a, in acatalectic, the pons asinorum of students of prosody: 45, 94
a, quantity of: 206'2, '3, '5, 207'6, 208'13, 210'24
A boundless sea of blood, and the wild air: 12:60
a breath can make them as a breath has made: 112
A midnight black with clouds is in the sky: 19.91
A needless Alexandrine ends the song: 89.6
A palm like his, and catch from him the sacred flame: 12'56
A poet's form she placed before their eyes: 7.33
a posteriori prosody; a priori prosody: xv'5
A shoot of that old vine that made: 30'52
A soul immortal, spending all her Fires: 163.10
A various language: for his gayer hours: 145.60
About her cabin door / The wide old woods resounded with her song: 27.32
About the cliffs / Lay garlands, ears of maize, and shaggy skins: 28.35
abyss, celestial: 37'85
acatalectic, defined by Brown: 45'2, 94'5, 182
acatalecticism, alleged, in Byron: 63'51, 129'25
— accent: an element of quantity: 196
— musical bar marked by: 190
— not confided to the understanding: 117.71
accent, noun and verb, glossed: 135.35
accented dactyl, defined, by Felton: 149.75
accented syllable, quantity of: 104
accented spondee, glossed: 195.21
accentual force, syllabic quantity dependent on: 181
accentual system of prosody: xvi:12, 121.3
— condemned: 202'30
— nonsensical: 121'3
— repelled: xv:4
— scansion of ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi
— scansion of ‘Ulalume’: xxviii:71
accentual-foot system of prosody: xv.1, .3, xvi:15
— affected by inflexion: 148'70
— English prosody dependent on: 58'41
accentuation, glossed: 135.35
acephalous, not used by Brown: xix.31
Adams, Ernest W.: 101.31#
adaptation, a species of equality: 100
Addison, Joseph: 184:5
Ade, George: 143.55#
adjective and substantive, homoioteleuton between, in Latin: 109.48
Adullam, linguistic: 197.20
adultery, a sanctioned amusement: 206'1
ae, ligated: by Poe: xii
— macron over, not cut: 53.28
affect, archaic use of, dehorted: 28'35
affectation, a source of errors in melody: 82
affection, woman's, the vulnerable place in man's spirit: 117.66
aim, of English grammar, demanded: 48, 95
air, sonority of: 14
Akenside, Mark, late adoption of trisyllabic feet by: 164, 178
— The pleasures of imagination: 164:16, 177'28
— The pleasures of the imagination: 164.16, 165.17, .18, .19
— Poems, 1772: 164.16#
alarm, uncertainly heard, violent decasyllabic reaction to: 163.9
Alas! his deck was trod by unwilling feet: 210'23
Alcofribas Nasier: 123.6
Alden, Abner: 49.15
Aldrich, Mary A. S.: 126.18#
alexandrine: 88-92
— as fourteenth line of quatorzain: 34'75
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii
— not isochronous with decasyllable: 202
— pause after third foot: xx§16, 12
— trochee in: 12
— two consecutive trochees: 13.59
alexandrine, = iambic hexameter: 182
Alexis calls me cruel: 34:81
Alger, Israel, his edition of Lindley Murray: 49.15
All day this desert murmured with their toils: 18.83
All dim in haze the mountains lay: 22:10
All is silent, save the faint/And interrupted murmur of the bee: 28:40
All that tread/The globe are but a handful to the tribes: 41.99
All the green herbs/Are stirring in his breath; a thousand flowers: 28:41
all writers, glossed: 53.30
allegory, unsustained: 16
Allen, Gay Wilson: xiiii'22
Allen, American prosody: xv.3#, xvi:23, xvii.9, xix.26, .31, xxi.45, xxvii.64, xxviii:70, xxix.75, .80
— inserted to secure new equalities: 112
— a mood of verse: 100
— not lawful rhyme in English: 68.59
alliteration, rhyme differentiated from: 69.59
Alone Mokanna, midst the general flight: 170'36, 180'48
alphabetization: in index: xi
— in table of rhymes: xii
Alps, vista from, exaggerated: 164.16
Also the church within was adorned for this was the season: 150'79
Alterton, Margaret: x:7#, xiiii
altogether, commas around: 17.81
-am, Latin termination, prosody of: 78
Amado, Milton: xiii.18#
amazement, vocal expression appropriate to: 186
ambiguity-hunters work over Donne: 173.9
ambivalence, Poe's, toward Longfellow: xxxi'86
Amelia: SEE Welby, Amelia B.
American language, death of: 142
American Monthly Magazine: 4:20, :24, 9.37, 4:14, 116'63, 117'65
American Whig Review: 88.3#, 88.5, 91.10, 91.12, 187.1
Among thy gallant sons that guard thee well: 10'50
Among trunks grouped in myriads round: 142
— defined by Allen: xvii.18
— defined by Saintsbury: xxiii.56
— etymology of: xvi'18
amphibrachys: xxxii'91
— admitted by Everett, in combination with other feet: 97.23
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii'56, 99.29
— rejected by Crowe: 55.30
— tailless, confounded with headless anapaest: xxiii.57
amphimacer: defined by Allen; etymology of: xvi:19
An ugly reptile;/She will'd us not to speak of it — The Gods: 163.15
anacrusis: xxxii:92
— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi
analysis, absent from chapters on English versification: 45, 94
anapaest, a trisyllabic foot: xviii§7
— acephalous: xxxii'91
—— confounded with acaudate amphibrachys: xxiii.57
—— in ‘Ulalume’: xxviii
—— mixed with anapaests by Everett; numerical notation of: 129.23
— admitted: by Crowe: 55.30
—— by Everett: 97.23
— apparent, substituted by Pope for iambus: 113'57
— as first foot of poem in dactylic rhythm, deprecated: 119
— caesura (P) equal to: 124
— confounded with dactyl: xxi.50, xxx, xxxi'89
— elision of, proscribed: 115:60
— equivalent to spondee, in decasyllables: 203.29
— Greenwood attempts to scan Byron in anapaests: 129.23
— iambus substituted for: by Brown: xx§14
— by Felton: 149.75
— in decasyllables, conveys celerity: 92:16
— in French heroic verse: 147.67, 223.13
— in Mrs Hewitt: 157.18
— in Holmes: 77.76
— in Ligeia! Ligeia!: xxii'51
— in Longfellow's ‘Proem’: xxx
— mixed with: acephalous anapaests, by Everett: 129.23
—— iambi, by Bryant: 24'13, 26
— necessary in Poe's scansions: 99'29
— never substituted for iambus: 114
— notation of, numerical: 134
— rhyme between anapaests: 70.59
— spondee, and dactyl, concourse of: 55.32
— spondee equal to: 60
— spondee substituted for, by Poe: xx§14
— substituted for iambus: xx§12
—— by Everett: 115.59
—— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii'51
—— in alexandrines: 92'13
—— in Holmes: 77.76
— synaeresis of: 74'68, 114'59, 183
— a tetrachronic foot: 114
— when not an anapaest: 157.18
anapaest: ae in, ligated by Poe: xii
— as locum tenens for bastard iambus: 92.13
— spelling of: 25.13
anapaestic dimeter: acephalous: 129.23
— Carlyle's use of: 220'11
—— sources of: 222§3
— in Tennyson: 131.25
— scanned by Marx as dactylic tetrameter: 221.11
anapaestic thanatography: 73.63
anapaestic verse: 184
— rhyme in: 106
anapaestic words, indefinite sequence of: 105
anastatic printing: 65.53
and: elision of: 204
— quantity of: 13.60, 80, 130:28
And all, scanned as acephalous anapaest: 131.28
And every flower that sad embroidery wear: 159'3
And every flower that sad embroidery wears: 176'15
And from the gray old trunks that high in heaven: 28'34
And glorious ages gone: 15'70
And Greece, decayed, destroyed, doth see: 31.52
And his this drum whose hoarse heroic bass: 6'32
And, if by fortune any little nap: 204:37
And now she views, as on the wall it hung: 169.31
And Rheumatisms I send to rack the Joints: 81.84
And Rizpah, once the loveliest of all: 26:23
And, sham'd as we have been, to th' very beard: 165.21
And thou wert sad — yet I was not with thee: 206'4
and shroud, and pall, scanned as dispondee: 145.60
And the blue Gentian flower that, in the breeze: 32'74
and the breeches, prosody of: 77.75
and the gray old men that passed: 26'33
And the night shall be filled with music: xxi.50
And the peasant mother at her door: 154:16
And the shore groans trembling under a fall of billows: 193
And the silken, sad, uncertain: 86'8
And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain: 86:7
And there the slave, a slave no more: 152'6
And thou didst drive from thy unnatural breast: 10'47
And thou shouldst chase the nobler game, and I bring down the bird: 22'7
And thrice he lifted high the birth-day band: 6'28
And virtue cannot dwell with slaves, nor reign: 10.45
And what if cheerful shouts, at noon: 30'60
And when my last sand twinkled in the glass: 32'69
And where his willing waves yon bright blue bay: 15.67
And where the river of bliss, midst of heaven: 162'7, 177'19
And whether famished evening wolves had mangled Albert so: 23.8
Angels with lofty honours crown his head: 175.11
anisochronous feet, necessary: 191'14
anopia, predicated of pedants: 140
anthology, Everett provides a valuable: 205
Anthon, Charles:
— Elements of Latin prosody: 83.91#, 99.30
— A system of Greek prosody: 125.8#
— A system of Latin prosody: 78.78#
— The works of Horace: 139.49#
anticipated rhymes, where found: 85
antiquity, deference to, irrational: 94
antistrophe, in Pindaric odes, equal strophe: 51.21
— forced, between melody and Harmony: 51.22
— in Bryant: 22
— combined with rhythmical force: 14'66
Apollo, his herpetophobia: 163.15
apostrophe, in heroic verse, purpose of: 8.36
April, proud-pied: 190:11
Aquella pecadora, que solia: 35.80
Araxes, prosody of: 83.91
arbitrary rhyme, not urged: 86
are, elision of: 63
are, quantity of: 62, 128, 132
Are emblems of deeds that are done in their clime: 62, 128'23
Aristophanes, Clouds: 86:9, 106.43
Aristotelean, all pedants are: 105.37
Aristotelean, synonym of a priori: xv'5
Aristotle: Nicomachean ethics: 109.50
arms, complacent: 14:63
Armstrong, John, trisyllabic feet in: 164'20, 178'32
Armstrong, The art of preserving health: 165.20#
Arno, smiling, an international distillery: 3.11
ars celare artem: 44:8, 115.61
articles: absent in Latin: 78
— declension of: 216'6
articles a, an, the:
— treatment of, in index: xi
artificial feet, glossed: 105.37
Artillery, heroic verse compared to: 187
As Helluo, late Dictator of the Feast: 195.19
As if the day of fire had dawned and sent: 32'67
As if they loved to breast the breeze that the cool clear sky: 22'6
As when a wearie traueller that strayes: 167.23
asclepiadic choriambic tetra,eter: 139.49
— forced under English scansion: xviii
assonance: miscellaneous, introduced to strengthen verses: 112
— not lawful rhyme in English: 68.59
— not the proximate genus of rhyme: 67.59
— rhyme differentiated from: 69.59
association, constant, with inanimate nature, effect of: 42'4
Astarte's bediamonded crescent: xxix.71
— expressed by spondee in fifth foot of Latin hexameter: 78.78
— gigantic: 208'11
astronomer, = άστρολογος: 125.8
astrologos, a pentachronic foot: 124
astrologer, = άστρολογος: 125.8
asyllabic foot: 123.7
— in musical system of scansion: xviii
At last the earthquake came — the shock, that hurled: 15.66
At the close of the day when the hamlet is still: 184
Atropos, provoked by Fame: 159.2
Auream quisquis mediocritatem: 191'14
author index, used euphemistically: xi.11
authoritative, differentiated from authority definitive: xiiii:24
— cursing curbed by: 117.71
— in versification, absent: 106
— its place in English grammar: 47.6
— sole basis of chapters on English versification: 45, 94
authority, glossed: 104
— meaning of, demanded: 142'57
Autumn, prodigal: 8:41
auxiliary verbs, monosyllabic, absent from Greek and Latin hexameters: 148'70
avenue, how landscaped: 103.33
Ay, thou art for the grave; thy glances shine: 34:77
Aye, if a poor man; Steno's a patrician: 208'13
azure, scanned as spondee: 126
— sonority of: 14
b, in entombed, voiced: xxv.60
bacchius, a chimerical foot: 55.32
Bacon (grammarian): 46:5, 49.15, 95'7
Bacon, Francis: Idolum theatri: 94'4
— his prose, spondees in: 196
Bacon, Essays: 85:6
Baconian: glossed: 141.52
— synonym of a posteriori: xv
bad grammar, defined by Pue: 49.13
balancing, = equalization: 4'22
ballad airs, appreciated by unpractised ears: 100
— contrasted with railway: 143.55
— mesmeric, a XXIX-century locomotive: 142:55
Balnibarbi, language of, reform of: 59.42
Banks, T. H., edition of Denham: 169.32
Banners yellow glorious golden: xxvi
baptism: prosody of: 150'80
scanned as spondee: 81'84
bar, a division of a musical line: 190
Barbier, Jules: 221.6
bars: = feet: 90
Bartlett, John: 222:15#, :16#, :17, :18#, :19#, :20#
base degrees, quotation books likened to: 222:14
bastard anapaest, a tetrasyllable foot: xviii'37, 99.29
— and anapaest, monosyllabic rhyme between: 70.59
— dental consonants in: xxix.72
— explanation of, unnecessary: 132
— in ‘Ulalume’: xxviii'73
— notation of, numerical: 134
bastard dactyl, a tetrasyllable foot: xviii'37, 99.29
— amputated by uncomprehending prosodists; as third foot in four-footed scansion of sapphics: 146
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxiiii
— notation of: by crescents: 132
— numerical: 134'37
bastard feet:
— as first foot of poem, dehorted: 119'78
— notation of, by crescents, why introduced: 133'33
— when invented: viii
bastard iambus, a trisyllabic foot: xviii'35, 5.21, 99.29
— and iambus, monosyllabic rhyme between: 70.59
— common in iambic rhythms: 132
— enforced by rhyme: 115.62
— essentially an iambus: 133
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii'52, 119.74
— in decasyllables: 201.29
— in Holmes: 77.76
— in Longfellow's ‘Proem’: xxx
— in Street: 83.90
— notation of: by crescents: 115
—— numerical: 134
— substituted for iambus:
— by Mrs Hewitt: 156'18
—— by Poe: xx§12
— tribrachys an alternative to: xviii§7
bastard trochee, a trisyllabic foot: xviii'36, 99.29
— common in trochaic rhythms: 132
— iambic dactyl scanned as: 203.33
— notation of: by crescents: 116, 120:79
—— numerical: 134
— quick trochee derived from: 124
— substituted for trochee: xx§13
Battell, Joseph: 43.4#
battle-axe, imbrued in blood: 68.59
Baudelaire, Charles, did not translate ‘Rationale’: xii
Bauhaus, Bernard: 103.32
Be it ours to meditate/In these calm shades thy milder majesty: 38
Be present all ye Genii, who conduct: 164.16
beaches, wave-worn, their bright pebbles: 127.18
Beardsley, Monroe C.: 197.21#
beats, = feet: 90
beautiful, prosody of: 39.91
beautiful/dutiful, equalities in: 108
— earthly and heavenly, assimilated: 86
— Mrs Hewitt's appreciation of: 152
— how constituted: 85:6
— ideal, not easily analysed: 42
beauty contest, celestial: xxii'53, 63.49
Beck, Charles, translation of Munk: 87.9#, 99.27
beginning, beginning at the, counselled: 88:4
belles-lettres, englished: 93
benches, oil-painted, how dusted: 80, 150'81
benches, prosody of: 80
beneficent planets, Jupiter and Venus are: 212'8
Benjamin, Park: 116:63
Berkeley, George, Fenelon compared to: 57.36
Bernoulli, Daniel, his hedonic calculus: 101.31
Bernoulli, Jacob, Ars conjectandi: 103.32#
— 1 Corinthians: 13.11, 118.76
bibliography, to be avoided by non-bibliographers: xi.11
Bickerstaff, Isaac, Swift's nom de guerre: 6:25
Bielfeld, Jacob: 57.36#
birth-place, abyssal, the west wind's: 38'96
bitterest tears, stt in, how pronounced: 2
blank verse, an acquired taste: 172
blank verse, defined by Brown: 181
blending, variation nullified by: 114
blending, = synaeresis: 74'68, 114'60
Blue lightnings tinge the wave: 183
blues: talking, invented by Roderick Usher: xxvii'66
— twelve-bar: scanned as brachycatalectic: 3.9
— Tovey's scansion of: xix.24
blushes, how concealed: 28:45
Boeotia, put facetiously for Ireland: 6.25
Boethius: 59.39#
Bon-Bon, Pierre, character of: 78.77
bookworm: manufacturing darkness: 99'27
— unapt for inductive prosody: 142
bottle, scanned as trochee: 196
Boys will anticipate, lavish, and dissipate: 185
brachycatalexis, in Tennyson: 131'25
brachys: multiply ambiguous: 138'44
— where printed: xix.40
Brady, Nicholas: xvii.9
breast: entombed: 73.63
— glowing Beauty's, inflation of: 119.77
— haunted, the forest's: 39.95
— immaculate: 42:3
— of Earth: a couch and auditorium: 20:93
— the last bed of all: 41.99
— pure, the lake's: 127.18
— unnatural: 10'47
Breezes of the south!/Who toss the golden and the flame-like flowers: 18:85
brick-bat, compared to brick: 51.20
Bring the rathe Primrose that forsaken dies: 159.3
Bristed, Charles Astor: 90:12
British Museum: xiii
brooks, complaining: 40'2
Brown, Goold, The institutes of English grammar: 181.1#, 181-185, 45'2, 46'5, 49'15, 67:57, 74:68, 94:5, 95:6, 114:59, 129:24, 216'9, viii:3, xviii'25, 53.30, 59.44, 63.50, 105.35, 107.40, 133.32
Brown, Lucie: xiiii'22
Bryant, William Cullen: apologizes for his poetic licences: 171.2
— as translator: 34
— false quantities in: 144'60
— quantity of articles a, an, the in: xx'42
— refreshed by trisyllabic feet: 166, 178
— his rhapsodies: 43
— his unquestioned reputation: 1
— an unsurpassed versifier: 44
Bryant: The ages: 2:8, :11, 8:40, :41, :42, :43, 10:44, :45, :46, :47, :48, :49, :50, :51, :52, :53, 12'56, :57, :59, :60, '61, 68.59, 82'87, 1'5, 99.29
— The Arctic lover: 26'25
— Autumn woods: 28:44, :45, :46, 28'43
— Catterskill falls: 24:12, 24'11, '13, 26
— The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus: 30'58, 82'88, 195'21, 211:1, :2, :3, 30'57
— The damsel of Peru: 24:17, :18, 24'16
— The disinterred warrior: 30'49, 30'48
— Earth: 19.91, 20:93, :94, :95, 18'89, 22, 34'97
— Forest hymn: 27.30, 28.34, 36:88, 38.89, :92, 36:87, 38'97
— The hunter of the prairies: 24'14
— The hunter's vision: 22:10, 22'9, 24
— The Indian girl's lament: 26'24
— Innocent child and snow-white flower: 32:62, :63, 31'61
— The knight's epitaph: 20'98
— The living lost: 22:3, :4, 22'2, 30'51, 34'78
— Mary Magdalen: 34'80
— The massacre at Scio: 26:27, 26'26
— A meditation on Rhode Island coal: 30:56
— Mutation: 32'72
— Monument mountain: 26:29, 27.31, .32, .33, 28.35, 26'28
— November: 32:74, 34.75, 32'73
— Oh, fairest of the rural maids!: 40:3, 44
— The old man's funeral: 16:74, :75, 16:72, 20'96
— On the use of trisyllabic feet in iambic verse: 159.1#, 159-170, xviii'25, 3.10
— On trisyllabic feet in iambic measure: 171.1#, 171-180, xviii'25, 3.10
— Poems, 1821: 1:6#
— Poems, 1834: 211.2#
— Poems, 1836: 1:2#, 1:7, 34.76, xii, 211.1
— Poems, 1847: 211.3#
— The prairies: 18:82, :83, :84, :85, :88, 19.87, 17:80, 18'90
— Song (from the Spanish of Iglesias): 34:81, xxx'85
— A song of Pitcairn's Island: 25:20, 24:19, 26'24
— Sonnet — to Cole: 32:71, 33.70
— The strange lady: 22:6, :7, :8, 22'5
— Summer wind: 28:38, :40, :41, 28'37
— Thanatopsis: 40:98, '99, :1, .2, 144:60, 38'97, 44
— To a musquito: 30:55
— To a waterfowl: 36:83, :85, :86, 36:82, 40
— To —— [sonnet]: 34:77
— To the Apennines: 20:97, 20:96
— To the evening wind: 38:95, :96, 38'94
To the past: 15:70, 16:71, 15:68
— When the firmament quivers with daylight's young beam: 30'53
Buffalonian, in serious use: 151.78
bump, = anacrusis: xxxii
Bunner, H. C.: 222
Bunyan, John, The pilgrim's progress: 57.36
burden, = refrain: 112
burlesque: juxta-rhyme in: 107.44
— short lines adapted to: 67, 132'30
— trisyllabic rhyme in: 70.59
— which useful in: 65.52
burn more bright, not predicable of orbs: 212
Burns, Robert, his flute-like strains: 188
Burns, She says she lo'es me best of a': 193:18#
But 'neath yon crimson tree: 28:45
But now he walks the streets: 214'16
But, now o'er thy breast in the hush of the tomb: 73.63
But oh! a spirit looketh: 154:11
But say, if our Deliverer up to Heaven: 12:55, 75'70
But such a bulk as no twelve bards could raise: 6'33, 76'72
But the chief/Are poets, eloquent men, who dwell on earth: 164:19, 178'31
But these are better than the gloomy errors: 207'9
But thou art here — thou fill'st/The solitude. Thou art in the soft winds: 37.88
But thou, my country, thou shalt never fall: 11.50
But 'tis a common proofe,/That Lowlynesse is young Ambition's Ladder: 223.14
But worse than these/I deem, far worse, that other race of ills: 165.17
But ye, who for the living lost: 22:3
by blazes, not an oath: 142'54
Byron, George Gordon:
— coiner or utterer of clichés: 40'98
— disyllabic rhyme in: xx§19
— his failure to imitate Goethe: 222§1
— false accents in: 206-210, 14:62
— his ignorance of Staël: 222'12
— his prosody, ninety-nine inept discussants of: 62
— quantity of articles a, an, the in: xx'42
— his versification, unsystematic and insufficiently varied: 172'6
Byron: The age of bronze: 209:22
— Beppo: 207:8
— The bride of Abydos: 62:49#, 128'19, 132, 222'16, xxiiii, 107.40, 145.60, 220'7
—— damned with faint praise: 128
—— imitated by Carlyle: 222§3
— Cain: 209:18
— Childe Harold's pilgrimage: 206:2
— The deformed transformed: xxiii.56, 209:21
— Don Juan: 210:24
— The dream: 206:3
— English bards and Scotch reviewers: 206:1
— Francesca of Rimini: 208:12
— Heaven and earth: 209:19
— The island: 210:23
— The lament of Tasso: 207:7
— Lines on hearing that Lady Byron was ill: 206:4
— Manfred: 207:6
— Marino Faliero: 208:13
— Monody on the death of Sheridan: 206:5
— The Morgante maggiore: 208:11
— Ode on Venice: 208:9
— The prophecy of Dante: 208:10
— Sardanapalus: 208:16
— Sonnet to the Prince Regent: 208:15
— Stanzas to Augusta: xxviii:68
— The two Foseari: 208:17
— The vision of judgment: 208:14
— Werner: 209:20
Bysshe, Edward, his many and learned: 172
caedo, etymon of caesura: 99.25
caesura (ordinary acceptation):
— in elegiac pentameter: 99.25
— in Latin hexameters: 103.32
— Latin, allegedly marked by Macron: 138
— misrepresented by Greek and Latin prosodists: 98
— prescribed, in Latin versification: 141.51
caesura: ae in, ligated by Poe: xii
— etymology of: 99.25
caesura (Poe's monosyllabic foot) can Lo! be scanned as: 211:4
— a chameleonic foot: 61
— chief office of: 64
— equated to the foot preceding: 61'48
— equivalent to trochee: 73'6
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxiiii
— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi:63
— in Holmes: 68.59
— in Horace: 61
— monosyllabic rhyme between: 70.59
— necessary in Poe's scansions: 99'29
— notation for: by wavy line: 124, 125
— of varying length: 98'25, 124'12
— quantity of: 104
— rejected by English prosodists: 98
— where found: 60
caesura (P), suggested origin of: 99.25
came, syntax of adverbs with: 119.77
Campbell, George, The philosophy of rhetoric: 88:6#, 92.16, 88.5, 90.10
Campbell, Killis:
— The mind of Poe: 55.33#, 153.1
— The poems of Edgar Allan Poe: xii:14#, 18.81, xxiii.56, xxx:84, 86.8,111.55, 119.77
Campbell, Thomas, Soldier's dream: 59.44
Can he smile on the deeds that his children have done: 64
Can he smile on the deeds which his children have done: 64'52
Can it be fancied that Deity ever vindictively: 112
canoe, eternally unmanned: 68.59
capitals, use of, in table of rhymes: xii
care: absconding: xxi.50
cankering: 32.62
carelessness: entailed by genius: 142
— a source of errors in melody: 82
Carlyle, Thomas: his anapaests, source of; his imitation of Byron: 222'13
Carlyle, translation of Wilhelm Meister: 221.8#, .9#, .10#, 220-222, 222'17
— unacknowledged by Bartlett's quotations: 222
Carré, Michel: 221.6
carriers, elision of: xxii
Carry1, Guv Wetmore: 65.52#
Carter, R.: 93.2
Cary, Phoebe: 51.20#
catalectic, glossed: 45'2, 94'5, 182
catalecticism, in Byron: 63'51, 129'25
catalexis, monosyllabic feet scanned as: 131.25
Caxton, William: 71.63
celerity: dependent on anapaests: 92
— how suggested: 88:5
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel, Swift invited to emulate: 6:25
cette terre, as translation of das Land: 220'6
change, sonority of: 14
Changing: 184'5
Chaucer, Geoffrey, trisyllabic feet in, Horne's defence of: 116:70, :71
Chaucer modernized: 116:70#
Chippewa language, as medium for grammatical composition: 49.13
choir, seraphic, Fènelon unfitted for membership in: 57.36
choriambic tetrameter, notation of, numerical: 143.58
choriambus: 139.49
Christabel metre:
— Bryant's use of: xv'2, 27.23
— quantitative-foot system unsuited for describing: 131.25
Christians, primitive, God's provision for: 12'55
chronic, dehorted by Poe: 16'75
chronic tortures, glossed: 17.75
chronicles, anciently versified: 186
Cibber, Colley, how cobbled: 7.30
Cicero, M. Tullius: 123.6
Ciceronian, analogical formations after: 151.78
citron-apple, a nonce word: 221
classicism, Mrs Hewitt's: 152
cleaned and the, scanned as dactyl: 150
Clear was the Heaven and blue, and May with her cap crowned with roses: 52:26
Cleonaean/lion, vowel music and alliteration of: 154
clime, as monosyllabic foot, inadmissible: 63, 129
clime where/crime, not a rhyme: 70.59
clockwork, elaborate, of English hexameter: 79.80
clouds: circumfluent: 169.35
— flying: 5.16
— fugitive: 170.36
— metaphysical: 93
— an obstacle to astronomy: 5.18
Cluverus, Dethlevus: 53.26#
coal, New England, unfit subject for a poem: 30
Cobbett, William: 49.13#
cockney rhyme, glossed: 214'16
coexistence, equal and proportional: 108
Cole, Thomas, his departure for Europe: 32:70
Coleridge, Ernest Hartley:
— edition of Byron: 206#, 63.49
— edition of S. T. Coleridge: 121.3#
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor:
— Christabel: 119.75, 85.1, 103.33
— how constructed: xvi:13, 121.3, 141.51
— how scanned: 121
— its rhythm understood by one man in a hundred: 122
— when Poe read: 119.75
— Preface to Christabel: 121.3#, 157.19
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor:
— Bryant compared to: 43'7
— Bryant's ability to shock: 27.23
— false rhythm in: 122
— his hexameters, absurd: 79.81
— reductio ad absurdum applied to: 122
Colet, John, his contributions to Lily's grammar: 216
Colle, scanned as trochee, in asclepiads: 144
colloquialism without vulgarity: 154'14
Colton, George Hooker: 88:2
Columbia University, library: xiii
combinations, metrical, enumerated: 102.32
Come talk of Europe's maids with me: 24:20
come to, scanned as trochee: 123
comic effect, of rhymes in Aristophanes: 87.9
comic poets, their metres: 187
Comly, John: 48:14#, 49.15, 95'16
comma: omitted by: Poe 29.42
— Poe's use of: 17.81
common measure, of interspaces between rhymes, not found: 69.59
C.M., origin of: 182
complacent, sonority of: 14
— of ‘To the evening wind’: 38
— a poetic beauty: 14
— requisite to the sonnet: 32
complexity, infinite, apparent: 110'54
comprehension, time a condition precedent to: 86
— Moore's verse lacks: 172
— requisite to the sonnet: 32
conform, prosody of: 39.91
— discussion of verse surrounded by: 93
— predicated of scholastic prosody: 143'57
Connais-tu cette terre où les citronniers fleurissent: 220'6
Connais-tu le pays où fleurit l'oranger?: 221.6
Connois-tu cette terre où les myrtes fleurissent: 220'5
Consistency, the great highway to Truth: xv.5
consistency, = one-ness: 103.33
consonants: moratory concourse of: 195.21
— place of, in English: 193
consternation, expressed by spondee in fifth foot of Latin hexameter: 78.78
context, verse quotations wrenched from: 4'15
continuity, combined with variety: 190
continuous scansion:
— of ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxiiii
— of ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi
— of Holmes, rhymes ignored in: 76
— of ‘Ulalume’: xxviii
continuousness, the first element of beauty: 187
control, scanned as iambus: 134
conventionality, emphasis governed by: 122
Cooper, Joab Goldsmith: 48:11#, 49.15, 95'13
copy, editor's dury [[duty]] toward: 71.63
Corneille, Pierre, mined by dunces: 7.30
Corpora curamus fessos sopor irrigat artus: 196'23
corroboration, apparent effect of: 27.30
Cortázar, Julio: xiii.17#
counterbalance, required by discords: 75
couplet-makers, Pope's superiority to: 4, 56'35
Cowley, Abraham, trisyllabic feet in: 168'30, 180'42
Cowper, William, Bryant compared to: 44
Cowper: Alexander Selkirk: 58:44#, 184'6
Coxe, Arthur Cleveland: 54:33#, 54:34, 98'14
Crabbe, George: 172:5#
Cradle, in his soft embrace, a gay/Young group of grassy islands: 14'67
Cranch, Christopher Pearse:
— My thoughts: 211.11#, 121'2, 123, 136, 137, 212:10, 213.12, ix, 132, 135.40, 138'47
— Poems, 1844: 212:11
Creator, closely related to Indian warrior: 30'49
cribbage, condemned and practised by Poe: x:8
crime, scanned as caesura (P): 64, 130
critic, broken-down, pieces of: 91.12
criticism, Scotch school of: 88:3
crotchet divided into two quavers; minim divided into two crotchets: 191'15
Crowe, William: 55.30#
Crow-toe, tufted, adorns Lycidas's herse: 159.3
— as aid in listening to poetry: 111.52
— hedonics of: viii, 84'4, 100
cujus, prosody of: 83.91
cum tibi sollicito secreti ad fluminis undam: 107.47
Cumberland, Richard, trisyllabic feet in: 162'15, 177'27
Cumberland, The sybil: 163.15#
cur, quantity of: 144
Curll, Edmond, pornographer: 6.26
curses: against clouds: 5.18
— against death: 5.17
— as invocation: 207'6
— omnidirectional: 170.36
cus, in decus, an unstressed syllable: 145.58
cycle: analeptic: 38:96
— progression deduced from: 2
cypress, emblematic: 61:49, 128'19
Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien: 31.47#
dactyl, a trisyllabic foot: xviii'34
— admitted: by Crowe: 55:30
—— by Everett, in combination with other feet: 97.23
— alleged, in Bryant's and Longfellow's decasyllables: 144'60
— anapaest confounded with: xxi.50, xxx, xxxi'89
— and anapaest, concourse of, as counter-example to Brown's definition of versification: 54'32, 98
— as fifth foot in Greek hexameter: 148.69
— as first foot:
—— of asclepiad, rare: 141.49
—— of decasyllabic line: 115.59
—— of poem in anapaestic rhythm, deprecated: 119
— attempted scansion of ‘Ulalume’ in dactyls: xxx
— bastard: SEE bastard dactyl
— caesura (P) equal to: 61
— combined with spondee; combined with trochee: xx.43
— elision of, proscribed: 115.60
— equivalent to spondee, in decasyllables: 203.29
— iambic, how formed and scanned: 202:33
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii, xxiiii
— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi'63
— in hexameters: English, abundant: 148
— Greek, as variant of spondee: 147
— Latin: 77
— in Longfellow: 78'78
— isochronous: 108
— necessary in Poe's scansions: 99'29
— never substituted for trochee: 114'60
— notation of, numerical: 134'36
— Poe attempts to scan in dactyls:
—— Miss Aldrich: 126'18
—— Horace: 61
— spondee equivalent to: 126
— spondee substituted for: xx§15
— substituted for:
—— iambus, by Whelpley: xviii'34, xx§12
—— spondee, in Greek hexameter: 50, 96
—— trochee, by Brown: xx§13
—— trochee, in Holmes: 74
— suggested by trochee: 104
— synaeresis of: 74'68, 114'59, 183
— a tetrachronic foot: 114
— trisyllabic rhyme between dactyls: 70.59
— trochee equivalenced to, in asclepiads: 144
— trochee substituted for, by Felton: 149.75
dactyl, defined: by Allen: xvii.20
— by Brown: 182
dactylic, predicated of the English language: 78'77
dactylic hexameter:
— defined, by Felton: 149.75
— glossed: 100
dactylic line: Greek, not the model of alexandrines: 90
— in Greek and Latin hexameters: 88.5, 89.6, 91.10
dactylic measure, uncommon: 185
dactylic pentameter catalectic:
— asclepiad scanned as: 140.49
— Poe's straw man: 141.49
dactylic rhythm, caesura (P) in: 134
dactylic rhythm, glossed: 100
dactylic verse: 185
— disyllabic and monosyllabic rhyme ignored by Poe: 107.40
— Poe did not compose: xxix'79, 111.52, 145.59
— rejected by Everett: ix
— trisyllabic rhyme in: 106'40
— uncommon: xviii'34
— walloping: xxix'77
dactylic words, indefinite sequence of dactylics, English, Longfellow's hexameters will pass as: 80
Damiens, Robert, martyrdom of: 9.38
Damiens, pronunciation of: 8:39
Dammit, not an oath: 143.54
dandy, scanned as trochee: 196
Dante Alighieri: 188:6
Darwin, Erasmus, trisyllabic feet in, rare: 168'35, 180'47
Darwin, Erasmus, The economy of vegetation: 169.25#
dash: Poe's use of: 18.81
— used by Whelpley for foot mark: 191.13
Davis, Herbert, editor of Swift: 59.42
day, wished-for: 173.8
day-beam, dewy woods illuminated by: 68.59
De Morgan, Augustus: xiiii
De Vinne, Theodore Low, edition of Moxon: 217.8#
Dean, Swift's ecclesiastical title: 6:25
Death: the Past confounded with: 16'71
— a poor moonwatcher: 5.16
Death is the Crown of Life;/Was Death deny'd, poor Man would live in vain: 163.9
death-wind, th in, how pronounced: 2
— alexandrine compared with: 89.6, 90:10
— anapaest in: 115.59
—— conveys celerity: 92'16
— blank: xx§18
—— in German versification: xii
—— pure trisyllabic feet in: 160, 176
—— spondee in: xviii'32
— dactyle as first foot of: 115.59
— English: not more than four short syllables in: 202
— rationale of, demanded: 89.5
— feet in: 2'9
— Goethe's, not imitated by Byron: 222§1
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii
— inadvertent: 1:3
— et passim: 131.25
— Milton's, five spondees possible in: 197.21
— a misleading scansion for ‘Rizpah’: 26.23
— of unrelieved iambi: 171
— Poe's scansion of: 201.29
— Pope's: 113'57
—— collapsible into octosyllables: 175.12
— a model of easy scansion: 122
— regularity in, pleases the unpractised ear: 174
— rhymed: imperfection of: 171
—— trisyllabic feet in: 166, 178
— scannable by syllabic system: xvi, xvii.9
— spondee as second foot in: 115.59
— Sprague's: 70'61
— tribrachys in: 99.29
— trisyllabic feet in, time required by: 4:21
— trochee as first foot of: 113'57, 114:59
— first and second foot: 118'75
— uniquely suited for blank verse: 183
— Whelpley's scansion of: 203.29
decus: prosody of: 144
— scanned as iambus: 145.58
deduction, Baconian: 140'52
deeds, countenanced by Sun: 62:49, 64:52, 128'19
Deep lies in dusk the Theban obelisk: 163.13
decision, metrical expression of: xxi.50
defective, catalectic line condemned as scholarly: 132'31
definitive, differentiated from authoritative: xiiii:24
degen'rate, elision of: 7.33, 8'36, 76
delicate: elision of: 5.20
— licentious occurrences of: 117.65
— prosody of: 116'65
delight, vocal expression appropriate to: 186
Democratic Review: 71.63
Denham, John, trisyllabic feet in: 168'32, 180'44
Denham, Cooper's hill: 169.32#
dental consonants, in bastard anapaest: xxix.72
design, of English grammar, demanded: 48, 95
desire, never-cloyed, love feels no longer: 163.12
deutero-Poe, his scansion: 157.18
dew, falling: 36'83
dew-drop, enfolded by the water lily: 127.18
diaeresis: in alexandrines: xx§16, 12
— in hexameters, to be avoided: 192
diction, poetic, French language deficient in: 57.36
didactics, an essential and primitive error in poetry: 44
dies irae, adumbrated: 33.67
dignified, predicated of Baconian: 141.52
dilettante, radical meaning of: xiiii
Dim was its little disk, and angel eyes: 118:77
diminishing returns, of pleasure: 84'5, 100
diminution, an unsuitable discord: 74
diphthong, in short syllables of trisyllabic feet: 159'2, 175'14
— a cause of tedium: 119.73
— in English iambic verse: 3.9
directness, glossed: 154.14
discord, why employed: 74
Disraeli, Isaac:
— Amenities of literature: 107.48#
— Curiosities of literature: 52.27#
dispondee, construction of: 102
distance between rhymes, equalized: 84
distich, of anisochronous feet, licit: 141.49
distribution of time, in bastard feet: 133
disyllabic foot: xviii§6
diversity, = variety: 103.33
Do tell! when may we hope to make men of sense out of the Pundits: 151
— Bartlett's quotations seldom cited in scholarly: 222'14
— extent of: x
— how indicated, in index: xi
Dodgson, C. L.: The new belfry: 17:78#
— Sylvie and Bruno concluded: xxix.67
Does prodigal Autumn to our age deny: 8:41
doggrel, venia legendi: 123
Dole, Nathan Haskell, editor of Bartlett's quotations: 223.19
Dolores stanza, derivation of: xxvii.67
done oh, scanned as spondee: 64, 66, 130
Donne, John, Leigh Hunt compared to: 172'9
Donne, The good-morrow: 173:9#
door, scanned as caesura (P): 74
Doric, predicated of Spenser's dialect: 166, 179
Dosa Gyorgy, martyrdom of: 9.38
double quick trochee: SEE quick trochee
doubt-vapors, protean, metaphysics infested by: 93
Dowdy, Regera: xxvii.61
dower, prosody of: 133.32
dramatic blank verse, irregular march of: 187
Drapier, Swift's nom de guerre: 6:25
Dread mountain gorge! that hast thy way: 153.7
drew, syntax of: 16'79
Dryden, John:
— an authority on alexandrines: 91.10
— barbarous elisions in: 168, 180
— excluded trisyllabic feet from his heroic couplets: 166:22, 179'34
— paedagogic value of his versification: 91.7
Dryden: Oedipus: 162.8#
— Palamon and Arcite: 81.84
Ducklet, fey: xxix.67
Duff, James Duff: 107.45
dull, predicated of alexandrines: 89.6
Dunne, Finley Peter: 41.99#
duration, predicated of alexandrines: 90
Dwiggins, W. A., his essay at setting superior fractions, unsuccessful: 136.40
Dyer, John, trisyllabic feet in: 162'13, 177'25
Dyer, The ruins of Rome: 163.13#
e: in ed, not elidable: 133.32
— in the, elision of: 3, 92, 169.34
e, in que arcu, elision of: 146
eagle-spirit, how borne: 207'7
ear: its effect on prosody: 196'22
— requisite to the composer: 187
earthquakes, pathetic fallacy applied to: 165.21
ease, glowing: xxvii.65
ease, = nonchalance: xxi.50
ebb-tide, happily conceived: 158
Echoes, light employment of: xxv'59
economics, mathematical, hedonic calculus in: 101.31
Edward VI, commanded use of Lily's grammar: 217.4
effects, duplicated: 103.33
effect, differentiated from object: 115.61
eggs is eggs, algebraic statement of: 126'17, in Bryant: 27.24, as variant of L.M.: xxvii'61, in Bryant: 22'5, in Bryant: 31.51, in Bryant: 27.25, in Bryant: 24'19
eighteen morae:
— 11-syllabled line scanned in: 203'32
— Greenwood's scansion of a very moratory decasyllable: 197.21
— Whelpley's scansion of a normal decasyllable: 195'20, 197'21, 202, 203.29, 204
eighth-note, = quaver: 191.15
elais ea: not scanned as anapaest: 114:62
— scanned as anapaest: 75'69
elegiac couplet, in German versification: xii
elegiac stanza, glossed: 183 xxiii.55, ludicrous effect of: xxxi.90
Eliot, Thomas Stearns, how scanned: xvi'14
— effect on pronunciation: 8
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii
— in Bryant: 3:12
— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi
— in Latin hexameters: 52
— in ‘Ulalume’: xxviii
— in Willis: 5.20
— no longer observed: 160, 176
— of anapest and dactyle, proscribed: 115.60
ellipsis, in Bryant: 18'86
Else all my prose and verse were much the same: 6'27
-em, as ingredient of bastard dactyl: 145
embellishment, fanciful, Willis's taste for: 116
emblems of deeds that are done in their clime: 65, 129
Emongst them all sate he, which wonned there: 168.26
emotions, pedestrian: 185.5
— effect of, on quantity: 58:43, 104'36
— vagaries of: 122
emulous, how elidable: 3:12
Encyclopaedia Britannica 1929: xvi'24
end: distinguished from means: 50, 95
— of English grammar, demanded: 48, 95
energy, abrupt: 14'62
English grammar, defined:
— by Comly: 49.14
— by Cooper: 48.11
— by Fisk: 47.7
— by Flint: 48.12
— by Greenleaf: 47.8
— by Kirkham: 48.10
— by Miller: 47.6
— by Murray: 49.16
English grammar, definition of, quoted by Pue: 48.13
English language, robustness of: 79.80
English verse, composers of, quantitative foot system alien to: xxxii
— appears harsh: 173
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxiiii
— in Bryant: 15.64
— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi'63
— in ‘Ulalume’: xxviii'73
Enough has Heav'n indulg'd of joy below: 183
entombed, b in, voiced: xxv.60
enumeration, pauses in: 188
environs, elision of: xxii
epithets, unsuitable in prose: 39.93
epitrite, fourth, a chimerical foot: 77.75
— asbolute [[absolute]], appreciated: 108
— complex: apprehension of requires practised ear: 100
—— criticized: 110.52
—— exposed: 108
—— in anapaestic or dactylic verse: 104
— not predicable of nonentities: 126'17
— pleasurable appreciation of: 59, 84'3, 100:31, 108'50
— experimentally verifiable: 110
— proportional, appreciated: 108'50
— proximate, appreciated: 108
equalization, = balancing: 4'22
er, quantity of: 132
er th, elision of: 204
Erasmus, Desiderius, his contributions to Lily's grammar: 216, 217.2
— dovetailed into truth: 88
— imputed to Pope: 88:5
ers, quantity of: 132
eschatology, illustrated lecture on: 167.24
eternal, sonority of: 14
Eternal love doth keep/In his complacent arms, the earth, the air, the deep: 14
ethics, make up one-tenth of verse: 93
Etnolimbos tetnovee punchinholl: 199
euphonious, predicated of Baconian: 141.52
Euripides, hypermetrical syllable in: 204
Euterpe, ignored foot system: xxv.58
ev, quantity of: 132
even Feels, prosody of: 163.9
Even has come; and from the dark park, hark: 107.44
Even Love itself is bitterness of soul: 163.12
ever, hyperbolic use of: 119.75
Ever sing merrily, merrily: 185
Everett, Erastus:
— knows only the iambic dactyl: 203.33
— Whelpley forbears to criticize: 205
Everett, A system of English versification: 59.44#, 187.2#, 97.23, 99.25, 115.59, .60, 129.23, 133.32, ix, 186-205
Everett, Louella D., editor of Bartlett's quotations: 223.19
everlasting, sonority of: 14
excess, discords of: 75
excitement, artificial: xxvii.65
exclamation point, mathematical symbol for factorial: 53.26
exertion, mental, success not the measure of: 91.10
eye-lids, opening, morning's: 161.4
eyes, as mirrors of heaven, a conceit not original with Bryant: 43
factorial, emblematic of omnipotence: 53.26
Fair scenes shall greet thee where thou goest — fair: 33.71
Fallis te mensas inter quod credis inermem: 52:27
fallit te, mensas inter quod credis inermem: 53.27
fall'n, elision of: 7.27
false quantities:
— in dactyls, how avoided by Poe: 145.59
— in Longfellow: 80'83
Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise: 159.2, 168.27, 179'39
Fancy viewing: 184
Fantastic school, licences of: 4:20
Far in thy realm withdrawn: 15.70
Far like the comet's way thro' infinite space: 10'51
Fauchet, Claude: 109.48#, xvi.8
favor, scanned as trochee: 196
fear, vocal expression appropriate to: 186
Fearfully: 185
feeling, expressed by words: 186
feet: defined: 57
— glossed: 90
Fell through, and with the tremulous hand of age: 4'18
felonious, possible connexion with Longfellownian: 151.78
Felton, Cornelius Conway, alleged to have composed hexameters: 148'75
— Longfellow's Ballads and other poems: 79.80#, xvi:16, xx:43
— Longfellow's Evangeline: 149.75#
— translation of Munk: 87.9#, 99.27
Fénelon, François, Télémaque: 56:36
fervor, poetic, Mrs Hewitt's: 152
fete, not defined: xvii.10
fiction, poetry equated to: 57.36
15 morae, Poe's scansion of decasyllables: 201.29
figures, a species of prosody: ix.3
finger, = dactyl, metaphorically applied: xvi'20
fingers, as arithmometer, proscribed by Horne: 116:71, 126.15
Fires from beneath, and meteors from above: 165.21
First in these Fields I try the Sylvan Strains: 175.12
fishing-hook, distinguished from fish: 50'20, 96
Fisk, Allen: 46:7#, 49.15, 95'9
fitness: = adaptation; = equality: 100
Fitting floor/For this magnificent temple of the sky: 18'88
five, shown equal to three: 124, 125.13
Flavia's a wit, but a wit or harsh or keen: 202
Flavia's a wit, has too much sense to pray: 202:32
Flemming, Friedrich Ferdinand: viii:1
Fletcher, John, mined by dunces: 7.30
flickers, elision of: xxviii
Flies o'er the unbending corn and skims along the main: 92'14
flings, sonority of: 14
Flint, Abel: 48:12#, 49.15, 95'14
flood: cross-flowing: 199.26
— perilous: 169.29
flower: flame-like: 18:85
— murmuring, with rosy-tinted lips: 52.26
— snow-white: 31'61
— wave-born, an aestival ornament: 127.18
flower, flowers, prosody of: 133.32
flowers ever, scanned as bastard dactyl: 132, 134'37
flow'rs elision of: 132
fluence, Lo, scanned as bastard iambus: 212'6
Follett, Wilson: 85.1#
Folsom, Charles; Folsom, Susannah Sarah: 214'16
fool, a XXIX-century scholar condemned as, by blazes: 142
foot (a group of syllables): xviii§1, 181
artificial: illustrated: 112
— introduced: 110.56
— as unit: of prosodic measurement: 68.59, 107.39
—— of rhythm: 57
— chimerical: 104'37
—— excess of: 99
— a division of a verse: 190
— English feet, enumerated: 97.23
— fractional: xxxii'92
—— hypermetrical syllable scanned as: xxviii'73
— French verse not measured in feet: 109.48
— inadequately specified, in chapters on English versification: 45, 97
— induced from Homer: 98
— isochronous feet: need not be maintained for more than one line: 126
— a poem divided into: 189
— natural, limits of: 110'56
— tetrachronic; trichronic: xxiii
foot (metatarsus &c.):
—— as metronome: 190'10
—— fair white feet, rushing of, encomium of: 158
footnotes: obscurity of: 123
— origin of: 7.30
for, quantity of: 80:83
For he was fresher from the hand: 30'49
For his simple heart/Might not resist the sacred influences: 28.34
For look again on the past years; — behold: 11.53
For me, I lie/Languidly in the shade, where the thick turf: 28:38
For praise too dearly lov'd or warmly sought: 182
For the noon is coming on, and the sunbeams fiercely beat: 24'18
forcible, applied as faint praise: 88
Forest Lawn, principle of, adumbrated: 31'60
forest-tops, silent, reeling: 24:18
forlorn/gone, an inadmissible rhyme: 214'16
founders, their non-response to non-existent demand: 133.33
four-stress scansion: xvi'12
— of ‘Al Aaraaf’: xx
fourteeners: in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii
— in Bryant: 22'5
Fowler, Francis G.: 49.18#
Fowler, Henry Watson:
— The King's English: 49.18#
— Modern English usage: 147.67#
fractions, labour in writing and printing: 135.40, 136:41
fragmentary sentences, restored: x'6
Franklin, Benjamin, invents the lightning-rod: 169.35
free, a feeble rhyme: 32
Free from satiety: 185
French language:
— atony of: xii'16, 146'68, 198
— deficient in poetical diction: 57.36
French translation of ‘Rationale’: xii:15
fright: scare substituted for: 38'93
— suitable in prose or verse: 39.93
frighten, suitable in prose: 39.93
Frog-Pond, Pundits congenitally mired in: 151
Frogpondian, glossed: 149.76
from, quantity of: 80
From walk to walk, from shade to shade: 185.5
From you have I been absent in the spring: 190:11
Frost, John: 49.15
full, sonority of: 14
Full fathom five thy father lies: 188:7
Full many a horrible worship that, of old: 10'53
Full many a tale their music tells: 188'3, 190'13
full stop, space after: xii
fume wax, scanned, as spondee: 64, 66'54, 130
Furies which curse the earth, and make the blows: 164'17, 178'29
fute (singular of fete) in James VI Stuart's prosody: xvii.10
Gaiffe, Félix: xvi.8#
Galgenlieder: at Tyburn: 7.26
— Morgenstern's: 195.20
Galileo, Poe compared to: 100
gallop, gloss on wallop: xxix'80
Ganges: votive lamp on: 152:8
— surveyed from Alps: 164.16
Gänsefüsschen: xiii
Gardner, Martin: xiii
Garth, Samuel, The dispensary: 168:34#, 180'46
gate, never-opened: 207'7
gaza, prosody of: 83.91
genius, poetic, conducive to carelessness: 142
geometric progression, of pleasure: 101.31, 110
German translations of Poe:
— English-speaking readers' willingness to use: xiiii.23
— of ‘Rationale', desiderated: xii'20
German typography of quotation marks: xiii
Gilbert, William Schwenck: 70.59
Gill, Eric, his Perpetua type and accompanying greek: 149.77
Gleam through the rain and the mist: xxxi
gleason, elisabeth, her enthymematic encouragement: xiiii'22
glory, blooming: xxv'59
Glover, Richard, trisyllabic feet in: 162'14, 177'26
Glover, Leonidas: 163.14#
Go — but the circle of eternal change: 38:96
Go forth under the open sky and list: 40
Go, rock the little wood-bird in his nest: 39.95
God: adored with unusual ceremony: 161.7
— as master of the mint: 8:43
— as psychopomp: 36:85
— compared to a public utility: 127.18
— crowns the oak: 27.30
— does not mock his creatures: 112
— evidence of his wisdom, seen, heard, and breathed: 117.67
— fear of, modulated: 38:89
— insurrection against: 205.35
— our hope in resurrection: 34:77
— peace of: 52:26
— takes drastic measures to abase and pacify man: 39.92, .93
— wrath of, death penalty for incurring: 167.24
God bless the happy mariner!: 152'10
God bless the hardy mariner!: 155.10
Godey's Lady's Book: 127.18, 153.1, 157.18, .20
gods: deaf: 12'57
— perishable: 205.35
Godwin, Parke, edition of Bryant: 171.1#, 171.2
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre: 219:4#, 222'17
— not imitated by Byron: 222§1
gold, a regicide and adulterer: 161.6
gold-orange, locus of: 220, 222'17
Goldsmith, Oliver: Retaliation: 129.23
— The traveller: 8:38#
good intentions, do not avail a grammarian: 52, 97
Good king Wenceslaus looked out: xxxi.85
Gower, John, how scanned: xv.5
grace, trisyllabic feet as, in decasyllables: 118
Gradus ad Parnassum: 105.37
Graham's American Monthly Magazine: 85.1, 88.1
Grammaire Larousse du XXe siècle: xvi.8#
grammar, good, distinguished by Cobbett from bad grammar: 49.13
grammatica, defined by Lily: 49.17
gramophone records, what poems should be published as: 115.62
grandeur, sonorous: 8:37
Graves, Robert: 5 pens in hand: 175.13#
— Harp, anvil, oar: xxxi.90#
Gray, Thomas: 189.4
Gray-fly, her sultry horn: 161.4
Greek language: as medium for ungrammatical composition: 49.13
— knowledge of, unnecessary to follow Whelpley's dissection of Sophocles: 200
greek type, small face of: 149.77
Greek words, placement of: in index: xi
— in table of rhymes: xii
Green boughs and glimpses of the sky: 42
Greene, Samuel S.: 49.15
Greenleaf, Jeremiah: 46:8#, 49.15, 95'10
Greenwood, J. Arthur: xi.11#
Grierson, H. J. C., editor of Donne: 173.9
Griswold, Rufus W.:
— Gems from American female poets: 71.63#
— The poets and poetry of America: 55.33#, 71.63, 74'66, 83.89, 96.8, 213.10, .12, .14
— The works of the late Edgar Allan Poe: xii:13#, 135.40, 137
Gross, Harvey:
— Introduction to Saintsbury: xvi.6
— Sound & form in modern poetry: xvi:14#
— The structure of verse: 173.9#, xxxi.90, 197.21
ground effect, swift Camilla's: 89.6
guitar obbligato, to ‘The haunted palace’: xxvii:65
Gúl, how translated: 220'11
gulfs, sonority of: 14
Gulliver, Lemuel, Swift's nom de guerre: 6:25
Gymnastic, rhythmical effects referred to: 85.3
h, maltreated by cockneys: 214'16
Ha! how the murmur deepens! I perceive: 20:94
half-note, = minim: 191'15
halite, crystal of, Poe's aesthetics require: 101.31
Hamilton, Anthony: 88.4#
handy, scanned as trochee: 196
happiness, scanned as dactyl: 134'36
Harman, R. A., editor of Morley: 129.25
The Harbinger: 212:13
Hark! the lute — /The lyre — the timbrel; the lascivious tinklings: 208'16
— apprehended by the ancient Greeks: 46, 100
— representative, principles of: 91.7
— contrasted with melody: 50'22, 96'21
— defined, by Home; denotation of: 51.22
Harrison, J. A., edition of Poe: xii:12#, 71.63, 153.1
— division of, into volumes: xxxi.86
— of no textual authority: x
Hartley, H. O.: xi.11#
Harvard College Library: ix, xiii
hat, three-corner'd, antique, risible: 72'64, 214'15
Have been carved for many a year: 74
He who has tamed the elements, shall not live: 10:44
headless, = acephalous: xix.31
headlong hither, scanned as ditrochee: 118'77
heart, a depository for pearl-thoughts: 127.18
heart of oak, predicated of the English language: 79.80
— its carrot-and-stick policy: 183
— means of entering: 57.36
— shortage of applicants for admission to: 208'14
— warm-coloured: 16:74
heavy and spondaic, glossed: 203.31
hedonic calculus: 101.31
Heimweh, affected by lyric poets: 219
hemiola, a disyllabic hemistich foot: xxxii'91, 126.15
— decachronic, lengthened by caesura: 99.25
— pause between hemistichs in alexandrine: xx
— rhyme in hemistichs: 113
—— not unexpected: 86
— trisyllabic: xx§20
— separated by caesural pause: 99.25
hemlock, obscured by ten thousand trunks: 83.89
Hence, and make room for me, all you who come: 169.30
Hence hymning Tyburn's elegiac lines: 6'26
Hence miscellanies spring, the weekly boast: 6.26
Henry VIII, commanded use of Lily's grammar: 217.4
— his herpetophobia: 163.15
— Jove-descended, his voluptuous enervation: 154:13
Here 'mid your wild and dark defile: 152'7
Here stood her opium, here she nursed her owls: 6'29
Here the free spirit of mankind, at length: 11.51
Here to her chosen all her works she shows: 6:30
heresy, Poe not guilty of: 100
hermit, his chattels and hairs, inviolable: 29.36
heroic, glossed: 183
heroic couplet, French:
— in German versification: xii
— spondee as basis of: 146
Heroic measure, how constituted: 116'65
heroic verse: English SEE decasyllables
French, compared to alexandrine: 182
Hewitt, Mary E., a live coal: 158
— Forgotten heroes: 154:16
— God bless the mariner: 152:10, 154:11
— The hearth of home: 153.6
— Hercules and Omphale: 154:13
Lines written in the notch of the White Mountains: 153.7
The ocean-tide to the rivulet: 156:23
Parting from a household: 153.8
The songs of our land: 152:3
The songs of our land, and other poems: 153.2#, 152-158, viii, x, xii
hexameter: English: xx§18
— intolerable: 79.80
— the longest convenient line: 107.39
— Longfellow, an excellent composer of: 149.75
— on model of Greek: 148'74
— pretended, condemned as unmusical: 192
— trochee in: xx'43
Feltonian, a dactylic rhythm: 150
Greek: diaeresis in, why avoided: 196
— imitable in English: 151
— the model of English decasyllables: 88.5
— heroic, dutifully mentioned: 146
— Latin: as counter-example to Brown's definition of versification: 52, 97
— attempt to scan in five feet: 77
— consecutive spondees in: 55.32
— diaeresis in, why avoided: 196
— forced under English scansion: xviii
— imparisyllabic feet in: 192'17
— the model of English decasyllables: 88.5
— paradigm of: 77
— species of, enumerated: 103.32
— spondee in: xviii'32
— spondee in fifth foot, rare: 148'69
— length of, by language: 78:79, 148:77
— Longfellownian, specimen of: 150'78
— unknown in English: 192
hexameter, Pickwickian acceptation of: 79.80
Hic subitam nigro glomerari pulvere nubem: 192.16
hills: rock-ribbed, ancient: 40'2
— wakened by a mother's songs: 154:16
him once, scanned as spondee, by distressing him: 75.67
His sinuous path, by blazes, wound: 83.89, 140'53
history, Poe's gloss on: 17.75
hitherward, status of: 119.77
Hoffenstein, Samuel: 119.73#
Hoffman, Charles Fenno: 116:63
Hog-ian, = Baconian: 141.52
holily, punctuation after: 111.52
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: The last leaf: 212:13#, :14#, 214:15#, 72'64, xxvi'62, 68.59, 75.67, 76, 77.76
The last leaf: 215.15#, 214:16
Home, Henry, lord Kames: 51.22#,171:3
— his hexameters, heavy and archaic: 204
— must have nodded: 143
— not called mister: 142
— effected by Latin inflexions: 109.48
— in Aristophanes, extent of: 87.9
— in Hebrew verse: 109.48
homoioteleuton, not the proximate genus of rhyme: 67.59
Hood, Tom:
— The bridge of sighs: xxx'83
— Nocturnal sketch: 107.44
Hooper, W., translator of Bielfeld: 57.36
Hopkins, John (psalmodist): xvii.9
— his asclepiads, how scanned: 139.49
— endorses Poe's scansion of ‘Maecenas atavis’: 143
— false quantities in: 144
— imitated by Pope: 91.7
— his rhythms, Poe engages to scan: 99'30
Horace: Ars poetica: 106:46, 144'63
— Integer vitae: 146:65, viii'1
— Maecenas atavis: 60:46, 139'48, 143'58
—— anisochronous feet in: 133.31
— Rectius vives Licini: 191.14
— Works, ed. Anthon: 139.49
Horne, Richard H.:
— Chaucer modernized: 117.71
hot, quantity of: 123.7
hour of, scanned as trochee, by Felton: 149.75
How bright: 183
How cunningly the sorceress displays: 198.25
Hubel, Gordon: xiiii'22
Hudson, Henry Nelson: 143.56#
hujus, prosody of: 83.91
humblily, analogical formation of; humbly, a chimerical adjective: 109.49
Humez, David E.: xxvii.66
Hunt, Leigh, his versification, excessively varied: 172'7
Hunt, Leigh:
— Imagination and fancy: 57.36#, 102:33
— The story of Rimini: 172:8#
Huxley, Aldous: xxix.68#, xxix:77, xxx:81
hymn-tune metres, scansion of: xvi:9
hypermeter, in Byron: 63'51, 129'25
hypermeter, glossed: 45'2, 94'5, 182
hypermetrical syllables:
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii'52
— in ‘The Coliseum’: xxxi'87
— in disyllabic rhyme: 99.29, 181
— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi'63
— in Longfellow's ‘Proem’: xxxi
— in Milton: 204
— in trisyllabic rhyme: 181
— in ‘Ulalume’: xxxi'87
hyphens, textual authority of: xiii
-i, Latin termination, metrical effect of: 78
I am monarch of all I see: 60
I am monarch of all I survey: 58:44, 184'6
I behold them for the first/And my heart swells, while the dilated sight: 19.87
I cheeked my prow and thence with eager steps: 164'18, 178'30
I hate when vice can bolt her arguments: 161.5
I have a little step-son of only three years old: 124'13
I have a little stepson, the loveliest thing alive: 125.13
I love the language, that soft bastard Latin: 207'8
I saw him once before: 72'64, 213
I saw two beings in the hues of youth: 206'3
I see the lights of the village: xxi.50
I yield not to you in the love of justice: 208'17
Iam nitidum retegente diem noctique fugante: 189.5
iambics, Greek dramatic, forced under English scansion: xviii
iambic dimeter: xxxi.85
— acatalectic, scanned with two iambi and two spondees: 194
— brachycatalectic: xxiii.51
— catalectic, scanned with two spondees, iambus, and monosyllabic foot: 194
— in Mrs Hewitt: 156
— in Street: 142'57
— in Tennyson: 131.25
iambic heptameter; iambic hexameter; iambic pentameter: 182
iambic rhythm:
— caesura (P) in: 134
— converted into trochaic: 118
— French, really spondaic: 146
iambic tetrameter: 183
iambic trimeter: acatalectic, scanned with five iambi and one spondee, by Whelpley: 200
— brachycatalectic, twelve-bar blues scanned as: 3.9
— English: xxxi'8
iambic verse: acephalous: 183
— anapaest in: 92.16, 159, 175
— rhyme in: 106
— species of: 182
— spondee in: 92.16
iambic words, indefinite sequence of: 105
iambus, a disyllabic foot: xviii§6
— abruption of: 196
— admitted: by Crowe: 55.30
— by Everett: 97.23
— anapaest apparently substituted for, by Pope: 113'57
— anapaest never substituted for: 114'60
— anapaest substituted for: xx§12
—— by Brown: 183
—— by Bryant: 67.59
—— by Everett: 115.59
—— in alexandrines: 92'13
—— in Holmes: 77.76
— anapaest suggested by: 104
— as first foot:
—— of anapaestic dimeter: 129.23
—— of anapaestic verse: 184
—— of poem in trochaic rhythm, deprecated: 119
— as third foot in decasyllabic line, preceded by spondee and pyrrhic: 55.30
— bastard: SEE bastard iambus
— bastard iambus substituted for:
—— by Mrs Hewitt: 156'18
—— by Poe: xx§12
— caesura (P) equal to: 124
— cutting anapaest or dactyl into, proscribed: 115.60
— dactyl substituted for:
—— by Everett: 115.59
—— by Whelpley: xviii'34, xx§12
— English spondee scanned as, by Wimsatt & Beardsley: 197.21
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii'51
— in asclepiads: 139.49
— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi'63
— mixed with anapaests, by Bryant: 24'13, 26
— necessary in Poe's scansions: 99'29
— notation of, numerical: 134
— rhyme between iambi: 70.59
— spondee substituted for, in Holmes: 77.76
— substituted for anapaest:
—— by Felton: 149.75
— substituted for trochee: 77.76
— substitutions for, appear harsh: 173
— traces of, in French heroic verse: 146
— tribrachys substituted for, by Bryant: xviii§7, xx§12
— a trichronic foot: 114
— trochee substituted for: xx§12
—— by Bryant: 67.59
—— by Everett: 115.59
—— by Mrs Hewitt: 156'19
—— by Pope: 118
—— in Tennyson: 131.25
— trochee suggested by: 104
Ichabod: xxv'59
identical equation, a bog: 126'17
identical rhyme: 110:55
identical rhyme, differentiated from rhyme: 70.59
identity, a species of equality: 100
Idle after dinner, in his chair: 184
idleness, strenuous: 163.10
If heard aright,/It is the Knell of my departed Hours: 163.9
If, kindly cruel, early Hope is crost: 206'2
Iglesias de la Casa, Josef: 35.81#
ignorance, downright, discussion of verse surrounded by: 93
— attempts to induce prosody from: 171
— abortive: 98
— of Sidneyan hexameters, adjudged lethal: 79.80
— absent from didactic poetry: 15
— inchoate, Bryant's: 44
— requisite to the composer: 187
immemorial, glossed : xxx'84
Impostor, do not charge most innocent nature: 160'5, 176'17
impotency, multiple: 94
Improve we these. Three Cat-calls be the bribe: 7.32
In all that proud old world beyond the deep: 26'30
In such a bright, late quiet, would that I: 33.69
In that delightful Province of the Sun: 173.10
In the days of old: 184
In the gay sunshine, reverent in the storm: 116'67
In the greenest of our valleys: xxiiii'59
in the land, scanned as anapaest; in the rain, scanned as bastard iambus; in the rebound, scanned as bastard anapaest: 134
In you the heart that sighs for Freedom seeks: 20:97
inaccuracy, discussion of verse surrounded by: 93
inadequate, predicated of XIX — century prosodists: 143
incongruity, the principle of mirth: 67, 132
inconsistency, imputed to Pope: 88:5
Index-learning, deprecated: 7.30
indirect addressing: 138
inevitable, by whom said: 219.1
inflexions, Latin:
— producing artificial spondees: 148'70
influence, prosody of: 30'58, 82'88
ingenuity: misplaced: 145.60
— Pope's admirable: 175
Ingersoll, Charles M.: 46:9#, 49'15, 95'11
Innantill var kyrkan ock prydd; ty i dag var den dagen: 81.82
insensibility, how figured, by Bryant: 24
insomnia, results of: viii, xxx
Instead of the pure heart and innocent hands: 10'49
Integer vitae scelerisque purus: 146:65
interlinear spacing, in printed examples of scansion: 135.40
interrogation, note of, with demonstrative pronoun: 20
— in American verse, lack of: 76
— pragmatic: xxix.67
— stifled by short catalogues of metre: 68
inversion, unsuitable in prose: 39.93
Ionic, predicated of Spenser's dialect: 166, 179
ious lang, prosody of: 145.60
Ireland, copper coinage of: 6.25
Irish accent, Goldsmith's: 9.39
Is he my lovely step-son, that 's only five years old: 125.13
Is this our Duty, Wisdom, Glory, Gain?: 19.92
-ism, prosody of: 81.84
isochronism, not requisite or necessary beyond two feet: 58
isochronism imparisyllabic feet, in lieu of anisochrononous feet: 191'15
isochronous lines, the first principle of metre: 201'29
It has come over gardens, and the flowers: 117'68
Italian language, admired: 207'8
italicize, proleptic use of: 42:6, 65'53
italics: textual authority for: xii
— use of, in index: xi
j, vowel before, quantity of: 83.91
James, Montague Rhodes: 49.18
James VI Stuart: xvi:10#
Jaudon, Daniel: 49.15
Jespersen, Otto: English grammar: 65.52#
— Notes on metre: 197.21
Jewell, John, bishop, Fénelon compared to: 57.36
jingle, in end-stopped couplets: 174
jockeyship, England's only remaining pre-eminence: 167.21
The Johns Hopkins University, library: ix
Johnson, Reginald Brimley, editor of Poe: xxx'81
Johnson, Samuel:
— his dogmas on versification: 171'4
— his errors, not ascertained: 90
Johnson, Dictionary: 68.59
— Goldsmith's Traveller: 9.38
— Lives of the poets: 88:7#
Jones, Daniel, his dictionary, on pronunciation of Damien: 9.39
joyous, sonority of: 14
Jupiter, orb of: 212
juvenilia, when written: 118'76
juxta-rhyme: not in modern use secret: 144'61
Kames: SEE Home, Henry
Keats, John: Bryant compared to: 43'7
— false rhymes in: 214'16
Kennst du das Land? wo die Citronen blühn: 219'4
Kind influence. Lo! their orbs burn more bright: 30'58, 82'88
Kind influence. Lo! they brighten as we gaze: 211'3
Kind influences, of Jupiter and Venus: 212'8
kind influences. Lo! their orbs burn more bright: 195.20, 211.2
King-killer, gold as: 161.6
Kingsley, Charles: xxxii.92
Kirkham, Samuel: 48.10#, 49.15
Kirkland, copyist's error for Kirkham: 48'10, 95'12
Klar var himlen och bla, och Maj, med rosor i hatten: 52.26
Knopf, Alfred, produced handsome books: 136.40
Knopf, Alfred A., Inc., acknowledged: xiiii
Know ye the land of the cypress and myrtle: 71.59
Know ye the land where the cypress and myrtle: 61:49, 62, 128'19, 132'31, 222'16, '17
Know 'st thou the land where citron-apples bloom: 220
Know 'st thou the land where lemon-trees do bloom: 221
Know 'st thou the land the lemon-trees bloom?: 220, 222'17
Koschat, Thomas: xxiii.55
Kramp, Christian: 53.26#
While Greenwood is careful to define the various formats for references, he does not define the use of an apostrophe in a reference. This has been interpreted as meaning that it, like the use of an asterisk, means that it is a reference to the place in the text where that footnote is tagged, but that it is for a quotation.
The print edition uses “iiii” for the Roman numeral version of the arabic 4, instead of the more accepted “iv.”
[S:0 - JAG68, 1968] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - EAP: The Rationale of Verse — a preliminary edition (Greenwood)