The abbreviation “id.” is used for “identification.”
Agrippa, Cornelius: 206 n.1
Airey, Sir R.: 403
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey: 28, 30 n.2, 57
Alger, Horatio: 460 n.1
Allan, Frances Keeling Valentine: [[13,]] [[73,]] 95, 171, 185, 218, 220 n.1 [[actually second Mrs. Allan]], 237
Allan, John: 13, 35, 43 n.3, 318 n.1; adopts [[adoption of]] Rosalie Poe, 11[[, 95]]; and Poe, 41, 57 n.2, 73, 171, 237, 395 n.1; marriage of, 41, 171; character of, 73, 95
Allan, Louisa Gabriella Patterson: 41, 95, 187 n.2, 209, [[220 n.1]], 238, 304; id., 43 n.3, 317
Allibone, Samuel Austin: 1, 3 n.1 [[n.2]], 11, 74, 84, 95, 449 n.1; gives opinion of Griswold, 65; and John Ingram, 69, 127; and Poe's autobiography, 96
Ames, Mary Clemmer: 197, 198 n.1, 209
Arnold, Benedict: 373, 374 n.1, 382
Arnold, Elizabeth: See Poe, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins
Arnold, John Nelson: 118 n.1, 146 n.1, 225
Arnold, Matthew: 274
Atalanta in Calydon (Swinburne): 95
Bacon, Henri: 453
Bailey, William Whitman: 90 n.1, 415
Baird, W.: 206 n.4
Balderston, Judge Isaiah: 318 n.3
Balderston, Mrs. Isaiah: 390, 416, 421, 423
Ballou, Martin Murray: 131 n.2, 460 n.1
Baltimore Memorial to Poe: 340, 459, 461, 464, 468, 471
Bartlett, John Russell: 232, 267, 316, 322, 453, 481, 482, 483; id., 233 n.1; autograph collection of, 268; and Frances S. Osgood, 481
Bartlett & WeIlford: 232
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre: 70, 106, 159-60, 167, 196, 217, 385; and Poe, 80, 166, 168, 185, 208; Histoires Extraordinaires, 164 n.4; as commentator on Poe, 206 n.3, 211
Bayless, Joy: 206 n.3, 212 n.5
Beckford, William: 439
Benjamin, Park: 460 n.1
Benson, Eugene: 128, 129 n.4, 193, 257; and “Poe and Hawthorne,” 152-53, 155 n.1, 202, 203, 223, 260
Bentley & Son: 406
Billings, Hammatt: 204
Bird, R. M.: 328
Black, A. & C.: 406
Blackwell, Anna: 246, 260, 269, 282, 287, 289, 496; and Poe, 60, 268, 280; id., 61 n.2; at Fordham cottage, 124, 162, 235, 255, 263, 481-82, 487; in Paris, 146; and Ingram, 158, 258 n.2, 304, 474-75, 485; and S. H. Whitman, 483
Blackwell, Elizabeth (Dr.): 252, 255 n.1, 263, 482
Blackwell, Emily (Dr.): 255 n.1
Blodget, William Powers: 103
Born, Brian: 190
Boston Lyceum: 230
Bothwell (Swinburne): 267 n.1
Botta, Anne Charlotte Lynch: 20, 67, 88, 92, 230, 282, 292, 304; id., 26 n.5 [[4a]], 312; and Poe, 79, 155, 466 n.4; and S. H. Whitman, 33, 92, 121, 233-34
Botta, Vincenzo (Prof.): 26 n.5 [[4a]]
Brady's Portrait Gallery: 326
Briggs, Charles Frederick: 67, 71, 92, 211, 212 n.9, 341 [[342]], 342 n.3; id., 68 n.2
Brooks, Nathan Covington: 2, 3 n.7, 19
Brooks, Phillips (Rev.): 204, 381
Brougham, John: 230
Brown, David Paul: 440 n.3
Brown, Ford Madox: 494
Brown, Oliver Madox: 494
Brown, Walter: 465
Browne, Sir Thomas: 189, 190 n.2
Browne, William Hand (Dr.): 235, 332, 341, 350, 354, 438; and Ingram, 210, 216, 277, 281 n.1, 318, 486; id., 212 n.8, 355; and “Eureka,” 230 [[, 365]]; as editor of Southern Review, 327, 330 n.3; and Le Corbeau, 329, 333; and New Eclectic Magazine, 334, 335 n.1; and Politian, 336; and S. H. Whitman, 337-38, 345
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett: 67, 447, 473; and Poe, 56, 110, 394; and Richard H. Horne, 157, 412, 415, 460, 461, 469
Browning, Robert: 56, 59 n.3, 146 n.2 [[, 394, 461]]
Brown University: 118 n.1
Bruckmann, Friedrich: 452, 461, 470; id., 453 n.2; “Memorial Portrait” of Poe, 453, 455, 471, 475-76 n.6
Bryant, William Cullen: 82
Buchanan, J. R.: 61 n.1, 314, 321-22, 327, 330, 351, 365; and MS of “To Helen,” 315 [[314]] [[, 315 n.1]], 381, 418; and S. H. Whitman, 352-53, 369
Bulwer, Edward Robert, first Earl of Lytton: 46, 56, 127, 157 n.2, 497
Burleigh, George S.: 203
Burling, Ebenezer: 13, 46, 56, 57 n.2, 170, 240
Burdge, Franklin: 122
Burke, Sir Bernard: 182
Burton, William Evans: 25, 80, 124, 125 n.2, 325
Byron, Lord: 191, 193 [[n.1]], 200
Caballero, Fernán: 493, 494 n.3
Campbell, Killis: 131 n.2
Cary, Alice: 122, 124-25 n.1, 149, 196-97, 214
Cary, Phoebe: 122, 124-25 n.1, 149, 197
Caswell, Alexis: 467 n.1
Catalogue of American Books (Gowans): 26 n.8
Celtic (ship): 302-3
Channing, Walter (Dr.): 68
Channing, William Ellery: 67-68
Channing, William F. (Dr.): 115, 118 n.1, 503, 504, 505
Child of the Sea, and Other Poems (Lewis): 250
Childs, George William: 365, 366 n.2
Christ's Church (Baltimore): 238
Chronicles of Baltimore (Scharf): 281 n.1
Church of the Trinity: 204
Clarke, John (Dr.): 328
Clarke, Thomas Cottrell: 15, 40, 65, 75, 84 n.1, 90, 94, 108, 368, 369; and Poe, 1, 6, 24, 119; id., 3 n.3; and the Stylus, 3 n.3, 336, 462; and William F. Gill, 7, 185, 345, 354, 357, 380-81, 468; and Ingram, 10, 14, 17, 18, 81, 102; and S. H. Whitman, 151, 332; death of, 328; as writer for Northern Monthly, 334; defense of Poe, 449 n.1
Clarke, Walter: 332
Clarke & Poe (firm): 328
Cleaveland, Parker: 294 n.4, 457
Clemm, Maria Poe: 2, 10, 21, 46, 57, 195, 208, 243-44, 314, 464-65; corresponds with S. H. Whitman, 7, 22, 28, 34, 42, 104, 105, 155, 297-98, 299-300, 383; lives with Lewis family, 28-29, 120-21; and Griswold, 38-39; Ingram's opinion of, 71, 166, 469; and Poe, 74, 83, 98, 102, 145, 229, 230, 236, 305, 339, 355, 373; and Frances S. Osgood, 74, 96, 122, 144; in Lowell, Mass., 99; death of, 112 n.2; lives with S.E.R., 114 n.1; and Anna Blackwell, 124; character of, 148, 167; and Sarah Anna Lewis, 154, 161, 295-97, 302; and Virginia Clemm Poe, 163, 356; at Fordham cottage, 177, 248, 252, 257; and Neilson Poe, 187 n.1, 237-38, 241, 246, 254, 304, 470 n.2; and Eugene L. Didier, 219; and Mary Gove Nichols, 246, 306; and Ingram, 262; and Maria Louise Shew Houghton, 263, 286; marriage of, 292; Jane Ermina Locke visits, 346; and Sylvanus D. Lewis, 371; and Annie Richmond, 454
Clinton Bradshaw (Thomas): 255 n.3
Clovernook (Alice Cary): 122, 125 n.1
Club, or a Grey-Cap for a Green-Head, The (Puckle): 212 n.7
Coleman, Mr.: 321, 459, 466, 470
Coleman & Remington's: See Masury & Hartshorn
Collins, Wilkie: 23
Cook, Eliza: 293
Conway, Moncure: 166, 262, 268, 280, 285, 462 n.2
Corbeau, Le, Poëme par Edgar Poe (trans. Mallarmé): 319 n.6, 328-29, 340, 364
Cosmo de’ Medici (Horne): 318, 319 n.7
Curtis, George William: 32, 34, 97, 125, 129 n.1, 245 n.3
Curwen, Henry F.: 282, 284; and Sorrow and Song, 217, 238 n.2, 239, 242, 251, 265-66, 296; and Ingram, 224; criticizes Griswold, 236; Ingram reviews his book, 261
Cyclopaedia of American Literature (Duyckinck): 449 n.1
Dailey, Charlotte F.: 30 n.4, 493 n.2, 497, 502
Dailey, Lottie: 504
Dailey, Maud: 504
Dalby, John Watson: 330 n.4
Daly, M. A.: 83
Daniel, John Moncure: 14, 74; and “Eulogium,” 15, 29, 210; id., 15 n.1, 462 n.2; and Poe, 209, 213; and Moncure Conway, 268, 280
Davidson, James Wood: 30, 33, 75, 104, 150, 163, 188, 217, 263, 274, 292, 483, 486; and Russell's Magazine, 17; defense of Poe, 19 n.1; id., 19, 24; Living Writers of the South, 24; character of, 29; and Ingram, 56, 57, 65, 69, 92, 159, 162, 165, 185, 187, 193, 196, 198, 201, 207, 208, 210, 223, 228, 237, 240, 254, 261, 269, 287, 304, 314; and S. H. Whitman, 66, 78-79, 105, 153, 181, 231, 242, 283, 470; corresponds with Maria Clemm, 98; visits Sarah Anna Lewis, 98, 144, 296; and George Powell, 159; letters and papers belonging to, 201, 226; illness of, 287-88, 493; and Richard H. Stoddard, 291, 328; in Washington, 338; and the press, 375; and William J. Widdleton, 467
Davis, Paulina Wright: 286, 450
DeVere, Schele: 222 n.2
Didier, Eugene L.: 318 n.3, 341, 349, 380, 423, 465, 468; and Maria Clemm, 112 n.2, 357; and Ingram, 218-19, 264 n.5, 449, 482, 486, 487-88; and Houghton family, 264 n.5, 285; and The Poe Cult, 285; and Scribner's Monthly, 327; and Politian, 331, 336; and Poe's “Alone,” 394, 421, 456, 474, 486; and S. H. Whitman, 436, 440, 484; “Memoir” of Poe, 454, 458-59, 464, 466 n.1, 470, 482; and William J. Widdleton, 460; and Neilson Poe, 470, 472; and Poe portrait, 471-72
Didier, Henry: 219
Dodge, Ossian Euclid: 304, 340; daguerreotype of Poe, 303, 317, 319, 321, 326, 327, 383, 386, 459; id., 310 n.1; visits Ingram, 335; death of, 455
Dollar Magazine: 83 n.4
d’Ossoli, Marquis Angelo: 26 n.4
d’Ossoli, Sarah Margaret Fuller: 20, 26 n.4, 68, 240
[[Don Felix: see Ingram, John H. (a pseudonym)]]
Duffee, Mr.: 438, 440 n.3, 449 n.1
Duyckinck, Evert A.: 13, 32, 74, 96, 201, 449 n.1
Dwight, Lyman (Col.): 205, 217, 222, 232, 259, 282, 421; id., 196
Earl House (Providence): 235
Eben, Carl Theodor: 89 n.1
Edgar Allan Poe, a Memorial Volume (ed. Rice): 366 n.3
Edgar Poe and His Critics (S. H. Whitman): 2, 3 n.1, 15, 16, 17, 21, 27, 33, 45, 91, 147, 164, 183-84, 197, 217, 300, 400, 506; published, 1; Ingram reviews, 44; damage to book, 92
Edgar Allan Poe Memorial: 217
Ellet, Elizabeth Frieze Lummis: 27, 30 n.1, 56, 65, 67, 68 n.3, 154, 186; id., 26 n.7, 30 n.1; and Poe, 70, 95, 164; and the “South Carolina lady,” 92, 158; and Sarah Anna Lewis, 160-61, 163, 167, 188; and Griswold, 195, 199, 204, 206 n.3, 207-8, 213; death of, 212 n.9; and Fanny Kortright, 224; and Mary Gove Nichols, 229
Ellet, William H.: 30 n.1, 384
Ellis, Mrs.: 395 n.1
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: 82, 191, 200
English, Thomas Dunn: 67, 86, 92, 201, 204, 269; id., 3 n.6; Poe's libel suit against, 28, 37 n.6, 154; death of, 148, 150 n.2, 211, 212 n.9
Eveleth, George W.: 154, 161-62, 163 n.1, 183, 201, 334, 372; id., 25, 26 n.11; and Ingram, 69, 189; and S. H. Whitman, 114 n.2, 182, 204; and “Mystery of Marie Rogêt,” 158, 163
Extracts from Opinions of the British Press on the Memoir of Poe (Ingram): 241-42 n.1
Fairfield, Francis Gerry: 334, 336, 338, 341, 350, 354, 415; and Ten Years with Spiritual Mediums, 331; id., 331; and “A Mad Man of Letters,” 332 n.1, 333; and Scribner's Monthly, 337, 344; and Poe, 343, 380; and Dr. Fred K. Marvin, 345, 368; and “The Bells,” 351; and William J. Widdleton, 370; Ingram's opinion of, 370; and “Eureka,” 370, 381; and William D. O’Connor, 373; George Parson Lathrop's defense of, 410, 412 n.1
[[Felix, Don: see Ingram, John H. (a pseudonym)]]
Female Poets of America (Griswold): 60, 113, 145, 244
Fenwick, Samuel: 43 n.1
Field, Cyrus: 105
Field, Maunsell B.: 105
Fields, James T.: 121
Flag of Our Union: 460 n.1, 461
Flora Symbolica (Ingram): 13, 45, 64, 126
Fordham: 56, 61, 252, 263; Poe moves 105, 109, 124, 193, 441; Maria Clemm at, 235, 248, 346; Poe's life at, 245; Anna Blackwell visits, 481
Fordham cottage: 27, 74, 111; description of, 149-50, 162; and “The Raven,” 201, 208; Anna Blackwell visits, 255, 263, 487; and Mary Gove Nichols, 460
Forman, Harry Buxton: 451, 452 n.1, 453, 456, 457 n.1, 462, 494, 495 n.9
Forty Years of American a Life (Nichols): 264 n.3
Foster, Charles: 103
Freeman, Julia Deane: 40, 41-42, 268
Fugitive Slave Bill: 67
Fuller, Hiram: 37
Fuller, Margaret: See d’Ossoli, Sarah Margaret Fuller
Gardette, Charles D.: 2, 3 n.8, 10
Garlin, Anna C.: 503
Gautier, Théophile: 42, 206, 211
Gibson, Thomas W.: 263 n.2, 365, 381, 474
Gilfillan, George (Rev.): 46, 47 n.6, 229, 236, 242, 497, 498 n.2
Gill, William Fearing: 7, 38, 40, 66, 102, 108, 191, 200, 217, 230; id., 7, 8 n.3; and Ingram, 14, 46, 58-59 n.1, 65, 184-85, 210, 302, 378, 379, 384-85, 386, 393; and S. H. Whitman, 23, 36-37, 38, 58, 76, 90, 94, 103, 154, 205, 288, 294, 377, 383-84, 388, 390, 391, 392, 412-13, 454; and Thomas C. Clarke, 81, 354, 380-81, 468; described, 115-16; and The Martyred Church, 204, 206 n.5; and Poe, 213, 389, 396; and Griswold, 214; and Lotos Leaves, 235 n.4, 255, 318, 322, 325, 338-39; and Richard H. Stoddard, 332; and William J. Widdleton, 336, 357, 389, 410; and Laurel Leaves, 342, 344 n.1, 345, 378 n.3, 453, 456, 458; as orator, 351; and “The Bells,” 365, 474; recites “The Raven,” 371, 373, 379, 384; railroad accident, 375; “Reply,” 389, 396-99, 400, 403, 407, 490-92; bankruptcy of, 392, 393; and The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, 488-90
Gleason, Frederick: 131 n.2, 460 n.1
Godey, Louis Antoine: 25, 55, 262, 292, 304, 325, 449 n.1; id., 150 n.5
Godey's Lady's Book (by Louis Antoine Godey): 150 n.5, 229
Gowans, William: 23, 37, 58, 81, 82, 83, 343; id., 26 n.8; as publisher, 56; and “Recollections of Poe,” 80, 302; and Poe, 257-58, 338
Graham, George Rex: 2, 29, 56, 69, 80, 84, 151, 165, 288, 292; and Poe, 25, 151, 176, 210, 449; and Graham's Magazine, 13, 158, 162, 163 n.2; id., 84 n.6; and Griswold, 151; bankruptcy of, 161 n.1; and Maria Clemm, 167; and Ingram, 202; and S. H. Whitman, 203; and William F. Gill, 214; death of, 218, 229, 285, 328; and William J. Widdleton, 309
Grammont, Marquis de: 191, 200
Great Sprague Manufacturing Company: 29
Gresset, Jean Baptiste Louis: 16
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot: 10, 19, 21, 33, 257, 261, 287, 290, 460, 465; his “Memoir” of Poe, 1, 3 n.4, 7, 11, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25-26, 28, 37, 44, 45, 46, 56, 73, 80, 81, 90, 92, 110, 121, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 180, 186, 209, 212 n.6, 213, 224, 249, 253, 263, 268, 288, 289, 309, 348-49, 370, 378 n.4; and The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe, 1; and Richard H. Stoddard, 5, 6, 331; and Poe, 6, 16, 30 n.3, 57, 89, 162, 164, 165, 206 n.3, 209, 217, 299, 333, 367; accusations and fabrications of, 6, 95-96, 98, 112, 134, 193, 225, 417; and William J. Pabodie, 7, 39, 229, 338; and The Memorial, 12; and John Francis Ward, 12; and the Lewis family, 14, 74, 120 n.1; and Ingram, 20, 200, 395; and George W. Eveleth, 25; and “Literati,” 36; and S. H. Whitman, 43, 61-62; and Female Poets of America, 62, 113-14, 145, 155; and Samuel A. Allibone, 65; and Thomas W. White, 73-74; and New-York Historical Society, 92; and Frances S. Osgood, 99, 166; and James Parton, 113; and George R. Graham, 151, 153; as editor of Graham's Magazine, 158; and Elizabeth Frieze Lummis Ellet, 188, 195, 206 n.3, 207, 208; and Mary Clemmer Ames, 197; marriage of; 199, 204, 207, 213; bigamy scandal, 211; illness of, 213-14; death of, 218; and Boston Lyceum, 230; Henry Curwen criticizes, 236; offers money for Poe correspondence, 237, 246, 252-53; and Marie Louise Shew Houghton, 262, 280; and portraits, 293, 472; and Maria Clemm, 339; omits lines “To M.L.S.,” 366; and William F. Gill, 389; and Eugene L. Didier, 486
Hale, Edward Everett: 34 n.2
Hale, Sarah Josepha: 112 n.1, 325, 368, 369, 381, 383, 388, 420, 422
Hall, Robert W.: 46 n.3, 192, 201
Harold, Francis: 419 n.2
Harris, A. B.: 253, 255 n.2, 257, 304
Harris, Caleb Fiske: 118 n.1, 120 n.1, 192, 200, 205, 211, 282, 318, 357, 438, 474; and S. H. Whitman, 188 n.1, 192, 212, 220, 232, 242-43, 248, 267, 288, 311, 346, 441, 450, 503; id., 193 n.2; lends 1831 edition of Poe's poems, 200, 249, 284; and Ingram, 201, 221-23, 228, 233, 263, 264 n.8, 270, 275, 284, 292, 316; in New York, 234; at White Mountains, 322; and “Siope,” 337; and 1827 edition of Poe's poems, 375, 394, 395, 413, 416, 421; and John Bartlett, 481
Harrison, Gabriel: 326-27
Harrison, James A.: 3 n.6, 30 n.4
Harte, Bret: 197
Hawthorne, Julian: 470
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: 45, 82, 152, 153, 189, 193, 202
Hawthorne, Rose: 470
Hay, John: 32
Heath, James Ewell: 19 n.4, 75 n.1
Helps, Sir Arthur: 403
Hewitt, Mary E.: 12 n.9
Hicks’ Landing, Va.: 169
Hirst, Henry B.: 19 n.6, 325 n.1
History of the Conquest of England (Thierry): 183, 184
Holland, Josiah G. (Dr.): 327, 344, 354, 355 n.3
Holmes, Lucy: 318 n.3
Home, Daniel Dunglas: 146 n.2
Hopkins, Charles: 76 n.1, 466 n.2
Hopkins, Elizabeth Arnold: See Poe, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins
Hopkins, John Henry (Rev.): 229, 262, 264 n.7, 269, 299
Horne, Richard Hengist: 58, 59 n.3, 82, 412; and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 157, 415, 460, 461, 469, 473
Hotten, John Camden: 9, 12 n.4, 217, 224
Houghton, Marie Louise Barney Shew: 268, 281, 283, 292, 304, 312, 370; id., 230, 264 n.5, 286, 293; verses addressed to, 235, 249, 310; provides grave clothes for Virginia Poe, 239, 333; and Griswold, 253; and Ingram, 262, 269, 284, 291, 314, 317, 335, 451; and Maria Clemm, 263, 279, 280, 286, 298, 303; and Poe, 276, 279-80, 287, 306-7, 314, 333, 341, 351-52, 365-66, 496; letter to, 278; and Eugene L. Didier, 285; and Mary Gove Nichols, 289; daguerreotype of Poe, 290, 319, 326, 354; and S. H. Whitman, 295, 296-99, 322; and “The Bells,” 341-42; trip to Germany, 357; domestic troubles, 412, 485-86; and Paula Wright Davis, 450; death of, 494, 495 n.7
Houghton, Mary: 299
Houghton, Roland Stebbins: 229, 276, 286, 341, 351, 365; id., 299; death of, 416, 417 n.2
Houghton, Osgood & Company: 495 n.1
Hours of Life and Other Poems (S. H. Whitman): 506
Howells, W. D.: 396
Hueffer, F. (Dr.): 494
Ide, A. M., Jr.: 12 n.7
Imogene (Sherburne): 440 n.3
Ingram, John Henry: 33, 43, 92, 96 n.1, 126; and Richard H. Stoddard, 8, 19, 271-74; and William F. Gill, 8, 59 n.1, 292, 384-85, 392-93, 396; and Poems by Dalton Stone, 10, 12 n.5, 69; and Flora Symbolica, 12; and S. H. Whitman, 15, 64-65, 392, 403, 424, 449 n.1, 488 n.1, 493 n.1, 497 n.1; “New Facts about Edgar Allan Poe,” 20, 25 n.1; and Griswold, 20, 167-68, 200, 395; and George W. Eveleth, 26; and “The Raven,” 43 n.1, 89, 317; “More New Facts about Edgar Allan Poe,” 46 n.1, 47-55; id., 66 n.1; and Who's Who, 66, 404 n.3; his “Memoir” of Poe, 91-92, 107-8, 109, 120, 126, 127, 128, 131, 135, 149, 150, 165, 167, 184, 187, 216, 221, 232, 236, 239, 306, 323, 336, 341, 345, 347, 349, 370, 378, 388, 391, 393, 465, 466 n.4, 506; Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, 91, 135, 281 n.4, 285, 354, 377 n.1; and Rosalie Poe, 111; illnesses of, 119, 128, 157-58, 260, 312, 471; and Caleb F. Harris, 120 n.1; and Poe, 125, 297, 313, 395-96, 449 n.1; birthdate of, 129 n.2; “Edgar Allan Poe's Early Poems,” 135-43; and James Clarence Mangan, 150 n.3; The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, with Literary and Historical Commentary, 150 n.4; and George R. Graham, 161 n.1; sketch of, 207, 211 n.1; and William H. Browne, 212 n.8; reviews Sorrow and Song, 236, 238 n.1, 265-66, 476-80, 486; as Don Felix, 262, 264 n.6, 268, 274, 275, 280, 292, 300; and University of Virginia, 283; education of, 307; and James W. Davidson, 314; letter to from Rose Peckham, 323; trip to France, 326, 448, 451; and Edward V. Valentine, 377 n.1; “Disclaimer,” 379 n.1, 386, 389, 393, 399, 400, 406; and 1827 edition of Poe's poems, 395; his “Rejoinder,” 402, 403, 404-6, 412, 416; British Civil Service, 404 n.3; “shutter up” letter, 439-40, 448; Elizabeth Oakes Smith, opinion of, 450; obtains Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 473; Oliver Madox-Brown: A Biographical Sketch, 495 n.6
Ingram, Laura: 13
Irving, Washington: 189
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall” (Gen.): 187 n.2
Japp, Alexander Hay (Dr.): 322 n.2, 323 n.1, 340, 354, 377, 384, 493
Janauschek, Franziska (“Fanny”) Magdalena Romance: 257 n.1 [[275 n.1]]
Jenning, Mary Starr (Star): 335, 349, 357, 371 n.1, 381; Poe's first love, 262, 333, 341, 370; William Ross Wallace writes poem for, 395
Johns, Bishop John: 238
Johns Hopkins University: 112 n.2
Kennedy, John Pendleton: 25, 55, 88, 185, 472; id., 26 n.12; and Poe, 46, 108, 187 n.1, 449 n.1, 474
Kensett, John Frederick: 125, 129 n.1
Kettell, Samuel: 242, 245 n.2, 248, 375, 395
Key, J. Hewitt: 223, 225 n.1, 285
Kirkland, Caroline Matilda Stansbury: 113, 114 n.3, 436
Kortright, Fanny: 224-25
Ladies Wreath, The (Hale): 368
Lafayette, Marquis de: 277
Lamb, Charles: 506
Landed Gentry of Ireland (Burke): 377
Landor, Walter Savage: 96, 115
Lathrop, George Parsons: 410, 412 n.1, 415, 463, 465, 468; id., 470, 471
Latrobe, John Hazlehurst Boneval: 25, 26 n.12 [[n.11]], 373
Latto, Thomas C.: 67, 81, 86, 98, 183, 185; id., 23, 26 n.9, 94-95; and S. H. Whitman, 26 n.9, 40, 94, 203; and Ingram, 189; letter belonging to, 201; quoted, 257
Laurel Leaves (Gill): 342, 344 n.1, 345, 354, 453, 458
Lazarus, Max Edgeworth (Dr.): 234, 235 n.3
Lee, Robert E. (Gen.): 187 n.2
Lee, Sir Sidney: 194 n.5
Leonard Scott Publishing Co.: 323
Le Poer, Arnold: 374
Leslie, Eliza: 201
L’Poer, Chevalier: 191
Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Addressed to Richard Hengist Horne (ed. Mayer): 462 n.1
Le Vert, Madame Octavia: 215
Lewis, Sarah Anna Blanche Robinson (“Stella”): 155, 166, 190 n.1, 249, 314; and Maria Clemm, 28-29, 99, 144, 295-97, 302; home of, 97-98; id., 120-21 n.1; and Ingram, 127, 128, 185, 188, 285, 305-6, 357, 455; daguerreotype of Poe, 133, 154, 156, 183, 195, 199, 207, 230, 236, 240, 284, 303, 306, 378, 386, 453; and Poe, 134, 135, 144, 154, 158, 164-65, 182, 233, 237, 485; describes Fordham cottage, 149-50; and “Annabel Lee,” 158, 352; and Elizabeth Frieze Lummis Ellet, 160-61, 163, 167, 188; and “Landor's Cottage,” 162; provides grave clothes for Virginia Poe, 239; and Child of the Sea, and Other Poems, 250; and Myths of the Minstrel, 250; and Records of the Heart, 250; and Records of the Heart, and Other Poems, 250; and Marie Louise Shew Houghton, 299; and Politian, 327-28, 418; Sappho: A Tragedy in Five Acts, 417 n.3; “An Enigma” addressed to, 422
Lewis, Sylvanus D.: 120-21 n.1, 188, 379, 381, 411; and Maria Clemm, 28-29, 371; id., 190 n.1
Life and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe and Additional Poems, a New Memoir, The (Didier): 466 n.1
Life of Byron (Noel): 193 n.1
Life of Edgar Allan Poe, The (Gill): 488, 495 n.4
Life of Robert Burns, with Memoir, The (Gilfillan): 498 n.2
Lippincott, J. B., & Co.: 17
Living Authors in [[of]] America (Powell): 3 n.5, 56
Living Authors of England (Powell): 3 n.5
Living Writers of the South (Davidson): 24
Locke, Jane Ermina: 162, 304, 337, 346, 347, 349, 381; id., 163-64 n.3; death of, 311
Locke, John: 311
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: 15, 37, 82, 101
Lotos Leaves (Gill): 318, 338, 353, 396
Lotus Eating (Curtis): 129 n.1
Loud, John St. Leon: 47
Loud, Margaret St. Leon (née Barstow): 46, 74, 96, 104, 127, 304; id., 47 n.3; and Poe, 75, 80; and “Eulogium,” 128; verses by, 317; Wayside Flowers: A Collection of Poems, 319 n.5
Lowell, James Russell: 17, 58, 83, 90-91, 201, 460; id., 66; and Charles Frederick Briggs, 68 n.2; and Harvard, 189; William J. Widdleton advertises works for, 309
Lowell, Mass.: 60, 246, 296, 466
Lytton, Lord: See Bulwer, Edward Robert, first Earl of Lytton
McIntosh, Maria J.: 61, 232, 255-56
Mackenzie, R. Shelton (Dr.): 65, 66 n.2, 80, 83
Maginn, William (Dr.): 83, 84 n.3
Mallarmé, Stéphane: 351, 436, 461, 469, 472; and Le Corbeau, Poëme par Edgar Poe, 340, 364; and Les Poèmes d’Edgar Poe, 342 n.2; and S. H. Whitman, 350, 457, 465; and “The Raven,” 372, 420; Swinburne pays homage to, 376; and Rose Peckham, 380, 459-60, 461, 467; and Ingram, 388, 439, 494; and Poe's “Marginalia,” 416, 418, 423; and Poe, 455-56
Malvern: 252
Mangan, James Clarence: 58, 82-83, 123, 150 n.3, 493, 494 n.3, 497; id., 84 n.2
Manual of Conchology, A (Wyatt): 26, 56, 74, 147
Martin Faber (Simms): 202
Marvin, Frederick K. (Dr.): 343, 345, 368, 380
Mary Lyndon (Nichols): 235 n.2
Mary Stuart (Swinburne): 97 n.2
Masury & Hartshorn (later Coleman & Remington's): 319-21, 348, 382
Matthews, J. Brander: 355 n.1
Maupin, Socrates (Dr.): 42, 73, 90, 94, 119, 302; id., 6, 8 n.2; and University of Virginia, 212 n.2
Mayer, S. R. Townsend: 462 n.1
Mayo (Colonel): 315
Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary, A (Ames): 198 n.1
Mendès, Camille: 423 n.1, 439, 440
Minor, Lucian: 75 n.1
Mitchell, John: 82
Mitford, Mary Russell: 122, 125 n.1
Moran, J. J. (Dr.): 349, 356, 371, 379, 383, 388, 449
Morison, Nathaniel Holmes: 187 n.1, 237-38
Morley, Henry: 204
Mott, Valentine (Dr.): 264 n.5
Moulton, Louise Chandler: 227 n.1, 465
Mount Washington: 234
Mowatt, James: 43 n.2
Musset, Alfred de: 108
Myths of the Minstrel (Lewis): 250
Neal, John: 2, 182, 189, 208, 230, 277, 310, 317; id., 184 n.1, 196; and S. H. Whitman, 198, 421; letter of, 292; corresponds with Ingram, 304; defense of Poe, 449 n.1; death of, 451; Ingram writes obituary notice for, 457, 460
Neal, Miss: 461
Niagara Falls, N.Y.: 234
Nichols, John Gough: 186, 188 n.3
Nichols, Mary Gove: 234, 239, 263, 275, 284, 286, 292, 383, 388; id., 225 n.2, 234-35; and Poe family, 229; reminiscences of Poe, 229, 370, 460; and Ingram, 230; in London, 252; and Poe, 279, 449 n.1; in New York, 255; and Sixpenny Magazine, 261, 391; and Marie Louise Shew Houghton, 264 n.5, 276; poem written by, 288-89; “Recollections of Poe,” 306, 411-12, 416, 462; visit to Fordham cottage, 460; and Virginia Poe, 472; and Anna Blackwell, 481-82, 487; moves to London, 485
Nichols, Thomas Low: 225 n.2, 261, 264 n.3
Noah, Mordacai M.: 84 n.1
Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley: 191, 193 n.1, 200
Northrop (Colonel): 219
O’Connor, Roderick: 190
O’Connor, William Douglas: 114-15, 150, 166, 194, 199, 217, 226, 453; and The Good Grey Poet, a Vindication, 115, 117 n.1; id., 117 n.1; and S. H. Whitman, 130, 205, 249, 371; reviews Edgar Poe and His Critics, 148; illness of, 183, 190; and Ingram,190; letters belonging to, 201; and Francis Geriy Fairfield, 340 n.1, 373; letter from, 400
O’Groats, John: 126
Okie, A. H. (Dr.): 235, 343, 348
Oliver Madox-Brown: A Biographical Sketch (Ingram): 495 n.6
Osgood, Frances Sargent: 12 n.9, 20, 39, 90, 280, 287, 372; and Griswold, 11, 98-99, 166, 246; id., 26 n.3; and Hiram Fuller, 37; and Maria Clemm, 74, 96, 144; and Poe, 75, 79, 154, 155, 162, 499 n.1; and portrait, 122; and S. H. Whitman, 154-55; and Jane Ermina Locke, 163 n.3; and Elizabeth Frieze Lummis Ellet, 207; and John Russell Bartlett, 232, 481; and Elizabeth Oakes Smith, 407; contributor to Flag of Our Union, 460 n.1
Osgood, Samuel Stillman: 26 n.3, 89, 301, 464
Our Village (Mitford): 122, 125 n.1
Pabodie, William J.: 7, 23, 40, 81, 91, 92, 185, 298, 388; id., 8 n.4, 66, 226-27; Ingram views letter of, 15; and Poe, 24, 80, 98, 105, 348, 449 n.1; letter to the Tribune, 37; death of, 94, 115; and Griswold, 229, 338; quoted, 256
Parker Memorial Hall: 115
Parthia (ship): 202
Parton, James: 113, 311, 312, 315
Paul, Howard: 74
Payne, John Howard: 82
Peabody Institute (Baltimore): 108, 239, 251
Peacock, Thomas Love: 97 n.3
Peckham, Grace: 441
Peckham, Kate: 275, 310, 494, 501, 505
Peckham, Rose: 205, 210, 217, 222, 224, 249, 260, 284, 341, 364; and S. H. Whitman, 202-3, 212, 214, 220, 221, 310, 350, 390, 441, 450, 492, 495; and Ingram, 206-7, 208, 216, 228, 229, 250, 319, 323, 325, 370, 380, 394, 411, 423, 439, 448, 451, 455, 472, 486, 494, 497, 500-505; in Paris, 259; and Kate Peckham, 275; goes to New York, 302; and Mallarmé, 380, 459-60, 461, 465, 467; family scandal, 436-37
Peckham, S. F. (Dr.): 202
Pike, Albert: 12
Pinckney, Edward Coote: 3 n.9, 14, 29, 201, 220, 284
Poe, David (Gen.): 184 n.2
Poe, David, Jr.: 76 n.1, 168, 466 nn.2, 3, 469
Poe, Edgar Allan: 1, 24, 29, 32, 56, 71, 82, 128, 162, 168, 183, 188, 201, 224; and Thomas C. Clarke, 1, 6, 10; and S. H. Whitman, 1, 23, 40, 41, 115, 154, 193, 346-49, 370, 391, 419, 498 n.1, 506; Ingram's defense of, 1, 44, 333, 472, 496; and West Point, 3, 41, 46, 73, 79, 167, 171, 240, 454, 474; and the Stylus, 6; expulsion from University of Virginia, 6, 45, 113, 214; and Burton's Gentleman's Magazine, 16; and Richard H. Stoddard, 19 n.5, 282, 317; trip to Russia, 19, 46; character of, 26 n.9, 106, 112 n.2, 153, 261, 287; and portraits, 26 n.3, 46, 59, 78, 87, 195, 207, 223, 225-26, 230, 240, 284, 303, 317, 321, 325, 327, 335, 348, 382, 459, 470, 475; marriage of, 28, 34; libel suits, 28, 37, 177, 440 n.3; burial of, 30 n.3; his lectures in Lowell, 33, 36, 42, 96, 155, 163 n.3, 201, 243, 311, 463; id., 37 n.2, 237-38; goes to Greece, 40, 41; death of, 41, 99, 349; in New York, 60, 83, 105, 176, 179; and Anna Blackwell, 60, 280; student at University of Virginia, 65, 169, 207, 212 n.2, 285; and Broadway Journal, 68, 177, 326; and New-York Historical Society, 69; birthdate of, 73, 79, 169, 232, 240, 318; and Jane (“Helen”) Stith Stanard, 73, 104, 281, 449; in Baltimore, 73, 172, 454; as editor of Southern Literary Messenger, 73-74, 173, 174; defense of Thomas Dunn English, 74; and Virginia Poe, 74, 174, 238, 292; and James W. Davidson, 75; in Richmond, 75, 79, 98, 237, 483, 484 n.2, 485, 487; at Providence, 76, 229, 321; fame of, 81-82, 228, 229, 331; prizes awarded to, 83, 448; and George R. Graham, 84 n.6; and Elizabeth Frieze Lummis Ellet, 95, 199-200, 201; recites “The Raven,” 109, 123, 218; moves to Fordham, 109, 177, 193, 252, 257, 263, 441; and Sarah Anna Blanche Robinson Lewis (“Stella”), 144, 158, 161, 164, 305-6; Eugene Benson's opinion of, 152; grave of, 159, 237; and Rosalie Poe, 160, 162-63, 194; and Maria Clemm, 163, 167, 236, 305, 339; and Griswold, 164, 206 n.3, 209, 299, 367; writes for the Saturday Evening Post, 165; arrested, 171; and Graham's Magazine, 175, 176, 404; dedicates Tamerlane to John Neal, 184 n.1; and Neilson Poe, 200; and William F. Gill, 205, 343, 377; deciphers cryptographs, 209; defense of, 214, 390, 449 n.1; goes to Europe, 218, 354, 357, 368; drugged, 230; and Maria Louise Shew Houghton, 262, 276, 279-80, 288, 293, 306-7, 314, 341, 351-52; and Mary Starr (Star), 262, 333; illness of, 264 n.5; style of writing, 286-87; and the British Quarterly, 323; and Elizabeth Oakes Smith, 337 n.2, 345, 386, 407, 411, 413-14; cerebral epilepsy, 343, 345; coffin moved, 355-56; and Sarah Elmira Royster Shelton, 377, 383, 498 n.1; and Union Magazine, 435; birthplace of, 436; contributor to Flag of Our Union, 460 n.1; death of parents, 464, 465, 468-69
Works: “Al Aaraaf,” 210, 446; Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Other Poems, 443; “Alone,” 318 n.3, 336, 344, 394, 416, 486; “Annabel Lee,” 33, 36, 101, 123, 130, 149, 155, 245, 246, 334, 343, 352, 366, 447; “An Appendix on Autographs,” 153; “Arthur Gordon Pym,” 175, 452 n.1; “Autography,” 44, 264 n.6; “The Bells,” 106, 246, 262, 277, 303, 335, 341, 342, 351, 352, 365, 366, 370, 374, 380, 394, 472, 474; “The Beloved Physician,” 278, 281 n.3, 289, 309, 341, 352; “Berenice,” 30; “The Bridal Ballad,” 205; “The City in the Sea,” 446; “The Coliseum,” 448, 472; The Conchologist's First Book, 12, 110, 111, 249; “The Conqueror Worm,” 447; “Cryptology,” 44, 133; “The Domain of Arnheim,” 32, 131, 457; “The Doomed City,” 446; “Dreams,” 430-31; “El Dorado,” 404, 472-73; “Eleanora,” 30; “The Elk,” 201; “An Enigma,” 422; “Eureka,” 231, 335 n.1, 365; “Evening Star,” 432; “Fairyland,” 446; “The Fall of the House of Usher,” 103; “A Few Words about Brainard,” 153; “The Gold Bug,” 13, 74, 83, 419, 438, 439 n.3, 440 n.3; “Haunted Palace,” 107, 447; “Imitation,” 432-34; “Israfel,” 166, 446; “The Journal of Julius Rodman,” 493 n.3, 495 n.4; “The Lake,” 444; “Landor's Cottage,” 102, 131 n.2, 159, 187, 455, 457, 460, 461, 463; “Life in Death,” 153; “Ligeia,” 19 n.6, 30, 32, 93, 372; “The Literati of New York,” 27, 55, 80, 150 n.5, 177; “Marginalia,” 13, 30, 44, 59, 80, 86-87, 97, 104, 113, 115, 118, 165, 186, 201, 365, 416, 418, 423, 439, 440, 441 n.1; “The Masque of the Red Death,” 153; “Mesmeric Revelation,” 84, 85 n.8; “Morella,” 30, 32; “MS. Found in a Bottle,” 111; “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” 39; “The Mystery of Marie Rogêt,” 39, 84, 114 n.2, 189; “The Paean,” 126, 200-201, 446; “The Philosophy of Furniture,” 280; “The Pit and the Pendulum,” 452 n.1; Poems, 444; “The Poetry of Rufus Dawes,” 153; Politian, 330 n.3, 354, 356-64, 370, 372, 418, 448; “The Purloined Letter,” 84, 85 n.7; “The Raven,” 43 n.1, 84, 89, 149, 167, 208, 224, 287, 317, 322, 343, 379, 394, 404, 411, 419, 452 n.1, 462, 463, 468, 473; The Raven and Other Poems, 122, 447; “Romance,” 443; “Siope,” or “Silence, a Fable,” 325 n.2, 337, 357, 369, 381, 394, 409; “The Sleeper,” 446; “Tale of the Ragged Mountains,” 32; Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 111, 123, 175, 325, 337, 346, 381, 470 n.2, 473; Tamerlane, 12, 184 n.1, 192, 210, 261, 395, 426-30, 446; Tamerlane and Other Poems, 248, 375, 442; “Tell-Tale Heart,” 32; “To Annie,” 246; “To F—,” 129; “To Helen,” 15, 30, 61 n.1, 93, 277, 281, 381, 411, 414, 418, 419 n.1, 440, 446, 448-49, 461, 506; “To Mary,” 101, 128; “To M.L.S.,” 229, 277, 322, 328, 329-30, 332, 333, 336, 341, 351; “To One Departed,” 153; “To One in Paradise,” 129, 335; “To Science,” 443; “Ulalume,” 98, 109, 116, 205, 251, 267, 335, 343, 351, 352, 380, 457, 461; “Valdemar,” 32; “The Valley of Nis,” 30, 201, 446; “The Valley of Unrest,” 446; “Visit of the Dead,” 431-32; “William Wilson,” 124, 125 n.4, 169, 346; The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, with a Study of His Life and Writings, from the French of Baudelaire, 12
Poe, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins: marriages of, 75, 76 n.1, 219, 466 n.2; and Benedict Arnold, 374 n.1; miniature of, 284, 285; death of, 464, 468-69, 472, 473, 475 n.1; birthplace of, 474
Poe, George: 183, 184 n.2, 189, 191, 196, 304
Poë, Hutcheson: 412
Poë, James Jocelyn: 340, 378 n.3
Poe (Poer, Power): John, 182
Poe, John Prentiss: 277, 291-92, 329, 340, 341, 357
Poe, Josephine Emily Clemm: 8, 294 n.1
Poe, Neilson: 7, 160, 184 n.2, 191, 229, 277, 291-92, 340; id., 8 n.5; and Ingram, 185, 216; associate of Nathaniel Holmes Morison, 187 n.1; and Maria Clemm, 187, 246, 254, 304, 470 n.2; and Poe, 200, 257; marriage of, 241; family of, 332; and photograph, 377, 382; Hutcheson Poë visits, 412; and Eugene L. Didier, 470, 472
Poe, Rosalie: 69, 99, 101, 108, 122, 154, 161, 168-69, 190, 316; id., 1, 159; and Poe, 7, 147-48, 160, 190 n.1; adoption of, 11, 73, 95; Ingram raises funds for, 65, 69, 81, 82, 185, 200; and George Powell, 159, 160, 162, 165-66, 342; in Washington, 163; character of, 165-66; death of, 194, 205, 207; grave of, 195; Dr. Porteus gives lecture for, 350-51, 381; illegitimacy of, 395
Poe, Virginia: marriage of, 28, 74, 174, 238, 266; and Poe, 45, 124, 219, 356; burial of, 132; and “Annabel Lee,” 144; death of, 224, 351, 472; and Marie Louise Shew Houghton, 264 n.5, 280; id., 292
Poe, William Henry Leonard: 238, 336
Poe family: 168-69, 187, 216, 277, 291-92, 380
Poe Cult, The (Didier): 285
Poèmes d’Edgar Poe, Les (trans. Mallarmé): 342 n.2
Poems by Dalton Stone (Ingram): 12, 69
Poems by Edgar Allan Poe, Complete with an Original Memoir (Stoddard): 270 n.2
Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe, with a Notice of His Life and Genius, The (Hannay): 36
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, with a Critical Memoir (Rossetti): 498 n.2
Porteus, Dr.: 334-35, 342, 350-51, 381
Posey, Ben Lane: 215
Powell, George (Rev.): 148, 163, 181, 190; and Rosalie Poe, 159, 160, 162, 165-66, 342
Powell, Thomas: 2, 13, 56, 73; id., 3 n.5; and Living Authors in [[of]] America, 11, 45, 82; and Ingram, 73
Power, Susan Anna: 16 n.3, 209-10, 126, 216, 224, 238; and S. H. Whitman, 113; and “Cinderella,” 113, 153; and “Sleeping Beauty,” 113, 153; id., 131 n.1; Ingram reviews works of, 150; death of, 494 n.1
Preston, J. T. L. (Col.): 472, 473 n.1
Problematic Characters (Spielhagen): 222 n.2
Proctor, Mr.: 375
Providence Athenaeum Library: 116, 118 n.1, 282
Puckle, James: 212 n.7
Purves, James: 335-36, 337 n.1, 349 n.2
Quinn, Arthur Hobson: 3 n.6
Reade, Winwood: 106
Records of the Heart (Lewis): 250
Records of the Heart, and Other Poems (Lewis): 250
Redfield, J. S.: 1, 16, 24, 30, 58-59 n.1, 192, 297-98, 334
Reid, Whitelaw: 32, 333, 355 n.1, 370
Rice, Sara Sigourney: 380, 400, 421, 458; id., 366 n.3; and Poe, 373, 400; corresponds with S. H. Whitman, 375, 376, 379, 384; and Ingram, 393-94; and William D. O’Connor, 453
Richmond, Annie: 114 n.1, 144, 304, 318, 357, 370, 371-72, 463; and Maria Clemrn, 99, 383, 454; and Poe, 163 n.3, 312, 337, 456, 496; id., 247 n.3, 346; and Jane Ermina Locke, 346; corresponds with Ingram, 451, 461, 468, 474; and “The Bells,” 474, 494; “Dream within a Dream,” 494
Richmond, Charles B.: 247 n.3
Ring of Amasis (Bulwer-Lytton): 157 n.2
Ritchie, Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt: 40, 41, 43 n.2, 104, 268
Ritchie, William: 43 n.2
Robins, Sallie Elizabeth (S.E.R.): 114 n.1, 250 n.1, 302
Rossetti, Christina: 126, 129, 156
Rossetti, William Michael: 69, 126, 403, 468, 494, 497, 498 n.2
Round Table: 319 n.4
Russell Square (Eng.): 237
Rye Beach, Mass.: 371
Saint James Hotel (N.Y.): 232
Saintsbury, George: 133, 156, 217
Salamanca, Don Felix de.: See Ingram, John H.
Sambourne, Linley: 216
Sand, George: 255, 258 n.1, 492, 493 n.1
Sappho (Lewis): 417 n.3
Savage, John: 37, 58, 59 n.1, 82, 83
Schiller (ship): 292
Scharf, John Thomas: 277, 281 n.1
Scott, Mr.: 317
S.E.R.: See Robins, Sallie Elizabeth
Shakespeare, William: 284
Shaver, J. (Rev.): 43 n.1
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: 462
Shelton, Sarah Elmira Royster: 80, 104, 154, 219, 240, 274, 277, 287, 294; and Poe, 41, 42, 155, 305, 339, 370, 377, 383, 388, 485, 496; id., 43 n.2; and Ingram, 283, 380
Sherburne, Georgiana: 438, 440 n.3, 441, 449 n.1
Simms, William Gilmore: 18, 101, 201, 202 n.1
Smith, Appleton Oakes: 234, 235 n.1
Smith, Elizabeth Oakes: 235 n.1, 239, 260, 293, 306, 357, 366, 420, 454, 456; and Poe, 230, 234, 337 n.2, 345, 386, 407, 410, 413-14; id., 231 n.2; and Ingram, 276, 283, 410, 416; and Lizzie White, 286; and S. H. Whitman, 382, 390-91, 450; and Frances S. Osgood, 407; letter from, 408; and “Recollections of Poe,” 414; home of, 419; and Susan Archer Talley Weiss, 439
Snodgrass, Joseph Evans (Dr.): 3 n.7, 341
Sorrow and Song (Curwen): 217, 224, 238 n.2, 242; Ingram reviews, 239, 251, 265-66; notice of, 296
Southey, Robert: 452 n.1
Sparhawk, Edward V.: 75 n.1
Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices (Kettell): 245 n.2, 395
Spielhagen, Friedrich: 222 n.2, 228
Stanard, Jane (“Helen”) Stith: 28, 57, 88, 89, 219, 262, 278, 290, 383; id., 30 n.3; and Poe, 79, 104, 281, 286-87, 449; family of, 101, 130; as conversationalist, 119; death of, 201
Stanard, Mary: 130
Stanard, Robert (Bobby) Craig: 28, 119
Stanard, Robert (Judge): 28, 30 n.3
Stanard family: 218
Starr (Star), Mary: See Jenning, Mary Starr (Star)
Stedman, Edmund Clarence: 222
Stephen, Leslie: 193-94 n.5, 202
Stoddard, Richard Henry: 9, 16, 29, 57, 65, 84, 246, 283; articles of, 5, 7, 15; and S. H. Whitman, 6, 27-28, 88, 89, 301, 334; id., 8 n.1; and “The Grecian Flute,” 8, 19 n.5; and Harper's Magazine, 18, 22, 23, 166, 227; and Poe, 19, 34, 71, 152, 214, 217, 282 n.1, 317; and Ingram, 45, 81, 269-74, 395; negligence of, 69; and Caleb Fiske Harris, 248-49; and his “Memoir” of Poe, 251, 252, 261, 270 n.1, 281, 287, 290, 341, 342, 373, 379; and Marie Lousie Shew Houghton, 276; and James W. Davidson, 291; and the Round Table, 319 n.4, 322, 328, 334; and Scribner's Monthly, 331; and William F. Gill, 332; and “The Bells,” 365; as editor of Aldine, 415
Stout, Pedlar: 326
Stowe, Harriet Beecher: 486
Stuart, Gilbert: 118
Study of Hawthorne, A (Lathrop): 471 n.1
Swinburne, Algernon Charles: 86, 127, 315, 336, 365, 374; gives Rosalie Poe aid, 69, 82; extract of letter from, 70; and Atalanta in Calydon: A Tragedy, 95, 97 n.2; and Poe, 106, 376; and Ingram, 224; and Bothwell: A Tragedy, 267 n.1; and Under the Microscope, 267 n.2, 335, 468; quoted, 291; and Stéphane Mallarmé, 340; and the London Quarterly, 436; rebuttal of, 470
Taylor, Zachary: 463
Tennyson, Alfred: 69, 274, 376, 440
Ten Years with Spiritual Mediums (Fairfield): 331
Thierry, Jacques Nicolas Augustin: 183, 184 n.3
Thomas, Frederick William: 253, 255 n.3
Thomas, Moy: 11, 12 n.10, 168, 261-62, 268, 270
Thompson, Cephas Giovanni: 118
Thompson, John Reuben: 16 n.1, 40-41, 43 n.2, 101, 107, 180, 218, 240
Thoreau (Channing): 68
Ticknor, Caroline: 386
Tilley, John: 92 n.1
Tillinghast, J. L.: 191, 218, 240
Tillinghast, Nicholas Power: 196
Tillinghast, Rebecca Power: 191, 213
Trollope, Anthony: 404
Trumbull, Sarah Heywood: 463 n.1
Tucker, Judge Beverley: 75 n.1
Tuckerman, Henry Theodore: 55, 56, 57 n.1, 88, 106
Twain, Mark: 338
Tyler, John: 255 n.3
“Ultima Thule”: 128, 133, 226, 319-20, 326, 348, 382
Under the Microscope (Swinburne): 267 n.2, 335, 468
Uneda, Mr.: 439-40, 448, 449 n.1, 450, 452, 456
Union Magazine: 435
University of Virginia: 36, 111, 113, 124, 207; and Poe, 1, 34-35, 113, 169-70, 285, 401; and Ingram, 56, 228, 312; engravings of, 131, 155, 317; Semi-Centennial Celebration at, 283, 294
Usher, Roderick: 16
Valentine, Edward Virginius: 220 n.1, 277, 304, 310 n.5, 318 n.1; and Ingram, 185, 240, 377 n.1, 486; id., 187 n.2; and Frances Keeling Valentine Allan, 218; and Elizabeth Arnold Poe, 475 n.1
Van Cleef, Augustus: 371 n.1
Vathek (Beckford): 439 n.2
Wallace, Horace Binney: 17, 19 n.3, 102
Wallace, William Ross: 102, 105, 129, 411, 414, 449; and Poe, 80, 407-8; id., 385, 396 n.3; and Union Magazine, 435, 437 n.1; and Ingram, 438
Wamesit Cottage (Mass.): 163 n.3
Ward, John Francis (Dr.): 9, 12 n.3, 25 n.2
Watts-Dunton, Theodore: 451, 452 n.1, 453, 456
Waverley Place: 109
Wayside Flowers (Loud): 319 n.5
Weiss, Susan Archer Talley: 436, 438, 439 n.1, 440, 448, 450, 452
Wellford, Mr.: 239, 316, 322, 328, 475
Wertenbaker, William: 66, 91, 212 n.2, 294, 318, 322; and University of Virginia, 6, 207; id., 8 n.2; and S. H. Whitman, 42, 94; and William F. Gill, 90, 103; testimonial of, 119, 218, 302; Poe's behavior at University of Virginia, 214
West Point Academy: 79, 112 n.2; Poe student at, 2, 3, 65, 73, 167, 343, 368, 454; Poe's trial at, 240, 254, 474
Whipple, Edward Perry: 33, 34 n.5
White, Eliza (“Lizzie,” “Lizzy’’): 75, 219, 276, 286
White, Thomas Willis: 19, 57, 73, 75 n.1.
Whitman, Sarah Helen: and Edgar Poe and His Critics, 5, 6, 7, 11, 59, 80, 400, 506; and Hours of Life and Other Poems, 8, 26 n.6, 62 n.4, 506; poems printed in Union Magazine, 16; and “Sleeping Beauty,” 16, 34, 57, 65, 86, 113; and “The Portrait,” 22, 23, 26 n.6, 119; corresponds with Thomas C. Latto, 26; Poems, 26 n.6; “Resurgemus,” 26 n.6, 33, 71; “A Night in August,” 33, 61, 62 n.4; “Stanzas for Music,” 33, 104, 144-45; her “The Raven,” 33, 119; and “Cinderella,” 34, 57, 65, 86, 113; and the American Metropolitan, 35; Ingram corresponds with, 55, 225, 226, 280, 379 n.1, 389-90, 449 n.1, 488 n.1, 493 n.1; and Maria J. McIntosh, 61; residence of, 100; and Susan Anna Power, 114, 494 n.1; and Sallie Elizabeth Robins, 114 n.1; and William D. O’Connor, 117 n.1; portraits of, 118 n.1; and Brown University, 118 n.1; and Poe, 145, 155, 219, 244, 346-49, 391, 449 n.1, 466 n.4, 497 n.1, 498 n.1; and George R. Graham, 161 n.1; and Griswold's “Memoir,” 181; and Caleb Fiske Harris, 193 n.2; illness of, 205-6, 467; and Sarah Anna Blanche Robinson Lewis, 296; letter from, 352-53; and William J. Widdleton, 389; family of, 392; and William F. Gill, 399, 400, 401-2; letter to Dr. J. R. Buchanan, 408; and “To Helen,” 419 n.1; book dedicated to, 456; death of, 501-3; and Thomas Davis, 502; funeral of, 502-3; grave of, 503, 506; will of, 504; obituary notice of, 506
Whitman, Walt: 115, 117 n.1, 133-34, 150, 156, 217, 456, 458
Widdleton, William J.: 436, 462; as Poe's publisher, 1, 237, 325, 406-7, 410; and William F. Gill, 58 n.1, 336, 342, 357, 389, 391, 393, 403, 410, 458-59; and Richard Henry Stoddard, 238 n.3; and Ingram, 334, 357, 372, 377, 386, 394, 423; and Francis Gerry Fairfield, 370; corresponds with S. H. Whitman, 376; and Eugene L. Didier, 459, 460, 467
Wilkinson, Mary Arnold: 373
Williams, David R. (Gov.): 392
Williams, H. L.: 218, 285, 292
Williams, Sarah Power: 392
Willis, John: 94, 205, 211, 315; Poe's classmate, 36, 71, 160, 201, 305, 401
Willis, Nathaniel Parker: 80, 84 n.4, 92, 277; and Poe, 81, 84, 449 n.1; wins prizes and medals, 81, 240; as editor of Dollar Magazine, 84 n.4; and George R. Graham, 84 n.6; sketches by, 154; William J. Widdleton advertises works for, 309
Works of Charles Lamb, The (by Charles Kent): 497, 498 n.3
W. R.: See Reid, Whitelaw
Wyatt, Thomas (Prof.): 23, 24, 26 n.10, 56, 147, 249, 305
Yates, E.: 404
[S:0 - PHR, 1979] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Bookshelf - Poe's Helen Remembers (J. C. Miller) (Index)