by Francis Gerry Fairfield, New York Daily Tribune, November 17, 1875
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Anonymous, British Quarterly Review, July 1, 1875 (This article is primarily a review of the 1875 edition of Poe's works edited by John Henry Ingram)
  • The Monument to Edgar Allan Poe” by Anonymous, New York Herald, October 28, 1875.
  • “Official Memorandum of the Death of Edgar A. Poe” by Dr. John J. Moran
    • Official Memorandum of the Death of Edgar A. Poe” by Dr. John J. Moran, New York Herald, October 28, 1875. (This article appears to be the very first printing of this material)
    • Official Memorandum of the Death of Edgar A. Poe” by Dr. John J. Moran, Baltimore Sun, October 29, 1875. (This article reprints the material by Moran, apparently from the New York Herald with a different introduction)
    • “Official Memorandum of the Death of Edgar A. Poe” by Dr. John J. Moran, Works of Edgar Allan Poe, New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1876 (reprinted in subsequent editions)
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Gabriel Harrison, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, November 17, 1875
  • Edgar Allan Poe” an anonymous editorial comment New York Daily Tribune, November 17, 1875
  • The Poet Edgar Allan Poe; Sketch of His Life and Writings” by Anonymous, Baltimore Sun, November 17, 1875
  • The Poet Edgar Allan Poe; Dedication of a Monument to His Memory” by Anonymous, Baltimore Sun, November 18, 1875
  • The Poe Monument” by Eugene L. Didier (unsigned) New York Daily Tribune, November 18, 1875
  • Walt Whitman at the Poe Funeral” by Anonymous, Evening Star (Washington, DC), November 18, 1875
  • “The Poe Monument,” New York Herald (New York, NY), November 18, 1875
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by George W. Childs, Public Ledger, November 27, 1875
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Robert. T. P. Allen, Scribner’s Monthly Magazine, November 1875
  • Edgar Allan Poe: Some Personal Reminiscences of the Dead Poet,” by Anonymous, Bristol News (Bristol, VA), December 21, 1875 (some recollections collected by Shapley from Mrs. Clemm)
  • Edgar A. Poe and His Biographer, Rufus W. Griswold” by William Fearing Gill, Lotos Leaves, Boston: W. F. Gill & Co., 1875  (Reprinted in 1885 by Chicago and New York: Belford, Clarke & Co.)
  • “Preface” and “Memoir” by Richard H. Stoddard, London: George Routledge, 1875 (almost immediately afterward reprinted by New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1875)
  • [An exchange between J. H. Ingram and W. F. Gill]
  • Recollections of Poe” by Elizabeth Oakes Smith, Home Journal (New York), March 15, 1876, p. 1 cols. 5-7 and p. 2, cols. 1-2
  • Edgar A. Poe” by Mrs. Susan Archer T. Weiss (New York Herald, April 26, 1876) (replying to Mrs. E. O. Smith’s article on Poe from the Home Journal)
  • Some New Facts about Edgar A. Poe” by William Fearing Gill, Laurel Leaves, Boston: W. F. Gill & Co., 1876
  • “Life of Edgar A. Poe” by Eugene L. Didier
  • “The Bibliography of Edgar Poe” by John H. Ingram, Athenaeum (London, UK), whole no. 2544, July 29, 1876, pp. 145-146
  • “Edgar Poe” by Theodore Watts, Athenaeum (London, UK), whole no. 2549, September 2, 1876, p. 306
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by “Will. O. A.,” Wheeling Daily Register (Wheeling, WV), November 25, 1876, vol. 14, no. 111
  • Edgar Allan Poe: A Memorial Volume, edited by Sara Sigourney Rice, Baltimore: Turnbull Brothers, 1877 (book).
  • The Life of Edgar Allan Poe by William Fearing Gill (first edition issued about October 1877)
    • The Life of Edgar Allan Poe by William Fearing Gill (New York: D. Appleton & Co., etc., 1877 - first edition) (a second edition, identical with the first edition, with the addition of a short list of errata, was printed by New York: C. T. Dillingham, etc., 1877) (315 pp.) (Both the first and second editions are dedicated to Neilson Poe.)
    • The Life of Edgar Allan Poe by William Fearing Gill (London: Chatto & Windus, 1878 - Third edition) (revised and expanded) (347 pp.) (It chiefly reprints the earlier edition, but makes changes in various sections of the text and adds 32 pages of notes, tied back to the original text by letter codes. There is also a “Preface to the Third Edition” appended to the end of the original preface) (A fourth edition, reprinting the third edition, was printed later in 1878 by London: Chatto & Windus and New York: W. J. Widdleton. A fifth edition, reprinting the third edition, was printed in 1880 by New York: W. J. Widdleton. It is stated as revised and enlarged, but apparently just repeating the earlier claim. This edition was also printed by London: Chatto & Windus. All of these editions are 347 pp.) (The third edition was dedicated to Wilkie Collins; the fourth to the University of Virginia; and the fifth to Anne Lynch Botta.)
  • [Review of Gill’s Life of Edgar Allan Poe]” by Anonymous, Lippincott’s Magazine, October 1877.
  • The Journal of Julius Rodman; A Newly-Discoverd Work by the Late Edgar A. Poe” by J. H. Ingram, Mirror of Literature (London, UK), vol. I, no. 1, November 3, 1877, p. 9 cols. 1-2 and p. 10, cols. 1-2
  • “The Personality of Poe” by Charles F. Briggs
    • The Personality of Poe” by Charles F. Briggs, Independent, December 13, 1877. (This article was reprinted in various places, including the New York Sun (adapting a pagagraph from Briggs’ article; clipping in Ingram Collection, item 719); and “Poe as He Was” by Charles F. Briggs, about December 24, 1877, unidentified newspaper clipping in Ingram Collection, item 720).
    • The Personality of Poe” by Charles F. Briggs, Independent, June 24, 1880 (reprinted from the earlier text)
  • Edgar Allan Poe: Some Reminiscences by One Who Knew Him” by Anonymous, State (Richmond), February 26, 1878.
  • Last Days of Edgar A. Poe” by Mrs. Susan Archer T. Weiss (Scribner’s Magazine, March 1878.
  • Unpublished Correspondence by Edgar A. Poe” by John H. Ingram, Appleton's Journal, May 1878.
  • A Popular Error Concerning Poe” by Robert S. Burkholder, South Atlantic (Wilmington, NC), August 1878
  • Our Monthly Gossip [Poe and Mrs. Whitman]” by Eugene L. Didier, Lippincott’s Magazine, October 1878
  • “Poe and His English Schoolmaster,” Athenaeum (London)
  • Edgar A. Poe” by Thomas S. Collier, Cottage Hearth (Boston, MA), vol. V, no. 11, November 1878, pp. 363
  • Short Studies of American Authors, II — Poe” by Thomas Wentworth Higginson Literary World (Boston, MA), March 15, 1879.
  • Mr. William Wertenbaker — His Golden Wedding” by Douglass Sherley, Virginia University Magazine (Charlottesville, VA), October 1879 (There is only one fairly brief mention of Poe, but the item is included because it provides some interesting material on the background of the university, and it is mentioned in The Poe Log.)
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Anonymous, The Biographical Cyclopedia of Representative Men of Maryland and District of Columbia, Baltimore: National Biographical Publishing Co., 1879.
  • Poe’s Wonderful Interpreter” by Anonymous, Sun (New York), August 10, 1879.
  • Edgar Allan Poe’s Grave” by William P. Meany, Celtic Monthly, (New York), September 1879.
  • [Review of The Life and Poems of Edgar A. Poe]” by Anonymous, Hartford Courant, (Hartford, CT), December 22, 1879



~~ 1880-1889 ~~

  • [Reminiscence of Poe]” by Alexander T. Crane, New York Tribune, January 30, 1880
  • “Old Oddity Papers, IV: Edgar Allan Poe While a Student at the University of Virginia” by Douglass Sherley, Virginia University Magazine, March and April 1880 (Reprinted, with Sherly's name as author, in The Valley of Unrest: A Book without a Woman, Louisville: John P. Morton, 1883 and New York: White, Stokes and Allen, 1884.)
  • [Reminiscences of Poe]” by Miles George, State (Richmond, VA) (May 22, 1880)
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Edmund Clarence Stedman, Scribner’s Monthly, May 1880 (printed separately as Edgar Allan Poe, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1881; Cedar Rapids: IA: Torch Press, 1909; and other reprints).
  • [[Two attacks on Ingram, and a reply]]
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by William Minto, Fortnightly Review (London, UK), July 1, 1880
  • Edgar Allen [[Allan]] Poe” by Luther Chapin Harris, St. Paul Daily Globe (St. Paul, MN), August 29, 1880.
  • Edgar A. Poe and His Poetry” by William Weidemeyer, Phrenological Journal and Science of Health (September 1880).
  • [Review of Select Works of Edgar Allan Poe” by Anonymous, Literary World (Boston, MA), October 9, 1880.
  • Poe as a Man and as a Poet” by Eugene L. Didier, Literary World (Boston, MA), November 6, 1880.
  • “Life of Edgar Allan Poe” by Richard H. Stoddard, from Select Works of Edgar Allan Poe, New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1880
  • Edgar Allan Poe: His Life, Letters, and Opinions by John H. Ingram (book, first edition, 1880)
    • Edgar Allan Poe: His Life, Letters, and Opinions by John H. Ingram (1880, 2 vols., preface dated May 1880, issued by June 1880 based on two copies in a private collection inscribed by the author and bearing that date.)
    • Edgar Allan Poe: His Life, Letters, and Opinions by John H. Ingram (1886, 1-volume edition, noted as a “New Edition”)
  • The Rationale of the Raven” by William Fearing Gill, Papyrus Leaves, New York: R. Worthington, 1880 (reprinted in 1888 by New York: Belford, Clarke)
  • Ingram's Life of Poe” by E. L. Didier, Literary World (Boston, MA), vol. XI, no. 21, October 9, 1880, pp. 341-342
  • Recent Biographies of Edgar A. Poe” by Eugene L. Didier, International Review (New York), January 1881.
  • The Memory of Poe: Unpublished Letters of the Poet to Dr. Snodgrass” by Edward Spence, New York Herald (New York, NY), March 27, 1881, whole no. 16,288, p. 8, cols. 1-4.
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Thomas H. Ellis, Richmond Standard, May 7, 1881
  • [Broadway Sights and Edgar Poe's Significance]” by Walt Whitman, Specimen Days and Collect, Philadelphia: Rees Welsh and Co., 1882-83
  • The Sister of Edgar A. Poe” by Susan A. T. Weiss, the Continent, June 27, 1883
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by John H. Hewitt, Presbyterian Observer, October-November 1883
  • “Edgar Poe’s ‘Tamerlane’,” by John H. Ingram, Athenaeum (London, UK), whole no. 2926, November 24, 1883, p. 670 (a brief comment about the forthcoming “second edition” and an inquiry about the existence of other copies)
  • “Edgar A. Poe and His College Contemporaries” by William M. Burwell
    • Edgar A. Poe and His College Contemporaries” by William M. Burwell, New Orleans Times-Democrat (New Orleans, LA), May 18, 1884, p. 8, cols. 4-7
    • “Edgar A. Poe and His College Contemporaries” by William M. Burwell, University of Virginia Alumni Bulletin (Charlottesville, VA), vol. XVI, April 1923, pp. 168-80
  • Poe’s Legendary Years” by George E. Woodberry, Atlantic Monthly (Boston, MA), December 1884
  • Comment on the Poem” by Edmund Clarence Stedman (The Raven, 1884)
  • “The Genius of Poe” by Richard H. Stoddard, from The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, New York: Armstrong, 1884 (the essay is dated May 4, 1884)
  • The Raven, with Literary and Historical Commentary” by John H. Ingram, London: George Redway, 1885
  • Edgar Allan Poe by George Edward Woodberry (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1885) (book) (This biography was issued as part of the American Men of Letters series, edited by Charles Dudley Warner. It was reissued several times, the last in 1913. Woodberry expanded it to two volumes in 1909.)
  • Lying by Poe’s Side” by Anonymous, Baltimore American (Baltimore, MD), January 20, 1885, vol. CLXVIII, whole no. 27,835, p. 4, col. 4
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Richard H. Stoddard, Independent, February 12, 1885 (review of Edgar Allan Poe, by G. E. Woodberry)
  • “Edgar Allan Poe” by John Mackinnon Robertson
    • “Edgar Allan Poe” by John Mackinnon Robertson (printed in 4 parts in Our Corner (London, UK) (although techincally the issues are dated as of the first of the month, the periodical was issued monthly, and so this detail has been dropped as atypical and unnecessary)
      • Edgar Allan Poe” by John Mackinnon Robertson — part 01 — September 1885
      • Edgar Allan Poe” by John Mackinnon Robertson — part 02 — October 1885
      • Edgar Allan Poe” by John Mackinnon Robertson — part 03 — November 1885
      • Edgar Allan Poe” by John Mackinnon Robertson — part 04 — December 1885
    • “Edgar Allan Poe” in New Essays toward a Critical Method by John Mackinnon Robertson (London: John Lane, 1897, pp. 55-130)
    • “Edgar Allan Poe” in Specimens of Modern Literary Criticism edited by Tenney Brewster (New York: Macmillan, 1907, pp. 126-180)
  • Poe the Poet: Recollections of Two Citizens Who Knew Him Well” by Anonymous, State (Richmond, VA), November 29, 1885
  • A Defense of Edgar Allan Poe by John J. Moran (1885, book)
  • The Character of Edgar Allan Poe” by Margaret E. Wilmer, Brooklyn Magazine, vol. III, no. 6, (March 1886), 3:211-213.
  • Lilitha” (a set of articles about a poem that is not by Poe, but was originally published as being by Poe in a currently unlocated issue of the Sunday Gazette of Washington, DC in the summer of 1882)
  • Two Open Letters: From Dr. English to Mr. Ingram” (a set of two “letters” by Thomas Dunn English)
  • Edgar Allan Poe” by Richard H. Stoddard, Lippincott’s (January 1889), 42:107-115.
  • Poe’s Mary” by Augustus Van Cleef, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine (March 1889), pp. 634-640.
  • “Reminiscences of Edgar Allan Poe” by John Sartain
    • Reminiscences of Edgar Allan Poe” by John Sartain, Lippincott’s (March 1889), pp. 411-415.
    • “Edgar Allan Poe” by John Sartain, Reminiscences of a Very Old Man (New York: D. Appleton, 1899), pp. 196-217.





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