l, in trisyllabic feet: 160, 176
labor, scanned as trochee: 196
labour, unpaid: 134
Lady, reserved by the heavens, to do pastors' companie honour: 79.80
lake, scanned as caesura (P): 126
Lalou, René: xii:15#
das Land, translated: cette terre: 221'6
— le pays: 221.6
Languished in the dark shade and died afar from men: 82'87
Lanier, Sidney: xvi:22
Late, from this western shore, that morning chased: 15.65
Latham, R. E.: 85.1#
law: anciently versified: 186
— prosodic, chimerical: 128
— rule in its lowest terms: 46
law, differentiated from rule: 121
lay, glorious: 154:16
Leacock, Stephen: 71.62#
lean and flashy, predicated of inferior verse: 191
learning, not confined to one language: 49.13
Led by the phosphor-light, with daring tread: 169.35
Lee, Nathaniel, Oedipus: 162.8#
Leibnitz: 99'28
Leigh, Augusta, stanzas to: xxix.68
lemon-tree, blooming, where found: 220, 221, 222'17
— predicated of alexandrine: 90
— = quantity: 125
Leo, Alan: 213.8#
Leonicenus, Omnibonus, De octo partibus orationis: 48:19#, 95'19, 216:1
Leonardo de Argensola, Bartolome: 34:80#
leonine rhyme, in sapphics: 147.65
Let me believe,/Awhile, that they are met for ends of good: 211'1
Lewis. D.: xxvii.61
liberty, a feeble ending: 32
Library of Congress: xiii
licate love, scanned as bastard iambus: 116
licences, poetic:
— not a disfigurement: 175
— their place in prosody: 141.51
ligatures, not reproduced : xii
Ligeia! Ligeia!: xxii
Ligeia! wherever: xxii'54
lighthouse, lover compared to: 153.4
Like souls numberless called out of time to eternity's ocean: 192
Like the blue lotos on its own clear river: 152:5
— Miss Gray compared to, in pallor: 125
— water, edifying history of: 127.18
-lily, adverbs in, thematic potentiality of: 109.49
Lily, William:
— did not draw on Leonicenus: 49.19
— his grammar books: 216-218
Lily: Brevissima institutio: 48:17#3 95'18, 216:3
— De octo orationis partium constructione: 217.2
— Institutio compendiaria totius grammaticae: 217.3
— An introduction of the eyght partes of speche: 217.5
— A short introduction generally to be used: 216:5, 217.6
line, a group of feet: xviii§1
— end of, caesura (P) conveniently used at: 124'10
— inadequately specified, in chapters on English versification: 45, 94
— interior of, caesura (P) cautiously introduced into: 124'12
— isochronous lines, a poem divided into: 189
— length of: arbitrary: 131
—— historical development of: 106'39
—— how measured: 106.39
—— maximum: 107.39
—— minimum: xx:44, 66, 131
— musical, interrupted by substituted feet: 113
— of limitless variety: 56
— short: where found: 183, 189
— why introduced: 202
line, glossed: 105.38
Litoreis ingens inventa sub ilicibus sus: 106'47, 144'62
Lo!, prosody of: 30'58, 82'88, 211'4
Lo! to the smiling Arno's classic side: 2:11
— apprehended from Longfellow's hexameters: 150
— induced by elision: xxii, xxviii
Lofft, Capel: 34:76#
loit'ring, elision of: 7.30
Lone, lost, abandoned in their utmost need: 209'22
— one of the two quantities recognized prosody: 50, 96
— rejected by accentual-foot system: xvi'15
L.M. ballads, disyllabic rhyme in: xxvii.61
long syllable: xviii'27
— concourse of five: 52
— concourse of four: 54:32
— concourse of nine: 52
— consonants in: 104
— difficult of enunciation: 104
— equal to two short: 181
—— approximately: 58'40
—— equality not apprehended: 111.52
—— rigorously: 104'35
— fractions of:
—— sixth: 124:9, 132, 134, 138
—— three-quarters: 126.15
— in quick trochee, audible quantity of: 125.9
— informs Roman and Greek verse: 78
— Latin, unaccented: 148.70
— notation of: 134:35
— the subject of nonsense: 102
— two consonants enforce, in Latin verse: 82:91, 104'34, 142
— vowel quantity desirable in: 82'86
Long years! — It tries the thrilling frame to bear: 207'7
longer-than-long syllable: xviii'28, :29
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth:
— false quantities in: 144
— the longest convenient line: 107.39
— his imagination: 150
— his influence on Felton: 149.75
— Poe's feud with: xxxi.86
Longfellow: The children of the Lord's supper: 51:23#, 56:263 80:823, 150'793 xiiii, 51:25, 79.79
— Evangeline: 149.75
— Outre-mer: xxi.50
— Proëm: xx:49#, xxi.50, xxx, 51.20
— The Spanish student: 144'60
Longfellownian, analogies for: 151.78
Look forth upon the earth — her thousand plants: 33.67
Look now abroad — another race has filled: 11.52
Look on this beautiful world, and read the truth: 8:42, 14:63
Louisville, Ky., Amelia a newspaper poet in: 71.63
— hexametrically discussed: 79.80
— low estate of: 163.12
Lovecraft, H. P.: 101.31#
loved ones of, scanned as dactyl: 150
loveliness, etherial, lost: 86
lowlily, influenced the formation of humblily: 109.49
— equalities in: 108
— internal rhyme on, unexplained: 111.52
Lowell, James Russell: 93'2
Luckombe, Philip, A concise history of printing: 216:9#
Luke's iron crown and Damien's bed of steel: 8'38, 9.37
luminary duties, requiring Sol to smile: 65.52
Lupton, Joseph Hirst: 217:10
luxury, lewdly-pamper'd, excess of: 161.5
Lydgatian line, condemned by Saintsbury: 203.34
Lyons, J. L.: 49.15
lyric verse:
— adapted to singing: 188
— melody of: 187
m, readily pronounced: 145'64
macaronic composition, difficulties of: 49.18
macron: ambiguous and otiose: 138
— where printed: xix.40, 53.28
Maecenas atavis edite regibus: 60:46, 139'48, 140, 143'58
magazinists seldom discuss versification: 186
magnetism, as motive power: 143.55
maize, dark, sun-loving, fainting: 33.67
majesty: expressed by spondee in fifth foot of Latin hexameter: 78.78
— slow-paced, march of: 91.7
— tottering: xxv'59
major system, the octave of a sonnet: 35.76
majora, prosody of: 83.91
Mallarmé, Stephané, did not translate ‘Rationale’: xii
Maltby (grammarian): 49.15
mama, testimony to the easy pronunciation of m: 145'64
Man is a complex, compound, compost, yet is he God-born: 78:81
Manichaeism, aesthetic: 86
mankind, advances of: 1.7, 2'7
manly, scanned as trochee: 134
Manual of style (Chicago): x:9#, x:10
manumission, focus of: 153.6
Manwaring, Edward: 54.30#
many, not a foot in decasyllables: 2'9
— scanned as bastard trochee: 120'79, 134
Many a thought will come to memory: 120
many are the: scanned as first paeon: 123
— scanned as quick trochee: 124, 132, 134
Many are the thoughts that come to me: 121'2, 123, 212'10
March! march! march!: 54:34, 98'24
marginal, marginal, age of; marginale, apology for; marginalia, singular of; marginalis, age of: 85.1
mariner: happy: 152'10
— hardy: 155.10
— home-sick: 38:96
marital prospect, first-rate: 70.59
Marx. Olga: 219.3#, 219.4, 221, 221.11, 222§1
Mason, John: 55.30#
mastiff bitch, how punctuated: 119.75
mathematicians, their faith: 127.17
mathematics, make up nine-tenths of verse: 93
Matron, the children of whose love: 22:4
me: a feeble rhyme: 32
— scanned as caesura (P): 124
means, end distinguished from: 50, 95
measure, = p. μπτρον: 57
measurement, glossed: 101'31
medicaments, vegetable and mineral, unavailing: 34:77
Meenin aidee Theea, Peeleèïadeo Akileeos, Oulomenee: 190'12
megapody: 2:10
melody: apprehended by the ancient Greeks: 46, 100
— discordant: xxv'59
— extreme: 2
— lacustrine, unearthly: 127.18
— poetic, errors in, more conspicuous than in harmony: 82
— rules of: desiderated: 50, 96
—— simple and few: 82
— sense sacrificed to: 64
— vocalic, the chief beauty of Greek hexameters: 148
— defined by Home: denotation of: 51.22
— harmony contrasted with: 50'22, 96'21
— metaphorical use of, apology for: 187
memorable, ≠ immemorial: xxx'84
memory, its role in music appreciation: 100
memory, scanned as bastard trochee: 120
Mencken, H.L.: 151.78#
Mendes, Oscar: xiii.18#
mental exercise, condition precedent to: 70.59
Merchant (grammarian): 49.15
Merc'ries, elision of: 7.26
mesmeric, attempt to gloss: 143.55
metamorphosis: marine: 189.7
— of air: xxv'59
— of Pundits: 151
— of Sabrina: 199.26
meteors, elision of: 165.21
meter, glossed: 193.17
-meter, confounded with metre: 100
metonymy, unjust: 14'67
— conveniently begun with the line: 60
— English metres, enumeration of, not exhaustive: 68
— general treatise on, desiderated: 46
— induced from Homer: 98
— mixed, advantages of, neglected: 68
— a modification of music: 84'3
— a mood of verse: 100
— not inducible from a single verse: xxvii.62, 56, 132'31, 141.49
— present in ‘Télémaque’: 56
— unexpected variations in, denounced: 117.71
metre: defined: 57
— differentiated: from rhythm: 100
— from versification: 46
— etymology of: 57
— glossed: 193.17
— used for meter: 192'17
metron, not an English noun: 193.17
metronome, English feet are not recited to the: 115.62
metronomic, epithet of Poe's latter prosody: xviii'26
Mi Zagal mi llama: 35.81
Midas, his inability to scan Byron: 64
midnight: scanned as hemiola, by Greenwood; scanned as spondee, by Whelpley: 126.15
Milford, H. S., editor of Cowper: 59.44, 165.21
Miller, Alexander: 46:6#, 49.15, 95'8
Milton, John: begins decasyllabic line with dactyl: 115.59
— caesural pause in: 204
— composed in longer paragraphs than Pope: 4, 56'35, 75
— disyllabic rhyme in: xx§19
— elisions in: 204
— false quantities in: 195
— hypermetrical syllables in: 204
— nine-syllabled lines not found in: 202
— not the best of versifiers: 12
— scannable by syllabic system: xvi
— scansion deduced from: xv.5
— spondees in: 196
Milton: Comus: 28:36, 161'5, 199.26
— L'allegro: 189.9, 92.16, 107.40
— Lycidas: 159.2, .3, 161.4, 168'27, 168:28, :29, 179'39, '40, '41, 198:24, 188
— Paradise lost: 12:55, 75'70, 161:7, 177'19, 183'3, '4, 196.21, 204:35, xxx'81, 199
— Samson agonistes: 199.25
Miltonic rhythm, Bryant's: 40'99
Mincius, smooth-sliding: 168.28
mind, motions of: 91.10
Minerva, tutor of didactics: 44
minim, divided into two crotchets: 191'15
minor system, the sestet of a sonnet: 35.76
misconception, discussion of verse surrounded by: 93
Miserere mei Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam: et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuorum, dele iniquitatem meam: 7.30
misrepresentation, discussion of verse surrounded by: 93
Mississippi, unworthy employment for: 162'10, 177'22
misunderstanding, origin of, demanded: 93
mixed metaphor, from astrology and astronomy: 212
Moira athletes: xxix.67
Mokanna, the Prophet-Chief: 173.10
molossus, how scanned: xix.33
monoalphabetism, in indexing: x'11
monody, ‘The haunted palace’ as: xxvii'65
monosyllabic foot: xviii'29
— in ‘Christabel’, suggested: 119.75
— in elegiac pentameter: xxxi
— in musical system of scansion: xviii
— in Tennyson: 131.25
— in trochaic verse: xxxi
— conducive to dactylic verse: 148'71
— distribution of, in Latin versification, left free: 141.51
— long, rare in English: 78
— often emphasized: 122
— quantity of: xix'41, 58, 149.72, 181
— scarce in Latin: 78
monotone: perception of: 102
—— by abruption of sequence: 105
—— by discord: 74
—— by iambi or trochees: 102
—— by infrequent substitution: 118'74
—— not effected: 66
—— unequivalent feet unlawful for: 114
monotony: duplicate, entailed by identical rhyme: 110'55
— how prevented: 70.59, 103.33
— in Pope's decasyllables: 172
— Latin hexameter taxed with: 148
— requisite to emotional expression: 188
Montgomery, James: Lectures on general literature: 57:36#, 79.80, 87.10
— The Lord is my shepherd: xxiii.55
Monthly Review: 217'10
moon, far-off, receding, illuminates the snow: 157.22
Moore, Thomas, criticized by Huxley: xxx'82
Moore: Alciphron: 13.61, 15.62
— By Bendemeer's stream: 31.54
— Come rest in this bosom: 31.54#
— Lalla Rookh: 170.36#, 173.10
— Those evening bells: 189.3
— The veiled prophet of Khorassan: 172:10
mora, as unit of prosodic measurement: 68.59, 107.39, 201.28
morale, contrasted with physique: 102
Morgan, Pierpont, library: xiii
Morgenstern, Christian, Fisches Nachtgesang: 195.20#
Morgenstern, Oskar, his hedonic calculus: 101.31
Morley, Christopher, named editor of Bartlett's quotations: 223.19
Morley, Thomas, Plain & easy introduction to practical music: 129.25#
mosquito, printer's error for musquito: 31.55
Moss, Sidnev Phil: xxxi.86
Mother is dead and my heart is in pieces: xxx.90
Mott, Frank Luther: 117.63#
Moulineau, the giant, his advice: 88:4
mountains: earth-o'erlooking, affected by God: 28:35
— sky-mingling, cloud-overlooking: 14:65
mouthing: of vowels, induced: 142'56
— tripping and, rhythm enforced by: 122'5
Moxon, Joseph: 216:8#
Mr., honorific omission of: 142
multiplication, of two utilities: 101.31
multitude, conducive to failure: 94
murm'ring, elision of; murmuring, prosody of: 116
Murray, Lindley, English grammar: 48:16#, 49.15, 95'17
— ed. Bacon: 47.5
— ed. Cooper: 48.11#
— ed. Fisk: 47.7#
— ed. Flint: 48.12#
Muses, didactics alien to: 44
— alleged dependence of, on scansion: 121
— and verse, homeric simile on: 187
— extended sense of: 84:3
— how analysed: 51.22
— incomprehensible: 121
— an inseparable accident: xxii'54
— nocturnal: xxi.50
— Poe's knowledge of: viii'1
— principle of: 100
— scientific, extrinsic merits of: 102
— verse, an inferior: 102'32
music, Poe's gloss on: 17.75
musical system of prosody: xvi:21
— distrusted: 57.38
Musk-rose, adorns Lycidas's herse: 159.3
musquito, unfit subject for a poem: 30'56
My kind Companion in this dire Affair: 169.34
My steps are not alone: 29.44
My sturdy little step-son, that's only years old: 125.13
— prosody of: 83.90
— sonority of: 14
myrtle: emblematic: 61:49, 128'19, 222'16
— impressed for funerary service: 199.24
myrtle are/turtle now, not a triple rhyme: 70'59
mystery, deep-seated, fountains of: 127.18
mystification, discussion of verse surrounded by: 93
n, in trisyllabic feet: 159, 176
Namby Pamby: how scanned: xix.30
— regularity in, pleases the unpractised ear: 174
nattvardsbarnen, glossed: 51:25
natural, avoidance of the, counselled: 187
naturally, = truthfully: 158
Nature: her blessings, properly doled out: 161.5
— breeds monsters: 197.21
— Bryant's appreciation of: 43
— a good cateress: 161.5
— her immutable laws, disbelieved: 142'55
— jumping: 173.8
— outdone in cruelty by man: 165.17
Neath blue-bell or streamer: xxiiii
neck-verse: 7.30
network, Johnson's definition of, imitated: 67'59
Neumann Janos, his hedonic calculus: 101.31
New York Mirror: xxi.50
New York Public Library: xiii
— Berg collection: ix
New York University, library: xiii
night, star-showered: 157.22
nightingale, ear-piercing: 205.36
Nile: seven-mouthed: 167.23
— surveyed from Alps: 164.16, an uncommon metre: xxvii.61, Longfellow's ‘Proëm’ not scannable as: xxxi'90
nine the, scanned as trochee, by Felton: 149.75
19 morae, Whelpley's scansion of decasyllables with feminine ending: 204
No chronic tortures racked his aged limb: 16:75
No sooner had th'Almighty ceas't, but all: 161.7
No sound of life is heard, no village hum: 21.93
Nokes, W., imitated by Watts: 175.11
nomenclature, musical: 191.15
nonchalance, expressed by slipshod rhythm: xxi'50
Nootalmonalltaidoughraplantipall: 199
North, Christopher: 43.7
North American Review: 79.80, 149.75, 159.1, 171.2
— variant printings of: x
Not a better man was found: 74
Not so when swift Camilla scours the plain: 89.6
Not unavenged — the foeman, from the wood: 68.59
Not with more glee, by hands Pontific or crown'd: 7.31
Notes Queries: 217.10
nouns: confounded with things: 59.42
— Latin, termination of, important: 144
novelty, = unexpectedness: 85
Now Lycidas the Shepherds weep no more: 169.29
number: how constituted: 58:39
— play on numbers: 110.51
— proportional equality as concerns: 109:51
number: differentiated from unit: 58:39
— = αριθμδς: 57'37
numerus, defined: 59.39
Nurse of full streams, and lifter up of proud: 14'65
ny, quantity of: 132
ny a, synaeresis of: 183'4
o, the most sonorous vowel: 155.15
-o, Latin termination, metrical effect of: 78
O blind to each indulgent aim: 182
O fountain Arethuse, and thou honour'd floud: 168.28
O panta nomon Teresia didakta te: 200
O prince, O chief of many throned powers: 204:35
o' th' gown, prosody of: 168'33, 180'45
O thou sweete King-killer, and deare diuorce: 161.6
O thou! whatever Title please thine ear: 6.25
O tu siempre dichosa pecadora: 35.80
obelisk, theban, compared to whale: 163.13
object, differentiated from effect: 115.61
obviousness, how ranked: 106.39
ocean, sonority of: 14
octastich: farced: xxvii'67
— unfarced: xxviii
octasyllables, carved out of Pope: 175.12
odour, winged: xxv'59
o'er, synaeresis of: 183'4
O'er many a frozen, many a fi'ry alp: 183'4
of equal length, glossed: 67.59
Of the stern agony, and shroud, and pall: 145.60
Oft to its warbling waters drew: 16'79
often, not a foot in decasyllables: 2'9
Oh, fairest of the rural maids!: 40:3
Oh, fountain Arethuse! and thou, honoured flood: 168'28, 179'40
Oh friends! we would be treasured still!: 152:8
Oh from these sterner aspects of thy face: 37'89
Oh God! when thou/Dost scare the world with tempests, set on fire: 38:92
Oh Greece! thy flourishing cities were a spoil: 10:46
Oh! man may bear with suffering: his heart: 117.66
Oh thou! whatever title please thine ear: 6'25, 75'69, 113'58
old, preceded by another epithet: 26
Old, Walter G.: 213.7#
Omnibonus Leonicenus: SEE Leonicenus, Omnibonus
On a mountain stretch'd beneath a hoary willow: 184
On each side/The fields swell upward to the hills; beyond: 27.29
on my heart/Deeply hath sunk the lesson thou hast given: 36'85
On the breast of Earth/I lie and listen to her mighty voice: 20'93
On the land: 185
Once more the weary prosodist picked up his rusty pen: v
One smile on the brown hills and naked trees: 33.74
1 1/2, 3/2, a simpler expression than: 134'40
one-ness, glossed: 103.33
O'Neill. E. H., edition of Poe: xiiii#, 135.40#, 137
Oppodeldoc learns to count: 126.15
Or haply dost thou grieve for those that die: 20:95
or laugh and shake in Rabelais' easy chair: 114
Or that strange dame so gay and fair were some mysterious foe: 22'8
Or worse; for it has been a canker in: 209'20
oral-aural scansion, a good thing: 138
orb, glossed: 212'7
orbits: chaotic: 183
— of Al Aaraaf: 118:77
— of comet: 10:51
ore, sonority of: 155.15
the Oregan, where it rolls: 40:99
— absent from didactic poetry: 15
— lacking in American versification: 70'61
originality, = unexpectedness: 85
-os, Latin termination, metrical effect of: 78
Our memories were treacherous and sere: xxix.71
Our talk had been serious and sober: xxviii'72
Outis, Poe's feud with: xxxi:86
Over thy spirit, and sad images: 145.60
overflight: apiary: 28'40
— candid: 11.49
— matutinal: 40:99
— perfumed, faint, of rose gardens, by west wind: 61:49, 128'19
— six-winged: xxiiii'59
Ovid: 188:5
oyster suppers, generally appreciated: 173.5
Ozell, John, his translations, how cobbled: 7.30
paeon: first, Anthon's paradigm of: 125.8
— first, how constructed: 123
— rejected by Saintsbury: xxix.76
paeonic scansion:
— and syncopation: xxvii.64
— of ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi'64
page, cadence at: 14'64
pain, vocal inflexion appropriate to: 186
palace, prosody of: 81.81
Pale as a lily was Emily Gray: 125
palimbacchius, a chimerical foot: 55.32
— moutons de, Huxley compared to: xxx
— prescribes sea-bathing for sheep: 98'26
parallelism, continuous scansion antagonistic to: xxviii'74
parents, scanned as spondee: 150
participles, elimination of, projected: 59.42
Parturiant montes, nascetur ridiculus mus: 107.46
Parturiunt montes et nascitur ridiculus mus: 106'46
Parturiunt montes nascetur ridiculus mus: 144'63
pass'd, elision in: 74'67
passed, disyllabic in Poe: 73
passed, so printed by Holmes; passed by, scanned as spondee: 75.67
passionate, elision of: 4:20
Past, confounded with Death: 16'71
pathos, inexpressible, in Bryant: 30'59
Paths, homes, graves, ruins, from the lowest glen: 32'71, 197.21
— caesural: distinguished from classical caesura: 99.25
—— in asclepiads: 149.49
—— in Shakespear and Milton: 204
— enforced by comma: 111.52
— imperceptible, between musical bars: 190
pause, = accent: 117.71
pause foot, defined: 123.7
Peace to the just man's memory — let it grow: 8:40
Pease porridge hot — pease porridge cold: x, 123'6
— compared to moutons de Panurge: 98'26
— their mad fancy: 126
Pegasus, motorized, the English hexameter as: 79.80
pen: rusty: v
— stolen: 7.27
pendulum, its vibrations, invariant: 46, 100
Pensioner, prosody of: 162.9
pentameter: elegiac, caesura in: 99.25
— Pope's: 92:15
Pentameter, = decasyllable: 2:9
Per me si va nella citta dolente: 188:6
Percival, James Gates: 79.81
perfect rhyme, conditions for: 86
perfectability, human: 2
peripheral vision, Bryant's: 43
permanent wave, dactylic: xxix'78
perversion, pedantic, verse not obnoxious to: 102
Pest, the Arch Duchess Ana-: 25.13
Phantasies, his disastrous birth: 168.26
philanthropist, hopes of: 1.7, 2'7
philosophy, Scotch school of: 88:3
phonemes, Poe's ignorance of, condoned: 68.59
phonetic arrangement, of table of rhymes, rejected: xii
phosphor-light, Franklin led by: 169.35
phrensy, fine, poetic: 140
physique, contrasted with morale: 102
pied: eschewed, in modern French prosody: xvi.8
— = fute: xvii.10
pinakidia, g1ossed: 53.27
Pindaric odes: as counter-example to Brown's definition of versification: 50'21, 96'20
— mock, short lines in: 67, 132
— require musical accompaniment: 141.49
Pindaric stanza: xx'44
Pindaric verse, effect of, on rhyme: 84
Pintori species comicorum cuniculorum: 175.13
the pittoresque, compared to Charybdis: 103.33
Planets and suns run lawless through the sky: 183
Plautus, mined by dunces: 7.30
plays, syntax of: 16'79
Pleasant shall be thy way, where meekly bows: 38'95
— degrees of, numbers assigned to: 101.31
— doubled: 100
plenty, promiscuous: 210'23
Poe, Edgar A.:
— an Aristotelean prosodist: xv
— as graphomath: 127.17
— described Lily at second hand: 217'11
— his false modesty: 122
— his feud with Longfellow & Outis: xxxi:86
— his inability to scan Longfellow: xx:50
— not cited by Olga Marx: 221.11
— his pronunciation of rhymes, unknown: xii
— his punctuation: 17.81
— his rewriting: 211
— his scansion of ‘The bride of Abydos’: xxiiii
— his sloppy arithmetic: 55.32
Poe: Al Aaraaf: xxii'53, '54, xxiii'57, xxiiii, 118:77, xx:46, 99.29, 118'76, 119'74, 212'9
— Alciphron, a poem, by Thomas Moore: 13.61, 15.62
— Análise racional do verso: xiii.18#, 136.40
— Bon-Bon: 78.77
— Bryant: 1.1#, 1-44, xviii'25
— The Coliseum: xxxi:87
— The colloquy of Monos and Una: 17.75
— Eldorado: 111.55
— The fall of the house of Usher: xxvii.65, 31.47
— Los fundamentos del verso: xiii.17#
— The haunted palace: xxiiii:59#, xxvi, xx:47, xxiiii'58, xxxii.93
— King Pest: 25.13
— Landor's cottage: 103.33
— Ligeia: 85.6
— The mammoth squash (apocryphal): 55.33
— Marginalia: 71.63#, 85.1#, 88.1#, xxi.50, 79.81, 84-86, 88-92, 147.68, viii, xviii'25, '26
— Mary E. Hewitt: 153.1#, 152-158, xviii'26
—— additions in Griswold's text: 152'9, 154'12, 156'17, 158'24
— Mellonta tauta: 141.52, xv.5, 143.55
— Never bet the devil your head: 143.54
— Notes upon English verse: 45.1#, 45-83, 197.22, viii:2#, xviii'25, 91.8, .9, .11, 93.2
—— ms. of: ix, x, xiii, 133.30
— The philosophy of composition: 155.15, xii'15
— Pinakidia: 53.27
— Poems, ed. Campbell: xii:14#
— The poetic principle: xii'15, xxi.49, xxix.68, xxxi.82
— A predicament: 49.18
— The purloined letter: 127.17
— The rationale of verse: 93.3#, 121.1#, 93-120, 121-151, 197.22, viii, ix.2, xviii'26, '28, xxx, xxxii§2, 5.21, 45.2, 90
—— by whom bisected: 119.75
— The raven: 86:7, :8, xxvii.64, 107.39, 110.51
—— how constructed: 155.15
—— identical rhyme in: 111.55
—— refrain in: 112
— The raven and other poems: xxv.59#
— Trois manifestes: xiii.15#
— Ulalume: xxviii'72, '76, xx:48, xxvii'67, xxxi'87
—— anisochronous feet in: 133.31
—— identical rhyme in: 111.55
— Werke, ed. Schuhmann et al.: xiii.20#
— Works, ed. Griswold: xiii:13#, 153.1
— Works, ed. Harrison: xiii:12#
poet: overawed, wonder-whelmed, expects the valley of the shadow of Death: 153.7
— simulacrum of: 7.30
poetic merit, predicated of good versifiers, as separable accident: 118'72
poetry: equated to fiction: 57.36
— versification necessary to: 103.33
poets: their habitation: 164'19, 178'31
— minor, reading of, enjoined: xxx
point, requisite to the sonnet: 32
pointillism, principle of: 188
Polin men ei kai mee blepeis d'omoze: 200'27
polyalphabetism, in indexing: xi.11
polyhedra, tenubic, intuition of, caution enjoined in: 101.31
polysyllables: distribution of, in Latin versification, left free: 141.51
— reduction by cutting, projected: 59.42
polysyllables, syllables cannot be understood out of: 59.42
Poole's index to periodical literature: viii, 91.12
poor, ten thousand million cheerful: 209'20
Pope, Alexander:
— adhered to a successful paradigm: 175.13
— an admirable versifier; his alexandrines disapproved by Campbell: 89.6
— an authority on alexandrines: 91.10
— barbarous elisions in: 168'33, 180'45
— Bryant equipped to admire: 174
— compared to Sprague: 70'61
— criticized by Campbell and Johnson: 88:5
— his decasyllables: 113'57
—— apt for ear-training: 195
—— a model of easy scansion: 122'4
— false quantities in: 195
— Goldsmith's ‘Traveller’ misattributed to: 8'37
— Home's rules of versification induced from: 171'3
— his pastorals, when written: 174:12
— his pentameter: 92.15
— scannable by syllabic system: xvi
— startling substitutions in: 118
— a superior versifier: 4, 56'35
— trisyllabic feet in, Young did not find: 162'11, 177'23
— his versification wearied Johnson: 172
— Willis's ability to shock: 5.24
Pope: Dunciad: 6:25, :26, :27, :28, :29, :30, :31, :32, :33, 75'69, 76'72, 114'58, 118, 6'34
— Epistle to a lady: 194:19
— Essay on criticism: 8.35, 89.6, 91.7, 92.14, 149.72
— Horace, Epistles 2.1, imitated: 91.7
— Messiah (after Virgil): 185.7
— Moral essays: 202:32
— On silence (after Rochester): 169.33
— Spring (pastoral): 175.12
portions, glossed: 68.59
Portuguese translation of ‘Rationale’: xii:18
post-prandial languor: 184
Pound, Ezra, how scanned: xvi'14
power, flower, the water lily's: 127.18
power, prosody of: 133.32
Power, Marguerite, countess of Blessington: 222.12#
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, his octastich: xxvii:67
— how scanned: xxviii:69
prairie-hawk, motionless: 18:85
praise, enervating: 182
preliminary edition, glossed: xiiii
Preminger, Alex, Encyclopedia of poetics: 147.65#, 193.17
— rare, in Greek and Latin hexameters: 148
— used instead of inflexions: 144
principal feet, glossed: 97.23
printers, conservative: 120.79, 133.33
printing, practical, Poe's ignorance of: 149.77
probability, as weight, in hedonic calculus: 101.31
professors, Bostonian, linear measurement of, not stated: 148'76
profundity, conducive to failure: 93
progenies vitiosor: 10:48
progression, deduced from cycles: 2
pronouns, Latin, mostly polysyllabic: 78
— four numbers required for: 109.50, .51
— a species of equality: 100
proportional equality, a questionable term: 109.50, .51
Propria quae maribus: 216
prose: Bryant's verse rewritten as: 39.93
— distinguished from verse: 39.93, 188
— English, ‘Télémaque’ untranslatable into: 57.36
— Mrs Hewitt has not written: 152
— Longfellow's verse printed as: 80'85, 150'81
— measured, Fenélon's medium: 57.36
— posterior to verse: 186
prose accent, conflicting with musical accent, in Milton: 198
prose and verse, confounded:
— by Longfellow: xxi.50
— by Poe: 39.93
— by Wordsworth: 39.93
prosodists, English, obsequious to pedants: 98
prosody: completely prescriptive, a logical possibility: 141.51
— consistent, of dead languages, barely possible: 142
— Greek, cannot differ essentially from English: 196
— infantile notion of: 174
— Poe's:
—— not completely prescriptive: 141.51
—— typographical difficulties of: 65.53, 115, 116, 120:79, 124, 132, 133.33, 135.40
— systems of: xv
pruning-knife, Time's: 72'64
psychologists, metaphysical: xxx'84
psychology, mathematical, hedonic calculus in: 101.31
pulsations, = feet: 90
pulverem O, scanned as bastard dactyl: 145
pulverem Olym, scanned as bastard choriambus: 143.58
pulverem Olympicum, elision of rem in: 144
punctatim, Poe never transcribed: x'5
— affecting scansion: 13.60, .61, 81.83
— enjambment facilitated by: 15.64
— Poe's, of Amelia's poems, erratic: 71.63
— a species of prosody: ix.3
— spondee enforced by: 195.21
pundits, where born: 152
purification, Poe's gloss on: 17.75
Putnam's, G. P., sons, edition of Poe: ix'2
pyrrhic foot:
— admitted: by Crowe, but not essentially necessary: 55.30
—— by Everett, in combination with other feet: 97.23
—— by Say, with reservations: 55.30
— as counter-example to Brown's definition of versification: 51, 96
— as ingredient of first paeon: 124'8
— as second foot in decasyllabic line, preceded by spondee: 55.30
— a chimerical foot: 54, 97, 126
— rejected: by Brown: 52:30
—— by Manwaring: 54.30
quadernario, = quatrain, half of the octave of a sonnet: 35.76
quantitative-foot system of scansion: xv:1, xviii
— alleged basis of prosody of all languages: 202
— connexion of rhyme with: xx§22, 69.59
— faintly praised: xxxii
— go-as-you-please: xviii'25
— notation of, numerical: 134
quantity: how investigated: 46, 100
— rules of, desiderated: 196
quantity: defined: 181
quarry-slave, scourged, his nocturnal progress: 41.1
quarter-note, = crotchet: 191.15
quatorzain, distinguished from sonnet, by Lofft: 35.76
quatrain, a taut stanza: xxi.45
quavers, crotchet divided into two: 191'15
que arcu, elision of e in: 146
Querno, Camillo, laureate at Rome: 7.31
quick iambus, a questionable tetrasyllable foot: xviii'39, xxxi'88
— in Bryant: 27.23
— notation of, numerical: 134
quick trochee, a tetrasyllable foot: xviii'38, 99.29
— notation of: by crescents: 124
—— numerical: 134
— a rare foot: 132
— substituted rarely for trochee by Poe: xx§13
Quinn, A. H., edition of Poe: xiiii#, 135.40#, 137
quiv'ring, elision of: 7.28
quos, quantity of: 144
quotation marks: how paired: xii
— Poe's placement of: x
r: in trisyllabic feet: 153'9, 175
— the most pronouncible consonant: 155.15
— neglected, in cockney rhyme: 214'16
Rabelais, Franqois, Swift invited to emulate his humour: 6:25
Rabelais, Pantagruel, book: 498:26
Rabelais, how fitted into a decasyllabic verse: 115.61
Rab'lais, elision of: 6.25
railway, balloon contrasted with: 143.55
Rait, Robert S., editor of James VI Stuart: xvii.10
ram, admonished by the giant Moulineau: 88:4
Rang out the hour of nine, the village curfew and straightway: 149.75
rapidity, expressed by Pope's alexandrines: 89.6
ratios, equality of, constitutes proportion: 109.50
— of metre, demanded: 89.5
rationale: meaning of, obscure: 47.3
— pronunciation of: 85.1
Read from some humbler poet: xxx
reading flow: agreement of scansion with, demanded: 138
— neither asserted nor denied by written commentary: 141.50
— scansion opposed to: xxiiii, xxvii.63
Reclined, enervate, on the couch of ease: 154.13
red-deer, habitat of: 23.7
redundancy, anacrusis and: xxxii.92
— inserted to secure new equalities: 112
— a mood of verse: 100
— sonority required in: 155.15
Regan, Robert: xxix.68#
reindeer, delicate-footed: 115
relative pronoun, avoided by Bryant: 20'95
rem, in pulverem Olympicum, elision of: 144
repercussion, of friendlessness: xxix.67
repetition: appositional: xxviii'75
— a species of equality: 100
Restless mortals toil for naught: 184
rests, in musical system of scansion: xviii
resumption, apparent and real: 74
revision, careful, of Bryant's poems: 1
rhyme: 84-86
— affecting scansion: 83.90
— bastard iambus enforced by: 115.62
— between anapaest and bastard anapaest: xxviii'73
— connexion with foot system: xx§22, 69.59
— disyllabic: xx§19
—— effect on scansion: 99.29
—— in Byron: 70.59
—— in dactylic verse: 62'50, 128'22, 185
—— in xxvii.61
—— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxv'60
—— in iambic verse: xxvii.63
—— loci of: 70.59
—— origin of: 106'40
— false: 214'16
— ignored in continuous scansion: 76
— in interior of lines: 113
— interspaces between, how measured: 68.59
— monosyllabic:
—— in accentual system: xvi'13
—— in dactylic verse: 185
—— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxv'60
—— in trochaic verse: 107.40, 183
—— loci of: 70.59
— a mood of verse: 100
— origin of: 106
— Poe's placement of rhymes: xv, xx§20
— scansion of Holmes consistent with rhymes: 77.76
— a species of verse: 93
— table of rhymes: xii
— trisyllabic: xx§19
—— in dactylic verse: 62'50, 185
—— locus of: 70.59
—— origin of: 106'40
—— where best placed: 108
rhyme: defined: by Brown: 67'57, 181
—— by Greenwood: 69.59
—— by Poe: 67'59
— glossed: 84'2
rhythm: fundamental reason of: 47.3
how established: 118
imperfect, not detectable by one man ten thousand: 130
induced from Homer: 98
a modification of music: 84'3
a mood of verse: 100
not confided to the ear: 117.71
— not conveyed:
—— by lines of one foot: 67, 131
—— by ordinary scansion: 138'43
— poetic, identical with musical time: 57'38
— rationale of: 46'3
— slipshod, accounted an excellence: xxi.50
— a species of verse: 93
— variation in, facilitated by caesura (P): 60
— verse epiphaenomenal to: 56'36
— versification alien to: 56
— versification distinguished from: 46
— whence gratifying: 59
rhythm: defined: 57
— differentiated from metre: 100
— etymology of: 57:37
— rhyme a corrupt spelling of: 109.48
-riads round, scanned as bastard iambus: 83.90
Richardson. Charles Francis: ix.2
rill, syntax of: 16'79
rime: SEE rhyme
rime riche, differentiated from rhyme: 70.59
road-side, bordered with flowers: 29.41
Robertson, J. L., editor of Thomson: 163.12
rocks, overhanging: 153.7, 158.23
Rocks, Caves, Lakes, Fens, Bogs, Dens, and shades of Death, how scanned: 197.21, 32'71
Roman poets, rhyme in: 106'43
roman type, when founded: 216
Rome in her Capitol saw Querno sit: 6'31
Roorbach, Bibliotheca Americana: 47.5
rose, intrusive, possible source of: 220
rose hips, pilau of: xxix.67
Round a holy calm diffusing: 184
rsst, in tears stream, how pronounced: 2
rule, absent from chapters on English versification: 45, 94
rule, differentiated from law: 121
rules: of rhythm: 46
— prosodic, induced from Homer: 98
runs as, prosody of: 81.81
Rusai de pau miasma ton tethneekotos; Rusai seauton kai polin rusai d'emee: 200
Russell, John (grammarian): 49.15
Sad and wan: 214'16
Sadly the flowers their faded petals close: 156:23
sadness, invincible, compared to sorrow: xxi.50
Sae flaxen were her inglets: 193.18
said the angel, scanned as an unnamed foot: 75
Saint Peter sat by the celestial gate: 208'14
Saintsbury, George, his spondees: 195.21
Saintsbury, Historical manual of English prosody: 57.38#, xx.43, xxiii.56, 119.75, 123.7, 131.25, xv.1, xvi.7, xvii.9, .10, .12, xviii, xix.25, .29, xxii, xxiii.51, xxvii.61, .67, xxviii:69, xxix.76, xxxi.85, xxxii.92, 3.9, 121.3, 167.22, 175.12, 203.34
Sang of Thermopylae: 156, 157.18
sapphic stanza: four-footed scansion of, numerical notation of: 146'65
— how read and composed in English: 147.65
— in German versification: xii
— Latin, forced under English scansion: xviii
Satan's assaults and missiles, spiritual armour proof against: 13.55
— alchymical name of lead: 6.25
— atypical behaviour of, provoked by April: 190:11
— oblique, affecting nativity of Phantasies: 168.26
Say, Samuel: 55.30#
scanning, defined: 182
scansion: accordant with flow, of modern verse: 140
— alleged dependence of music on: 121
— cancrizans: v
— consistent, possibility of constructing: xv. 5
— discrepant with flow:
—— of asclepiads: 140'50
—— of Latin hexameters: 77
— does not represent sounds heard: 141.51
— numerical, Greenwood's, shortcoming of: xxiii.57
— object of: 138
— of English verse, ignores sense: 78
— ordinary: expresses no truth: 138'43
— of Cranch, unknown: 136
— scholastic, how induced: 140'52
scare: now colloquial: 39.93
— substituted for fright: 38'93
Scatter your leaves before the mellowing year: 198'24
scholars, professed, abuse of Byron by: 128'21
— classical, infatuation of: 98
— conducive to failure: 93
— seduction of: 94'4
Schuhmann, Kunno: xii:20#, xiiii.23
sea, Mrs Hewitt's love of: 152
sea-air, sweetly strangely coloured: 38:96
sea-change, mortality affected by: 189.7
sea-discoverers, lovers not jealous of: 173.9
Sea-nimphs, their mourning: 189.7
season: prosody of: 80'83
— sonority of: 14
secondary feet, glossed: 97.23
See the delicate-footed rein-deer: 115
Seem groups of giant kings in purple and gold: 30
self-destruction, by excess of self: 102
senarius, = alexandrine: 147.67
sense: ignored by scansion: 78, 190
—— of Street's ‘Lost hunter’: 140
— sacrificed to melody: 64
— sound according with: 8:35, 28'37, 76'73, 122:5
— in Pope: 174
— inanimate nature endowed with: 30'47
— vegetable: 31.47
sentry-go, conducive to mental exercise: 70.59
Sepharial: 213.7# an ambiguous formula: xxxi.85
— lengthened by substitutions: xxx
7-syllabled verse, how scanned: xviii'30
1788, French revolution of: 208'14
1776, American revolution of: 21'1
shadow, far-stretching: 14:66
Shakespear, William:
— caesural pause in: 204
— Hudson's lectures on: 143.56
— hypermetrical syllables in: 204
— mined by dunces: 7.30
Shakespear: Julius Caesar: 223.14
— Merry wives of Windsor: 217.6
— Romeo and Juliet: 204:36
— Sonnet 98: 191.11
— The tempest: 188:7
— Timon of Athens: 160:6, 177'18
Shall I portray thee in thy glorious seeming: 152:4
Shaman, Paul: xiiii'22
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Bryant compared to: 38'94, 43'7
Shenstone, William, memorial inscription to: 147.68
— improperly predicated of trailing syllables in quick trochee: 124
— one of the two quantities recognized in prosody: 50, 96
— rejected by accentual-foot system: xvi'15
S.M. stanza, in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii
short metre, a disgrace to modern poetry: 113
short syllable: xviii'27
— apprehensible only when juxtaposed with long syllable: 126
— concourse of four: 54'32, 98
— consonants absent from: 104
— easy of enunciation: 104
— frequency of, in Latin hexameters: 52
— moratory consonants to be eschewed in: 82
— the subject of nonsense: 102
— third of: 132
shorter-than-short syllable: xviii'28
sible fin, scanned as bastard iambus: 116
Sidney, Philip, his hexameters: 148'73
silence, an eloquent medium: 169.33
Silius Italicus, spondees in: 148
Silius Italicus, Punica: 52.27, 97'22, 77, 78'78, 107'45
silvery, prosody of; silv'ry, elision of: 116
similarity, a species of equality: 100
similarity, glossed: 84
similarity of sound, does not make perfect rhyme: 67
— claimed for numerical system of scansion: 136, 138'46
— a merit in Bryant: 16'78, 42
Sir Leoline, the baron rich: 119.75
Sit at the foot of history — through the night: 13.57
Skeat, W. W., on etymology of rhythm: 57.37
— conveyed by Pope's alexandrines: 88.5, 89.6
— indicated by spondaic line, in Greek and Latin hexameters: 88.5, 90
— indirectly conveyed, by alexandrine: 90
small caps, in source documents, how reproduced: xii
smile on such, prosody of: 130
smiled, prosody of: 27.23
Smith, C. A., criticism of ‘Ulalume’: 111.55
Smith, David Eugene: 59.39#
Smith, N., Tolkien's indexer: xi.11
Smith, Roswell (grammarian): 49.15
smooth verses, glossed: 171
Snider, Harry Clark: xxv.59 #
So Helluo, late dictator of the feast: 194'19
So live, that when thy summons comes to join: 40:1
So to the woods Love runnes, as well as rides to the palace: 79.80, 81.80
soil, sonority of: 14
solemnity, expressed by spondee in fifth foot of Latin hexameter: 78.78
Solomon, Herbert: 101.31
Some Daemon stole my pen (forgive th' offence): 7.27
Some so merry that I laugh: 213.12
son, scanned as caesura (P): 124'13
song, continuous, how divided: 188
sonnet: distinguished from quatorzain, by Lofft: 35.76
— Petrarcan: in German versification: xii
—— not copied slavishly by Bryant: 34'76
—— a taut stanza: xxi.45
— Shakespearian, a taut stanza: xxi.45
sonnet, defined, by Lofft: 35.76
sonnets: Bryant's: 32
— Mrs Hewitt's, faintly praised: 154
sons: their slow apprehension: 34:79
— utility of: 184
— his blank verse, dissected: 200
— hypermetrical syllable in: 204
Sophocles, Oedipus tyrannus: 200
soul, a permanent reflector: 153.5
sound: according with sense: 8:35, 28'37, 76'73, 122:5
—— in Pope: 174
— bastard identities between sounds: 69.59
— equality of sounds: 100
Southern Literary Messenger: 1.1, 93.3, 121.1, 135.40
Southey, Robert, his hexameters: 79.80
Spanish poetry, Everett's propensity to cite: ix
Spanish translation of ‘Rationale’: xii:17
speak-as-you-spell movement: xxv.60
Spenser, Edmund: his pronunciation of rhymes, unknown: xii
— trisyllabic feet uncommon in: 166, 179
Spenser, Faerie queene: 167:23, :24, 168:25, :26, 179'35, '36, '37, ' 38, 204:37
Spenserian stanza: 1'5
Spirit! that dwellest where: xxii'53
spirit-land, foggy: 22
Spirits of Earth and Air,/Ye shall not so elude me! By a power: 207'6
spondaic, predicated of the Latin language: 78'77
spondaic line, in Greek and Latin hexameters: 88.5
spondaic rhythm:
— caesura (P) in: 134
— French, nominally iambic: 146'67
spondaic tetrameter hypercatalectic, Lydgatian line scanned as: 202
spondaic verse:
— English, solemnity of: 193
— rhyme in, questioned: 106
spondaic words: in English, rare: 78
— indefinite sequence of: 105
spondee, a disyllabic foot: xviii'32
— abundant in English: 195'21
— accentual, rejected by Wimsatt: 8
— Beardsley: 197.21
— acephalous anapaest scanned as: 129.23
— admitted: by Crowe, but not essentially necessary: 55.30
—— by Everett, in combination with other feet: 97.23
—— by Manwaring: 54.30
—— by Say: 55.30
— alleged, in Bryant's and Longfellow's decasyllables: 144'60
— as counter-example to Brown's definition of versification: 51, 96
— as fifth foot of hexameter:
—— archaic: 148'69
—— Latin: 78.78
— as first foot in decasyllabic line, followed by pyrrhic: 55.30
— as second foot in decasyllables: 115.59
— as sixth foot:
—— in Feltonian hexameter, unapt: 151
—— in Greek hexameter: 147
— dactyl combined with: xx.43
— disappearance of: 146'66
— disyllabic rhyme between, questioned: 70.59
— English diction antagonistic to: 81.81
— equivalent: to anapaest: 60
— five spondees: in Bryant: 211
—— possible in Milton's decasyllables: 197.21
— iambic, how formed: 202
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxiii'57, xxiiii
— in asclepiads: 139.49
— in decasyllables: 3.13
—— rejected by Poe: 201.29
— in hexameter: Greek: 147
—— Latin: 77
— in iambic verse: 92.16
— in Silius Italicus: 78'78
— mixed with iambi: 194
— necessary in Poe's scansions: 99'29
— notation of: 134
— Poe's view of: ix
— prevalent in English verse: 202'31
— rare introduction of, in English dactylics: 79.80
— rejected from English prosody: 54, 97'23
—— by Brown: 52
— the rudiment of verse: 102
— substituted for anapaest: by Poe: xx§14
—— in Tennyson: 131.25
— substituted for dactyl: xx§15
— substituted for iambus, in Holmes: 77.76
— trochee equivalenced to, in asclepiads: 144
— two consecutive spondees: 55.32
— Whelpley's view of: ix
Staél Holstein, Anne Germaine de l'Allemagne: 220:6#
— Epitre sur Naples: 220:5#
—— anapaestic verses scarce in: 223.13
—— unknown to Byron: 222'12
stags, where to hunt: 23.7
stanza: bound by rhyme: xx'45, 110
— division into stanzas, enforced by refrain: 155.15
— a division of a song: 189'8
— a mood of verse: 100
— of anisochronous feet, how constructed: 141.49
— of unequal lines: xx'44
— origin of: 110'53
— trochaic stanzas, anacrusis in: xxxii
starv'ling, elision of: 7.33, 8:36, 76
stately, predicated of alexandrines: 89.6
statistics, mathematical, hedonic calculus in: 101.31
stave, a division of a song: 189'8
steam-engine, an archaic locomotive: 142'55
Stedman.C., edition of Poe: xii
— of no textual authority: x
Stein, Arnold: 173.9#
step, young poet's lonely-wandering, by whom conducted: 164.16
stepson, Amelia's, his age shrouded in uncertainty: 124:13
Stern rites and sad, shall Greece ordain: 27.27
Sternhold, Thomas: xvii.9
Sternimur optatae telluris ad undam: 197.23
Storms rise t' o'erwhelm him: or, if stormy winds: 165.21
Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures: 189'9
straightforwardness, a virtue in verse: 103.33
Strait where Amisius, mart of wealthy ships: 165.18
strangeness, = unexpectedness: 85
Stream, as the eyes of those that love us close: 3'13
Street, Alfred B.: 82:89#, 140'53, 142'57
Streit mine eye hath caught new pleasures: 189.9
strength: requisite to the sonnet: 32
— a virtue in verse: 103.33
stress, prosaic, to be suppressed in reading verse: 198
strophe, in Pindaric odes, equal to antistrophe: 51.21
strophic song, ‘The haunted palace’ is not: xxiiii'58
stt, in bitterest tears, how pronounced: 2
— a talent for misconception: 113
— varied: 116
substitution: lines without are rare: 113
— moderate, indulged: 182
— outnumbering typical feet: 77.76, 118
such deeds as, glossed: 65.52
Sud' oun phroneesas meet ap' oionon phatin: 200
sufficient reason, absent from German Greek prosodies: 99'28
sun, all-beholding: 41.98
sun-stroke, an urban slayer: 33.67
sunrise, laboured metaphorical treatment of: 30, 127.18
sunt, quantity of; sunt quos cur, scanned as dactyl: 144
supererogations, scholastic: 99
supposititious, glossed: 123.4
surge: cadence at: 14'64
— sonority of: 14
surprise, vocal expression appropriate to: 186
Swanson, Roy A.: 147.65
swarms, cadence at: 14'64
sweetness, a virtue in verse: 103.33
Swift, Jonathan, apostrophized by Pope: 6:25
Swift, Gulliver's Travels: 59.42#
swiftness, exhibited in 13-syllabled alexandrine: 91.7
syllabe, in French prosody: xvi.8, 109.48
syllabic system, of prosody: xvi.7
— not naturalized in U.S.: xv'4
— scansion of: ‘Al Aaraaf’: xx
—— ‘The Haunted palace’: xxvi
—— Longfellow's ‘Proëm” impossible: xxx
—— ‘Ulalume’: xxviii
syllabic verse, Whittier's: xv.3
Syllabification, English and French pronunciations of, contrasted: 146
syllable: as unit of prosodic measurement: 68.59, 107.39
— in Christabel, not counted: 121.3
— non-existent: 126
— number of syllables, in English verse, variable: 114
— a subdivision of the foot: 58
— unstressed syllables, in Christabel metre, not prescribed: 141.51
syllables, cannot be understood out of polysyllables: 59.42
— of short syllables: 183
— substitution effected by: 74'68, 114'59
syncopation, and paeonic scansion: xxvii.64
system, absent from chapters on English versification: 45, 94
t' o'erwhelm, elision of: 165.21
Take the wings/Of morning, and the Barcan desert pierce: 40'99
talk, superabundance of, obscures: 94
tameness, predicated of spondaic rhythms: 106
tardiness, exhibited in 12-syllabled alexandrine: 91.7
tardy, predicated of alexandrines: 89.6
Tate, Nahum: xvii.9
tears stream, rsst in, how pronounced: 2
Tegnér, Esias. Nattvardsbarnen: 52.26#, 81.82, xiiii, 51.25
tell, scanned as caesura (P): 64, 130
tempo rubato, imperfectly apprehended: 4
Tempora Lucifero, cadit Eurus; et humida surgunt: 188'5
Tennyson, Alfred:
— Bryant compared to: 43'7
— how scanned: xv.5
Tennyson, The dying swan: 131.25
Terentianus Maurus: De litteris syllabis pedibus et metris: 139.49
— De rebus vix numerandis: v
termination, glossed: 64
terminantions, of lines, how marked: 106
ternary, half of the sestet of a sonnet: 35.76
Terra, prosody of: 83.91
terzette, terzino, half of the sestet of a sonnet: 35.76
Tesman, Jørgen, as editor: xiiii.25
testicles, by whom nibbled: 87.9
th, in youth, how pronounced: 2
th' elision of: 7.29
th' old, elision of: 165.21
th' unbend, scanned as iambus: 92
th' very, a false elision: 165.21
thanatopsis: coram cadavero: 16'72, 26.23, 71.61, 73.63
— enthusiastic: 203.32
— prospective: 2:8, 31'60, 33.69, 40:1, 41.98, 142, 163.9, 167.24, 184
— visionary: 22'9
that, as relative pronoun: 65.52
That binds him to a woman's delicate love: 116'56
That death-stain on the vernal sward: 21.1
That death-stain on the vernal sword: 21'1
That still it breathed forth sweet spirit and wholesome smell: 168'25, 179'37
that the, only apparently a trochee; that the shr, scanned as heavy spondee: 198
That the shrewd meddling elf delights to make: 198'26
the: elision of: xxii
—— not elided Fy Johnson: 91.7
— false accent on: 12'58
— omitted in prose: 39.93
— pleonastically inserted: 38'93
— quantity of: 76'76, 80, 132, 198, 206'1, '4, 207'6, '7, '8, '9, 208'9, '10, '12, '14, '15, '16, '17, 209'18, '20, '22, 210'23
The bee,/A more adventurous colonist than man: 19.84
The bee/Within the hollow oak I listen long: 18'84
The bitter cup they mingled strengthened thee: 32:65
The black bands came over: xxiii.56
The chart by which to traverse it is writ: 117.67
The country Wit, Religion of the Town: 169.33
The courtier's learning, policy o' th' gown: 168'33, 180'45
The Curfew tolls the knell of parting day: 189.4
the deeds which, glossed: 65.52
The Earth's grown wicked,/And many signs and portents have proclaimed: 209'19
The eastern world/Seven days and nights uninterrupted pass: 163.14
The fire beneath his crucible was low: 5.17
The forest depths by foot impressed: 42
The full region leads/New colonies forth: 10'52
The giant his astonishment betrayed: 208'11
The gray hairs, struggling from his turban folds: 5.19
The great heavens/Seem to stoop down upon the scene in love: 18:82
The guiltless damsel flying the mad pursuit: 199.26
The hearth was then, 'mong low and great: 153.6
The hills/Rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun — the vales: 40'2
The joys above are understood: 183
The knight was much enmoued with his speach: 167.24
the last, scanned as iambus: 77.76
The last white grain/Fell through, and with the tremulous hand of age: 5. 18
The lifted ax, the agonizing wheel: 9.38
The Lord descended from above, and bow'd the heavens high: 182'2
The Lord is my shepherd, no want shall I know: xxii:55
The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea: 188'4
The mighty columns with which earth props heaven: 26'29
The moonbeam away: xxiii'57
The mountains that infold: 28:46
The murmuring rivulet, and the hoarser strain: 165.20
The night-wind with a desolate moan swept by: 4:16
The shock that hurled/To dust in many fragments dashed and strown: 14'66
The sick untended then/Languished in the dark shade and died afar from men: 12:59
The sight whereof so thoroughly him dismayed: 167'24, 179'36
The smile of heaven, till a new age expands: 12'61
The solitude. Thou art in the soft winds: 36'88
The spirit of that day is still awake: 11.49
The summer morn is bright and fresh, the birds are darting by: 23.6
the sweet South-west at play/Flies, rustling, where the painted leaves are strown: 28'44
The truth of heaven, and kneel to Gods heard them not: 12'57
The twilight of the trees and rocks: 42'5
the unbend, scanned as anapaest (or bastard iambus): 92
The unimaginable might of Jove: 112
The water lily sleeps in pride: 126:18
The wide old woods resounded with her song: 26'33
thee, a feeble rhyme: 32
their, quantity of: 30'58, 62, 80, 82'88, 128
their clime/to crime, not a double rhyme: 62, 128
Their love and awe: 183
Then, at the last, and only Couplet fraught: 89.6
Then her eye lost its lustre, and her step: 27.33
Theobald, Lewis, how cobbled: 6.30
Theocritus, his flute-like strains: 188
There is a power whose care: 36:86
There is a tale about these gray old the rocks: 26:31
There the hired eunuch, there the Hesperian choir: 206'1
There was a youth whom I had loved so long: 12'54, 214'17, 215'18, '19
Thereto the Heauens alwayes Iouiall: 168'25
Thermopylae, enthusiasm excited by: 156'19
These Equal Syllables alone require: 149.72
These things are not made for forgetfulness: 208'10
They are gone!: 214'16
they deemed/Like worshippers of the elder time that God: 28.35
They eye him not as they pass along: 24:12
Thine eyes are springs in whose serene: 42
Thine for a space are they: 16'71
— attitude of, gayest, happiest: 164.16
— beautiful, well-created, the joy of: 117.67
— confounded with nouns: 59.42
— countenance of, fairest, loftiest: 164.16
things swarms, enjambment at: 15.64
Think we on what we were, with many fears: 3.13
This little rill that from the springs: 16:79
This mighty oak — /By whose immoveable stem I stand and seem: 27.30
This plain stone: 147.68
This sinfully scintillant planet: xxix.71
This the Great Mother dearer held than all: 7.29
thitherward, pronunciation of, lingual exertion in: 119.77
Thomas, E., editor of Dyer: 163.13
Thomas Aquinas, Pope instructed Young to study: 162, 177
Thompson, trisyllabic feet in: 162'12
Thomson, James, trisyllabic feet in: 177'24
Thomson, The seasons: 165.12#
Those evening bells! those evening bells!: 189.3
Thou art a conqueror; the chosen knight: 209'21
Thou art a flatterer like the rest, but wouldst thou take with me: 23.7
thou choose, scanned as iambus: 118
Thou ever young, fresh, loved and delicate wooer: 160'6, 177'18
Thou look'st in vain, sweet maiden, sharpest sight would fail: 25.18
Though the day of my destiny's over: xxviii'68
— abandonment of, regretted: 121'2
— bright: 212'11
— germination of: 127.18
— ghostly; grave: 213.12
— impeded by much thinking: 203.32
— insupportable: 5.17
— merry: 213.12
— multitudinous: viii, 121'2, 212'10
— random: 7.30
— strange; swift: 121'2
— trite: 212:12
— unmeaning, couplet burdened with: 89.6
— votive, dispatched by sea: 153.8
thoughts that, scanned as trochee: 123
Thou'rt gone, the abyss of heaven: 37.85
three, shown equal to five: 124, 125.13
three-halves, typography of: 134:40
threnody: for everlasting night: xxv'59
— strange, solemn, heart-broken: 26.23
Thrilled me, filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before: 86
Throw it aside in thy weary hour: 32:63
Thurber, James: 109.49#
Thus Kings, by grasping more than they could hold: 169.32
Thus roving on/In confus'd march forlorn, th' adventurous Bands: 196.21
thw, in death-wind, how pronounced: 2
Thy realm forever lasts, thy own Messiah reigns: 182
Thy step is as the wind that weaves: 42'6
Tibbling, Stig: xiiii
Till the last link of slavery's chain: 26'27
Till twilight blushed, and lovers walked and wooed: 18'83
— an element of quantity: 196
— equalization of, in decasyllables: 4'22
— the essentiality of feet: 133
— musical, rhythm identical with: 57'38
— occupied by caesura (P): 124
— real and apparent, contrasted: 76'71
— unequivalent feet differ in: 114
— violated by scholastic scansion: 144
'Tis most true/That musing meditation most affects: 28:36
'Tis nature, full of spirits, waked and springing: 173.8
'Tis not enough no Harshness gives Offence: 8.35
'Tis not harsh sorrow, but a tenderer woe: 206'5
To all that wander in that perilous flood: 168'29, 179'41
To be the father of the fatherless: 208'15
To him who, in the love of nature, holds: 40:98
To scorn delights and live laborious days: 159'2, 175'14
to th' Hall, prosody of: 169.34
Together both, ere the high lawns appear'd: 161.4
Tolkien, J. R. R.: xi.11#
tomb: how decorated: 31'60, 40'2
— womb confounded with: 16
tone, low-breathed, how long tolerated: 127.18
tongues, gift of: 13.55, 161.6
Torontonian, in serious use: 151.78
tortures, chronic: 16:75
Tot Tibi sunt dotes, Virgo, quot sidera caelo: 103.32
Tovey, Donald Francis: xvi:24#
treatise on verse, Poe did not compose: 82
tribrach: defined by Allen: xvii.17
— etymology of: xvi'17
tribrachys: xxxii'91
— admitted: by Everett, in combination with other feet: 97.23
— by Say: 55.30
— apparently rejected by Poe: xviii'33
— as alternative to bastard iambus: 115.62
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii'52
— in decasyllables: 99.29
— in iambic trimeter: 201
— substituted for iambus, by Bryant: xviii§7, xx§12, 159, 175
tripping, predicated of dactylic verse: 148'72
tripping and mouthing, rhythm enforced by: 122:5
trisyllabic feet:
— change in position of, recommended: 37
— in Bryant: 30
— in Wordsworth: 12'54
— Pope's decasyllables deficient in: 203.31
trochaic dimeter: xxxi.85
— catalectic: SEE Namby Pamby
trochaic metre, anacrusis possibly useful in: xxxii'92
trochaic monometer: 59
trochaic rhythm, caesura (P) in: 134
trochaic tetrameter, the longest convenient English line: 107.39
trochaic verse: 183
— catalectic, monosyllabic rhyme in: 107.40
— disyllabic rhyme in: 106'40
trochaic words, indefinite sequence of: 105
trochee, a disyllabic foot: xviii§6
— admitted: by Crowe: 55.30
—— by Everett: 97.23
— alleged trochees, in Bryant's and Longfellow's decasyllables: 144'60
— as first and second foot:
—— in Christabel: 119.75
—— of alexandrine: 13.59
—— of decasyllabic line: 118'75
— as first foot of decasyllable: 3, 6, 113'57, '114'59, 183
— in Bryant: 145.60
— in Pope: 75'69
— as first foot of poem in iambic rhythm, deprecated: 119
— as ingredient of first paeon: 123
— as third foot of decasyllable: 212
— bastard: SEE bastard trochee
— bastard trochee substituted for by Poe: xx§13
— caesura (P) equal to: 124
— dactyl combined with: xx.43
— dactyl never substituted for: 114'60
— dactyl substituted for:
—— in Holmes: 74
— dactyl suggested by: 104
— equivalenced to spondee, in asclepiads: 144
— emphasizes false accent on the: 12
— English spondee scanned as, by Wimsatt & Beardsley: 197.21
— iambus substituted for: 77.76
— iambus suggested by: 104
— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii, 119.74
— in English hexameter: xx'43
—— Sidney's: 81.81
— in ‘The haunted palace’: xxvi'63
— in Longfellow's ‘Proem’: xxx
— necessary in Poe's scansions: 99'29
— notation of, numerical: 134
— Poe attempts to scan Cranch in trochees: 121
— Poe attempts to scan Holmes in trochees: 75.67
— quick: SEE quick trochee
— quick trochee rarely substituted for, by Poe: xx§13
— read diminuendo: 196
— rhyme between trochees: 70.59
— substituted for dactyl, by Felton: 149.75
— substituted for iambus: xx§12
—— by Bryant: 67.59
—— by Everett: 115.59
—— by Mrs Hewitt: 156'19
—— by Pope: 118
—— in ‘Al Aaraaf’: xxii
—— in Tennyson: 131.25
— synaeresis unable to yield: 74
— a trichronic foot: 114
Troja, prosody of: 83.91
true rhythm, glossed: 99'30
trunks: barky: 37.88
— ten thousand: 83.89
trunks, quantity of: 82, 142'57
trusty, Theobald's emendation for rusty: v
truth: error dovetailed into: 88
— where mined: 94
truthfully expressed, glossed: 158
Tumult cease: 184
Tu — whit — tu — whoo!: xvi'13
Turn back, O man, forswear thy wicked ways: xvii.9
Twelve starv'ling bards in these degen'rate days: 76
20 morae, Whelpley's scansion: of decasyllable with long syllable in feminine ending; of iambic trimeter with short hypermetrical syllable: 204
21 morae, Whelpley's scansion of iambic trimeter with long hypermetrical syllable: 204
twine and, scanned as spondee: 64, 130:28
twine And/divine 'Tis the, impossible as rhyme: 131'28
typewriter, as composing machine, limitations of: xii, 65.53
u: consonantal, in qu, macron over: 53.28
— embedded among nine consonants: 82, 142
— in emulous, elision of: 3.12
— quantity of: 142
-um, Latin termination, metrical effect of: 78
umbral languor: 12'59, 28'39, 82'87
the uncomprehended, desiderated: 86
unconsciousness, single and sweet: 103.33
Under Covert of a wall:/The most frequented once, and noisy part: 162.8
Under the opening eye-lids of the morn: 160'4, 176'16
underscores, use of, in index: xi
unequivalent feet: improperly intruded by Longfellow: xxi.50
— in asclepiads: 141.49
— in ‘Ulalume’: xxviii'75
— proscribed: 114
— rejection of, entails Procrustean scansions: 133.31
unexpectedness, origin of: 86
unexpectedness, glossed: 85
uniformity, principle of, secured by variety: 102
— absolute, of primitive stanza: 110
— a poetic beauty: 14
— requisite to the sonnet: 32
Universal Magazine: 216:7
the unknown, desiderated: 86
Unweeting of the perilous wandering ways: 167'23, 179'35
Usher, Roderick, inventor of talking blues: xxvii'66
Ut queant laxis resonare fibris: 147.65
utile, a unit of utility; utility, glossed: 101.31
utterance, a species of prosody: ix.3
the vague, desiderated: 86
variant readings, not investigated: x
variation effected by substitution:
— startling variation: 118'74
— trisyllabic substitution: 114'61
variety: unprincipled: 102
— a virtue in verse: 103.33
variety, glossed: 103.33
vehemence, expressed by ditrochee: 118'75
velocity: expressed by dactylic line, in Greek and Latin hexameters: 88.5, 89.6
— how conveyed, by alexandrines: 91
Verlassen, verlassen, verlassen, bin i: xxiii.55
Venus, orb of: 212
verbs, elimination of, projected: 59.42
verent in, scanned as bastard iambus: 116
verse: American, hudsonized: 142'56
— art of measuring: viii, 186-205
— developmental account of, not necessarily historical: 113
— division into verses arbitrary: 61, 66, 131
— an impediment to the scansion of Byron: 62
— a division of a song: 189'8
— embellishment of: 112
— epiphaenomenal to rhythm: 56'36
— French: non-existence of: 146'68
—— ‘Télémaque’ could not have been composed in: 57.36
— Greek: scansion of, contradicts reading flow: 139
—— typified by long syllables: 78
— Hebrew: homoioteleuton in: 109.48
—— rhyme absent from: 86:10
— rhyme undoubtedly existent in: 106:48
— how farced: 190
— an inferior music: 102'32
—— scansion of, contradicts reading flow: 139
— origin of: 100
— reading of, compared to chanting: 190'10
— rhyme as ornament to: 69.59
— species of: 182
— triple-rhymed, natural-dactylic: 108
verse: catachresis for stanza: 111.53
— contrasted with rhythm: 62
— definition of, proposed: 58
— glossed: 93
verse composition, utility of: 186
verse syllables: 198
versification: 181-185
— alien to rhythm: 56
— American, system of, how induced: 142
— Anglo-Saxon: xvi'14
— art of: 187
— distinguished from metre and rhythm: 46
— English:
—— further discussion of, promised: 205
—— governed by the same principles as Greek: 90
— French:
—— not examined by Frenchmen: 146'67
—— syllabic basis of: xvi:8
— general and immutable principles of: 90
— German: xii
— Greek: German treatises on, deprecated: 99'27
—— prevalence of spondee and pyrrhic in: 51, 96
— Hebrew, much discussed: 45, 94
— Latin: how far prescribed: 141.51
—— prevalence of spondee and pyrrhic in: 51, 96
—— requisite knowledge of: xiii, 19
— necessary to poetry: 103.33
— scholarly treatment of, compared to dry well: 186
— secret of: 103.33
— a species of prosody: ix.3
— a species of verse: 93
versification: defined, by Goold Brown: 46'4, 95'6, 181
— definition of, not exclusive to English versification: 51, 96
— glossed: 56
versus, etymon of verse: 56
vertere, etymon of verse: 105.38
verto, etymon of verse, glossed: 56
very, not a foot in decasyllables: 2'9
vestment, snow-white, the water lily's: 127.18
village, prosody of: 149.75
villages, the inserted before: 38'93
Virgil: 106:47, 144'62, 196:23
virgin: rural: 40'3
— shrieking: 68.59
— their sublunary song: 30'60
— Tahitian, offers to emulate the English: 25:20
virgin turf, a cool retreat: 28:38
Virginal Lilian, rigidly, humblily dutiful: 108'49
Virgo, prosody of: 103.32
Virtue's bright'ning ray shall beam forever: 184
‘The vision of Rubeta’: 81.81
volume, contributory to strength: 38'91
vowel: elision of, an accommodation to the bad reader: 144
— in short syllables of trisyllabic feet: 159'2, 175'14
vowel quantity: xix:40
— desirable in long syllables: 82'86
— English prosody not dependent on: 58'41
— not lengthened by two consonants: 104
— syllabic quantity not dependent on: 181
vulgar fraction, 3/2 only technically a: 135.40
w, enunciation of: 67.54
Wafted the traveller to the beauteous west: 176
Wafted the traveller to the beautious west: 160
Waller, Edmund:
— his smooth verse, surpassed by Dryden: 91.7
— trisyllabic feet in: 168'31, 180'43
Waller, Of the danger H.M. escaped: 169.31#
Waller was smooth; but Dryden taught to join: 91.7
wallop, = gallop: xxix'80
Ward, A. W., editor of Crabbe: 173.5
was: quantity of: 80
— syntax of: 49.18
Watch while the lights of the villages: xxxi'90
Watts, Isaac, his hymns, how read by clergy: 174'11
Watts, A sight of Christ (after Nokes): 175.11#
We noted not the dim lake of Auber: xxviii'76
We remembered not the dank tarn of Auber: xxix.76
We think on what they were with many a fear: 3
Welby, Amelia B.: 124'12
— The bereaved: 71.63
— I know that thy spirit: 73.63
— The little step-son: 125.13
— My sisters: 73.63
— On the death of a friend: 73.63
— Poems by Amelia: 70:63#
— To a sea-shell: 73.63
— To the memory of a friend: 73.63
— When shines the star: 73.63
well as, prosody of: 81.81
Welsh language, as medium for grammatical composition: 49.13
Whelpley, J. D., The art of measuring verses: 187.1#, 186-205, viii, xviii'26
When Ajax strives, some Rock's great Weight to throw: 89.6, 91.7
When coldness wraps this suffering clay: 193
Where grisly Schism and raging Strife appear: 81.84
When I look on my boys: 184
when Liberty awoke/New-born, amid those beautiful vales: 10'45
When oblique Saturn sate in the house of agonies: 168'26, 179'38
When o'er the buds of youth, the death-wind blows: 2
When our hearts are mourning: 184
When the Ducklet's dark doom is decided: xxix.67
When the firmament quivers with daylight's young beam: 30'54
When thousand ages/Have rolled o'er your dead ashes, and your seed's: 209'18
When to the common rest that crowns our days: 2:8
Where olive leaves were twinkling in every wind that blew: 24:17
whether, scanned as trochee: 118
Whether thou choose Cervantes' serious air: 6, 118
which: excluded from poetry: 64
— omitted by Mrs Hewitt: 154'14
— whistling noises accompanying: 65.52
While glow the heavens with the last steps of day: 36'83
whimsy, prosodical: 145
White as those leaves just blown apart: 32:62
Whither, midst falling dew: 37.83
Whittier, John G.: xv:3
who, a merrier: 155.11
Who, that from Alpine heights, his labouring eye: 164.16
Who that, from heights aërial sends his eye: 165.16
Whose sons at length have heard the call that comes: 34'79
wide, sonority of: 14
Will then the merciful one who stamped our race: 8:43
Willis, Nathaniel P.:
— The dying alchymist: 4:16. :17
— Hagar in the wilderness: 116:66
— Melanie: 4:14#, 9.37, 116'64
— Poems of early and later years: 117.67#
— The scholar of Thebet ben Khorat: 4:18, :19
— Yale college, 1827: 116:67
Wilmot, John, imitated by Pope: 169.33
Wilson, Edmund, as editor: xiiii.25
Wilson, John [Christopher North], Bryant compared to: 43'7
Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day: 204:36
Wimsatt. W. K.: 197.21#
wind: agitating olive trees: 24:17
— evening: 38'94
— felon: 169.28
— moaning: 5.16
— murmuring: 52:26
— playful: 5.19
— soft, musical: 37.88
— southeast and south: 169.5
— stormy, ocean waves independent of: 165.21
— summer, agitates herbs and flowers: 28'41
— wanton: 117.68
wings, sonority of: 14
With difficult energy and when the rod: 4'17
With its invisible fingers my loose hair: 116'68
With solemn adoration down they cast: 183'3
With supernatural whiteness loosely fell: 4'19
With that, a Tear (portentous sign of Grace!): 7.28
wo: clear, dear, full, nameless, tenderer: 206'5
— regnant: 11.48
— useful: 183
wolves, evening, famished: 23.8
womb, confounded with tomb: 16
wood-bird, little, how cradled: 39.95
Woodberry, George, edition of Poe: xii
— of no textual authority: x
woods, thick-winged, adorning mountains: 157'22
woods, the inserted before: 38'93
woods Love, scanned as spondee: 81.81
Woodworth (grammarian): 49.15
Worcester, Joseph Emerson, his dictionary, on pronunciation of starveling: 8.36
word, caesural pause in interior of: 204
words: prosodic classification of their two uses: 186
Wordsworth, William:
— begins a poetical revolution: 171.2
— Bryant compared to: 43'7
Wordsworth: The female vagrant: 12'54, 214:17, 215:18
— Guilt and sorrow: 215:19
— Lyrical ballads, 1798: 215.17#
— Miscellaneous poems, 1820: 215.18#
— Poetical works, ed. Selincourt & Darbishire: 215:19
wore, sonority of: 154:15
world, sonority of: 14
Yale University, library: xiii
Ye are sounds to thrill like a battle shout: 156
Ye rocky heights of Chios, where the snow: 157.22
Ye sigh not when the sun, his course fulfilled: 16'74
Years, years had vanished — where was whose face: 71.61
Yet gaily o'er Egeria's fount: 9.37
Yet her degenerate children sold the crown: 10:48
Yet once more, O ye Laurels, and once more: 199.24
Yet one rich smile, and we will try to bear: 34.75
Young, Edward, Bryant compared to: 44
Young, The Complaint: 18:92#, 162.10
youth, th in, how pronounced: 2
άναλογία, defined: 109.50
‘απολλυμι δειλαιος’ ιχ τοδ σχιμποδοσ: 87.9
άριθμός, defined: 59.39
etymon of rhythm: 57'37
άστρόλογος, many are the scanned as: 123
άστρόλογος, glossed: 125.8
Δύσιννα, φίλλινα, κλεταόσρα, Δπμτρία: 87.9
ειπε, τι ποιόν; τα διχαια λεγων: 87.9
εμοι δ’ δμιλων, / χρω τπ θυσει, γελα, νομιςε μπδεν αισχρον: 87.9
μετα ταυθ’, οπως νψ εγενεθ’ υιος ουτοσι: 87.9
μετρν, etymon of metre: 57
— set in Latin character: 193.17
Μπνιν αειδε, θεα Ππλπιαδεω ’Αχιλπος: 191.12
μονας, defined: 59.39
παιων πρωτος, = paeon primus: 125.8
πενταχρονος, = paeon: 125.8
που̃ στω̃ [[I'm here]]: 185
προς ταυτ, ω μειραχιον, θαρρων εμε τον χρειττω λογον αιρου [[Hero this, oh meirachion, I dare the word of air]]: 87.9
ρυθμος [[rhythm]], etymon of rhythm: 57.37
Χροθμος [[color]], author of chronic tortures: 17.75
ω̉ παντα νωμων Τειρεσια, διδαχτα τε [[O blessed Teiresias, teach me]]: 201.27
While Greenwood is careful to define the various formats for references, he does not define the use of an apostrophe in a reference. This has been interpreted as meaning that it, like the use of an asterisk, means that it is a reference to the place in the text where that footnote is tagged, but that it is for a quotation.
The print edition uses “iiii” for the Roman numeral version of the arabic 4, instead of the more accepted “iv.”
[S:0 - JAG68, 1968] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - EAP: The Rationale of Verse — a preliminary edition (Greenwood)