Text: Various, “Current Poe Bibliography,” Poe Studies, December 1980, Vol. XIII, No. 1, 13:29-34


[page 29:]

Current Poe Bibliography

This checklist supplements “Current Poe Bibliography” appearing in Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 32-38. This listing was compiled by a Committee composed of J. Lasley Dameron, Chairman, Memphis State University; John E. Reilly, College of the Holy Cross; Thomas C. Carlson, Memphis State University; and Benjamin F. Fisher IV, University of Mississippi. The Committee will be pleased to receive offprints from any source. Send offprints to J. Lasley Dameron, Department of English, Memphis State University, Memphis, Tennessee 38152.

The Committee wishes to thank the Mississippi Quarterly for granting permission to include listings from its annual bibliography of criticism on Southern Literature. In some instances, moreover, annotations from various bibliographical sources like the MLA International Bibliography and American Literature are utilized. Foreign entries are not annotated unless additional bibliographical information is required. The Committee wishes to acknowledge the editorial assistance of Mrs. Ruby Jean Powell of the State Technical Institute at Memphis, Tennessee, for her aid in preparing this list.

Adams, Anthony. “Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce — Their Life and Work,” Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce, ed. Anthony Adams (London: George C. Harrap, 1976), pp. 192212. [Like Poe, Bierce is a significant writer “in the American Tradition of Gothic horror.”]

Barbour, Brian M. “Poe and Tradition,” Southern Literary Journal, 10 (1978), 46-74. [Poe’s fiction explores the values, ideals thought, and feeling that one associates with the American tradition.]

Bayton, Michael DeWitt. “Poe, the Critics and Film-Makers‘’ (Doctoral Diss., Northwestern Univ., 1977). Abst.: DAI, 38 (1978), 5472A. [Concentrates on “Usher,” “Ligeia,” “The Masque of the Red Death,” and “The Murders in the Rue Morgue.”]

Beard, Michael. “The Epigraph to Poe’s ‘Berenice,’ “American Literature, 49 (1978), 611-613. [On the source of a Latin quotation used by Poe.]

Beaver, Harold. “Edgar Poe in France,” Listener, 100 (20 July 1978), 90-91. [The French are captivated by the dimensions of Poe’s creative genius.]

Bell, Landon Covington. Poe and Chivers (Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1976). [Reprint of 1931 edition.]

Benton, Richard P. “Bedlam Patterns”: Love and the Idea of Madness in Poe’s Fiction (Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Library, the Edgar Allan Poe Society, and the Library of the Univ. of Baltimore, 1979). [Poe’s love stories convey that an “imbalance in loving and conflict between Eros and Agape, i.e., between physical and spiritual love, can cause a breakdown of the mind and even result in death.”]

Bianchi, Ruggero. E. A. Poe: dal gotico alla fantascienza. Saggi di litteratura comparata (Milano: U. Mursia editore, 1978).

Biasco Del Guidice, Laura. Aspirazione, frsustrazione e terrore: (saggio ss’ E. A. Poe) (Lecce: Messapica, 1975).

Billy, Ted. “The Teasing and Teething of ‘Berenice,‘” Susquehanna University Studies, 10 (1978), 255-259. [“Berenice” is a “tale of covert black humor.”]

Bondurant, Agnes Meredith. Poe’s Richmond, illus. Ralph Warren Lemond (Richmond: Poe Associates, 1978). [Reprinting of the 1942 edition; see “Foreword” (p. vii-x) by Agnes Bondurant Marcuson.]

Bonnet, Jean-Marie. “Edgar Allan Poe: dossier critique (1955-1975),” Romantisme, 27 (1980), 129-138.

Bracher, Peter. “Poe as a Critic of Dickens,” Dickens Studies Newsletter, 9 (1978), 109-111. [Poe “saw more clearly than most of his contemporaries wherein the lasting interest in Dickens’ work lay.”]

Brigham, Clarence S. Edgar Allan Poe’s Contributions to Alexander’s Weekly Messenger (Philadelphia: Richard West 1977). [Reprint of the 1943 edition.]

Brodhead, Richard H. “Mardi: Creating the Creative,” New Perspectives on Melville, ed. Faith Pullen (Kent, Ohio: Kent State Univ. Press, 1978), pp. 29-53. [On the parallels between Pym and Mardi; see pp. 34-37.]

Buchholz, Heinrich E., ed. Edgar Allan Poe: A Centenary Tribute (Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft, 1978). [Reprint of the 1910 edition.]

Cabau, Jacques. Edgar Poe ([Paris]: Sevil, 1977) . [Reprint of 1960 edition.]

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “A Late Defense of Poe by N. P. Willis,” American Transcendental Quarterly, No. 36, Part 11 (Fall 1977), pp. 69-74. [Reprints Willis’ memoir and his letter to George Pope Morris, co-editor of the Home Journal.]

————————, ed. Romanticism and the American Renaissance: Essays on Ethos and Perception in the Age of Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman, and Poe (Hartford, Conn.: Transcendental Books, 1977). [Reprints articles appearing in three symposia published in the Emerson Society Quarterly and the American Transcendental Quarterly. Several essays rouch on Poe.]

————————, ed. Scholar’s Companion to the American Renaissance: Emphasizing Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe, Their Contemporaries, and Aspects of American Transcendentalism, 5 vols. (Hartford Conn.: Transcendental Books, 1977). [Reprints articles appearing in “journals specializing in the American Renaissance” from 1956-1976.]

Carlson, Eric, and Kent P. Ljungquist, eds. Poe Studies Association Newsletter, 6, No. 2 (Fall 1978), [1-4]; 7, No. 1 (May 1979), [1-4]; 7, No. 2 (Fall 1979), [1-4]; 8, No. 1 (May 1980), [1-4]. [Includes announcements and brief notices on Poe scholarship.]

Carlson, Thomas C. “Book Reviews . . .,” Mississippi Quarterly, 32 (1979), 666-675. [Essay review on The Extraordinary Mr. Poe by Wolf Mankowitz, The Tell-Tale Heart: The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe by Julian Symons, and Poe at Work: Seven Textual Studies edited by Benjamin Franklin Fisher IV.]

Carter, Stephen Leroy. “From the ’Sacred Selfe’ to the ’Separate Self’: A Study of the Mystical Elements in Five American Poets Prior to 1900” (Doctoral Diss., Texas Tech Univ., 1977). Abst.: DAI, 38 (1978), 4823A. [Poe never dedicated his art to a “full-scale personal pursuit of a mystical state of consciousness.”]

Casale, Ottavio M. “The Dematerialization of William Wilson: Poe’s Use of Cumulative Allegory,” South Carolina Review, 11 (1978), 70-79. [In “William Wilson,” the chief character recedes “from the real world” and enters “the world of mind, ours and the narrator’s.‘’]

Caserio, Robert L. “Plot and the Point of Reversal: Dickens and Poe,” Plot, Story, and the Novel from Dickens and Poe to the [page 30:] Modern Period (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, 1979), pp. 57-90. [Unlike Dickens, Poe emphasizes method in storytelling that focuses on “inward coherence,” putting little stress on “moralizing” and the use of “peripety” as commentary on the human condition.]

Ceccaroni, Arnaldo. “Poe in edizione italiana (note critica — bibliografica),” Lettore di Provincia, 33 (1978), 34-43.

Clendenning, John. “Anything Goes: Comic Aspects in ‘The Cask of Amontillado,‘” American Humor: Essays Presented to John C. Gerber, ed. O. M. Brack, Jr. (Scottsdale, Ariz.: Arete Publications, 1977), pp. 13-26. [The arabesque and the grotesque function effectively as different but harmonized levels in this story.]

Curran, Ronald T. “The Fashionable Thirties: Poe’s Satire in ‘The Man That Was Used Up,‘” Markham Review, 8 (1978), 1420. [Poe’s tale “can be viewed most meaningfully as a satirical fable aimed at the age of invention in general and the values of the nineteenth-century American society in particular.”]

Dameron, J. Lasley. “Symbolism in the Poetry of E. A. Poe and Stephen Crane,” Interpretations, 9 (1977), 40-52. [Reprinted from New Approaches to Poe: A Symposium, ed. Richard Benton (1970). Argues that Poe and Crane use similar landscape imagery for symbolic purposes.]

————————, et al. “Current Poe Bibliography,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 32-38. [Supplements “Current Poe Bibliography” appearing in Poe Studies, 10 (1977), 21-27.]

Dauber, Kenneth. “The Problem of Poe,” Georgia Review, 32 (1978), 645-657. [Poe’s work is “more than convention in the ordinary sense”; he reconstructs the universe from a “poetic point of view.”]

Dubanton, Monique. “L‘ovale du portrait. La fonction de l‘ecriture chez Edgar Poe,” Poetique: Revue de Theore et d‘analyse litteraires (Paris: Seuil), No. 37 (fevrier, 1979), pp. 102-110.

Duke, Maurice. “Edgar Allan Poe: The Man behind the Legend,” Richmond Literary and History Quarterly, 1 (1978), 29-38. [To understand Poe, one should examine his writings, especially his fiction, in which narrators experience “self-discovery.”]

“Edgar Allan Poe,” The Critical Temper: A Library of Literary Criticism. Vol. IV, Supplement, ed. Martin Tucker et al. (New York: Frederick Ungar, 1979), pp. 531-533. [Brief passages from the commentaries of four of Poe’s critics — Sidney P. Moss, David Halliburton, G. R. Thompson, and Eric Mottram.]

Estren, Mark James. “Horrors Within and Without: A Psychoanalytic Study of Edgar Allan Poe and Howard Phillips Lovecraft” (Doctoral Diss., State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, 1978). Abst.: DAI, 39 (1978), 1565A. [Poe uses the alter ego in some tales to produce horror within the human consciousness.]

Eveleth, George W. The Letters from George W. Eveleth to Edgar Allan Poe, ed. Thomas Ollive Mabbott (Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1978). [Reprint of the 1922 edition.]

Fisher, Benjamin Franklin IV. “Fugitive Poe References: A Bibliography,‘’ Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 13-14; 38-41. [Supplement fugitive Poe references listed in Poe Studies, 9 (1976), 49-52]

————————. The Very Spirit of Cordiality: The Literary Uses of Alcohol and Alcoholism in the Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Library, the Edgar Allan Poe Society, and the Library of the Univ. of Baltimore, 1978). [In some tales, Poe reveals a “predilection for word play and other types of humor devolving from alcohol and alcoholics.” Includes an essay on Poe’s revisions of “MS. Found in a Bottle” followed by the Visiter version (1833) of the tale.]

Forclaz, Roger. “Edgar Poe et la France: Vers la fin d‘un mythe?‘’ Revue des Langues Vivantes, 43 (1977), 348-356.

————————. “Poe in Europe: Recent German Criticism,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 49-55. [Reviews German criticism of Poe and finds that in Germany Poe is recognized as a “great” innovative force on modern literature.]

Foxe, Arthur. Poe as Hypnotist and Selected Papers (New York: Tunbridge Press, 1978) . [Published in the forties, the essay “Poe as Hypnotist” (pp. 5-10) attests to Poe’s accuracy in [column 2:] treating hypnotism in “Mesmeric Revelation” and “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar.” Author suggests that Poe may have “actually carried out hypnosis.”]

Frankel, Ellen H. “Romantic Duplicity: Allegory and Irony in Poe and Baudelaire” (Doctoral Diss., Princeton Univ., 1978). Abst.: DAI, 39 (1978), 2235A. [Poe and Baudelaire in their “allegorical subtexts expose the vanity of human illusion and the dangerous duplicity of the human mind.”]

Franklin, R. F. “Literary Model for Frost’s Suicide Attempt in the Dismal Swamp,” American Literature, 50 (1979), 645-646. [Frost’s knowledge of Poe’s “The Lake: To —.”]

Gasson, Roy. “Introduction: Edgar Allan Poe,” The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe (London: Jupiter Books, 1976), pp. xi-xvii. [Biographical sketch including 56 illustrations of Poe’s writings, 8 in color.]

Goldhurst, William G. “Literary images Adapted by the Artist: The Case of Edgar Allan Poe and Rene Magritte,” The Comparatist (1979), 3-14. [Poe’s influence on Magritte (1898-1967), a Belgian surrealistic painter.]

———————— . Our Own Confidence Man. A Study of His Origins and Development in our National Literature, intro. Erskine Caldwell (Gainsville, Fla.: Mister Print, 1979). [See especially pp. 2-3, 4-5, 12-13 on Poe’s “The Business Man,‘’ “Diddling Considered as One of the Exact Sciences,” “Four Beasts in One,” “King Pest,” and “The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether”; originally a lecture at the University of Florida, 1 December 1975.]

Golding, Alan C. “Reductive and Expansive Language: Semantic Strategies in Eureka,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 1-5. [Poe uses both suggestive and expository terms in self-conscious strategies aimed at finding language adequate for explaining the mysteries of the universe.]

Green, Roger Lancelyn. “Introduction,” Edgar Allan Poe: Tales of Terror and Fantasy, illus. Arthur Rackham (London: J. M. Dent and Sons, 1973), pp. vii-x. [Emphasizes Poe’s originality and versatility.]

Grossvogel, David I. “‘The Purloined Letter’: The Mystery of the Text,” Mystery and Its Fictions: From Oedipus to Agatha Christie (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1979), pp. 93-107. [Finds a “void at the center of Poe’s story” and argues that “The Purloined Letter‘’ does not meet the requirements of the detective genre.]

Haage, Sybille. Edgar Allan Poe’s “Tales of the Folio Clv[.” Versuch der Rekonstruktion einer Zyklischen Rahmenerzahlung (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1978).

Haining, Peter, ed. The Edgar Allan Poe Scrapbook, foreword Robert Block (New York: Schocken Books, 1978). [Includes “articles, essays, letters, anecdotes, illustrations, photographs and memorabilia. . . .”]

Harap, Louis. “Poe and Dostoyevsky: A Case of Affinity,” Weapons of Criticism: Marxism in America and the Literary Tradition, ed. Norman Rudich (Palo Alto, Calif.: Ramparts Prffs, 1977), pp. 271-285. [Poe and Dostoyevsky, in responding to their times, were sensitive to the “growing alienation of man.”]

Hatvary, George Egon. “Poe, Griswold, and Wallace,” Horace Binney Wallace. Twayne United States Authors Series (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1977). [Attempts ‘‘to throw some light on this still obscure but intriguing triple relationship.” Argues that Poe borrowed a great deal from Wallace.]

Hawari, R. “A Note on Edgar Allan Poe’s Orientalism” University of Riyad Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, 4 (19;5/76), 7 19. [In focusing upon “The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade,” the author suggests that Poe’s Oriental scholarship was sound.]

Heck-Rabi, Louise. “A Poe Play: The Treadwell Papers,” Poe Studies, 12 (1979), 20. [The drafts and final script of a play on Poe’s life by Sophie Treadwell are in the Univ. of Arizona Library at Tucson.]

Hoffman, Daniel. “Poe, Edgar Allan,” Poets: Great Writers of the English Language, ed. James Vinson et al. (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1979), pp. 770-773. [Critical commentary and selective bibliography.]

Hoffmann, Gerhard. “Space and Symbol in the Tales of Edgar Allan Poe,” trans. by Elizaberh G. Lord. Poe Studies, 12 (1979), 114. [Analyzes “Poe’s use of setting as spatial symbol and as a medium for conveying atmosphere in his tales.” See “Abstract,” p. 1]

Hough, Graham G. “Edgar Allan Poe,” Selected Essays (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1978), pp. 126-143. [Finds Poe to be very influential, a writer of “delicacy and power” and of “technical blatancy.” First appeared in Studies in the Arts, ed. Francis Warner, 1962.]

Hurwood, Bernhardt J. My Savage Muse: The Story of My Life Edgar Allan Poe (New York: Everest House, 1930) . [An imaginative life of Poe in first person narration.]

Jackson, David K. “The Identity of Maria Clemm’s Friend, the Judge,” Poe Studies, 12 (1979), 20. [Identifies the recipient of a “begging” letter by Maria Clemm, Poe’s aunt and mother-in-law.]

————————, and Burton R. Pollin. “Poe’s Tekelili,” Poe Studies, 12 (1979), 19. [Traces source for the cry of the Tsalalians in Poe’s Pym to a play by Thomas Hook.]

Jacobs, Robert. “Recent Poe Studies,” Mississippi Quarterly, 32 (1979), 285-289. [An essay review on David Sinclair’s Edgar Allan Poe, Vincent Buranelli’s Edgar Allan Poe, and John Carl Miller’s Building Poe Biography]

Jacoby, Jay Bruce. “The Victorian Response to Edgar Allan Poe” (Doctoral Diss., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1977). Abst.: DAI, 38 (1978), 5479A. [Poe was well received in Victorian England, and the contradictory elements of his writings were in line with the Victorian temper.]

Janson, Donald. “Philadelphia Rediscovers Its Literary Giant,” New York Times, 12 November 1978, p. 87. [Philadelphia restores Poe’s home.]

Jimenez, Jose Olivio, prol. Csuentos fanta’sticos (Madrid: Alianza, 1976).

Johnson, Barbara. “The Frame of Reference: Poe, Lacan, Derrida,” Psychoanalysis and the Qvestion of the Text, ed. Geoffrey H. Hartman (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1978), pp. 149-171. [Extended version first printed in Yale French Studies, No. 55-56 (1977), pp. 457-505.]

Joost, Nicholas. “Coleridge, Poe, Baudelaire: Albatross and Poet Once Again,” Sov.‘wester (Edwardsville, 111.), 6 (1978), 2733. [Traces how the Romantic poet becomes the “new high priest” and “guardian of nature“ — a Christ figure who, in responding to the albatross as a sacred bird, becomes the “center of the universe . . . around whom creation flows and from whom all creation has its rebirth and redemption.”]

Karnath, David. “Poe’s Baroque Space and the Unity of Effea,” Studies in Short Fiction, 15 (1978), 263-268. [Poe achieves unity in his best tales through narrators who, acting as self-obsessed artists, create the “peculiar spaces” of their sertings.]

Kehl, Del G. “An American Tragedy and Dreiser’s Cousin, Mr. Poe,” Rocky Mo?‘ntain Review, 32 (1978), 211-221. [“The central theme of Dreiser’s novel” and “many of Poe’s tales and poems” is “the conflia between real and ideal, between reality and dream, between actuality and illusion.”]

Kennedy, J. Gerald. “Poe and Magazine Writing on Premature Burial,” Studies in the American Renaissance (1977), pp. 165178. [Poe, in blerding “realistic, romantic, and satirical elements,” made effeaive use of a “shopworn motif.”]

Kennedy, Susan Ann. “Mark Twain and Edgar Allan Poe: The Development of the Grotffque Absurd” (Doaoral Diss., Arizona State Univ., 1978). Abst.: DAI, 39 (1978), 1785A. [Poe and Twain emphasize “grotesque absurdity” in their works, “evolving a shattering image of the human condition.”]

Kesting, Marianne. “Auguste Dupin, der Wahrheitsfinder, und sein Leser: Inwiefern Edgar Allan Poe nicht der Initiator der Detektivgeschichte war,” Poetica, 10 (1978), 53-65.

Ketterer, David. The Rationale of Deception in Poe (Baton Rouge, La.: Univ. of Louisiana Press, 1979) . [Poe utilizes deception, both as theme and technique, to free the imagination and to achieve a valid merhod of interpreting reality.]

Kozikowski, Stanley J. “A Reconsideration of Poe’s ‘The Cask of Amontillado,‘” American Transcendental Quarterly, No. 39 (Summer 1978), pp. 269-280. [“Poe’s tale, providing a doubly ironic account of the springs and directions of how a vengeful human purpose overtakes both viaim and viaimizer full well deserves its recognition as a concise masterpiece of ironic effects.”]

Kriegisch, Lou Ann. “‘Adonais’ and ‘Eleonora’ Reconsidered,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 14-15. [On Platonic dualism in Shelley’s “Adonais” and Poe’s “Eleonora.”]

————————. “‘Ulalume‘ — A Platonic Profanation of Beauty and Love,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 29-31. [“Ulalume” reveals “a moral and philosophical sense of profanation arising from the Platonic conflia of sensuous love and spiritual love.”]

Kruiningen, Harry Van. Edgar Allan Poe (Amsterdam: De Driehoek, 1977). [Four illustrations based on passages from “The Pit and the Pendulum,” “Usher,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” and “A Tale of the Ragged Mountains.”]

Krumme, Peter. AscgenI7licke Erzahlungen Edgar Allan Poes (Stuttgart: Metzler, 1978).

Kurland, Sydney. “The Aesthetic Quest of Thomas Cole & Edgar Allan Poe: Correspondences in Their Thoughts & Practice in Relation to Their Time” (Doctoral Diss., Ohio Univ., 1976). Abst.: DAI, 37 (1978), 6813A. [Poe and Cole influenced contemporary Romantic thought and took a “tortuous path“ — from the “variegated undergrowth of mundane nature to the lofty heights of universal absolutes“ — in their search for beauty.]

Leary, Lewis, with John Auchard. “Poe, Edgar Allan,” Articles on American Literatsure, 1968-75 (Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Press, 1979, pp. 408-424. [Listing of articles on Poe.]

Levine, Stuart. “Poe and American Society,” Canadian Review of American Studies, 9 (1978), 16-33. [Presents specific evidences of Poe’s close ties with the American environment and culture.]

Lewis, Alfred Henry. “A Chat with English,” Ex Libris An Occasional Publication of Friends of the Emory University Library (Atlanta, Ga.), No. 27 (October 1979), pp. 13-21. [Reprints an interview with Thomas Dunn English appearing in the Atlanta Constitution for Sunday, March 10, 1895, and focuses on his relations with Poe. See Thomas H. English’s “Alfred Henry Lewis Interviews Thomas Dunn English,” pp. 11-13, for introductory commentary.]

Lewis, Paul. “Laughing at Fear: Two Versions of the Mock Gothic,” Studies in Short Fiction, 15 (1978), 411-414. [A commentary on the “mock” Gothic in “How to Write a Blackwood Article” and “A Predicament.”]

Lindsay, Philip. The Haunted Man (Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft, 1978). [Reprint of the 1953 edition.]

Ljungquist, Kent. “Burke’s Enquiry and the Aestherics of ‘The Pit and the Pendulum,‘” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 26-29. [Argues that Poe’s immersing “his narrator in a welter of sensations evoked by confrontation with utter darkness” in his “The Pit and the Pendulum” is rooted in the aesthetics found in Burke’s Enquiry into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful]

————————. “Current Poe Activities,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 55-56. [Reports on organizations, dissertations, audio-visual shows, dramatic and musical presentations devoted to Poe.]

Lombard, Charles M. “shivers’ Life of Poe and the Poe-Chivers Controversy,” Thomas Holley Chivers Twayne United States Authors Series, No. 325 (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1979), pp. 99107. [On Chivers’ biography of Poe and the literary relationship between the two authors, especially Chivers’ insistence after Poe’s death that Poe freely borrowed from some of his poetry.]

London, Rose. Cinema of Mystery (New York: Crown Publishers n. d.). [Poe and the popular cinema.] [page 32:]

Mabbott, Thomas Ollive. Observations on Poets and Poetry (Iowa City, Iowa: Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, n. d.) . [See brief comments on Poe’s poetry in “Edgar Allan Poe” and “Favorite Poe Poem.” Reprinted from Books at Iowa, No. 29, November 1978.]

————————, ed. Al Aaraaf: Reproduced from the edition of 1829 / by Edgar Allan Poe, with a Bibliographical Note (Philadelphia: Richard West, 1977). [Reprint of the 1933 edition.]

Mankowitz, Wolf. The Extraordinary Mr. Poe: A Biography of Edgar Allan Poe (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978). [Attempts to explore “the dramatic contradictions in Poe’s life and character.” Amply illustrated.]

Martin, Williard E. “Whitmaniana from the. Boston Journal,” Walt Whitman Review, 23 (1977), 90-92. [Whitman’s comment on Poe.]

Martindale. Colin. “A Quantitative Analysis of Diachronic Patterns in Some Narratives of Poe,” Semiotica, 22 (1978), 287-308. [A complex study of the burial theme, interpreting several tales as symbolizing “attempts at repression or at escape from a regressive state of consciousness.”]

Mautner, Renata R. “The Self, the Mirror, the Other: ‘The Fall of the House of Usher,’ ” Poe Studies, 10 (1977), 33-35. [Focuses on the isolation of the Usher’s mansion and Roderick Usher’s “incapacity to establish relations with a true Other, with what is not Usher.”]

Michelson, Bruce F. “Richard Wilbur: The Quarrel with Poe,” Southern Review (Baton Rouge), N.S. 14 (1978), 245-261. [Examining Poe’s presence in Wilbur’s poetry, the author defines Wilbur’s “honest and courageous vision.”]

Miller, John C. Poe’s Helen Remembers (Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1979). [Presents the unpublished correspondence between John Henry Ingram, Poe’s biographer, and Sarah Helen Whitman, who “was engaged to Poe in 1848 and was among those who knew him best.”]

Miller, Karl. “Poe in the Sky,” New York Review of Books, 26 (28 June 1979), 46-50. [An essay review on recent Poe studies — including Mabbott’s edition of Poe’s tales, biographies by David Sinclair and Julian Symons, and John Carl Miller’s Building Poe Biography.]

Moldenhauer, Joseph J. “Mabbott’s Poe and the Question of Copy-Text,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 41-46. [Praises Professor Thomas O. Mabbott’s annotations of Poe’s tales, but disagrees with his selection of copy-text.]

————————, “Poe’s ‘The Spectacles’: A New Text from Manuscript,” Studies in the American Renaissance (1977), pp 179-234. [Offers textual commentary, 6 plates, and a critical text.]

Monteiro, George. “Addenda to the Bibliographies of Cather, Conrad, De Forest, Dreiser, Forster, Hardy, Hawthorne, London, Norris, Poe, Wharron, and Whitman,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 73 (1979), 478-481. [Adds one piece on Poe from the Providence Sunday Journal.]

Montgomery, Marion. “Of Cloaks and Hats and Doublings in Poe and Flannery O‘Connor,” South Carolina Review, 11 (1978), 60-69. [Unlike Poe, Flannery O‘Connor emphasizes the significance of concrete imagistic details.]

Moss, Sidney P. “Poe’s ‘Two Long Interviews’ with Dickens,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 10-12. [In a specific discussion of the Poe-Dickens relationship, the author emphasizes Poe’s attempt to impress Dickens with his poetry.]

Murray, Don. “‘Tis the Vault of Thy Lost Ulalume,‘” College English, 38 (1976), 281-286. [A humorous narrative.]

Nagy, Deborah K. “‘Annabel Lee’: Poe’s Ballad,” RE: Artes Liberales, 3 (1977), 29-34. [“Annabel Lee” is a successful ballad employing “musical elements from the ballad tradition.”]

Nanny, Max. “Nachwort,” Meistererzuiblungen [by Edgar Allan Poe] (Zurich: Manesse Bibliothek der Weltliteratur. 19794. pp. 403-416. [column 2:]

Neal, John, and Mayne Reid. Letters to Edgar A. Poe (Philadelphia, Pa.: Richard West, 1978). [Reprint of 1942 edition of Neal’s letters to Poe and of “Edgar Allan Poe” by M. Reid, 1933 ]

Nielsen, Erik A. Fortolkningens veje: Et laerestylke om Edgar Allan Poe (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1978).

O‘Neill, James. “A Closer Source for the Goths in Poe’s ‘Letter to B ,‘” Poe Studies, 12 (1979), 19-20. [Suggests Irving’s A History of New York as a source.]

Page, Peter C. “Poe, Empedocles, and Intuition in Eswaka,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 21-26. [Empedocles, the ancient Greek cosmologer, is a source of Poe’s Eureka.]

Pagnini, Marcello. “Il demoniaco poesco: Saggio di psicoanalisi letteraria,” Critical Dimensions: English, German and Comparative Literature Essays in Honour of Aurelio Zanco, eds. Mario Curreli and Alberto Martino (Cuneo: SASTE, 1978), pp. 333-348.

Phillips, Elizabeth. Edgar Allan Poe: An American Imagination (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1979). [within the context of a democratic society, Poe’s imagination concerned itself with the American landscape and his own mania as related to current medical theories.]

Pillat, Monica. “Sursele fantastic,ului in opera Edgar Allan Poe,” Rev. de istorie si teorie literara, 24 (1975), 67-76.

Pitcher, Edward W. “From Hoffmann’s ‘Des Majorat’ to Poe’s ‘Usher’ via ‘The Robber’s Tower’: Poe’s Borrowings Reconsidered,” American Transcendental Quarterly, No. 39 (Summer 1978), pp. 231-235. [John Hardman’s story “The Robber’s Tower” (1828) as a source for Poe’s “Usher.”]

Poe, Edgar Allan. Doings of Gotham: as described in a series of letters to the Columbia spy . . . with a preface, introduaion, and comments by Thomas Ollive Mabbott (Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions, 1974). [Reprint of the 1929 edition. Also reprinted by Norwood Editions, Norwood, Pa., 1978.]

————————. Letters and Doc?uments in the Enoch Pratt Free Lilurary, eds. Arthur H. Quinn and Richard H. Hart (Philadelphia: Richard West, 1978). [Reprint of the 194 1 edition.]

———————— La mascara de la muerte roja y otros cuentos / Edgar A. Poe: traducci6n, seleccion y comenrarios de Roberro Appratto (Montevideo: Ediciones de la

Banda Oriental, 1975).

————————. Narraciones extraordinarias; Aventuras de Arturo Gordon Pym; El cuervo, prologu de Maria Elvira Bermudez. 3rd ed. (Mexico: Porrua, 1974).

————————. Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires preface de Tzveran Todorov, traduction de Charles Baudelaire precedee de Notes nouvelles sur Edgar Poe, par Charles Baudelaire (Paris: Gallimard, 1974).

Poe, Elizabeth Ellicot. Edgar Allan Poe, A High Priest of the Beautiful (Philadelphia: Richard West, 1978). [Reprint of 1930 edition.]

The Poe Messenger, 1978 (Richmond, Va.: Poe Foundation, n. d.). [Includes reports, short essays, and announcements.]

Poe Museum Newsletter, I (April 1980), Poe Museum of the Poe Foundation, Richmond, Va., [1-2]. [Announcements.]

Pollin, Burton R. “Hans Pfaall: A False Variant and the Phallic Fallacy,” Mississippi Qvarterly, 31 (1978), 519-527. [Poe, known at times for his “suggestive” play on words, did not intend any phallic inference for the name “Pfaall.”]

————————. “Poe and Kipling: A ‘Heavy Debt’ Acknowledged,” Kipling Josurnal, 47 (1980), 13-24. [Kipling, acknowledging his debt to Poe in letter dated March 7, 1896, used Poe as an “admired model, . . . both in theme and in method. ”]

————————. “Poe’s Invention of the ‘Psychological Autobiographists,‘” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 15-16. [Poe coined the phrase “Psychological Autobiographists” to refer to a Bulwer tale and a novel by Benjamin Disraeli.] [page 33:]

————————. “Poe’s ‘Murders in the Rue Morgue’: The Ingenious Web Unravelled,” Studies in the American Renaissance (1977), pp. 235-259. [Discusses an amusing article appearing in the New York weekly, The Spirit of the Times, concerning a plagiarism case that involves “Murders in the Rue Morgue.‘’]

————————. “Poe’s Narrative in the American Newspapers: More Uncolleaed Notices,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 8-10. [Discusses eleven brief notices on Pym that are generally favorable.]

Propp, William W. “A Study in Similarity: Mycroft Holmes and C. Auguste Dupin,” Baker Street Joswnal, 28 (1978), 32-35. [Argues that Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes’ “smarter, elder brother,” closely resembles Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin.]

Quinn, Patrick F. “Poe in Europe. Recent French Criticism,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 17-20. [Concentrates on French criticism of Pym.]

Ransome, Arthur. Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Study (Philadelphia: Richard West, 1977). [Reprint of 1910 edition.]

Richard, Claude. Edgar Allan Poe: Journaliste et Critiqsue. Etudes Anglo Savonnes No. I (Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1978).

Riewald, J. G. “The Translational Reception of American Literature in Europe, 1800-1900. A Review of Research,” English Studies, 60 (1979), 562-592. [See pp. 569-572 for a commentary on translations of Poe in Europe.]

Riggio, Thomas P. “American Gothic: Poe and An American Tragedy,” American Literature, 49 (1978), 515-532. [Dreiser’s debt to Poe, notably “the reshaping of Poe’s imagery and themes” in The American Tragedy.]

Roppolo, Joseph Patrick. “Undercurrents in Poe’s ‘The Fall of the House of Usher,’ ” Tulane Studies in English, 23 (1978), 1-16. [“Usher is . . . embarrassingly close to obvious allegory” predicting the “fall of the House of American Art.”]

Roth, Martin. “Poe’s Divine Spondee,” Poe Studies, 12 (1979), 14-18. [Comparing Poe’s Eureka and “Rationale of Verse,” the author argues that the latter reveals Poe’s “growing desire for complexity in beauty, which is due to the increasing perversity into which his soul has fallen.”]

Rowe, John Carlos. “Writing and Truth in Poe’s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym,” Glyph, 2 (1977), 102-121. [Pym “deconstructs the idea of representation as the illusion of the truth and dramatizes the contemporary conception of writing as the endless production of differences.”]

Saliba, David R. “The Nightmare in Miniature: ‘Ligeia,‘” American Transcendental Quarterly, No. 40 (Fall 1978), pp. 367378. [Ligeia is a “dream figure — particularly one associated with the unconscious mind which is the source of true nightmares.”]

————————. “A Psychology of Fear: The Nightmare Formula of Edgar Allan Poe.” (Doctoral Diss., Brown Univ., 1976). Abst.: DAI, 38, 4832A. [Poe utilized “irrational fear” as a primary mode in developing a formulaic design for his fiaion.]

Scheick, William J. “The Geometric Structure of Poe’s ‘The Oval Portrait,’ ” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 6-8. [The geometric structure of “The Oval Portrait,” having a “functional similarity to the mandala,” conveys the “true secret” of the portrait as described and treated in the tale.]

Sears, Donald A. John Neal. Twayne’s United States Author Series, No. 307 (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1978). [See especially pp. 113-114.]

Sewell, Elizabeth. “Poe for the Sixth Time,” Parnassus, 5 (1976), 9-19. [Attempts to re-evaluate Poe in the light of recent criticism.]

Sharp, Roberta. “Flannery O‘Connor and Poe’s ‘Angel of the Odd,‘” Flannery O‘Connor Bulletin, 7 (1978), 116-128. [In her use of violence, humor, and ‘‘odd imagery,” Flannery O‘Connor’s art “owes something” to Poe’s fiction.] [column 2:]

Simpson, Lewis P. “The Southern Literary Vocation,” Toward a New American Literary History, ed. Louis J. Budd et al. (Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Press, 1980). [Poe’s “Usher” refleas the tradition of “the southern man of letters as storyteller historian”; see pp. 31-32.]

Sippel, Erich W. “Another of Poe’s ’Savans’: Edward Tatham,” Poe Studies, 9 (1976), 16-21. [Evidence suggests that Poe consulted Edward Tatham’s The Chart and Scale of Trv.th in composing Eureka.]

Smith, Charles Alphonso. Edgar Allan Poe: How to Know Him (Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1978). [Reprint of the 1921 edition.]

Smyers, Virginia L. “Poe’s Tamerlane, 1827: Preliminery Census,” AB Booiman’s Weekly, 61 (16 January 1978), 307-312. [The location, ownership, and origin of ten copies of Poe’s Tamerlane.]

Soule, George H., Jr. “Byronism in Poe’s ‘Metzengerstein’ and ‘William Wilson,‘” ESQ, 24 (1978), 152-162. [Thomas Moore’s Life of Byron “provided Poe with a view of the dark, self-divided Byron, a figure comprising both the poet and the perversely self-destructive spirit.”]

St. Armand, Barton Levi. “A Mallarme-Manet Bookplate in Providence,” Poe Studies, 11 (1978), 15. [On Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman’s copy of a bookplate (a hovering raven) designed by Stephane Mallarme.]

————————. “Poe’s Philosophy of Punctuation,” Poe Studies, 12 (1979), 20. [On Poe’s revision of punctuation in one stanza of “The Raven.”]

Stahlberg, Lawrence. “The Grotesque in Gogol and Poe” (Doctoral Diss., State Univ. of New York at Binghamton, 1978). Abst.: DAI, 38 (1978), 5449A. [Finds a “positive” grotesque in some of Poe’s fiction that relates to Romantic Irony and humor.]

Stoehr, Taylor. “Unspeakable Horror in Poe,” South Atlantic Quarterly, 78 (1979), 317-332. [Poe’s use of words reveal his chief concern with “hallucination, fantasy, nightmare . . . the horror of a world where everything is surface.”]

Stauffer, Donald B. “Poe,” American Literary Scholarship: An Annual, 1976, ed. J. Albert Robbins (Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Press, 1977), pp. 33-46. [A review essay evaluating Poe scholarship.]

————————. “Poe,” American Literary Scholarship: An Ann7zal, 1977, ed. James Woodress (Durham, N.C.:

Duke Univ. Press, 1978), pp. 35-47.

Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Edgar Alhn Poe (Philadelphia: Richard West, 1978). [Reprint of the 1881 edition.]

Stout, Janis P. “Urban Gothicists: Brown, Lippard, Poe,” Sodoms in Eden: The City in American Fiction Before 1860 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1976). [Poe’s urban settings are accompanied by “extreme emotional states so as to create gothic effects of terror” and thematic explorations “of mental states Iying beneath conscious reason.”]

Stovall, Floyd. “The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Introduction to the AMS Edition,” The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, ed. James A. Harrison. 17 vols. (New York: AMS Press, 1979), 1, [1-23]. [History of Poe scholarship and criticism through the Virginia edition (1902) of Poe works. This is the second AMS reprint of the Virginia edition, the first appearing in 1965.]

Survin, Darko. “The Shift to Anticipation: Radical Rhapsody and Romantic Recoil,” Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre (New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press, 1979), 115-144. [Poe’s contribution to science fiction; see pp. 140-143.]

Sutherland, Judith Cleveland. “At the Edge: Problematic Fictions of Poe, James, and Hawthorne” (Doctoral Diss., Univ. of Iowa, 1977). Abst.: DAI, 39 (1978), 289A-290A. [Poe’s Pym is an attempt “to come to terms with the special problems inherent in the practice of an American symbolist aesthetic.”] [page 34:]

Thomas, Dwight Rembert. “Poe, English, and The Doom of the Drinker: A Mystery Resolved,” Princeton Univ. Library Chronicle, 40 (1979), 257-268. [Traces the origin and publication of a “malicious caricature of Poe as a drunken literary critic in Walter Woolfe; or, The Doom of the Drinker, a temperance novel by Thomas Dunn English which was published in book form in 1847.”]

————————. “Poe in Philadelphia, 1839-44: A Documentary Record” (Doctoral Diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania 1978). Abst.: DAI, 39 (1978), 1578A. [A full account of Poe’s life in Philadelphia.]

Thorpe, Dwayne Lee. “The Infernal Twoness: The Effects of Time and the Ideal in the Poetry and Poetic Theory of Edgar Allan Poe” (Doctoral Diss., Univ. of Rochester, 1978). Abst.: DAI, 39 (1978), 2280A. [Central to Poe’s artistic vision is “the soul’s confrontation with the conflict of time and the ideal.”]

————————, “Poe’s ‘The City in the Sea’: Source and Interpretation,” American Literatsure, 51 (1979), 394-399. [Poe uses the Revelation of St. John “to create a nihilistic vision.”]

Ticknor, Caroline. Poe’s Helen (Philadelphia: Richard West, 1978). [Reprint of the 1916 edition.]

Van Leer, David Mark. “The Apocalypse of the Mind: Idealism and Annihilation in the American Renaissance” (Doctoral Diss., Cornell Univ., 1978). Abst.: DAI, 39 (1978), 2280A2281A. [Idealism in Poe, Hawthorne, and Emerson.]

Vines, Lois. “Dupin-Teste: Poe’s Direct Influence on Valery,” French Forum, 2 (1977), 147-159. [Valery “discovered in Poe’s detective character Dupin the model he needed to help him transform his obsession with pure intellectual power into the fictional character Monsieur Teste.”]

Vitanza, Victor J. “‘The Question of Poe’s Narrators’: Perverseness Considered Again,” American Transcendental Quarterly, No. 38 (Spring 1978), pp. 137-149. [Poe’s narrators are reliable and set forth the theory of “perverseness.”]

Von der Lippe, George B. “Beyond the House of Usher: The Figure of E. T. A. Hoffmann in the Works of Poe,” Modern Langnage Studies, 9 (1978-79), 33-41. [The Hoffmann figure can be noted in “The Assignation,” “Berenice,” “Ligeia‘’ and “elsewhere in Poe’s Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque.”]

Voss, James. “Poetry and Mythic Thought: A Structural Approach to the Love Sonnet and to Poe’s ’Sonnet — To Science,‘” Edda: Nordisk Tidssirift for Litteratvrforsining (1978), 27 1-292.

Weiss, Susan Archer Talley. The Home Life of Poe (Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1976). [Reprint of the 1907 edition.]

Wilmer, Lambert A. Merlin, Baltimore, 1827, Together with Recollections of Edgar A. Poe, ed. and intro. Thomas Ollive Mabbott (Philadelphia: Richard West, 1977). [Reprint of 1941 edition.]

Winder, Barbara D. “Two Poe Stories: The Presentation of Taboo Themes through Humorous Reversals,” Thalia: Studies in Literary Humor (Orrawa), 1 (1978), 29-33. [Analyzes the serious thematic elements (especially slavery) underlying the humor of Poe’s “The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether” and “A Predicament.”]

Woodsworth, Judith. “Valery et Poe: Le Delire de la lucidite’ (Doctoral Diss., McGill Univ. [Canada], 1977). Abst.: DAI, 38 (1978), 6127A.

Zanger, Jules. “Poe and the Theme of Forbidden Knowledge,” American Literature, 49 (1978), 533-543. [Poe’s “Morella,” “Ligeia,” “A Descent into the Maelstrom,‘’ and “Manuscript Found in a Bottle” are “organically linked by the shared theme of forbidden knowledge.”]

Zweig, Paul. “Books: Literary Terrorist,” Saturday Review, 6 January 1979, pp. 50-52. [Essay review on Mabbott’s Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe: Tales and Sketches, Symons’ The Tell-Tale Heart, and Mankowitz’s The Extraordinary Mr. Poe.]


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